At the edge of Bermuda Triangle, huge monster Octopus floats on the sea. The smelly dark green blood turns a large area of the surrounding sea into ink. On the fishing boat, people are still deeply shocked and can't believe their eyes. Especially the black boy Jack, his eyes were wide and shouted, Oh God, I saw the angel, the powerful war angel in the Bible!

ChiYan's wings incite him. Cui Hao's speed is as fast as electricity. Since he has leaked his identity, he can't stay on the fishing boat. Fortunately, he has come near the Bermuda Triangle and decided to fly there. Like a huge bird, Cui Hao's speed is fast. About an hour later, he has caught a glimpse of the legendary Bermuda Triangle. It's too special. A series of terrible hurricanes are rotating, surrounding a huge area. In the center of the hurricane package, he can vaguely see a huge vortex that seems to devour heaven and earth, It was spinning fast, and the magnificent power of swallowing broke out, as if there was a terrible sea monster under the sea, swallowing clouds and fog and stirring the world.

Flying high in the sky, Cui Hao was deeply shocked when he looked down at the bottom!

It's spectacular!

Such a magnificent whirlpool can hardly be countered by human beings. People can't help praising the miracle of the creator. While overlooking the great vortex, Cui Hao had a movement in his heart and couldn't help thinking of a question: why is such a terrible vortex always rotating in the Bermuda Triangle? Is there a big secret? This may have involved the subsequent events of the invasion of 100 ethnic groups and then defeated by a powerful mysterious man. Cui Hao just guessed that this should be a powerful fixed natural barrier.

The so-called natural barrier refers to the special barrier formed by the birth of natural great power under special circumstances. In fact, the natural array is the most common natural barrier. While sighing, Cui Hao also urged the art of watching Qi to watch.

Do not see do not know, a look startled!

Cui Hao's heart twitched violently with the exertion of the skill of looking at Qi, and the whole person almost shouted out, because the scenes he saw were too terrible and creepy! It turned out that under the watching of the art of looking at Qi, Cui Hao was surprised to find that the whole huge vortex sent out a faint light. The light was extremely restrained. However, it gave people an inner edge. Once it broke out, it would be earth shaking! Cui Hao is too familiar with this kind of white light, because it is the light of life. All creatures will contain it, but ordinary creatures are very weak and vain. Where can they be compared with the white light of the vortex?

If he didn't see this white light, Cui Hao might just think that the vortex is a natural barrier. However, at the moment, he almost concluded that this is not a natural barrier at all, but the light of life emitted by a terrorist existence! This kind of thing must not be fake!

Such a terrible whirlpool, it is shocking to the powerless whirlpool. It was sent by a living creature. How big and strong is it? Did he cause this? At this moment, Cui Hao's heart was in a mess and suddenly had a very bad hunch!

Bermuda Triangle is very special. It is one of the few areas on earth that Skynet can't involve. Moreover, after the failure of the invasion of 100 ethnic groups, Bermuda Triangle was born. It is very old and contains unimaginable great secrets. Cui Hao was a little creepy. He vaguely felt that he might know a great secret, and how powerful the terrorist existence in Bermuda Triangle would be if he got rid of the imprisonment. Cui Hao couldn't imagine!

Because he accidentally spied on such a big secret, Cui Hao was in a daze for three minutes, which gradually eased his tone. Since the statue of terror exists, there has been no movement in recent years, and the vortex of destruction is always in a region, which shows that at least it must be greatly bound. Thinking of this situation, Cui Hao breathed deeply and left many miscellaneous thoughts behind. It's useless to think about this kind of thing. You have to eat one mouthful at a time. What you need to do most now is to be strong!

If you want to reach the desperate continent in Bermuda Triangle, you must successfully pass through the destruction of the vortex. Generally, the best way is to take a submarine. It is the safest. However, once you enter Bermuda Triangle, instrument radar and so on will all fail due to electromagnetic interference. Therefore, if you want to enter it, In addition to some secret channels, you can only choose to break through.

The four divine beasts naturally have no secret channels. As long as their flesh reaches the level of King Kong, they can resist the terrible destructive force. As for Cui Hao's flesh, he doesn't know how strong it is. In short, it is far beyond the King Kong, so he is not afraid.

If you want to leave the desperate continent and return to the earth, the method is much simpler and safer. You can reach any sea eye on the desperate continent. If you invest in it, you will be impacted by the recoil force and appear near the Bermuda Triangle. At the general level of strength, they can walk in the deep water with the water below their knees. As for the King Kong realm, they can step on the water like spiders, which is extremely light. Therefore, even if there are no ships, they can also step on the water, look for the surrounding fishing boats, and then leave through fishing boats.

Looking at the Bermuda Triangle for a moment, the Red Wing behind Cui Hao suddenly incited, swooped down as fast as electricity, and fell rapidly. When he was close to the terrible hurricane, he folded his wings and entered it directly with his own impact.

”Woo woo“

The hurricane roared like ghosts crying and wolves howling. The wind force definitely reached force 12 or even higher. Under the strong wind, hurricanes were as sharp as steel knives. Cui Hao's clothes were torn and full of holes. A moment later, he rushed through the hurricane area and successfully came to the sky of the vortex of despair.

”Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom“

The huge roar kept coming out, and the huge thrilling vortex was rotating rapidly with great power. At one moment, Cui Hao was acutely aware that his sense of heaven and earth had been weakened a lot. It seemed that there was some mysterious power shielded here. Moreover, he felt dizzy and couldn't find the southeast and Northwest.

"Whew! Whew! Whew!..."

Cui Hao just floated over the vortex of destruction for a moment, and suddenly several terrible beams of light came. These beams were gorgeous, but they had a smell of great destruction, as if they came out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Cui Hao was surprised. His body was extremely dexterous in the air. Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Shua Collapse, complete death! This aurora is very gorgeous and beautiful, but it is also quite terrible!

Cui Hao didn't expect to encounter three Aurora when he just arrived at the Bermuda Triangle. Fortunately, his reaction was sensitive enough. If he was an ordinary strongman in the realm of King Kong, he might have been hit and turned into slag. Because of the aurora, Cui Hao was more alert to the danger of the Bermuda Triangle, so he dived without hesitation, and at the same time, he fell down The body was shocked, and the transparent and invisible vigorous Qi was born immediately to protect his whole body.


In this way, Cui Hao rushed into the vortex of destruction in the Bermuda Triangle.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

As soon as he rushed into the vortex of destruction, Cui Hao's expression changed slightly, because the power of the vortex of destruction was really terrible. Even he could not resist it. Under that magnificent and boundless terrorist power, he could only drift with the waves. The only thing he could do was to have some self-protection ability in this turbulent and terrible vortex.

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