In addition to being beautiful, meihuiko Ono is also good at food cooking. Although she can't compete with twin sisters, her cooking is also first-class. In addition, she makes all Japanese dishes. Cui Hao and others taste them for the first time. They eat them very fresh and with relish.

On the way here, Cui Hao already contacted the headquarters of the four beasts. When the meal was finished, Cui Hao's phone rang. It turned out that the stealth supersonic plane sent by the four beasts had arrived nearby and needed Cui Hao and others to go. Therefore, meihuiko Ono simply cleaned up and said goodbye to her master Nagasaki again. Then, she took Meimei in her arms and set foot on the plane with Cui Hao.

Because the storm of the martial arts conference has passed for several days, the Japanese martial arts community has never found Cui Hao, so they reluctantly gave up looking. Therefore, the return trip is very smooth. The next morning, they have arrived in Baichuan city.

Returning to China, Taoist Tianji and Taoist Mingyue left. They had their own things to deal with.

Cui Hao didn't return to Jiangzhou for the first time. The reason why he didn't return to the headquarters of fraternity group was that he wanted to settle down with MEIHUIZI Ono's mother and daughter. Their mother and daughter were from a foreign country. Moreover, if his deeds were exposed, he might be subjected to crazy retaliation from the Japanese side. Therefore, it is necessary to settle down well.

In Baichuan City, the secret base built by Cui Hao at a high price has been basically completed,.

Because of its longevity, cold cream, earth cream essence, and its natural array protection, it is easy to defend and attack. Therefore, Cui Hao established the secret base of Bo Ai Group. The base area is very large, and all kinds of building facilities are all in every aspect. It has already started to put into use and has a huge cost. In addition to all kinds of high-tech protection, it has advanced equipment. There are even special supermarkets, pedestrian streets, gardens, amusement parks and so on, which can meet the needs of people living here.

In fact, Cui Hao initially built a special residential area in the base, but he did not hesitate to pay high prices to build it into a comfortable, convenient and fast living place, so as to facilitate the living of twins and sisters. However, they are busy with the affairs of fraternity hotel all day. They are not tired of this, and they have to take into account a huge witch tribe, so they are very busy, It's just an occasional vacation. Generally, I come to stay for a day or two to relax.

The residential area is very large. There are three storey villas in European style. Among them, some senior executives of fraternity group, such as Qin Xiangxiang and Hou Jintao, have already checked in. After selecting one, Cui Hao arranged MEIHUIZI Ono's mother and daughter to live in it.

After settling down the mother and daughter, Cui Hao became intimate with her daughter Meimei for more than an hour, and then left for the weapon depot of the base.

Cui Hao went to the arsenal, not to find any weapons, but to borrow the large cutting machine.

In the empty equipment warehouse, there are all kinds of mechanical equipment. Cui Hao inspired the door of truth and took out a huge refined steel cage stored in it.

The cage is very large. The refined steel columns as thick as the mouth of a bowl are intertwined, like a small house. In it, there is a beautiful girl in a long skirt composed of green leaves. Her body exudes a rich and incomparable noble atmosphere, sacred, detached, ethereal and fresh. When people see her, they seem to see the beautiful forest and vitality.

The girl's ears are sharp and full of a special beauty. She has two very slender snow-white legs, just like a crane, which is very eye-catching.

Originally, the girl stood in the cage and appeared in the equipment warehouse in vain. She instinctively curled up and hid in the corner. She looked at Cui Hao with some fear. It seemed that she was worried that Cui Hao would hurt her.

Seeing such a situation, Cui Hao hurriedly said softly, "don't be afraid, I won't hurt you! Be careful, I'll cut the cage for you with a large cutting equipment!"

Although she couldn't understand Cui Hao's words, the girl felt his kindness, so her pure big eyes blinked and nodded.

Cui Hao was very satisfied with the girl's cooperation. He started the cutting machine and hissed. In the harsh sound, the high-speed cutting hacksaw kept moving forward, and a trace of fine steel debris fell. Soon, the cage was cut open.

"You are free, you can come out!" Cui Hao smiled and opened his mouth.

Timidly, at last the girl stood up. Her slender white legs were really eye-catching. Even Cui Hao couldn't help but look more and praised herself. She was really a rare beauty! Of course, he just praised from the perspective of appreciation, and didn't make any ideas, such as how to press her under him

After the girl walked out, she timidly opened her mouth to Cui Hao. Her voice was soft and tender, as if the wind was blowing all the time. It sounded unspeakable, which made people feel a kind of vitality and fresh taste. Unfortunately, Cui Hao just guessed that it was a word of praise, but didn't understand the specific meaning.

So Cui Hao thought about it and took the girl out. He took the girl to MEIHUIZI Ono's residence, took out a laptop, opened the Chinese enlightenment and let the girl watch.

This is a long course, starting from pronunciation to specific Pinyin letters, words, sentences, etc. it is equipped with special pictures and so on, which is convenient for learning.

Cui Hao told meihuiko Ono about the girl and guessed that she should be a member of a mysterious ethnic group. The reason why Cui Hao makes such a judgment is that she doesn't have any smell of killing and blood, but a breath of freshness and life. Therefore, she should not be a bad person

Beyond Cui Hao's imagination, the girl studied very fast, never forgetting to say, and was very intelligent. Only a few hours later, she almost mastered the Chinese language. Therefore, she said again, "thank you for saving Daphne from the evil Baqi snake. You will be blessed by the great spirit God. May health be with you."

"What? Elf God?"

Cui Hao was surprised when the girl who claimed to be Daphne spoke like this, and then looked carefully at her sharp ears. It was beautiful and full of fresh and natural breath. Isn't it just the same as the elves in Western legends?

So Cui Hao began to ask about the girl's origin, and his answer coincided with Cui Hao's guess. He was actually a member of the elf family and a princess of the elf family!

Through Daphne's description, Cui Hao knows something about her. It turns out that Daphne's elf world has a weak boundary wall every 100000 years, and their adjacent world is the dark night world. There are a group of dark night people who like aggression and killing and believe in very dark. Their temperament is just the opposite to that of the elves who like nature and peace. Taking advantage of the weak boundary wall, they killed in and robbed many treasures of the elves, In order to cover the escape of a large number of people, the queen of elves was caught by the Lord of the dark world. Daphne risked to rescue with ten divine archers of the family and was also arrested.

Then, the whole elf world suffered a hundred years of aggression. Until the boundary wall healed again, the dark night clan returned to its own world, and Daphne was naturally arrested and imprisoned. The elves have a long life span and can often live for thousands of years, which is the envy of the dark night people who have only a hundred years of life. Therefore, they force the captured elves to release some original life liquid every other year and keep them in captivity like animals, so as to obtain a longer life.

Moreover, all the people of the elves are handsome men and women. The purer their blood, the more handsome they are. Therefore, many of the captured elves, men and women, have become forbidden luans of the evil dark night family, as male or female pets.

In order to prevent the people of the elves from committing suicide, the Lord of the night world threatened the life and death of the elves queen and Daphne, making them obedient and living a life better than death every day.

With tears in her eyes, Daphne pitifully told the whole elves one by one. Hearing such an angry thing, Cui Hao felt angry. The nation yearning for peace was brutally invaded by evil, which is really filled with righteous indignation! After learning about Daphne, Cui Hao sympathized with her.

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