A spirit stone mine can't have only 17 spirit stones. Obviously, the previously mined ones have been sent back to the frog people. At present, Cui Hao took action and shuttled among them. One miner was directly hypnotized by him into the door of truth. As for those frogmen, most of them were hypnotized and passed out. Some of them had no time to hypnotize. Cui Hao shot directly and killed them on the spot.

Half an hour later, the whole Lingshi mine was quietly swept by Cui Hao. Through observation, he found that the mining of this Lingshi mine is coming to an end. It can be imagined that there are at least hundreds of Lingshi accumulated by the frog people. Cui Hao is naturally unwilling to accept that there are only 17 Lingshi. What's more, if he wants to implement his wonderful plan, the frog people's nest and his party are also inevitable steps.

At that moment, Cui Hao left Lingshi mine and rushed to the frog people's nest.

At the moment, in the frogman's nest, a golden frogman is shouting angrily because his only son was killed and his head was exploded. Nine frogman warriors who went to the sacrificial ceremony together also died, which makes him very angry!

Around the golden frogman, a large group of frogmen knelt down and trembled one by one. Because of their blood, their awe of the golden frogman is deep into the bone marrow. Although, the golden frogman is not particularly powerful. Even, it is not as powerful as the two most powerful guardians of the frogman family.

A strange note came out of his mouth. The golden frog man's eyes were permeated with green blood, which was very terrible, and his eyebrows suddenly opened a vertical eye. Among them, one eye light was emitted, and a golden light appeared. Soon it was divided into two and fell into his palm.

Sensing, the golden frog man's face changed in vain, very embarrassed, because he sensed the breath of killing his children through the golden light. Unexpectedly, he was near the nest!

"Quack quack..."

At this time, two frogmen with strong breath ran over. They were the two most powerful existence of the frog people. In the frog people's language, they said, "Lord leader, the human and livestock we held were rescued, and all of them were rescued, as if they had disappeared out of thin air!"

"Enemy! It's the enemy who killed my child. He's coming and wants to fight against my frog people! Doesn't he know that our frog people are the auxiliary group of the great blood Eye Silver shark? Barney and harus, you two take it now. It's the frog anger that my child passed to me before he died. Go and kill that damn enemy for me!"

At the same time, he threw the two golden lights into the hands of two giant frogmen.

"The warriors of the frog people, get up and follow us to kill the invaders!"

Soon, the frogmen crawling on the ground got up, with ferocious light in their eyes, and rushed out with two extra huge frogmen.

In the desperate mainland, not all ethnic groups are particularly powerful. There are also some weak ethnic groups that must rely on the wings of powerful ethnic groups in order to survive. Frog people are such an ethnic group. Although they are weak and small, they can produce a strange material in their bodies every few decades, which is extremely precious. It is for this reason that they have become an affiliate of the blood Eye Silver shark family.

The golden frog man feels right. It is indeed his enemy. At the moment, Cui Hao has successfully sneaked in and saved more than 100 humans in captivity here. At the moment, he is moving towards the core of the old nest.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!..."

The shrill cry came out, and many frogmen came after them, especially the two huge frogmen, who were powerful and comparable to the King Kong realm.

In the face of many frogmen's attacks, Cui Hao was very calm, because although these frogmen's attacks looked fierce, they could not pose any threat to him. They fought vertically and horizontally. Cui Hao killed ten minutes like a tiger into a flock of sheep. Finally, he killed all the frogmen. The two huge frogmen were not spared, and he killed them on the spot!

According to the plan, Cui Hao does not intend to kill the whole frogman clan, but the necessary bloody killing is still needed. After killing the frogmen, he hides his body and continues to sneak in.

With the help of Qi watching skill, Cui Hao can clearly see where a precious breath exists. This should be the leader of the frog people, so he went there.

In the room full of mechanisms, the leader of the frog man trembled. As a distinguished frog man, he could sense the breath and existence of other frogmen. The two most powerful frogmen in his own group and a group of warriors were all dead. This result was unacceptable to the leader of the frog man!

On the desperate continent, the frogman family with only two strong people in King Kong is really not strong. If it is not for the protection of the blood eyed silver shark family, it must be precarious. The golden frogman really wonders who has the courage to do such a hateful thing!


Finally, the frogman leader's room opened, and Cui Hao stepped in. Immediately, the vicious attacks in the room came. What strength is he now? He resisted these attacks one by one and kept approaching the golden frogman.


After entering the room, Cui Hao felt the strength of the golden frog man, about at the level of strength, not very high. Such a situation is naturally right in the heart, so he turned on hypnosis.

A moment later, the leader of the frogman was successfully hypnotized, so Cui Hao began to issue an order to ask for the spirit stone! Originally, Cui Hao was worried that the other party would not understand. Unexpectedly, he knew Chinese. He took out a box from a very hidden place, in which there were 130 spirit stones.

One hundred and thirty spirit stones!

Although he had been prepared, Cui Hao was excited to see so many Lingshi. The mining volume of the whole Lingshi mine was about one or two hundred.

So Cui Hao put away these spirit stones and continued to press questions. As he guessed, the existence of Lingshi mine was top secret. He didn't report to the blood eyed silver shark family that he wanted to eat alone.

At present, Cui Hao continued to baptize his mind by hypnosis, inculcate his thoughts, and constantly input a message into his mind. The Lingyu family discovered the Lingshi mine, and they secretly arranged people to mine it. As a result, the son of the golden frog found it, and then he was killed by the Lingyu family.

In addition, the Lingyu family also carried out a big siege on the frogman family, killing many frogmen. The other party also spoke wildly and ridiculed the blood eyed silver shark family, which means that the Lingyu family is brewing a big plan for the silver shark king. These Lingshi are very important. Waiting for the success of the plan, they want to kill the whole blood eyed silver shark family and replace it as the overlord group!

After going back and forth several times, the golden frog man was confused and filled with the message instilled by Cui Hao. Before he woke up, Cui Hao left quietly in advance. He wanted to arrive near the territory of the Lingyu family in advance, observe first, and wait for the angry Revenge of the blood eyed Silver shark family!

It is understood that the blood eyed silver sharks are very belligerent and arrogant. Cui Hao believes that under the temptation and provocation of Lingshi, the blood eyed silver sharks will go crazy.

After waking up, the memory of the golden frog was covered and replaced by the memory instilled by Cui Hao. He was almost crazy with anger. Without hesitation, he went to the blood eyed silver shark family to complain!

The blood eyed silver sharks are different from the frog people. They are extremely powerful and natural soldiers. After the golden frog reported the matter, they immediately fried the pot. Countless blood eyed silver sharks were furious, and even the silver shark king was completely angry! The Lingyu family is so arrogant. The precious Lingshi mine belongs to their own territory. Naturally, it should belong to the blood Eye Silver shark family. And the arrogant words, there is a big plan for the silver shark king. I really don't know what to do!

However, to be cautious, the silver shark King's powerful soul power broke out and conducted a magic soul search on the golden frog man. The final result is the same as what he said. It is certain that this is the truth.

"Destroy the spirit clan!..."

With the angry roar of the silver shark king, he personally led a group of strong men of the blood eyed silver shark family out.

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