A moment later, Cui Hao lifted the order and hit the divine stone. This time, he was clever and didn't nag endlessly. However, this guy is really not a kind person. He began to confuse Cui Hao and asked him to take advantage of this rare opportunity to make a good profit, steal some weapons and sell them. He should be able to buy a lot of precious stones.

Cui Hao has a little breakdown. He's looking for a best younger brother! However, it's too late for him to regret now. His biggest worry is whether the two good babies will be damaged by this guy when he rescues Xiao Qi and Xiao Guang wakes up!

"Boss, we are finally together. In order to celebrate this sacred and solemn moment, I suggest you must buy more precious stones, spiritual stones or rare treasures. Your little brother, I just woke up. I'm very hungry and need to supplement nutrition!"

Although he didn't dare to nag, he still didn't change his greedy nature, which made Cui Hao speechless. It seems that he has a long way to go to turn it into a good comrade!

In this way, Cui Hao left the core area and walked out of Wanqi valley.

At the mouth of the valley, Taoist Tianji rubbed his hands and said excitedly, "come out, my good disciple, at last!"

"Noble, you are really my noble!" elder Dong was moved to tears with his eyes shining.

He knows what Cui Hao has got. Just now, his temporary soul agreement with the God stone was broken, which makes Mr. Dong feel reborn. After the ecstasy, he sympathized with Cui Hao again. That damned God stone uncle, elder Dong vowed that he didn't want to see him again in his life!

In full view of the public, Cui Hao came out. Many elders and disciples were surprised. What's the situation? Why didn't they come out with weapons? In a hurry, Taoist Tianji hurriedly asked, "what's the matter, good disciple? Why didn't you bring weapons out? Is there any change?"

When asked in this way, Taoist Tianji also blinked. Its meaning is self-evident.

In this regard, Cui Hao nodded slightly at him. Then he said, "no changes, very successful. I have got a weapon. Here, that's it!"

As he spoke, Cui Hao took out the golden Pendant Made of the God stone and motioned to the people.

Seeing Cui Hao nodding slightly, Taoist Tianji was relieved. He looked at the golden pendant carefully. The more he looked, the more palpitating he became. The smile on his face bloomed like a chrysanthemum!

Similarly, elder Dong was smiling. He nodded happily and said, "yes, Cui Hao, you have great vision. This is the most important treasure weapon in the core area! You have made a lot of money!"

With this saying, elder Dong's heart was ecstatic. Finally, he succeeded in getting rid of that terrible nightmare!

Now that the goal was completed, Taoist Tianji took Cui Hao and left in a hurry. When Cui Hao's figure completely disappeared, Dong Changlao took a long breath and suddenly looked up at the sky and smiled happily!

Half an hour later, Cui Hao came to a very quiet and spacious courtyard, which is the guest residence of Taoist Tianji.

Inside the room, Taoist Tianji said excitedly "Good disciple, let me have a look at the precious weapon around your neck! Hei hei..... I just felt its extraordinary breath. It's inconvenient for me to show that Dong Laoxie is there so that he won't see the clue. Take it down quickly. I feel that this is at least a magic weapon, even more ancient and powerful. It may have something to do with the legendary ancient power of China!"

"Er... Master, this... It's not..." Cui Hao hesitated and didn't know what to say.

As soon as his eyes stared, Taoist Tianji said displeased, "disciple, as a teacher, I just have a look. Can I still shoot you? It's just a little golden ball."

"You are the golden ball! Your whole family is the golden ball!..."

Suddenly, a loud cry came out, which startled Taoist Tianji. Then, the golden ball hanging around Cui Hao's neck suddenly squirmed. It automatically fell off the rope and fell on the table. It turned into an egg sized golden ball with a nose and eyes, and a dark mouth A creepy smell.

"Ah! This! This..."

Seeing such a situation, Taoist Rao Shiji was shocked, and then he reacted.

At this time, playing God stone put on a proud posture and said proudly, "what's so surprised? Did your style of playing God stone scare you?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao hates his teeth itching. This guy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

So he knocked on the God stone with his hand and warned unhappily, "little stone, look for a hit! This is my master, you respect the point!"

"Well, boss, since you have spoken, I naturally didn't say it. Old man, I'm playing God stone." there was some bitterness in my tone, and the God stone responded in this way.

"This is the one in Dong Laoxie's mouth..." asked Taoist Tianji with an incredible look on his face.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded and said, "yes! Master, this is the best baby in elder Dong's mouth..."

Taoist Tianji was a little silly. In vain, he thought of the hanging he had calculated for elder Dong. He had to meet a noble man. The weather turned out to be good, and some people couldn't cry or laugh.

Finally, Taoist Tianji looked at the God stone and looked at it for a long time. Then he nodded, "well, some bastards are bastards, but they seem to have good potential. Disciple, this guy may become your right-hand man in the future!"

"Hey! Old man, pay attention to your words. What's a bastard? Don't think you're my boss's master, so I don't dare to scold you! Respect me in the future, or I'll fight God stone and sweep invincible!..." he jumped and hit God stone very excited.

"Are you finished? Change back quickly. It's bad to be seen like this!" Cui Hao knocked on the divine stone.

Cui Hao has taught him twice. He knows how to judge the time and size up the situation, and throws a cold and arrogant look at Taoist Tianji. Then, with a snort, he suddenly shrinks, turns into a golden ball and hangs it on the rope around Cui Hao's neck.

After watching Cui Hao's best weapons, Taoist Tianji personally took him to Tianxing cliff, which is the residence of the disciples. Rows of small courtyards are built according to different levels. Because Cui Hao is a disciple of his ancestors, he is the most noble. He directly stayed in one of the most luxurious small courtyards. The four seasons in the courtyard are like spring. Moreover, the richness of aura here is far beyond many outside.

It turns out that the residence of disciples in Kunlun holy land, including the residence of elders, is equipped with small spirit gathering array. The higher the level, the spirit gathering array is naturally the best. Relatively speaking, the gathered aura is rich.

Cui Hao is naturally satisfied with such a residence.

As the sun sank and night fell, Cui Hao simply had a dinner, and a lot of money came. He also brought a handsome man with a firm face. His breath was grand and contained the immortal taste of King Kong.

"Ha ha..... Elder brother, I've come to see you! This is my best friend Ye Feng in the holy land. He's also my elder brother. Half of your senior brothers have been instructed by the old ancestor for several years! Don't underestimate him. He is the seventh fierce man in the King Kong list. Today, the old ancestor asked him to go down the mountain for training in a short time. I want to think about it, or I'll bring him to see you." his fat face trembled, Qian Duoduo said.

"Oh? Elder martial brother ye, how do you want to experience it? I can arrange for you to join the four divine beasts temporarily to fight with the four powerful enemies and sharpen your life and death. Of course, you can also arrange to join my fraternity group, such as working in the fraternity gold bodyguard company temporarily." after pondering for a while, Cui Hao asked.

At first glance, Ye Feng is a real genius. He is definitely no more than 60 years old. He is already a strong man in the realm of King Kong. Cui Hao will not underestimate the charming son of Kunlun holy land.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng said with a smile, "younger martial brother Cui, I want to join the four divine beasts. Of course, the practice of heart in the world of mortals is also a kind of experience. Therefore, if I can have both, I can work in your company and take a task occasionally, which is naturally the best."

"Well, elder martial brother ye, it's up to me. I'll arrange it for you later!" nodded Cui Hao with a smile.

"Ha ha... Thank you, younger martial brother Cui." ha ha, Ye Feng was very happy.

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