Cui Hao politely refused the request of the fairy princess. Cui Hao had no tangled ideas. The two met for the first time, and there was no emotion at all. Love at first sight, after all, is a rare thing. Cui Hao is not that narcissistic. He thinks that once his tiger body shakes and the king's arrogance leaks, he can conquer any beauty and make her fall at his feet.

Daphne's real intention is very clear. She is optimistic about Cui Hao's potential and kindness. She wants to hold this big tree so that he can help her save her mother and many suffering people. Hearing Cui Hao's suggestion, she is naturally very happy. She nods and agrees.

"Thank you, thank you so much!" tears filled her face. Daphne's dark heart finally saw a glimmer of hope!

In this regard, Cui Hao smiled faintly, pretending to be angry and joked, "little sister, why are you so polite to my big brother? Why don't you? In the future, you will be my little sister loved by Cui Hao, and the big brother will cover you!"

"Well, thank you, brother!..." Zhan Yan, Daphne smiled sweetly.

With a spoiled smile, Cui Hao said, "you girl, go and change your clothes first. You're wearing elves' clothes. It's too abrupt on the earth. In the future, you may stay on the earth for a long time, so you should learn to integrate into urban life, okay, little sister?"

"Uh huh, thank you, big brother, hee hee..." Daphne smiled, sweet and naughty.

Her nature is a slightly naughty fairy princess. Just because her mother was captured and the elves broke away from the west, she repressed too many things in her heart, so her character also converged a lot. Now she finally saw hope, but revealed her nature. In fact, Cui Hao is very satisfied with accepting such a little sister. Although he wants to go to the dark world for her, he feels it's worth it. There are too many unsatisfactory things in life. He should try his best not to leave regrets.

Finally, according to the Chinese etiquette, Daphne solemnly worshipped Cui Hao three times and nine times. This is the biggest etiquette for the younger generation to their parents, but she did it to Cui Hao. The meaning is very clear. The elder brother is like a father. Later, Cui Hao, who is the eldest brother, is like a brother and a father in her heart!

After three bows and nine taps, Cui Hao hurriedly helped Daphne up and looked at his little sister. He was happy and loved her very much. As an orphan since childhood, Cui Hao hopes to have brothers and sisters, parents and uncles. He cherishes this emotion more than ordinary people. Therefore, after recognizing Daphne, in Cui Hao's heart, she is her real sister.

The two brothers and sisters chatted for a while. MEIHUIZI Ono came out of the kitchen with a plate of fruit salad. Hearing that Cui Hao accepted a little sister, she was also very happy for him and said that she must choose the best clothes for her! Therefore, Cui Hao acted as a nanny in the villa to take care of xiaomeimei, while the two beauties talked happily and soon went out towards the pedestrian street.

The time spent with the children always passed quickly. Unconsciously, three hours passed. After Cui Hao teased Meimei to sleep, he urged the perspective eyes to see through the golden light one by one, washing his body and nourishing the source.

Half an hour later, MEIHUIZI Ono came in with Daphne carrying bags. When she saw her little sister again, Cui Hao was shocked and couldn't believe it. After some dressing up, Daphne has become a goddess like fashion girl. She has scalded her long blond hair and matched it with her eye-catching beautiful legs. It's amazing!

"Giggle... Brother, why, don't you know me? So surprised?" Daphne joked when she raised the high-grade sunglasses on the bridge of her nose.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao gently smiled and said, "my little sister is beautiful. She dressed up casually and is a goddess at the level of 10000 fans. If you appear in the street like this, you must have a super high turning rate!"

"Ding Ling... Ding Ling..."

Just then, Cui Hao's cell phone rang. He picked it up and looked at it. He was surprised because it was Da yu'er. Generally speaking, there is nothing important. The twin sisters will never disturb Cui Hao. Moreover, they are taking care of Wang Changsheng when they leave China for Japan to challenge. Is it

Thinking of some kind of possibility, Cui Hao felt a chill in his heart and hurriedly connected the phone.

"Hey, brother Hao, I'm big yu'er. Brother Wang's condition is very bad. His soul is weak and will disappear at any time. Come quickly!"

Just after I got through the phone, there came a worried voice from Da yu'er. Hearing this, Cui Hao's head buzzed, but there was a feeling of panic in his heart, and a very bad premonition filled his heart

Wang Changsheng, I'm afraid it's dangerous!

Without hesitation, Cui Hao replied, "I see, big yu'er, I'll go back immediately! Before I come back, please find a way to maintain his life as much as possible!"

At the other end of the phone, big yu'er gently responded, "brother Hao, don't worry, little yu'er and I will try our best!"

Wang Changsheng's life was in danger, and Cui Hao had no time to stay for a long time. At present, he hurried to say goodbye to meihuiko Ono. Then, he took Daphne and Ruilin directly to Jiangzhou by private plane of Boai group.

In Jiangzhou, the rain is misty, the sky is very dark, and lead clouds are everywhere, which makes people feel dull.

In the headquarters of fraternity group, in a well-equipped and quiet Infirmary, a handsome young man is lying on his sickbed, his eyes closed, his face like gold paper and his breath like a hairspring. It is obvious that his life is hanging on the line. This youth is naturally Wang Changsheng. In fact, if it is not the twin sisters who spend their resources and stimulate their life potential with the essence of the insect of the day, the Wang Changsheng at the moment is already dead.


At this time, the door of the infirmary was pushed open. Cui Hao hurried in and closed the door with his backhand. He came to the sickbed with an arrow.

"Not good! Second brother, this is a sign that the source has dried up, and the soul seems to be suffering from terrible suffering and can't carry it!"

At a glance, Cui Hao, who has extraordinary medical skills, saw the problem. Without hesitation, he opened his perspective eyes and injected golden light. At the same time, his palm was like electricity, slapping on Wang Changsheng. The twin sisters believed Cui Hao's medical skills very much, so they took back the Tiangu insect, retreated and watched quietly.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

In Cui Hao's body, the ten thousand heavenly beads are rotating, and the golden light is surging through the perspective, all of which are injected into Wang Changsheng's body. With the help of the power of perspective, he also carefully watches the situation in Wang Changsheng's body.

The situation in Wang Changsheng's body is really too bad. The source is almost dried up and his breath is like nothing. Moreover, somehow, his soul is weak like a candle in the wind and is dying. It seems that as long as there is a little wind and grass, it will disappear immediately and disappear into the invisible.

The slow injection of perspective golden light made his body get some nourishment. Moreover, it turned into a trace of golden light and integrated into Wang Changsheng's soul, making him slightly stronger. However, he hasn't waited for Cui Hao to be happy for too long, and a shocking scene happened. He saw a trace of dark as ink, with the power of a taste of heaven's punishment, such as small snakes entangled in his soul


Soon, Wang Changsheng's just stronger soul became very weak and dying.

Suddenly, Cui Hao's heart suddenly became very heavy. He suddenly thought of a possibility! There are some strange records in Dayan Tianji, among which there is a passage that when a creature reaches an unimaginable level in a certain aspect and field, or inadvertently touches taboos, then heaven and earth will come to targeted disaster!

Is it true that, like his own scourge thunder robbery, the dark power is the power of heaven's punishment?

Thinking of this possibility, even Cui Hao himself was shocked. If it was as he guessed, Wang Changsheng might really have little vitality!

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