This non black and white light ball is extraordinary and contains countless mysteries. Because it comes from the same vein as the great Yan Tianji in Cui Hao's body, it is directly integrated into Cui Hao's body.

At the moment, the black-and-white light ball is rotating and constantly infiltrating into Cui Hao's pure Yang soul, leaving a brand on it. Therefore, Cui Hao also clearly feels all kinds of them. In an instant, his whole person seemed to have experienced thousands of life cycles, flowers, birds, fish and insects, virtuous and foolish, loyal to all living beings, the operation of heaven and earth, the cycle of cause and effect, and everything changed in an orderly manner.

This feeling is wonderful. At this moment, Cui Hao's vision is infinitely open, his cognition is constantly improving, and a light of infinite wisdom burst out all over his body, as if the great wisdom of hundreds of millions of creatures had gathered on him.

At this moment, Cui Hao's heart moved, and his perception of the original mother fist suddenly improved, with a different direction. If his original mother fist was the most fundamental thing of Kungfu, it was presented in the most clumsy way. Then, at this moment, he understands another direction of the primitive mother, penetrates thousands of wisdom, condenses the great wisdom contained in many national skills and Kung Fu, and then presents it!

Clumsiness and wisdom, simplicity and tediousness, which are like great Yin and Yang, complement each other and depend on each other. Cui Hao also had a clear understanding in his heart. This is that his benzene fist has been condensed. Next, he will condense his Hui fist and combine them in pairs. The original mother fist will surely have a great breakthrough. Maybe after the integration, the so-called magic power will be born!

Cui Hao was very pleased with such an unexpected harvest. If it hadn't been for a moment, it seemed that he had experienced thousands of years of rotation and accumulated countless feelings, Cui Hao couldn't have realized it directly. At this moment, a little wisdom was born in his heart. The whole person was like a wise pearl, and grasped the most key thing to condense Huiquan in the next step.

Understanding is one thing. If you want to condense completely, even if you have the experience of condensing benzene boxing, you can't complete it in three or five days.

At the moment, the non black and white light ball is still imprinted. Countless mysteries, feelings, strange doors, evasion, and the essence of the five elements and eight trigrams naturally emerge in Cui Hao's mind. His great Yan Tianji immediately rose and made a breakthrough.

So and so, cycle

Cui Hao was infatuated and wandered in the infinite mystery of this strange door, and the time passed minute by minute.

One hour, two hours

After ten hours, Cui Hao opened his eyes in vain. His eyes shone a kind of wisdom, penetrating everything, very gentle light, and a smile appeared on his face.

As if he had been enlightened, the non black and white light ball completely penetrated and integrated into Cui Hao's pure Yang soul, which made Cui Hao's perception of Qimen dunjia and five elements eight trigrams continuously improve. Even he had such a feeling that his master Tianji Taoist was no better than himself! Moreover, Cui Hao also understood the magic of snapping fingers, and practiced this secret method to a very advanced level.

It is a secret method to calculate the mystery of heaven and earth and the origin of all things. As the name suggests, peep into the secret. Of course, this kind of finger flicking is not as simple as flicking a finger, but in a special way, it bounces different frequencies and rhythms, so as to form a relationship with those who need divination, so as to get some things they need.

In China, such a scene often appears in the streets and alleys. Some fortune tellers pinch their fingers and break people's life, death and wealth. In fact, this is completely deceptive. The magic of snapping fingers is unpredictable. Even if Cui Hao got this great opportunity, he can only pinch his fingers to calculate the simple direction and general information of the person he wants to know. If you want to really have a magic trick, you can know your past and present lives by pinching your fingers. All kinds of things need to be immersed in the magic of snapping your fingers for at least a hundred years.

At the moment, Cui Hao smiled and couldn't help but sigh, "it's timely rain, and heaven helps me!..."

Originally, Cui Hao was at a loss. He didn't know whether the eldest lady was alive or dead. He was worried. Now, he came across the corpse by chance and received a continuous teaching from him. By this, he finally practiced the magic of snapping the finger of heaven. Moreover, he reached a relatively high level and was able to roughly calculate the orientation of the eldest lady.

Without delay, Cui Hao looked solemn and began to pinch his fingers and perform the art of snapping the secret of heaven. At the same time, Cui Hao imagined the appearance of the eldest lady in his heart

In fact, to put it bluntly, snapping fingers is also a kind of causal connection. It just finds another way to integrate with the nature of heaven and earth and communicate with each other through special finger tremor and soul perception, so as to obtain some required information.

