Wang Kun and the other four met again after decades with Tang Xiao. Instead of fighting for life and death, they talked like friends for a while. Finally, they left in a hurry with a top-grade spirit stone. All four were heavy hearted, not only because Tang Xiao clarified for Cui Hao, but because he revealed a possible conspiracy, which was too vicious, It is still the guardian dragon master of China who personally deployed it. If it is really implemented, the four divine beasts will really suffer an unprecedented heavy blow!

Think about it. Cui Hao's only hope is to separate from the four divine beasts and fall away from the west, followed by the eldest lady, and even elder Huang. What kind of damage will the four divine beasts suffer? This, it's even worse!

When they arrived, they were furious and murderous. When they left, they were cold and stuck in their throat! For a long time, although the Dragon Lord targeted the four gods, he never exposed his fangs. Only that time, he took action against Cui Hao, so that the four gods could see something clearly. Now, the situation is getting worse and worse. The other party is likely to directly tear off the shame cloth and take action against the four gods!

After returning to the headquarters of the four gods and beasts, Wang Kun immediately held another meeting with great solemnity. This time, three respected old four gods and beasts testified. Naturally, no one would doubt it. Originally, Wang Kun explained the dialogue with Tang Xiao. Everyone was cold. If so, isn't it too dangerous, Miss Huang? And Cui Hao, the only hope of the four gods, a member of the peerless demon level, was almost wronged and estranged from the four gods!

Therefore, all the people passed the vote and went to the core laboratory of the four divine beasts headquarters. There, Wang Kun took out the best spirit stone of Tang Xiao and soon excited the super intelligence in a semi sleeping state. Therefore, Wang Kun hurriedly issued instructions to obtain many influences about Huang Yufeng and Liu Santong, and analyzed whether they had any hidden secrets!

Super childish is very mysterious. It flashes in an instant in the way of hundreds of millions of times. Ten seconds later, with a Ding Dong, there are more than 70 film and television videos on the big screen in front of everyone. These are all videos of them at the headquarters of the four divine beasts.

When the video was opened, everyone was surprised. First of all, they could be sure that these two people were indeed the loyal followers of Lord long. Over the years, they kept divulging important information about the four divine beasts. Finally, a video was opened, and the two were discussing. They actually received the instruction of Lord long to plant and frame Cui Hao at all costs, The specific implementation steps are incomparably detailed!

The truth is revealed. Seeing such film and television videos, a group of antique faces of the four divine beasts are very embarrassed. The house leakage happens to be rainy. Unexpectedly, Huang Yufeng and others

At present, an antique suggests that while super intelligence wakes up, everyone should explore it to determine whether there are people who eat inside and eat outside! Naturally, the proposal was unanimously approved.

Finally, super intelligence determined that others had no problem. The result finally relieved Wang Kun and others.

Although this matter has been solved, Wang Kun and others will not wait to die after determining the ambition of Lord long. They began to discuss it.

I didn't know that I was almost seriously doubted and stigmatized. At the moment, Cui Hao was still reciting the soul returning mantra, while his hands kept patting and pinching the whole body of the flowers. His technique was very clever, giving people a comfortable feeling to look at, and his soul returning mantra was also very magical. Sometimes it was like thunder, sometimes it was like the gurgling stream, sometimes it was like the frog barking on the spring night, and it was vibrant

Time passes slowly

After two days and two nights, Cui Hao was extremely tired. Rao's body couldn't bear it. With such high-intensity output, he felt that he was about to lose his strength.

"Hua la..."

Inside the flower, the blood was beating alive and joyfully. Cui Hao looked dignified and motioned Tang Xiao to drop his blood into her mouth, while he continued to use special techniques for treatment.

In this way, another half an hour passed. Cui Hao suddenly sat in the Ninth Heaven like the Buddha and suddenly issued six notes. It was the six word truth, which contained unimaginable power, and rushed into the flower's body and stirred its blood soul

After finishing all this, he stopped tired and calmed down.

"How's my sister?" Tang Xiao asked with concern.

With a faint look in his eyes, Cui Hao said tiredly, "do your best and listen to destiny..."

Got his response, Tang Xiao nodded gratefully, stopped talking nonsense, stared at his sister nervously, hoping for a miracle.

At the moment, the flowers are very different from before. They look ruddy and look excellent. Moreover, Yang is full of in the temples. Moreover, her poison has been dissolved. Cui Hao's soul has been shaken by the soul reviving mantra and the six word truth of Buddhism. I don't know whether it can revive the sun and bring back the dead?

For Tang Xiao, every minute at the moment is a great suffering.

A long time later... Quiet, quiet, the silence in the room is terrible!

At this time, the flowers on the jade bed seemed to blink. This feeling was like a girl trying to wake up from a deep sleep.

This blink was very slight, and the flower was still lifeless. However, Tang Xiao felt it, and he trembled with excitement! The sound of this blink was extremely weak, but for him, it was louder than a blast of thunder!

Cui Hao also felt it and looked at it excitedly. Although he tried his best, he was not sure. The situation of Hua'er was too special. He was also a bold attempt.

At this moment, the flowers are still lying quietly without any change, as if it was an illusion in the blink of an eye! Tang Xiao was disappointed. Perhaps, in the blink of an eye, it was because of the nerve reflex under the vibration of Cui Hao's six word truth. The flower was still not awakened!

When Tang Xiao was sad, Cui Hao was bright! His soul is a pure Yang soul. Although it is much less than Tang Xiao in quantity, it is more sensitive than him. He has vaguely felt that there is a faint and incomparable energy in the depths of the flower's head, just like the vitality of fresh grass was born!

The breath of this kind of life is more and more strong, Tang Xiao also clearly felt it, and the whole person is excited to look forward to it! He could feel that the blood vessels and viscera of the flowers were all wrapped and spread by this breath, and were shaking with a subtle change.

This kind of vibration is different from the external force reaction formed by the agitation of the truth. It is a natural vibration with its own vitality.

This feeling is very wonderful. It seems that there are lingering water droplets condensing very slowly. However, with the passage of time, a little makes a lot, which turns into a trickle. Finally, it evolves into the Pentium of the Yangtze River!

"Clatter, clatter..."

The blood in the flower's body is like a happy river, making a loud flowing sound. At this time, the flower's nostrils incite twice and breathe!

After another moment, her eyelashes blinked. It seemed that, finally, she could not resist the temptation of the bright world and suddenly opened her eyes!

After sleeping for decades, the flowers like the living dead wake up again!

"Brother, where am I? Who is he?"

After a dull moment, Hua Hua's eyes became flexible. It seemed that many memories returned to her soul. She looked at Tang Xiao and asked.

Tang Xiao at the moment has already burst into tears!

Powerful enough to become the most influential figure in the world, Tang Xiao, the first person of the CIA in the United States and famous for his cold-blooded ferocity, cried! If such a picture is seen by people familiar with him, it must feel incredible!

Men don't shed tears lightly, only because it's not time to be sad.

"Brother, don't cry, brother, the flower doesn't want you to cry, you have to laugh..." stretch out your little hand, and the voice of the flower is soft, which makes life pity.

Seeing such a situation, even Cui Hao is very moved. Even if he is destined to fight with Tang Xiao in the future, it is worth saving this little girl!

He is a doctor. It is his duty and glory to save the dead and heal the wounded.

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