The fourth beast headquarters, Wang Kun's office.

"After we returned to the headquarters, we immediately stimulated super intelligence, and then... Xiao Cui, this is the case. This time, Lord long is really determined to deal with us, and you are the primary target of his eradication. You must be careful and careful in the future, okay?"

Originally, Wang Kun said many things. Finally, he told Cui Hao with earnest words.

In this regard, Cui Hao nodded repeatedly to show that he knew. At the same time, he asked about the Bermuda Triangle. Hearing Cui Hao's inquiry, Wang Kun said that he had a headache. These two days, he tried his best and didn't contact elder Huang. Moreover, he received the eldest lady's distress message again

After thinking about it, Cui Hao said "Mr. Huang, I'll go to Bermuda Triangle area. Miss, I fell into it because of me. No matter whether Lord long set a trap there or not, I feel it's necessary to go there! Don't worry, I'll be careful! Two days ago, I fought with Tang Xiao, who is at the peak of half step magic power. Although I was defeated, I'm sure to escape! Without the blessing of dragon vein, Lord long is far better than Tang Xiao!"

Hearing Cui Hao's words, Wang Kun was surprised, and then overjoyed.

However, he finally shook his head stubbornly "No, absolutely not! Xiao Cui, a group of old guys have decided that we can't let you get into danger! Don't worry, we have deployed the killer mace of the four divine beasts, the shadow king! He used to be a legend in the killer world, and he is a power. He has the ability to turn into a shadow to hide the darkness. Maybe he can save the eldest lady. If..... He can't, consider you again!"

"All right!"

Hearing Wang Kun's decision, Cui Hao could only nod and promise.

This time, when he went to the headquarters of the four divine beasts, Cui Hao felt a repressive atmosphere.

It is determined that the Dragon Lord wants to deal with the four divine beasts. A group of old four divine beasts, including Wang Kun, are worried. Cui Hao is worried about this. In this case, it must be reversed. Otherwise, in the long run, the decline of the four divine beasts will inevitably accelerate.

Kill the dragon master!

At this moment, Cui Hao had this idea again in his heart, and it was very strong. However, he changed his mind and smiled bitterly, not to mention killing the Dragon Lord and the impact on the national fortune of the Chinese dragon vein. The other party is an antique at the level of half magic. Although Cui Hao is confident, he is not sure to kill the other party. Unless he forbear to practice and the first level of chaos formula is great perfection, don't say it at that time The Dragon Lord, the whole earth, can compete with him, I'm afraid there are not many.

After the conversation with Wang Kun, Cui Hao went to the imperial capital, and the bidding for the future city was about to begin. Although he got the news when he was in the northwest Gang, he was afraid that the quota dispute would fail, but Cui Hao decided to have a try.

DIDU, a group of people led by Hai Rui of fraternity group have already arrived. Although the bidding meeting will be held in two days, they arrived early. Moreover, they have been busy these days, revising the bidding documents, and hope to win the bid in one fell swoop at the bidding meeting in two days!

After arriving at the imperial capital, Cui Hao met with Hairui and others. Then, he went to Zhongnanhai alone to meet Ouyang Jianye.

The future city is a big fat meat that anyone can see. As long as it is well managed, it is bound to make a lot of money. Naturally, many people compete for such an opportunity.

Since the development of fraternity group, it has also borrowed strength for many times, such as the momentum of Yang Dian, the king of cloud and LAN, and the momentum of the four divine beasts. Now, the bidding competition of the future city, the influence of Yang Dian, and even the four divine beasts are not enough. We must find a real big man. Ouyang Jianye is undoubtedly a big man of this level.

For the arrival of Cui Hao, Ouyang Jianye, who has been lonely all day, is naturally very happy. Now Ouyang muxue doesn't know his life or death. He has treated Cui Hao as his granddaughter and son-in-law.

