If others say that Lord long is not in China, Cui Hao must think that the other party is talking nonsense, because he needs to suppress China's Dragon national fortune. Every move is related to the rise and fall of China's honor and disgrace, and he will never leave. However, this sentence came from Tang Xiao's mouth, but he had to trust it.

The CIA of the United States is too mysterious, especially after Tang Xiao took over. In terms of information exploration, the strongest dragon group in China, as well as well as well-known secret organizations in other countries, such as alpha, blood romance, black gold, mk-4u, the hand of God, the new moon group, and even the world's No. 1 crawler who sells information, Far worse!

No one knows how big and wide the CIA's intelligence network is and how to obtain all kinds of confidential information. However, everyone firmly believes that Tang Xiao, the first person in the CIA today, is the one who has the most top secrets on the whole earth. No one, but the only one!

Since Tang Xiaoxiao said that Lord long had left China, it was most likely true.

Looking at Cui Hao with interest, Tang Xiao nodded and exclaimed, "yes, it's really good. I didn't expect that the decaying four divine beasts were so lucky to meet such a good seedling as you. Is it good luck! Cui Hao, there's no future in following the four beasts. Moreover, there are too many constraints. How about you follow me? You're my brother. I'll give you the position of deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency! "

Originally, Cui Hao was ready to fight with him. Unexpectedly, he accepted the solicitation. In this regard, he sneered and said, "Tang Xiao, you traitor and traitor of the four gods, don't you think it's ridiculous to say this? You should know me very well. Will I promise you? Guarding China and making countless people live in peace and prosperity is not only the mission of the four gods, but also my dream!"

With that said, Cui Hao put on a fist airs, very clumsy, as if a young child wiggled his body at will. It was ugly and full of loopholes. It was stupid fist.

In the face of others, even a strong King Kong, Cui Hao can also behave very casually. However, in the face of Tang Xiao, a famous terrorist in the world, he must take the strongest means and 12 points of spirit.

Looking carefully at Cui Hao's stupid boxing frame, Tang Xiao became more and more interested and exclaimed Genius! Cui Hao, your talent is higher than mine! It's a pity that it is bound by four gods and animals. This is not conducive to your growth! What a wonderful word! Dream, I have dreams in mind, guarding four gods and animals, guarding the dream of China. Unfortunately, it is shattered, and finally, like a bubble that disappears, with no reality whatever. But now I live very real, I only Living for my own heart, such me, on the contrary, my strength is no longer constrained and free. "

For Tang Xiao's words, Cui Hao was not moved at all. With a cold smile, he said, "there are three thousand roads. You have your way, and I have my way. The so-called different ways do not work together. You and I are destined to be the great enemy of life and death. Let's fight today! Tang Xiao, I hope you don't disappoint me!"


Tang Xiao vomited a white breath, like smoke and fog, and turned into cranes, ancient trees, flowers and plants, and swimming fish. In an instant, he changed more than a dozen forms, which disappeared. His kung fu didn't have any terrible momentum. However, in Cui Hao's eyes, he was deeply shocked and gave birth to a kind of pressure, huge pressure!

His eyes narrowed slightly. Cui Hao finally spit out four words "Refining Essence and transforming God!"

Nodding, Tang smiled and said, "yes, it's refining and refining God. I've reached the peak of half step magic power. It's possible to break through to the level of magic power anytime and anywhere. Such strength, in addition to the three old antiques of the three holy places, only Yang worship the sky and the old people in the mountains can be comparable. Mixing with me, I have a future!"

Tang Xiao showed such a hand, which was shocking. Even Cui Hao was surprised. However, he still smiled coldly and said, "dream! Don't talk nonsense, let go of the war!"

Because of Tang Xiao's terrorist means, Cui Hao was under great pressure. However, the war spirit became stronger and stronger.

Still didn't start, Tang Xiao suddenly asked an irrelevant question, "do you want to know why I betrayed and escaped the four divine beasts, and also interrupted the inheritance monument of the four divine beasts?"

"Naturally, it's because you are ambitious and have a bone in the back of your head. You don't know how to repay your kindness!" coldly, Cui Hao responded.

Smelling the speech, Tang Xiao was not angry and said faintly "I don't think Tang Xiao is a good man. However, I have never been ashamed of my original heart! You should know the allusion of thousands of gold buying horse bones. Jing Ke was called by Prince Dan and thousands of gold buying horse bones. People all over the world praised Prince Dan's benevolence and righteousness, and Jing Ke was grateful. So Prince Dan asked him to stab the king of Qin. He had to go, otherwise he would be ridiculed as an ungrateful person by people all over the world."

Speaking of this, Tang Xiao sighed "I don't want to be Jing Ke, and I don't want to die for my confidant. So I offended a big man. My only sister got a strange disease, and she is still frozen. I don't know whether life or death. But the four gods, who listened to the dragon, told me..... Alas, I can't completely blame the four gods. After all, the Dragon broke out A secret of mine. Actually, I'm from the Tang family! You may not know what kind of family the Tang family is in my mouth now. You'll know later. "

In his heart, Cui Hao heard many absolute secrets from Tang Xiao's words. He could feel that Tang Xiao's words were very honest and didn't lie. So, with a slight frown on his brow, Cui Hao said, "even so, the four divine beasts have been hoodwinked. Since you know some of the Dragon Lord's conspiracies, why don't you say it? I believe, miss, they will all stand on your side!"

Tang Xiao sneered at the speech "I thought so at that time. Unfortunately, the Dragon set off a huge wave, and I was forced to get involved. Finally, I was identified as a traitor. Moreover, my sister Hua'er was also kidnapped at that time, but the four divine beasts ignored it. Many factors made me completely cold. I was so angry that I broke the half step magic power, so I interrupted the inheritance Monument and completely rebelled against the four divine beasts! In fact , if I didn't betray the Chinese dragon vein in those years, I should have come to guard it! But it doesn't matter. I completely get rid of the shackles. It's a blessing in disguise. Now I'm only one step away from the level of magic. If that dragon loses the power blessing of the Chinese dragon vein, I'll definitely press him! "

Through Tang Xiao's statement, Cui Hao knows something about the past. Although Tang Xiao's words may be extreme and one-sided, the general thing should be like this. However, why did long ye fall out with the eldest lady and the husband and wife become enemies? Was it because what long ye did against Tang Xiao was exposed? Who was the one who wanted to buy a horse bone for Tang Xiao What about a big man?

Looking at Tang Xiao's eyes, there was a trace of softness. However, Cui Hao was still very vigilant, because the person in front of Tang Xiao, the United States, and even the world, was a real big man who could turn clouds and rain!

"Tang Xiao! Since you know that the four divine beasts have been hoodwinked, why are you targeting the members of the four divine beasts everywhere? And what are you looking for me this time? You don't just want to tell me about your past experience?"

With a smile, Tang Xiaodao said "I'm not aiming at the four beasts everywhere. I'm just defending myself. I'm just a child under my hands. Maybe it's a little heavier. As for me, I came to see you to see what kind of person you are and whether you're worthy of my solicitation. When I saw you today, you really are a hero among people. Cui Hao, how about mixing with me? I promise you will get greater wealth and rights! Of course, if you don't If we want to reveal our true identity, we can form a secret alliance. How about it? "

"Dream!..." Cui Hao responded coldly to his solicitation.

Suddenly, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became cold and piercing. Tang Xiao stared at Cui Hao angrily, with a cold light flashing in his eyes!

He is now the existence of the peak of half step magic power. At the moment, he stares at Cui Hao coldly. Even if Cui Hao has some confidence, he feels cold and nervous all over.

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