The nine freaks screamed and rushed to Cui Hao. Their claws were like webs. Their five fingers were not completely separated. There was a meat film connected together, but their nails were extremely sharp, dark and deep, glittering.

"Whew! Whew! Whew!..."

As if they had agreed, when the nine strange people approached Cui Hao three meters away, they suddenly opened their mouths together, and suddenly a long, blood red tongue was ejected, as fast as electricity. Moreover, there was a thick black needle at the tip of the tongue, which was very terrible!

In the face of such a siege, Cui Hao was very calm. He already saw that the nine monsters only relied on their fast speed and strange attack. In fact, their real strength was up to the level of dark strength.


When the strange tongue attack was approaching, Cui Hao lightly rotated a circle in place. His palm suddenly moved and turned into illusions, layers upon layers, as if flowers were blooming. The nine tongues were skillfully intertwined by him, intertwined with each other and tied a dead knot.

Nine bright red tongues, like nine palace knots, condensed into a big meat ball, which looks very strange.

"Quack quack..."

After being treated like this, all the nine strange people made strange noises. However, they were still ferocious. They continued to attack Cui Hao bravely, waving sharp claws and seemed to tear Cui Hao to pieces. However, because their tongues are entangled in that way, they are inconvenient to move and look a little awkward.


Seeing such a situation, Cui Hao pointed his toes gently, like a dragon flying into the sky. His toes suddenly pointed out in a series. They were very gentle, like mandarin ducks playing, crossing their necks, with strange radians, Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa, very fast. His toes were like thunder, and had already pointed out nine times.

This move is an ancient Chinese martial art. The mandarin duck has a series of feet. The heart is like a mandarin duck, the friendship is strong, and the feet are like a whirlwind and thunder. Cui Hao shows its essence incisively and vividly at the moment.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!..."

With Cui Hao's mandarin ducks flying on their feet, nine strange people screamed, their heads were all kicked out, and their bodies fell down one by one. The situation was very shocking.

He killed the nine monsters easily and casually. Cui Hao clapped his hands. Then he turned his hands to the door of truth and took out a dress to cover the woman who was torn. Then he untied the four women respectively.

At the moment, the four women were completely shocked. Seeing Cui Hao falling from the sky like a giant spirit, they felt as if they were dreaming!

The scene was miserable. Nine freaks and one little freak were all shot in the head by Cui Hao. After the four women were shocked for a moment, one woman took the lead in responding and buttoned her head vigorously to thank Cui Hao for saving her life.

He was extremely gentle. Cui Hao helped the four people up one by one and said kindly, "you guys, don't have to be like this! You are also Chinese. We are compatriots and should be rescued! Get up quickly. I just came to this desperate continent. I don't know a lot of things. I still need to ask you for advice."

Hearing what he said, one of the women in her 40s with Danfeng eyes said, "benefactor, just ask. My name is Liu Ximei. I am the first of the four people to come here. I know more news. As long as it is useful to you, I will tell you all!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded and said, "thank you, sister Ximei. I just came to despair mainland, so I want to know what area this is? And why are you... What are these strange people? Which ethnic group do you come from?"

Ximei was not surprised at Cui Hao's inquiry, so she quickly told it, and the remaining three women made some supplements from time to time. Soon, Cui Hao knew the detailed news.

It turned out that this is the Fusang forest area of the desperate mainland. This is the territory of the frog people. The nine strange people killed by Cui Hao before are frogmen. They have the ability very similar to frogs. Moreover, they are very vicious. They are an affiliated group of the bloody Eye Silver shark, one of the three overlords on the desperate mainland. The golden eyed frog man that Cui Hao just killed is the prince of the frog people, and they are carrying out an ancient sacrifice. Every time this sacrifice is carried out by a frog man of noble status, and stabbing a human woman is an indispensable part of their sacrifice. Moreover, the woman stabbed by life will be skinned, The means are absolutely cruel!

According to Ximei, the frog people keep more than 100 humans in captivity and treat them as livestock. They take blood from them every half a month, because human blood is a very popular drink among the frog people, which is similar to human wine. They have only heard about this evil sacrifice, which is held every three months. Unexpectedly, this time they were so unlucky that they were selected to be sacrificed.

Hearing Ximei's description, Cui Hao flew into a rage. It's really hateful. These frogmen must have suffered heavy losses when they invaded the earth. Therefore, they have a grudge against the earth people, which leads to this cruel revenge!

"Why are you here? Are you from a fishing boat?" Cui Hao asked curiously.

There are indeed many fishing boats around Bermuda, but most of them are black. Moreover, fishing boats rarely need women because they do heavy physical work.

Cui Hao didn't ask. Fortunately, when he asked, the four women were all in tears and described themselves. It turned out that the four of them came from different regions of China. Two of them met human traffickers and were kidnapped by them. The remaining two, one lived in the depths of the mountain. Overnight, the whole village was caught by a group of people in black. The remaining one left China by working abroad, but found himself cheated, They were finally gathered by a terrible organization, and then they came here through a strange big iron box.

"We have a lot of people, including Chinese, white and black. Every transmission is a thousand people. One or two hundred people will die on the way, and the rest will be taken to various regions to sell. I heard some old people in captivity say that human beings are very popular in this desperate continent. They are raised as animals, mostly drinking blood, and some will be humiliated and die. It's too tragic, we It's really terrible that human beings are here! "


Hearing the news, Cui Hao couldn't believe his ears. A mysterious and powerful organization, Cui Hao had contact with the aggressors in the Bermuda Triangle and sold his compatriots! Which big power is it? Needless to think, such a big force must have a big conspiracy. Even, when the 100 ethnic groups invade again, they may collude with the aggressors and attack the human race. Therefore, he feels it necessary to find out what big force it is!

Looking at Cui Hao in front of her, Ximei seemed to think of something. Suddenly she burst into tears and begged "Benefactor, you are so brave and invincible that you killed these frogmen so easily. Please, please, save my husband. He was arrested with me and sold to the frogmen. However, he is a man. He and many men are secretly arranged by the frogmen to go to a plate in the west to dig some Lingshi mine. Please be kind and save him!"

"What? Lingshi mine?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was surprised and almost jumped up.

He is now deeply aware of how precious the spirit stone is, and the minerals containing the spirit stone are too rare. He never thought that he heard such a shocking news when he first came to the desperate mainland.

Taking a deep breath, Cui Hao suppressed the shock in his heart and asked again, "are you sure it's Lingshi mine?"

Seeing Cui Hao so dignified, Xi Mei was stunned for a moment, and then said positively "I'm sure! Grandma Huang told me this news. She knows the language of frogmen and is the only human who doesn't need to be imprisoned. She is responsible for conveying the meaning of frogmen to us. However, she is not the running dog of frogmen. She is very kind-hearted. Many news she heard from frogmen told us. There is a land in the West where there is a Lingshi mine. Frogmen have been secretly mining !”

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