The first thing Cui Hao did when he saw the old man was to recuperate his body, see through the golden light and comb his whole body. After the completion of this series of measures, Ouyang Jianye laughed and said, "Xiao Cui, your medical skills are really excellent. I feel that I am ten years younger. Your means are more powerful than those so-called miracle doctors in the central and southern seas!"

With a modest smile, Cui Hao said, "Grandpa, you're laughing at me again! By the way, this time I brought you some good things. Take a small spoonful of water every day for a long time, which is very good for your health!"

On the other hand, he took out a well prepared jar, which contained the essence of the earth milk. It was absolutely good stuff, that is, Cui Hao himself was not very much, but he still took a large share of filial piety to Ouyang Jianye.

After patting Cui Hao on the shoulder, Ouyang Jianye said with a smile, "OK! OK! Good boy, just have a heart! Hahaha... What are you doing in the imperial capital this time? If you are free, you can stay with grandpa for a few more days. Let's make love!"

Hearing Ouyang Jianye's inquiry, Cui Hao hurriedly said his purpose. In fact, Ouyang Jianye knew very well about him, so he began to call.

As the real leader of the army, Ouyang Jianye is a real big man who controls one-third of the Chinese army. The energy of Ouyang Jianye is very huge. Soon, all kinds of information gathered.

With a slight frown, Ouyang Jianye finally said "Xiao Cui, according to my understanding, the future city project you like this time is the key bidding project of the imperial capital, and it will take at least 100 billion yuan to win. This is only the money you need. There are still some large groups that can afford such a large amount of money. The key is that it is a rare fat meat. Therefore, the advantages of fighting technology and bidding are all important Certainly. Moreover, the most important thing is to spell the relationship! "

At this point, his voice changed, "moreover, I got a very bad inside information. This time, the future city project was booked by the dragon family! Of course, if I intervene and my old guys work hard, you still have a 30% chance of successful bidding."

"Dragon family? Which dragon family?" Cui Hao asked, frowning slightly.

In fact, he already had an answer in his heart.

After hearing the speech, Ouyang Jianye said, "naturally, it's the dragon family in Longshou mountain. Their family is the one who suppresses the Chinese dragon pulse, and even has a great say in the choice of Chinese leaders. Therefore, you can imagine how terrible the dragon family is. Even if I meet the Dragon family, I must give some face."

With that, Ouyang Jianye patted Cui Hao on the shoulder and said firmly, "don't worry, Xiao Cui, I'll help you as much as possible!"

Cui Hao is naturally grateful for this.

Throughout the day, Cui Hao stayed with Ouyang Jianye, chatting and playing chess with him. At dinner, a guard hurried in and reported to Ouyang Jianye in a low voice. At the same time, he handed a bronzed invitation.

After listening to the report, Ouyang Jianye handed over the invitation and said with a smile, "Xiao Cui, this is the invitation sent by the dragon family to invite you to a dance in the evening. Moreover, Huang chanchan, Xiao Wen and Xiao Li are all going to go. Those who can attend the dance are the most powerful young people of the next generation. You can join in the fun. Make a decision and he can go back and report back."

"OK, I'll go." Cui Hao responded calmly after receiving the invitation.

At that moment, the guard nodded, said he knew and left quickly.

Ten minutes later, in the bedroom of a secluded quadrangle, an evil looking ghost Taoist was studying the Jiulong tripod.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

A knock on the door sounded, and then long Changfeng stood respectfully outside the door "Master, the invitation I sent to you has been answered. Cui Hao will attend the dance tonight. And Huang chanchan, although she is very uncomfortable because of your means, she still gives me the face of the dragon family and will come. At that time, Cui Hao will be able to see some clues. Do you see whether to activate the arrangement now?"

Hearing long Changfeng's inquiry, the ghost Taoist put away the Jiulong tripod and came out. The Yin measured way was "disciple, don't worry. My means, if the boy wants to think thoroughly, it will take at least one or two hours. Even, he may need to ask the old Taoist priest of Tianji. Don't worry, we have enough time to prepare! Let's go. I'll go to the dance with you..."

"Yes!..." with a respectful face, long Changfeng responded.

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