After the auction, Cui Hao hurried back to his residence. Then he went to the door of truth to release Zhunu Mengyao. The mysterious girl fell into a deep sleep as before. Recalling the scenes she met in Bermuda and the shocking scenes she "saw" through her, Cui Hao was full of mixed feelings.

A moment later, Cui Hao restrained all his thoughts. He turned his hand and took out nine leaf Hualian, ready to use it.

Looking at the mysterious nine leaf Hualian swaying in the jade basin, Cui Hao suddenly realized a problem. How can she take it?

At this time, Cui Hao thought of playing God stone, busy asked "small stone, you know how to put the essence of these nine Ye Hualian into her body?"

Hearing Cui Hao's inquiry, the man who hit the God stone suddenly burst into a rage. He slipped from his neck and turned into a body. His two golden eyes rolled and proudly said, "boss, such a small thing is natural! I'm the master of the God stone who shakes the universe and the God devouring emperor in the future!"

"Don't Bang se! Get down to business!" Cui Hao was speechless and interrupted his show off.

Seeing that the boss was unhappy, he hit the God stone and rotated around in situ, which was the proud way "It's a piece of cake. I can melt the power by spitting out a little power, and then pour it into the beautiful woman's body. Boss, you're not simple, this beautiful woman... It seems that she is not a traditional expert, but a practitioner! Moreover, although he falls into a deep sleep, I can still feel her extraordinary and super strong!"

"It should be... She is very important to me and must wake her up quickly! Her soul has almost dried up and fallen into self sleep..."

As soon as she said this, Cui Hao remembered the scene of her following a pair of Weian men and women to fight in all directions. Her every move contains terrible power, and her strength absolutely exceeds the level of supernatural powers too much!

"Boss, your nine leaf Hualian... To be honest, it's a treasure in this place. In fact, it's very rubbish. It's too limited for the nourishment of the soul. I don't think it's effective, but I'll try it!"

The divine stone opened its mouth like this, and then it opened its dark mouth, and a light golden light came out. It immediately curled around the nine leaf Hualian, made it tremble, and immediately melted, forming a beautiful special liquid. It emits a breath that makes the mind very quiet

"Hua la..."

Jiuye Hualian's liquid melted into Zhunu Mengyao's body, and her whole popularity suddenly changed and became more profound and extraordinary. Moreover, Cui Hao was sensitive to it. It seemed that her body had been stimulated to absorb the pure aura in the room involuntarily.

"It works!..."

Seeing such a scene, Cui Hao was excited and looked forward to watching.

One minute, ten minutes, half an hour

Zhunu Mengyao had no sign of awakening except that her breath seemed to be strengthened. Cui Hao was a little discouraged. However, at least her breath was strengthened, which is also good news.

His eyes rolled and he said excitedly, "boss, I will follow you. In the future, if you encounter precious things that nourish your soul, I will remind you! Now, it's time for me to help you purify those precious immortal gold weapons!"

It can be said that playing God stone never forgets about immortal gold weapons and is very enthusiastic.

"All right!..."

Cui Hao turned his hand, took out nine immortal gold weapons and put them in front of the stone.


Looking at this scene, the man's eyes turned green and made a wolf howling sound. His black hole like mouth soared, wheezed and greedy. He swallowed them all in one bite.

"Immortal gold weapon! Hahaha... I beat uncle Shenshi, and there will be immortal gold weapon soon!"

The divine stone shouted excitedly. Then, its body began to bloom. A grand and pure original force was surging, which seemed to be erasing something

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Soon, a fluffy gray black smoke rose and dissipated invisibly, and the momentum of striking God stone was slowly weakened.

About an hour later, Da Shenshi shouted with great excitement, and nine invisible but creepy breath shot out of its body, with strong anger.


Seeing this situation, Cui Hao was also excited. He naturally wanted to have the immortal gold weapon boasted by the God stone.

"Oh! No! No! No! Let me die! God! I can't live!..."

While Cui Hao was waiting for the divine stone to spit out the nine immortal gold weapons that had been successfully purified, it issued a desperate and resentful cry. Its body was spinning and hitting the ground angrily!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

It was really terrible to hit the God stone. With a random collision, the ground was knocked out of a deep pit, and it disappeared into its depths.

Seeing such a scene, Cui Hao was surprised and hurriedly asked, "what's the matter with you, little stone? Is there any accident?"

"Ah! I'm going crazy! Why? Which bastard is so shameless! It's shameless! I'm so angry! I'm so angry!..."

The God stone shouted angrily. With a whew, he rushed out to the bottom of the ground. He looked distressed and almost wanted to die.

Its mouth opened, whew, whew, suddenly, nine small fairy gold weapons were spit out again. And just presumably, their size has not changed, but they all bloom a dreamlike luster, and give people an indestructible feeling.

Seeing this situation, Cui Hao was confused and didn't know what was going on.

At this time, he seemed to have accepted the fact and hit the God stone with a gnashing of teeth "I don't know which bastard son of a bitch has no asshole. In the process of condensing immortal veins into immortal gold weapons, nine rivers of Yin are integrated, which is a common means of refining weapons. If only the river of Yang is integrated! I'm angry! These nine immortal gold weapons can be refined and used only by creatures that are essentially Yin, that is, women!"

Hearing this, Cui Hao was surprised. He didn't expect to pay such attention. He didn't know what the Zhiyin river was. However, compared with the obsession of beating God stone, Cui Hao looked at it lightly and didn't feel too upset. He had many confidants around him, and just could give them these immortal gold weapons

With a faint smile, Cui Hao joked, "shout? Little stone, I can't see. Are you still a male?"

He looked up to the sky and sighed bitterly. "Boss... Please stop talking... I beat uncle Shenshi. Am I destined to have no chance with immortal gold weapons in this life? Unwilling!..."

It's so depressing to fight against the divine stone. In order to purify the nine immortal gold weapons, it even uses its original power. It's greedy to prepare to cut first and then play, refine three pieces first, and then have a showdown with Cui Hao. Unexpectedly, it's just making wedding clothes to fight against the greedy and selfish nature of the divine stone. It's almost like its life.

The heart of beating God stone is bleeding. Watching Cui Hao put these nine immortal gold weapons into the door of truth one by one, he also specially selected an umbrella shaped immortal gold weapon and said to herself what to leave to dusk snow girl. She likes the feeling of umbrella in rainy days and should like it. It has a small collapse.

After completing these, Cui Hao suddenly remembered one thing. He didn't have a way to refine. So he asked about beating God stone with a smile.

"Boss, can you think about your little brother's feelings? The first God stone in the universe, the master of playing God stone, bitter!" he was so depressed that he replied.

Despite this, it still told Cui Hao the refining method. It is very simple, that is, bathing and dressing for seven days and seven nights, and watching Xianjin weapons piously for an hour. In this way, it can get in touch with it. With the increase of time, the contact will become closer and closer.

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