Time passed slowly. Ten minutes later, Cui Hao stopped and showed an excited look. Because he successfully calculated that the eldest lady was still alive, and it was far away from him, in the southeast!

It's not too late. After calculating the general direction, Cui Hao immediately took action and went southeast to rescue the eldest lady!

The desperate continent is full of countless dangers and opportunities, and it is recognized as the most dangerous by the remaining members of 100 ethnic groups here. However, there are three most mysterious areas, one of which is the funeral!

The loss of land, the loss of land, once set foot, is the road of self suicide. This is the common understanding of countless residual ethnic groups of 100 ethnic groups. Once, more than one half powerful man broke into it. As a result, they all died here and never left. Therefore, it is marked as extremely mysterious and dangerous.

The funeral ground is very big. It is all a blood red cracked earth. Moreover, it seems to contain some terrible array, in which mysterious power is contained. In addition, there is often a faint sound, such as a mourning song, which makes people tremble and can't extricate themselves,

Because of the strangeness of the lost land, even if it is the territory of the Daolang family, they are far away from this area and ignore it. According to the Daolang family, this is a cursed evil land!

No one knows that there is a huge and incomparable alloy building at the bottom of its core. The green and quiet alloy gives people an indestructible feeling. It covers an area of at least 1000 mu. Such a huge project can not be completed in a year or two. It needs careful management for more than ten years or even decades, To succeed.

In front of this huge cyan alloy building is an alloy landing door, tightly closed, with a special password box. Moreover, it is the most advanced fingerprint and iris unlocking device on the earth today. It's not surprising if this thing appears in China, the United States and so on. It's the base of a big power. However, it's a desperate continent and a land of great fame!

Inside the alloy building, there is a long corridor on which there is a suspended isolation door every ten meters. Moreover, it is the most high-end super glass door. In this way, in case of emergency, these isolation doors can fall quickly and isolate the target.

There are many similar protective devices, and the core area of the building is an independent place like a sea of purple roses.

This is a small Gothic manor. Outside the ancient railings, all purple roses are in full bloom. These roses are watered with a strange potion. They bloom for a long time, emit a strong aroma, and do not wither.

The interior of the manor is very elegant. Everything is exquisite, giving people the illusion that they have entered the palace of art. Even an ordinary seat has unique ingenuity and chic.

In the northwest corner of the manor, there is a crystal glass room. Here is a sea of flowers. A small silver stove is full of flames. It burns a purple clay pot on it. It emits white steam. I don't know what has been cooked inside. The whole crystal glass room is filled with a refreshing smell.

Next to the small stove, there were three people sitting. One was a cold old man with a solemn smile and sarcomas on his face. He gave people a disgusting feeling. His breath was the most terrible. His movements surged and could sweep everything.

In addition to the cold old man, there are also a pair of young men and women who are somewhat similar in appearance. The young man has a handsome face and exudes a noble atmosphere. However, his eyes are very arrogant and Yin Wu, giving people a deep feeling of artificial scheming and the city government!

If Cui Hao is here at the moment, he must be recognized at a glance. This person is his old friend, old opponent, the fifth son of shenting, Yang Tiangang!

In addition to Yang Tiangang, there is a woman sitting opposite him. She looks beautiful and has a cold breath, giving people a feeling of ice beauty. However, the woman's bones contain a temperament of contempt for all things, which is not arrogance, but a noble soul. If it was in ancient China, his temperament could be called "valuable character".

You know, these four words can't be borne by ordinary people. They are generally used in the imperial edicts. So and so crown prince, whose character is valuable, will be able to deeply bow to me, inherit Datong and so on.

At the fingertips of the woman, she wore a ring that looked like a real magic, as if it was composed of a flame. It was very sacred and solemn, with the charm of hymn.

The purple clay pot was completely boiled. The woman stretched out her hand and poured a cup in the Jasper glass. The water was green and fragrant, which was very disturbing.

Pointing to the tea, the woman said softly to Yang Tiangang, "brother, it's rare for you to come to my sister's biochemical test camp. Moreover, Mr. Da also came with me. My sister had to take out the most precious Huanxi sand to entertain you. This Huanxi sand is immortal tea. It's rare to be regarded as the three holy places. It's very nourishing to the body."

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