Under the attention of the public, general Aung San stepped off the stage. Soon, the white haired old man came on the stage again. His face was filled with a smile. After looking around, he said loudly "Ladies and gentlemen, the first auction item is a high-quality product produced by Laokeng in Yangon. It's huge. Only a part of the windows are wiped open, and the texture of high ice red jadeite has been revealed. Moreover, the original stone is huge. God knows how big a good thing is in it. Its starting price is 30 million. According to the rules, the price of each bid should not be less than 1 million. All right, ladies and gentlemen Enjoy your eyes! "


With these words, the white haired old man suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted the red cloth covered on a fine steel car. Suddenly, a huge original stone with a volume of two or three hundred kilograms was exposed on the car. The surface of this original stone had layers of spiral texture, which was a little rough, but the window that was wiped open was pure and incomparable high ice red jade, both shiny and qualitative It's top grade. Moreover, this original stone is so huge. If the hidden high ice red jade is also huge, it will sell at a sky high price!

The first original stone was thrown out with such great temptation. There was a kind of restless and fanatical atmosphere at the scene. The people who came here were those who were not rich or expensive. What they liked most was their heartbeat, and this original stone was very in line with this tone. After the price was quoted, the white haired old man pushed the refined steel car with his palm, and the car immediately began to slide slowly, The design of the whole room is very ingenious. There is something similar to the train track in front of everyone, which is to facilitate the sliding of this refined steel car, so that everyone can observe the original stone at a close distance. Because of time, no one watches for a short time, which usually lasts for ten or twenty seconds. This unique way of watching the original stone is also a gimmick Head.

With the sound of clattering, the huge original stone on the refined steel car was moving and appeared in front of an auctioneer, and the car slowly slid. Soon, some people looked at the original stone closely for a while. After thinking about it, someone began to bid. For some superstitious rich people, this kind of good start must be done, so this original stone The competition for stone was very hot for a time.

When the refined steel trolley slid in front of him, Cui Hao had already opened his perspective eyes. Under the perspective golden light, he clearly saw the inside of the jade. After seeing the inside, Cui Hao couldn't help frowning. An idiom came to mind. The outside of the gold jade is a scandal! Yes, this idiom can't be used to describe this original stone, The whole huge original stone has only one side that has been rubbed out. There is a strip-shaped high ice red jade with a thickness of about 20 cm and a diameter of about 60 cm. As for the others, they are all some bean green and slag. There is nothing good at all. It can be said that if such an original stone is really untied, its value is less than 10 million. In this case, Cui Hao will not participate in the competition.

"40 million!" a fat man opened his mouth with pride in his eyes.

Rubbing a bronze ring on his fingertips, a man raised his eyebrows and said "50 million!"

"53 million!"

"56 million!..."

In a moment, the original stone sold for a sky high price of 78 million. After reaching this price, there were only two competitors left. They argued for a while. Finally, it was bought by a young man at a high price of 81 million. After the other party bought it, he was elated and looked forward to it. He didn't know that Cui Hao had already bought the original stone See clearly, the evaluation given is the external scandal of gold and jade.

The first original stone sold for 81 million yuan. Even the white haired old man was surprised. He was very excited. Then he opened the red cloth on the second refined steel car with a crash. Among them, a watermelon sized original stone with dark red texture was exposed. Looking at this original stone, the old man spoke again "Ladies and gentlemen, why should I auction this stone for the second time, because it has a story! Thirty years ago, someone in Myanmar cut out a rare pure high ice gold wire with a weight of more than 80 kg. Moreover, it naturally formed a shape similar to the Buddha's flower picking, so it was auctioned at a sky high price of 800 million! 800 million ah, where is the price of ordinary high ice gold wire? And This piece of original stone is the same batch of original stones unearthed along with that piece of original stone. There are also some original stones unearthed with him. Many of them have been cut out of gold wire, and two of them are also high ice gold wire. Will this piece also be high ice gold wire? No nonsense, the reserve price is also 30 million, and the price increase shall not be less than 1 million each time. You, everyone Don't miss this rare opportunity! "

With that, the words of the white haired old man were full of temptation. He suddenly pushed the refined steel car in his palm. Suddenly, the original stone the size of a watermelon and dark red all over took action slowly.

The so-called golden seed refers to the distribution of jadeite color in the shape of silk thread. Generally, the silk thread is wide, thorough and bright, and this color is even better. It has to be said that this white haired old man is very able to incite people's interest and purchase desire. Watching this original stone appear in front of him, many people stare at it, and some think it over and over again, as if they want to see what it is 。

After the refined steel car appeared in front of Cui Hao, he was very calm. Staring at the original stone in front of him, the golden light of the perspective eye had already penetrated into it. It was empty and white. Not to mention the gold seed, there was no bean green. It was completely a waste rock!

Others don't have the perspective eye function of Cui Hao. Soon, a dragon fight against the original stone began again. After the fierce robbery, it was sold at a high price of 73 million.

After selling the two original stones, the white haired old man smiled mysteriously. Instead of immediately lifting the red cloth of the next refined steel car, he stared at the red sermon with a fanatical light "Ladies and gentlemen, do you know what the next original stone is? I can tell you the person in charge that this original stone is really amazing! It is a benchmark at the last Yangon public auction! It was auctioned by the China jadeite alliance at the beginning. They cut it in half and didn't cut anything out, so they didn't dare to cut it again. And there is still one remaining benchmark The other half, which is relatively large, is wiped out of a window. It is high ice chicken oil yellow, pure in quality and full of water head. It is very rare! "

With that said, the white haired old man grabbed the red cloth with one hand and opened it with a crash. Suddenly, a raw stone of more than 200 kg, half cut, was exposed under it. It has been opened a window. It is really a rare high ice chicken oil yellow, while the other side is white, and there is nothing. Many people are surprised to see such a king It was a frown that raised all kinds of thoughts in my heart.

There are many stone gamblers in the Chinese jadeite alliance. After the auction, the king of the standard cut half, and there was nothing. Why did he stop cutting? You know, he opened a window to reveal the half of the high ice chicken oil yellow, but he hasn't started to solve the stone. Why? In fact, this is a tradition of the king of the standard, because each king of the standard is too expensive Therefore, everyone will choose to solve the stone from the half without opening the window. In this way, if there is nothing to solve the half, you can still sell some money. If you directly open the side of the window, you may lose a lot. How to choose depends on the unanimous recognition of some stone gambling experts.

Why did you stop understanding the stone and auction it again? Fools can guess that it must be the gambling stone experts of China jadeite alliance who unanimously believe that its value is not high. If you solve it again, you will only suffer heavy losses.

Dare you buy such a standard King?

In history, some standard kings who were untied in half were bought again and untied precious Jadeites. However, after all, they are a few, because half of the Untied stones and half of them are white. It is likely that this is a piece of defective goods, but just a few good textures were wiped out. Although it is also valuable, it is definitely not worth so much money.

Looking around, the white haired old man's voice was very loud, "ladies and gentlemen, the price auctioned by China jadeite alliance was 790 million, and this time its reserve price is 200 million!"

"Everyone, please enjoy it!"

With these words, the white haired old man suddenly pushed the fine steel car in his hand, and he took action slowly with this once standard King.

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