Finally, Cui Hao, with a stuffy face, entered a VIP lounge and collected all the big pockets he was carrying into the door of truth.

Rolling around on the ground, he hit the God stone and shouted, "boss, what are you doing in it? Take it out for my little brother to taste! There's just no one here. I can eat enough! Red flame Golden Crystal King Stone, empty dark stone, blue water blood scale stone, black Yaoshi, alas, these are delicious things!"

After rubbing his temples, Cui Hao said with a headache, "little stone, I've bought so many things for you. Are you satisfied? Now, go to the gate of truth and enjoy it. I'll let you out when I'm quiet. You keep shouting in my ear. Your boss is nervous!"

Hearing the speech, the God stone showed a cunning look and swayed like a rattle, "no! No! I don't want to miss the wonderful auction! We've cleaned up almost all these ground stalls, but there should be many better stones on the auction! Can't miss!"

With a sigh, Cui Hao was angry. "You've gone too far to beat God stone! I'm your boss. I don't work, do you want me to be rude? Go and enjoy the delicious food. In this way, I'll get you out of the most important auction in three days. Is that all right?"


Seeing that Cui Hao was angry, he smiled at God stone this time, and promised very simply. Cui Hao was included in the door of truth to enjoy delicious food.

After a rough calculation, Cui Hao was very distressed because he spent more than 90 billion and six spirit stones in these two hours!

"It's really a bottomless pit to hit the divine stone! I hope to enter the immortal world in the future. His father's gift can comfort me..." he sighed. Then Cui Hao went out of the VIP lounge and showed his skill of looking out.

Generally speaking, precious things contain pearly treasure. The more precious they are, the more rich the treasure is. Only a few treasures can contain their own treasure, and most of them will naturally emit special treasure. This precious Qi can't be captured by the naked eye. However, the magical art of looking at Qi can just be seen. In Cui Hao's current state of strength, the art of looking for Qi can only roughly determine the direction of treasure Qi, just like gambling stone. What really plays a decisive role is to see through the golden light.

At present, Cui Hao stood in the free trading market and urged the art of looking at Qi. Suddenly, he was surprised to see several rich treasure Qi rising around several areas. In the area close to him, the treasure gas is not too strong, but there are a lot of them. Moreover, these treasure gas colors are not the same. It seems that many things that are not too strong gather together to form.

"Hmm? What's going on?"

He was very curious, so Cui Hao walked towards this area.

It has been roughly locked in a street. This is the street of rare treasures. The things in the shops are strange. Although Cui Hao is also knowledgeable, many things can't be seen by people.

Walking leisurely, Cui Hao shuttles freely among the flow of people, and his perspective eyes have long been opened, scanning the items in stores to find the root of the strange phenomenon.

After walking through six stores in a row, Cui Hao didn't find any precious good things. When he walked to the seventh store, the perspective golden light scanned. Suddenly, Cui Hao's expression changed slightly! His perspective golden light is now shooting on a bronze pier. The inner core is actually hollow and densely packed with various seeds, some as the size of corn grains, some as the size of red dates, all of which are strange. However, it gives people a very precious and extraordinary feeling!

Cui Hao roughly estimated that there were fifty or sixty seeds.

It emits all kinds of precious lights, and obviously contains a strong aura. It is so vaguely sealed in a bronze pier, which makes Cui Hao jump out of his mind a word, Elixir seed!

The precious elixir is naturally not made out of nothing. It needs seed breeding. Cui Hao has a hunch that his guess is correct nine times out of ten!

There are fifty or sixty elixir seeds. What a fortune is this? Although it is troublesome to cultivate and breed, it needs many good things, but a miraculous medicine is very precious, not to mention so many.

At present, Cui Hao looked at its price of $3 billion, noting that it was obtained from a mysterious cave. This bronze pier is like an ancient stool. If Cui Hao didn't see the clue, most people wouldn't pay attention.

Big money!

Cui Hao was ecstatic. He pretended to be calm and looked at the owner of the shop. He was an old man with a bad nose. He drank wine one mouthful at a time. His posture was very wild.

"This bronze pier is good and ancient. It can be used as a decoration. I want it!" Cui Hao smiled, pointing to the bronze pier.

Hearing that Cui Hao wanted to buy his own things, the old man stopped drinking, glanced at Cui Hao and said with a smile, "the disciples of the Holy Land ancestor actually took a fancy to my old son's things. It's good to say, this broken bronze pier is useless. It's for you!"

"It's OK, elder. I can't let you suffer when I open the door to do business!" waved his hand and Cui Hao smiled.

It seems that I am a disciple of the holy land, but I still have some use.

At Cui Hao's insistent request, finally, swipe the card and get $3 billion into the old man's account, and Cui Hao obtained the bronze pier.

After finding the treasure, Cui Hao was very excited, so he continued to stroll under the guidance of the art of looking at Qi.

Shuttling through the flow of people, when Cui Hao walked near a shop, suddenly, the Wanjie Tianzhu in his body suddenly shook up, quite fierce. At the same time, he sent out a wave of desire to Cui Hao.

"Hmm? Is there a treasure in this shop?" Cui Hao hurriedly walked to the shop with a move in his heart.

There are many things in this shop. They are all strange things. The owner of the shop is an old woman, kind-hearted and powerful. She is a strong man in the realm of King Kong.

Urging the perspective golden light, Cui Hao slowly scanned these strange objects. When the perspective golden light scanned a thick broken book, the perspective golden light was suddenly absorbed by it. At the same time, Wanjie Tianzhu sent out excited waves and urged Cui Hao to get it quickly.

"This is..."

Looking carefully at a broken book, it is very old. On the cover, there is a dragon and snake rolling bird shaped text, the ground! I don't know what made a big hole in the middle of it, which directly runs through the whole body of the book without any aura fluctuation.

Bird shaped characters are more ancient than oracle bone inscriptions. It is rumored that they were created by powerful immortals in the barbaric period. I don't know whether this rumor is true or false. However, bird shaped characters are absolutely ancient and mysterious.

The note below this broken book is: Although ancient books are broken, the handwriting on the cover has been carefully read for a long time, which can lead people to think deeply. They can't be opened. They are extraordinary and worth 10 billion!

Ten billion, this is not a small number, but since it can cause the vibration of ten thousand heavenly beads, it is definitely not an ordinary thing! Moreover, things written in bird shaped characters are also necessary to watch! It's just that you can't open it. What does that mean? Is the whole book a whole?

Curious, Cui Hao asked, "senior, can you take out this book and let me watch it? I want to buy it."

Hearing the speech, the old woman looked at Cui Hao and seemed to recognize him. She said, "buy it or not, please leave! Little guy, you are so rich and only 10 billion small money. Should you be so cautious?"

"Well... All right!"

Without too much hesitation, Cui Hao finally bought it.

The broken book was extremely heavy. Cui Hao pinched it with his hand. It was as tough as steel. Such books are rare. I don't know what happened. It was broken through in the middle.

Just then, there was a row of VIP lounge nearby, and Cui Hao walked into it.

Turning his hand, Cui Hao collected the bronze pier into the door of truth, and then urged the perspective golden light to inject into the broken book again. Suddenly, he felt that the whole book seemed to move and silent, but Wanjie Tianzhu was more and more excited, and even independently shot out one after another perspective golden light and integrated into it

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