When Qingyun entered the hall, the ancestors of Kunlun Holy Land sat on it with Cui Hao. This scene was amazing. Anyone can see that he must have green eyes for Cui Hao.

The whole Kunlun temple is very large, with many experts. It is roughly divided into several areas, such as the guest area where Huangfu Shanshan sits, the guest area, the elder area, the disciple area and so on. Cui Hao simply glanced at the scene and found many acquaintances, such as Qian Duoduo, ye Lingfeng, etc. in Keqing area, the one sitting in the first place was the sloppy old Taoist and Tianji Taoist.

Everyone respectfully saluted Fu Shan, and the two children of the crane family fell to the ground and gritted their teeth to accuse Cui Hao, asking Fu Shan to come forward and return justice to the crane family!

The words they said were so precise that many people present believed them. However, it is not surprising that this lost Lin Yiguan and sneak attacks and fights also happen from time to time.

About Cui Hao's identity, people also know that he is the core child of the four beasts and the protector of the four beasts. That's famous! Moreover, with the strong rise of the eldest lady and the promotion of his master Tianji Taoist priest, banbu Shentong, she sits in the first place of Keqing. Although the crane family also has an ancestor of banbu Shentong who has been hidden for many years and doesn't know whether he is strong or weak. According to this situation, most of the matter will be settled. The crane family is arrogant at most, but they dare not really kill Cui Hao!

Moreover, at the Japanese martial arts conference, Cui Hao has shown his extraordinary strength and sharp fangs. Even the ancient martial family is very afraid of him!

In this regard, Fu Shan said calmly, "you two keep saying that Cui Hao sneaked in and killed the crane Ziming of the crane family, but what you saw with your own eyes? About how long after entering the lost forest? About the misunderstanding between him and the crane Ziming, I have also heard some reports, and I will deal with it impartially."

Hearing this, they almost said in the same voice, "naturally, they saw it with their own eyes. There is no doubt that Cui Hao! He suddenly appeared about an hour after entering the lost forest, and then killed my crane family!"

Still indifferent, Fu Shan said, "an hour? However, forty minutes after he entered the lost forest, he already came to the end with a little girl. Many people should have seen this scene. Then, I sent Ling Feng to bring him to see me and talk about it in detail for a while. Therefore, you two are lying! Or you are wrong!"


Hearing this, the two children of the crane family are a little confused. What's the situation? If someone else said these words, perhaps they would continue to argue, but how noble Fu Shan's identity was, they were at a loss for a time.

His ancestors had already spoken. Suddenly, Huangfu Shanshan, ye Lingfeng, and the elders and disciples who were responsible for receiving outside the lost forest suddenly came out of a group of people and spoke one after another to confirm that what the ancestors said was true. Such a scene annoyed some of the strong men of the crane family. However, Fu Shan spoke. Who can say anything?

Although he was not afraid of the crane family, Cui Hao would not buckle the excrement basin on his head. He stood up immediately and said loudly that he had never seen the crane Ziming after he entered the lost forest, let alone sneak attack and killed him!

Fu Shan's words, the two children of the crane family did not dare to refute, but as soon as Cui Hao opened his mouth, the two were angry again, both in voice and color, and vowed to see with their own eyes that it was Cui Hao's poisonous hand! Both sides insisted on their own words. For a time, the hall was very noisy and full of gunpowder.

Shaking the old folding fan, Qian Duoduo pretended to walk out and said with a smile, "it's ridiculous. Before entering the lost forest, I told Kunlun holy land that it was dangerous, but he Ziming had to enter. Let alone brother Cui Hao didn't attack him at all. Even if he was, he was too waste. If he was as strong as me, he would not be afraid!"

"A lot of money, you... You deceive people too much!..." the two children of the crane family were red in eyes and angry.

Everyone knows that Qian Duoduo, in addition to being hard enough in the background, his own strength is just an ordinary level of dark strength. As a waste, he dares to show off such self expansion. It's really embarrassing. But he is the legitimate grandson of Fu Shan. Who can't give him some thin noodles?

In the hall, there were constant quarrels. They were like watching a farce. They couldn't tell whether he Ziming was killed by Cui Hao. At the moment, Cui Hao frowned slightly and thought, "I didn't sneak attack and kill the crane Ziming. His death was obviously deliberately framed by someone! However, these two people spoke clearly and claimed to have seen me. Is that invisible enemy good at face changing? I'll see if anyone is not his real face on the spot..."

Thinking so, Cui Hao unconsciously urged his perspective eyes and looked around.

"Hmm? This is......" when Cui Hao's eyes flashed over an ugly old man, he was shocked!

It turned out that with the opening of the perspective eye, the old man's appearance suddenly changed. He turned into a colorful liquid, which changed and gave people a feeling of change! This is obviously not human, but a very strange life that seems suitable for hiding and changing! Most likely, it is a remnant of a hundred families, and it is also the existence of planting and framing yourself!

With this discovery, Cui Hao continued to scan others and found two people wearing human skin masks. However, this ugly old man is the most suspicious! The present form is not suitable for public disclosure. After thinking about it, Cui Hao decided to find a perfect time to tell Fu Shan. Then, he suddenly took the opportunity to capture this life and ask questions. There should be some harvest!

When Cui Hao thought secretly, there was a slight commotion in the hall. It turned out that a tall man came in with great strides. He was a famous figure in the Kunlun holy land. He was the top of the King Kong list, and the crane was unparalleled! Seeing his arrival, many strong people who knew crane unparalleled came up with a very consistent idea. Cui Hao and crane unparalleled are going to have a big war!

It is worthy to be the top of the King Kong list. The crane has unparalleled momentum and terror, and its face is extremely dignified. The typical national character face is as cold as ice, the sword eyebrows are as ink, and the eyes are as bright as Zhan. When you raise your hands and feet, it gives people an atmosphere like a great beast. Just stepping into the hall, you instantly lock Cui Hao with your eyes, sneer and be like a tide of war!

"Hmm? This man... Has some strength. He targeted me like this when he entered the hall. He should be the crane unparalleled." looking at the flaming and terrible crane unparalleled, Cui Hao looked indifferent.

Although this person is extraordinary and seems to hide a terrible power in his body, he can compete with ordinary half step magic at most. Therefore, Cui Hao is only a little surprised, but he is not flustered and uneasy.

He stared at Cui Hao coldly for five seconds. He Wushuang snorted coldly, and his sword eyebrows suddenly picked up, as if two sharp divine swords were going to kill him. Then, he restrained his hostility to Cui Hao, respectfully saluted Fu Shan and the head teacher, and said in a deep voice, "disciple he Wushuang, visit our ancestors, head teacher, and have seen you......"

Crane peerless seems polite, but in fact, he is extremely arrogant. Taoist Tianji, as well as several real antiques and respected people, he doesn't look at them. He just said coldly that he had seen you and took it with him.

It's no surprise that he is familiar with his unparalleled character. He is extremely overbearing and has no spare son.

With a faint smile, Fu Shan said, "unparalleled, you're here. Take a seat. The flat peach banquet will begin soon!"

In this regard, he Wushuang shook his head, stared at Cui Hao, and said fiercely, "my ancestor, this man killed my third brother with a mean sneak attack. As a brother, he Wushuang has to avenge his brother. Please allow me to fight with him on behalf of the crane family and kill the enemy!"


He Wushuang's words immediately caused an uproar. Although they thought that he might target Cui Hao, they never thought that he would fight Cui Hao in public!

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