The moon is bright, Cui Hao is standing on the cold street, and Vivian is in front of her, smiling like a flower, which is very charming.

Looking at the girl who had established the praise of blood with himself, he hesitated for a moment. The words in his heart were still unspoken, which was a little complicated. Finally, he could barely squeeze out a smile and said, "Vivian, do you really want to leave so soon? Your injury, in fact, you can leave two days later!"

They already have the mysterious connection of blood praise. How can Vivian know the real thoughts in Cui Hao's heart? She feels the deep reluctance and love in Cui Hao's heart. These are enough!

In fact, thinking of saying goodbye to Cui Hao soon, Vivian is also very unhappy in her heart, but she doesn't want Cui Hao to worry about herself, so she shrugs easily "Why? Don't you want me to leave? I will be separated after all. I am the greatest hope of the blood clan. I carry too much hatred and hope and am destined to walk alone for a long time. Don't worry, if I really need you, I will come to you. Of course, my potential is destined to be a big man at the level of blood prince. As my partner, can you Don't lose face? Also, don't forget me. Maybe one day if I miss you very much, I will go to China to find you. "

Although the words were easy and casual, Vivian's feeling of not giving up was very strong. In this state, her thousands of thoughts turned into tenderness, smiled at Cui Hao, and then kissed his lips gently.

This kiss was not a passionate deep kiss. It tasted like the relationship between two people. After a kiss, he resisted the impulse to cry and turned around in a hurry.

"Hua la la..."

A pair of huge white wings grew behind Vivian in vain. Under the gentle incitement, the whole person suddenly soared into the air. At this time, the moonlight fell like China, and she shone like an angel. Cui Hao didn't see that tears had already rolled down her peerless face like water lotus.

"Cui Hao, I will always remember you! I hope to become the queen of blood one day earlier and fulfill my long cherished wish. At that time, I will come back to you and never separate!" she said silently in her heart. Vivian spread her wings and flew like a holy angel and left quickly.

In this way, Vivian set foot on the moon under the gaze of Cui Hao.

Standing on the street blankly, Cui Hao was stunned. For such a period of time, she should have met Edward in front. Where will they go and when will they meet again? Will she miss herself?

After a long time, Cui Hao reluctantly restored his calm mood and brought many thoughts back to reality again.

Looking at Cui Hao in the moonlight, Shen Mo sighed. He seemed to see himself, squeezed out a bitter smile and said slowly "Xiao Cui, I envy you very much! At the beginning, when I joined the four beasts, there were many rules and constraints. For the great wish in my heart, I had to give up a precious emotion in my heart. Now I want to come, I'm really sorry! You don't need to make these choices. I want to give you a word. There's really no way to force emotion. You just have to do something It's OK. I'm worthy of my heart. Pay attention to everything. Just follow my heart! "

"Worthy of my heart, everything, pay attention to a good heart?"

Hearing Shen Mo's words, Cui Hao was thoughtful. For a moment, his eyes showed a firm light. Just because Vivian left, all the sentimentality was swept away and replaced by an atmosphere.

He nodded gratefully at Shen Mo, and Cui Hao said, "thank you, Mo Lao, for your advice. Thank you so much for this time."

Hearing the speech, Shen Mo waved his hand and used an understatement "It's really nothing for my old man to do such a thing. You don't need to be too grateful. Besides, I'm going to tell you a very bad news now. The eldest lady has sent a message to me. Because my continuous help to you has violated some hard rules of the four divine beasts, so I'm going to leave and return to the four divine beasts. And you have to accept the most dangerous part The test of time, before completing the assessment task of the four beasts, you will not have the strong ones of the four beasts secretly protect you. Xiao Cui, I'm not with you. You must pay attention to yourself! "

When he said this, Shen Mo's tone was dignified and reluctant, obviously from his heart.

Stunned, Cui Hao didn't expect that he would get such a news. He was surprised, but on second thought, he reacted. Since he was the key training object of the four divine beasts, they naturally had to give themselves the most severe test. With Shen Mo, such a super master, he became extremely safe and naturally relaxed, which was very unfavorable to his cultivation.

Nodding heavily, Cui Hao said gratefully, "Mo Lao, I see. You should cherish it when you are old!"

With a satisfied smile, Shen Mo's rough palm touched Cui Hao's head. Like an old man who loves his grandson, he stared at him for a moment. Then he said, "well, it's worth my saying that the old man has silently protected you for so long! I hope to see you at the headquarters of the four divine beasts as soon as possible!"


With these words, Shen Mo's body flickered, as if it were a fleeting shadow, and quickly disappeared.

"Gone, all gone, eh..." Cui Hao sighed with emotion. Cui Hao's mood was a little complicated.

Throughout the night, Cui Hao didn't rest. He experienced many things. At the moment, the sky gradually turned a little white. He realized that the night had passed. Vivian left and Shen Mo left. Although Cui Hao was reluctant to give up, he soon stabilized his mind, left the street and went towards his residence.

Just after Cui Hao left the street, two figures hidden in the dark appeared on a circular building in the street. One of them was a bent old man, who was impressively Shen Mo, and the other was an old woman who was drooping old and exuded a strong dead spirit. The old woman's face was very old, but, The momentum of her body was amazing, which made people respect at a glance, as if facing a real great man in the world.

In fact, this awe inspiring feeling, as if to face the real great people in heaven and earth, is a unique temperament of the strong at the level of half-a-step supernatural power. However, it was revealed in the old woman. Apart from that, we can see how extraordinary this person is.

In front of the old woman, Shen Mo, a super expert, bowed and stood with respect and low attitude, because the old woman in front of her is the highest controller of the four divine beasts, miss!

Staring at Cui Hao's leaving figure, the old woman nodded with satisfaction "Well, yes, it's rare to have a true temperament in the world. This son not only has a pure heart, but also has a strong judgment of good and evil. Of course, the most rare thing is his talent. It's unexpected that he can occasionally fall into a state of no thought. This time, I really found a treasure. After good cultivation, he will become one of my four divine beasts You are the one who carries the tripod! Amo, it's hard for you this time. Before he grows up, it's up to you to protect him secretly. I'm going to Bermuda Triangle to prepare a meeting gift for the little guy! "

"What? Young lady, it's too dangerous there!" hearing the speech, Shen Mo's face changed greatly and hurriedly opened his mouth.

He obviously knows the danger of Bermuda Triangle and what the old woman wants to find for Cui Hao.

Waving her hand, the old woman didn't listen to Shen Mo's reminder, but used a firm language "That meeting gift is very important and indispensable to lay his foundation. Only in this way can I feel that he can really get the true marrow of the four divine beasts, not a little knowledge like Tang Xiao's traitor, but all! I feel that one is very accurate, so I must try!"

She was very familiar with the eldest lady's temper. Shen Mo sighed helplessly, "Hey, the eldest lady, you must be careful. As for the little guy, I will protect it according to the rules."

Shen Mo verbally told Cui Hao that he had left. In fact, he didn't leave. He just didn't want him to rely too much on himself. Such a precious little guy, the four divine beasts, naturally need to be well protected to make him really grow up.

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