I'll kill you while you're sick!

In the face of this non-human species full of hostility to himself, Cui Hao doesn't have the mind of good men and women. At present, he steps out one step like a Xuanwu beast. He is majestic and smashes it with a fist. It really feels like a giant spirit waving his fist and shaking the world. It's terrible.

Although it was painful, Edward trembled with fear in the face of Cui Hao's futile attack. If he didn't avoid Cui Hao's attack, he was afraid that he would be destroyed by this human being in an instant! Before, Edward was very proud and thought that his strength could surpass Cui Hao, but now he was frightened, because the strength shown by Cui Hao was really terrible, much more terrible than ordinary human experts.

When the crisis came, Edward finally resisted the sharp pain and ignored the elegant posture he cared about most in the past. He rolled a lazy donkey directly. At the same time, his feet suddenly kicked the ground and quickly spread it again. Shua Shua Shua Shua, like a shadow of the wind. In an instant, he rushed out of the yard and fled quickly to the outside. Edward escaped in a hurry. The bloody book that had just become powerful fell to the ground, and turned into a bloody sheepskin book, which glittered with bloody ancient marks, which was very magical.

Originally, Cui Hao also wanted to take advantage of the victory, but when he saw Edward's running speed, he had no choice but to stop. The speed of the other party is really too fast to catch up. Moreover, the bloody book, which looked very precious, fell on the ground, which made him hesitate, stopped and picked it up. After such a moment, Edward had already fled and disappeared.

When he picked up the parchment book, Cui Hao felt that it contained a magnificent blood, very terrible, profound and pure. Even under his careful feeling, he had a feeling of fear. After thinking about it, since he gave up chasing Edward, he began to look at the booty. First of all, Cui Hao looked over and over for a while, and even opened it. There were ancient and strange marks on it. However, it was a ghost symbol, and none of them could understand. However, Cui Hao could vaguely feel that this ghost symbol like Mark contained a magic of communicating the power of heaven and earth.

He is not an ordinary person now, but a divination expert who has obtained Dayan Tianji. Moreover, he also knows how to draw some simple talismans such as ghost subduing talismans. Naturally, we can see the extraordinary of this bloody book. Apart from others, just those marks recorded on it are not trivial. Maybe I can't feel anything now. However, with the improvement of Dayan Tianji, I may be able to feel something extraordinary. So Cui Hao watched and felt them carefully, and soon branded them in his heart.

After finishing these, Cui Hao felt a move in his heart. He couldn't help but have a thought. This parchment book looks so extraordinary. I don't know if he can see the mystery with his perspective eyes? As soon as this idea appeared, Cui Hao couldn't contain it. At present, he sorted out his thoughts and opened the perspective eye. With the perspective golden light slowly penetrating into it, Cui Hao also saw scenes

The perspective golden light was so wonderful that it really made Cui Hao penetrate the bloody sheepskin roll. Immediately, Cui Hao felt that he was in a panic, as if he had crossed the past and the future in an instant and swam through the long river of time. The next moment, a thick fog appeared in front of him. The fog was too thick, and the perspective golden light was powerful, but, Finally, it just penetrated into one of them. Only this penetration made Cui Hao see everything behind the fog

At this moment, Cui Hao felt completely deceived, and everything seemed so impractical!

At the end of the fog, Cui Hao saw a bloody ocean. The bloody ocean was really too big and boundless. Endless bright blood shook and made a crash. On the bloody ocean, huge coffins floated. Some of them were bronze, some were wood, some were jade, and some were gold, And every coffin is so gorgeous, luxurious and huge

Fog, sea of blood, coffin

Cui Hao didn't expect that his perspective golden light would penetrate into the bloody sheepskin scroll. He would see such a terrible scene. He was in an incredible situation. Although he had accepted the fact that there were blood families, he could not accept the scene in front of him. How could there be such a huge sea of blood, and what was the coffin floating on the sea of blood? Cui Hao is not a fool. He also has some research on some Western vampires in TV dramas. The most favorite thing for some vampires with titles is to sleep, and their sleep is always in a luxurious ancient castle, not a bed, but a coffin! In such a huge sea of blood, there are countless coffins floating in it, which are extremely luxurious. Are these sleeping high-level blood families? What is the sea of blood? Is it the legendary long river of blood?

"Hua la la..."

At this moment, the long river of calm blood suddenly and violently rolled up, and the wave was very turbulent, like a tsunami. At this time, at the end of the endless bloody ocean, it seemed that a terrible existence woke up. He whispered and made a voice like heaven and earth "Who... Disturbed the sleep of Cain, the ancestor of my blood family?"


With this whisper, endless blood waves rose up and turned into a huge and incomparable blood hand in an instant. This blood hand is really too huge. It gives people the feeling that there is only one, that is the great bank, the real great bank! The texture on the bloody hand was clear, and immediately after its birth, it suddenly grabbed Cui Hao!

At this moment, Cui Hao was frightened, because it was really terrible. He couldn't imagine the power of this big hand. At the next moment, his whole person had a pain where his heart was torn, and that point of perspective golden light also collapsed invisible, as if it had never appeared.


I couldn't help it. Cui Hao uttered a scream, and then the whole person's head burst. After a moment, he got better. He looked at the bloody sheepskin roll in his hand with horror, but he cared about it and set off a huge wave!

"Cain, the ancestor of the blood clan? What is that? Why is it so terrible? That kind of power really destroys the sky and the earth. What level is he? Is this level the level of divine power, or higher?"

Cui Hao had thousands of doubts in his heart. At the moment, the bloody sheepskin rolled in his hand and suddenly became very hot. He wanted to discard it immediately. However, Cui Hao thought again and was soon relieved. If Cain, the so-called blood ancestor, could really follow his own pursuit, then he was only afraid of dying 10000 times. The perspective golden light dissipated, and it was shielded on the other side of the fog. In addition, he felt all this through this bloody sheepskin scroll. Can Cain come out through it.

Obviously, he can't come out of it, so as long as he doesn't actively urge the perspective eye, he is absolutely safe.

Today's scene gave Cui Hao a huge shock. He took a few deep breaths and then recovered. Finally, Cui Hao thought and put this bloody sheepskin roll in his arms. This is a rare treasure. It would be foolish to abandon it because of the just scene.

About the scene just now, Cui Hao also forced him to press it to the bottom of his heart. Those beings should not be involved at all, and there is no need to pay too much attention. They should not exist on the earth.

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