The soul experienced such strange changes, even Wang Changsheng himself was surprised. He was deeply shocked, because the ancient and vast breath was really terrible and deeply worshipped. It was an absolutely great and invincible power! What is the universal boundary of the heavens? What is a billion universe? Is this invincible existence already involved in such a field? Wang Changsheng was deeply shocked and the whole person was almost messy!

Wang Changsheng's soul does not exist in the depths of his mind, but in a mysterious area of the Dantian in his body. It is like a small universe that has not yet bred a complete universe, and his soul is in the central area. At the moment, it is surging. It is different from the souls of ordinary creatures. It is very thorough. It blooms a bright brilliance and gives people a kind of unfathomable depth, The most noble feeling, absorbing the massive flow of information, Wang Changsheng's whole mind was shocked, and he couldn't believe it!

The things conveyed by this majestic message flow are too precious. Although most of them are quickly sealed and must reach a certain strength before they can be opened, there are too many things without seals, involving many aspects. It is a majestic inheritance, and the most important thing is a secret method, or a special and incomparable skill, called soul skill!

Wang Changsheng can only involve the first layer of soul art, which is called the breeding world, which is all inclusive, including all kinds of soul secrets he can't imagine, so as to breed this hidden point in the Dantian. According to the above statement, this is the original chaotic soul world owned by soul mutants. Only by breeding it and taking its power as their own, can it quickly become powerful and become a member of the soul alliance deeply feared by countless practitioners!

There is a taboo in inheritance. These powerful soul skills can't be spread out at all. In fact, even if it is said that ordinary creatures are absolutely unable to practice, because they must mutate the soul and give birth to the bright light on the soul before they are qualified to practice

After transmitting the vast message, the great breath disappeared out of thin air, and Wang Changsheng's soul was still in the strange space in the Dantian. However, it contacted its own body again and mastered its own body.

His body trembled slightly, and then Wang Changsheng slowly opened his eyes.


At the moment when he opened his eyes, Wang Changsheng couldn't help shouting in surprise. The whole human eyes stared round and couldn't believe what he saw! It turned out that at this moment, he found that he was entangled with a charming, beautiful and soul-stirring girl with the breath of life and nature!

"Ah! Coyote!..."

Wang Changsheng just screamed out. Soon, the girl opposite also screamed. The sound almost pierced her eardrum. Her jade face turned red. She suddenly stretched out her hand, clattered, grabbed the quilt, and wrapped her body. Like a wounded little white rabbit, she curled up in the corner of the bed and looked at Wang Changsheng in fear.

Although she summoned up the courage to love the man in front of her, it was carried out without the other party's knowledge, but at present, Daphne felt her heart beat too fast and almost jumped out of her chest!


The quilt was suddenly grabbed by Daphne. Wang Changsheng felt chilly all over. Only then did he find that he was not wearing any clothes!

Such a discovery made him feel depressed and almost spit blood. He hurriedly covered his sensitive parts with his subconscious hands and said, "excuse me! Excuse me! I don't know what's going on! Girl, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person!..."

The intense reaction just now was because it was too intense. Daphne knew what had happened. Her body was curled up in the quilt, her face was red and her voice was soft. "Your life is dying. I saved you with the essence of the tree of life. My big brother is Cui Hao, you know..."

Daphne said the general situation in a few words. Hearing this, Wang Changsheng breathed a long breath. I see

So, he hurriedly apologized. Then, he hastily grabbed the patient's clothes in the distance and quickly dressed up. After completing these, he was surprised to find that the vines around him were creeping, and there was an exit in front of him.

Some shy and angry, Daphne said, "you... You leave quickly, otherwise, I can't change my clothes!"

"OK, I'll go out right away!"

Hearing the speech, Wang Changsheng hurriedly left here without saying a word.

When he walked out of the tree house, the hole healed quickly, and Wang Changsheng was delighted to find that Cui Hao, Xiao Hui, twins, sisters, flowers and Ruilin all walked into the infirmary and were looking at him in surprise!

"Hahaha... Second brother, you've come back from the dead! Great! Great!..." Xiao Hui was very happy and smiled.

"Yes, third brother, I've recovered! Moreover, there are unexpected gains!" blinked Wang Changsheng's rare humor.

The unexpected harvest in Wang Changsheng's mouth is naturally the variation of his own soul, and he has obtained the precious soul inheritance. However, hearing this in Xiao Hui's ears, he immediately changed his taste. He laughed and joked, "yes, of course, it's a rare unexpected harvest! The little sister newly accepted by the eldest brother is very beautiful. It's cheap for the second brother!..."

"Well, I'm not talking about it!" Wang Changsheng smiled awkwardly.

"Second brother, have you recovered? Stretch out your wrist and I'll feel your pulse again!" Cui Hao opened with concern and a strong smile on his face.

Originally, because Wang Chang's life was hanging on the line, his mood was also rainy, but now it was completely sunny.

After a serious inspection for Wang Changsheng, Cui Hao was pleasantly surprised to find that Wang Changsheng's strange disease was completely cured! Moreover, there was a special, mysterious and noble breath on him. He couldn't understand what was going on. It seemed that he had got a big chance!

"Hua la..."

At this time, the tree house shrouded in the bed quickly converged and all integrated into the hands of a figure. The figure swayed and came over. It was ethereal, quiet and beautiful. Its temperament was like a orchid in an empty valley. It was Daphne who gave people a fresh and beautiful taste.

Although she tried her best to keep calm, Daphne's slightly short breath clearly showed her heart, not real peace!

In fact, isn't wang Changsheng so? At this time, he remembered in a trance. At that time, he felt warm all over and seemed to have something attached to him. Moreover, his mouth was pried open and passed into a pure and powerful breath of life. Was it... Was it

Wang Changsheng, who was always calm and calm, was a little flustered. Even if he silently recited the Taoist meditation mantra, it was useless at all. Looking at Daphne coming, his heart was churning and nervous.

Pretending to be casual, Wang Changsheng was secretly watching Daphne. He couldn't help but feel amazing, beautiful! It's really beautiful!

Somehow, Wang Changsheng couldn't help laughing and said, "little sister, thank you. If it weren't for you, I might have..."

In fact, Daphne's heart beat faster at the moment. However, girls always like to take a high attitude. As an elf princess, she has a kind of pride in her bones. Therefore, she said coldly, "hum! Who is your little sister? There is only one big brother. I don't know you!"

"Ha ha..."

Wang Changsheng smiled and was not angry. Instead, he had a strange feeling and excitement in his heart. He found in vain that life is wonderful!

Smiling, Wang Changsheng thought in his heart, "well, later, we must ask big brother for advice. He is definitely an expert in picking up girls! I don't know if I can pursue the fairy princess after his guidance?"

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