Starting with the nine immortal gold weapons, Cui Hao was satisfied, and the auction was followed by a piece of jade cicada like jade, which looked yellow and insignificant. However, anyone who saw it at first sight would be shocked and give birth to a kind of great terror!

Jade cicada and jade grip are objects used for burial. According to different forms, they have different names. What they hold in their hands is jade grip. What they cover their eyes with two pieces of jade is called Yu Ming's eyes, and what they contain in their mouth is called Yu Han. The reason why they are carved into the shape of cicada is that they wrap around their shells and bring back the dead.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this piece of Yuhan is very extraordinary. After being identified by the Taoist master, there is a peerless fierce ghost, which is extremely terrible! This kind of thing is the best needed for refining evil magic. The starting price is 140 spirit stones. For some friends, it is definitely worth the money!" Lu Yan introduced pointing to Yuhan.

Some of the friends he mentioned are naturally people who major in evil ways like ghost Taoist people. Nowadays, the division of positive and evil is not clear. Although there are still many so-called strong people in the right way in addition to evil, the attitude of the three holy places is ambiguous. The reason for this is that they don't want internal friction.

Today, the earth's internal and external troubles are not the time for internal struggle. Moreover, when facing foreign enemies, whether good or evil, or standing on the United Front, after all, this is the common home of all.

After hearing Lu Yan's introduction, there are strong people in some VIP rooms who are very excited. Although the right path is strong and can practice evil methods, there are still many people who take the wrong edge of the sword. This fierce thing is a rare good thing for them!

In the VIP room, Cui Hao's heart moved, so he urged his perspective eyes. Suddenly, the perspective golden light was emitted from a distance and penetrated into Yuhan. Suddenly, he "saw" a tall and incomparable vicious dog, bared its teeth and cracked its mouth. Its face was really ferocious and ferocious. Blood flowed continuously in its big mouth, especially the pair of monstrous and terrible pupils, emitting a green and faint light, which was very penetrating!

"Is it a bad dog?"

After discovering that Yuhan is a terrible ghost dog, Cui Hao takes back his eyes. Once this kind of thing is subdued, it will have great power. Moreover, Cui Hao has six words of Buddhism, Zhengui Fu and so on, but he has no idea of buying it. He still resists this kind of evil law and evil way in his heart.

Soon, the auction began. After a fierce competition, Yuhan auctioned at the price of 200 spirit stones.

Yuhan was taken away for trading, and Lu Yan's expression was dignified in vain on the auction platform, and said excitedly "Ladies and gentlemen, the auction ahead was very successful, but there are still many friends who haven't said anything. I know that you must be determined to win the final finale baby? I Kunlun holy land has released the wind in advance. Friends who really need it should also raise enough spirit stones. Stop talking nonsense. The last three auction items will start the auction!"


As soon as Lu Yan said this, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became fierce. In many VIP rooms, the strong people who have been waiting for are all shortness of breath and full of desire!

Then, four disciples carried a relatively large object onto the auction stand, put it on the bronze booth, and then left.

With theout immediately uncovering red silk cloth on it, Lu Yan pointed to him and said loudly "Everyone, you must have heard of it. This time, one of the final treasures of our auction is a rare top-grade spirit beast, containing a trace of divine animal blood. It is expected to impact the nine lion cubs of the next-class divine beast in maturity. This cub is too precious. Once it succeeds in recognizing the Lord, it will not betray in its life. Moreover, the cub period is the easiest period for it to recognize the Lord ! once it grows up and becomes a inferior divine beast, it is a guardian divine beast at the divine power level! Even if it fails to impact the inferior divine beast, its strength is terrible. I'm afraid it is far beyond the peak of half a step of the divine power, and it may barely reach the strength of the human divine power level! Now, you must be looking forward to it very much, you, eyes! "

When auctioneers auction, they always talk about its advantages, but deliberately ignore its disadvantages. Lu Yan praises its advantages like a flower, but he doesn't talk about it. It's still a cub now. It will take two or three hundred years to reach maturity. Even if it's feeding miraculous medicine to accelerate its growth, it will take at least a hundred years.


When Lu Yan opened his mouth like this, he suddenly pulled the red silk cloth away. Suddenly, a solid cage made of alloy was exposed on the booth. Among them, there were nine lions the size of a dog cub. They were golden all over. The lion's hair was blooming like brilliance. Although it was still very small, it had the majesty of the king and looked up at the four directions.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!..."

The nine heads of the nine lions shook and suddenly roared together. The sound wave was extremely powerful, domineering and terrifying. It was a pure lion roar!

Looking at such a scene, Lu Yan couldn't help sighing, "good momentum! So the cubs are so extraordinary. Once they grow up, they are invincible!"

Needless to say, the nine lion cubs showed up in front of the people, deeply shocked their hearts and minds, and their eyes were extremely hot!

Looking around among the distinguished guests, Lu Yan slowly said, "the nine lions are extremely precious. Its starting price is 300 spirit stones, and each price increase shall not be less than 50. Well, start bidding!..."

"Three hundred and fifty!...."

"Four hundred!...."

"Four hundred and fifty!..."

As soon as Lu Yan's words fell, a series of fierce fears broke out, and soon, at an astonishing speed, directly soared to the sky high price of 700 pieces!

"I'll go!..."

In such a hot situation, even a lot of money is in a daze! Seven hundred spirit stones. That's a spirit stone. I only have one hundred of them. It's amazing. The nine lion cubs soared to seven hundred in one breath! Although, after reaching this height, there are only two bidders left, but looking at this trend, I'm afraid there are more than 700!

The nine lions are only the best spirit beasts. There are also inferior gods, middle gods, top gods, top gods, super gods and Cui Hao dare not think. If there is a baby of super gods, will people go crazy?

Thinking of the super divine beast, he couldn't help thinking of Xiao Qi. However, in order to stimulate the emperor's book, the chaotic energy consumption in his body almost dried up. In a short time, there was no way to stimulate Wanjie Tianzhu to enter the first prison world and visit Xiao Qi.

With a sigh of envy, Qian Duoduo said, "ah! I'm really envious. If I have a spirit stone, buy these nine lion cubs, wait until it grows up and sit with him to pick up girls and dress thirteen. It's a pity that I have little chance with it!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao smiled faintly and joked, "Duoduo, I heard that it takes a long time for the spirit beast to enter the growth stage from the cub stage and then enter the mature stage from the growth stage. Some even take 300 years. Are you sure you're still alive after 300 years? Even if you're alive, you're an old guy, and you still want to pick up girls? Ha ha..."

"Eh... That's right! Hahaha, listening to my brother's words is better than reading for ten years!" chubby face squeezed out a smile, and Qian Duoduo responded with a smile.

Looking at him, Cui Hao comforted him, "Duoduo, don't be discouraged. If I have strong strength in the future, I'll catch one for you when I meet a spirit beast, divine beast or something. How about it?"

"Really? Hahaha... Brother Cui Hao, you should remember what you said! Brother, can I go to pick up girls? It all depends on you!" his eyes lit up and Qian Duoduo was not excited.

"Don't worry, I'll take it to heart, ha ha......" Cui Hao responded with a smile and a kind attitude.

While the two were talking, the auction continued. Finally, nine lions were auctioned for the sky high price of 800 spirit stones! If you want to participate in the auction, you must pay a 5% bonus, but even so, its original owner can get a sky high price of 760 spirit stones!

According to some rumors, this nine lion cub was brought out by the strong from the graveyard of the gods. For this reason, people are more and more eager to enter this legendary place.

The dispute over the number of places in the cemetery of the gods is destined to be a fierce battle between dragons and tigers!

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