Cui Hao didn't know about the secret meeting of the four divine beasts. After returning to Jiangzhou, he decided to develop the industry of fraternity group. Now, there are a large number of gold, silver, jewelry and antiques to deal with in the gate of truth. In addition, Cui Hao also wants to make use of the large amount of high technology left by Xiaoguang before he fell asleep.

The stronger the strength, the more things he contacts, the more Cui Hao can feel his own shortcomings, strength and wealth, which are the more the better in the future. After the continuous war, he also wanted to relax, manage the enterprise, relax and relax, but it was more conducive to cultivation.

Because of the shameless revenge action of the Matsumoto family, fraternity group has suffered a lot of losses. Although they have made compensation and dealt with the aftermath, they have also exposed many shortcomings of this rapidly developing large group company. In view of these, Cui Hao personally held a meeting to brainstorm and come up with a big strategy and policy to guide the development direction of fraternity group in the future.

This kind of thing is very complicated. Cui Hao has been busy for three days, which makes him clear. After many meetings, people have discussed it again and again, and a series of rectification plans have been taken out. The next step is to implement it. He assigned it to all senior executives and coordinated the overall situation.

At Cui Hao's request, fraternity group set up a special team to be responsible for planning the establishment of fraternity auction house. In fact, the most important purpose of Cui Hao's establishment of auction house is to digest the treasures obtained in Japan.

In addition, there is another very important thing. The imperial capital of China has expanded again. A bidding meeting will be held in the divided New Area in a week. One third of the area will be set aside in the new area to build a huge future city. According to the plan, it must be high-tech. once it is completed, it can accommodate at least 100000 people. Cui Hao heard this news for the first time, He was very hot eyed and decided to participate in the bidding in person.

He has all kinds of high-tech research of Xiaoguang in his hands. If it is used to build a super city, it is absolutely the most appropriate. Moreover, as long as one shot hits the red, the scientific research center of Boai group will be famous all over the world. At that time, he can slowly take out some of Xiaoguang's extremely precious high-tech and change the scientific and technological level of China and even the earth! Of course, although there are some scientists in the scientific research center of Pok Oi group, the research results are really limited, just a cover.

Because he paid special attention to this bidding, Cui Hao ordered his executives to focus on raids and come up with a good bid as soon as possible. With today's fame and financial resources of fraternity group, it should be no problem to win the bidding. However, he rushed to Baichuan city to preside over the product press conference.

On this day, Bo'ai pharmaceutical and Bo'ai cosmetics held a press conference, and many reporters gathered in all directions. The appearance of Cui Hao's suits caused a great sensation. Today, he is a famous and well-known figure in China. He is even called a citizen public servant, a Chinese hero and so on.

At the press conference, first of all, Hou Jintao, as a representative, introduced Bo'ai pharmaceutical. Some of the special drugs and plasters have obtained national production licenses, and the initial clinical trials have ended with excellent results. Taking out these things and data has naturally caused quite a stir. It is conceivable that the products of Boai pharmaceutical will soon be well-known in China.

Subsequently, Qin Xiangxiang, as a representative, introduced the various of fraternity cosmetics. She was a field experiment and released a series of data and photos, which made everyone deeply feel the magical effect of fraternity cosmetics. The main ingredient of cosmetics is the immortal water, which contains some diluted milk essence. The value is amazing. Only a real lady can buy it. There are many other products. The main ingredient is Tan Shui from Baishou cold lake. With many useful things, it has excellent effect and high value.

In fact, Cui Hao has developed some things, not only Bo'ai pharmaceutical but also Bo'ai cosmetics. In addition, there are some experts of the witch family. Therefore, once they circulate into China, they will inevitably cause a great sensation!

After listening to their introduction, almost everyone lamented that if it is really produced by fraternity, it must be a high-quality product. Unexpectedly, it just involves the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. It is so fierce that the products far surpass similar products. Such an effect, coupled with the support and hot sales of the Giant Buddha of fraternity group, it is inevitable!

In order to express their gratitude, the reporters at the press conference received a set of cosmetic gift bags, which are good things worth more than ten thousand, which satisfied everyone. Then, it came to the final reporter's inquiry link.

"Mr. Cui Hao, I would like to ask you what is your revenue plan for Boao pharmaceutical and cosmetics, and whether you will continue to invest half of the revenue into Boao charitable fund? Also, there are rumors on the Internet recently that Boao charitable fund has made false publicity and deceived the public. How do you explain this?"

At the beginning of the reporter's inquiry, a female reporter with smart teeth asked questions. It seemed that she had some opinions on fraternity group, and the questions were sharp.

In this regard, Cui Hao was ready and said with a smile, "it's still the general income invested in the charity fund! As for your online rumors, is there any actual evidence? Do I need to cheat when I take my own money to help the people? Every day, the charity group will publish detailed rescue information. You can investigate whether it's false!"

The reporter was stunned and speechless.

Another middle-aged reporter asked, which is an irrelevant but more acute question.

"Mr. Cui Hao, now many people are saying that your trip to Japan is revenge for public and private. You do your private affairs in the name of China. Moreover, you are too arbitrary and directly link the honor and disgrace of the whole country with your own decision. If you lose, won't the whole country be humiliated?"

In this regard, Cui Hao smiled faintly and said, "I can't ask everyone to call me a national hero, but at least, I did what a Chinese should do. I sent back the four words" sick man of East Asia ". Did I do wrong?"

His face turned black and the middle-aged reporter lowered his head.

Another young reporter asked, "Mr. Cui Hao, your humanity pharmaceutical and cosmetics are advertised everywhere as pure traditional Chinese medicine, without any toxic and side effects, and do not contain any hormones and antibiotics. However, as far as I know, you still added them when making them? How do you explain this?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao said with a faint smile, "where did you get the news? Since we dare to publicize like this, naturally there is no addition! Whether it's Bo'ai pharmaceutical or Bo'ai cosmetics, I can allow you to go in and watch. If I lie, I'll close two enterprises today!"

Various inquiries emerge one after another, some deliberately make things difficult, but most of them are still pertinent, and some reporters praised his actions.

Because the medicine produced by Cui Hao's Bo'ai pharmaceutical has better effect and more exquisite materials, but the price is the same as that of similar products. It can be regarded as a conscientious enterprise.

This press conference lasted for a long time. Cui Hao patiently answered everyone's questions. His magnanimity and kindness also won the respect of many people. Although some reporters deliberately made difficulties during this period, they were returned one by one and fought back beautifully again and again.

In fact, Cui Hao has already prepared to make trouble for himself. The so-called shopping mall is like a battlefield. His peers are enemies and receive cold arrows behind his back. This is inevitable. Fortunately, the fraternity group is deeply rooted, and everyone knows that it has a big background. Otherwise, the cold arrow will not be made difficult by such a small reporter.

The press conference ended successfully. Originally, Cui Hao was going to stay in Baichuan for a day or two and spend a good time with his daughter. However, he soon received two news. He was in a bad mood and left in a hurry.

The first news was delivered by Hua Yunbin's confidants. Now, the northwest Sirius gang has changed in vain, and Hua Yunbin has been imprisoned. In addition, the business of fraternity group in the three northwest provinces has also been greatly affected. Obviously, someone is targeting him behind it. In addition, reliable news also came from the imperial capital. The bidding for the future city has basically determined the object, not fraternity group.

These two things are a little tricky, but the bidding meeting will not be held for another week. After weighing the pros and cons, Cui Hao rushed to the Northwest for the first time to save Hua Yunbin.

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