Huang chanchan's bedroom is very large, dressed up like a princess in the fairy tale world, and has a huge balcony with a unique flower garden. Cui Hao's eyes were soon attracted by a fiery red.

This is a layer upon layer of Rhododendron. Dotted with some green roses, it is like a hot beauty. It is enchanting and beautiful.

When ordinary people see such a scene, they will feel that this is not a piece of red azalea, but a group of delicate and beautiful girls of cardamom age, showing their own red gauze skirt, which is incomparably beautiful. However, Cui Hao was very cold in his heart, because he recognized that it was a blood Rhododendron, a variant of Rhododendron, a rare fierce thing!

Generally, in Feng Shui, Rhododendron should not be planted in the house, because the saying of "Rhododendron crying blood" is a sign of a dangerous house. Moreover, when the Rhododendron blooms, the petals are poisonous and distributed in the air, which is easy to make people feel depressed.

At the moment, Cui Hao walked towards the balcony and urged his perspective eyes. The large Rhododendron in front of him suddenly changed and turned into a bloody ocean, in which there was a terrible black evil spirit, like a demon hidden in the depths of the sea. Generally, someone approached. From under the sea of blood, they float out and pull people into the boundless sea of blood!

This is just an illusion formed by terrible blood evil Qi. However, it also shows its horror. Cui Hao said in a deep voice, "Chan Chan, what is planted on your balcony is a fierce thing, blood cuckoo! If I guess well, there is something below!"

Hearing Cui Hao's words, Huang chanchan was startled and murmured, "this... This was given to me by long Changfeng. I saw that they opened beautifully, so I took them and planted them in this flower bed. Unexpectedly..."

Cui Hao picked up a shovel in the corner and began to shovel it. Soon, this piece of blood cuckoo was shoveled away, and continued to dig down, about half a meter deep, the shovel made a clang sound, it seems that the impact on the iron block.

"There's something down there!"

His face was calm. Cui Hao continued to dig. Soon, a square copper box appeared. The surface was dark and exuded a seeping evil spirit. It was cold and strange. On it, there were some poisonous snake carvings, ferocious and terrible, with a faint metallic luster, and many ancient runes like tadpoles were engraved on it.

"What is this?" Huang chanchan asked.

With a dignified look, Cui Hao said, "this is the life and death box. There should be a evil ghost in it. When I open the box and catch it, I can find out the root cause later. As long as I destroy it in one fell swoop, the evil snake and soul snatching evil method on you will be defeated. Otherwise, even if I help you remove it, there will always be future trouble!"

Hearing that there was an evil spirit in it, Huang chanchan screamed and hurried away, but Cui Hao was calm. His palm was slightly strong and clicked. Suddenly the box burst open. An invisible evil spirit suddenly rose and quickly condensed into a ferocious evil spirit. His eyes were huge, red and sudden, and his whole body was dark as if burned into coke, The most terrible thing was his big mouth, revealing a sharp fangs, spitting out a huge blood red bifurcated long tongue, which was covered with stinking black mucus!

"Evil! Captured!...."

Holding the ghost's handprint in his hand, Cui Hao roared like thunder. He made a bold move. He was filled with terror and blazing masculinity. Suddenly the evil ghost screamed and trembled and wanted to escape. However, its Taoist practice could not escape. In an instant, it was held in the hands of Cui Hao. Soon, it was shrinking into the size of a projectile and bound by Cui Hao in a special way.

"Chan Chan, I'm going out. You wait for me in the villa!" Yang raised the evil ghost like a bullet in his hand. Cui Hao said so.

"Brother Cui... You, be careful..." her voice trembled, and Huang Chan looked frightened.

Indeed, anyone who sees a terrible ghost will not be too calm.

Seeing this, Cui Hao urged the perspective eyes to see the golden light into her body. At the same time, he suddenly issued a six word truth, which had magical power and soon calmed Huang chanchan's mind.

"Sleep, sleep..."

After completely calming Huang chanchan's mind, Cui haorou opened her voice and the hypnotic power expanded. She soon walked rigidly to the bed, then lay on it and fell asleep.

After finishing all this, Cui Hao went out of the villa and felt the evil ghost in his hand. He flashed, Shua, and shot away like electricity.

There is a strange feeling on this evil ghost. Cui Hao runs a special secret method, which can vaguely sense its connection with a terrible smell, and there is the root.

Following the induction, Cui Hao kept moving forward and tracked him for more than 40 minutes. He was very fast. He had already left the prosperous imperial capital and came to a desolate strange place. This is a barren mountain area, which has not been developed at all, so it is desolate, with only some sporadic old buildings and few people.

"Huh? In that dense forest!..."

Tracking this point, Cui Hao sensed it and locked his eyes on a dense forest in front of him. With a flash of his body, he rushed into it.

Just entering it, Cui Hao held his breath. In the forest, there was a strong and incomparable rotten smell. This smell was the "spirit of Yin corpse" in the evil way!

The so-called "Yin corpse Qi" is actually the breath of people born after death. However, ordinary people's corpses do not emit such strong corpse Qi at all. Only those who were murdered or tortured to death before death have deep resentment before death. When they sink into the corpse, they will give birth to this Yin corpse Qi.

This kind of Yin corpse Qi is absorbed by people. Even if it is only absorbed by a trace, it will often be a big trouble. However, these are nothing to Cui Hao. Seeing through the golden light in his body, the influence of Yin corpse Qi will be completely eliminated.

The forest is very lush. It doesn't even have insects at night. It gives people a strange feeling.

When Cui Hao broke into the forest for a moment, his breath caused a strange "buzzing" sound in the forest. Soon, a large black and Brown "dark cloud" with yellow spots came over rapidly!

"Hmm? Is it a giant tiger bee?"

Looking for prestige, Cui Hao suddenly saw a large group of giant bees with fist size, ferocious and terrible, with tiger patterns on the surface, which attacked him fiercely.

This is a rare and terrible poisonous bee. It exists in a small amount in the Amazon tropical rain forest. It has great attack power. Moreover, it is extremely ferocious and fast. It is a terrible killing machine.

Suddenly seeing such a group of giant bees with tiger patterns coming, Cui Hao was shocked. Then he smiled coldly and shook his body.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

In an instant, the flesh and fascia of his whole body vibrated, and an invisible and sharp power diffused out. The vigorous Qi was urged by him and wrapped around his body.

Soon, these tiger pattern giant bees fiercely rushed over. However, when they touched Cui Hao three feet away, they immediately trembled and turned into a fluffy blood mist, which was directly crushed by vigorous Qi.

There were thousands of "tiger pattern giant bees" in this big cloud. Like dumplings, they kept turning into blood dance. The debris fell. In an instant, three or four hundred were crushed by Cui Hao's vigorous Qi.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Suddenly, a sharp scream came from the depths of the dense forest. When those giant tiger bees heard the cry, they immediately hummed like an amnesty, turned around and fled towards the depths of the dense forest.

In this regard, Cui Hao doesn't pursue and kill. His expression is a little dignified, because he clearly feels that there is an area in front of him, which contains terrible corpse Qi, evil Qi and intensity. It's amazing!

Cui Hao knows that the destination has arrived, and the ghost Taoist should be waiting for himself in that terrible place!

Although he felt the strong terror of the evil spirit in front of him, Cui Hao was not afraid. The so-called art expert was bold. He rushed straight ahead.

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