This time, the eldest lady came to tell Cui Hao about the shenting invasion and asked him to prepare in advance. The two talked for a long time. Finally, the eldest lady crossed the void. She was a real busy man. Now, almost all the security burden of China can resist the shoulder and dare not relax at all.

After seeing off the eldest lady, Cui Hao returned to the villa again and took the lead in Meng Ying's bedroom.

"Honey, did you send my master away?" Meng Ying asked with a red face.


"Dear, a spring night is worth thousands of gold. What's more, you have to Accompany Da yu'er and them in the middle of the night. We......" Meng Ying's face turned red for a while, and Meng Ying bit her lips.

Although she and Cui Hao have had that kind of relationship, she is still very shy.

At this time, Cui Hao naturally wanted to take the initiative. He shot in the air, and a clever spirit had turned off the light. Then he gently grabbed it, and then they

For a moment, the lotus spring curtain is warm, the beautiful cry is wonderful and fascinating.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time. It's natural that a small farewell wins a new marriage. Coupled with Cui Hao's great joy and excellent Zen methods, they immediately aroused Meng Ying's various reactions. The two people were very happy. As for Meng Ying, they were sent to the peak again and again.

The two lingered for a long time. Finally, Cui Hao began to guide Meng Ying with the great joy Zen method. Now she has the foundation of Kung Fu, so everything is very smooth. In a very comfortable state, Meng Ying gained great benefits.

This great joy Zen emphasizes the way of yin and Yang. Although it has been misunderstood by many people, it is actually a real magic method. Otherwise, the spirit of Skynet would not have given a high evaluation. Cui Hao and Meng Ying naturally love each other sincerely. In this case, their life frequency is shaking. Finally, they reach a very consistent frequency. Then, Cui Hao transmits his boundless feelings to the past.

Although this kind of transmission can't be perfect, and it can't transmit too much at one time, it's definitely more than rubbing for Meng Ying today. She has gained great benefits and has a lot of new understanding of many insights, secrets and so on.

This is the most powerful part of the great joy Zen. It can make two people who really love each other achieve the consistency of life frequency when Yin and yang are intertwined with each other. Then, under this connection, they can convey their feelings about Kung Fu and so on.

In this way, it lasted for a moment, and the transmission was over. At this moment, Meng Ying felt that her heart was full of infinite inspiration, and she must feel it immediately. In this way, her strength will make rapid progress.

Turning on the light, Cui Hao turned his hand over and took out the remaining six immortal gold weapons from the door of truth. Meng Ying asked Meng Ying to select them. At the same time, he told Meng Ying all the wonderful uses of these immortal gold weapons. Meng Ying is naturally very happy about this. She spins a small tripod weapon.

It was almost time, so Meng Ying urged Cui Hao to go to the twin sisters' room quickly, while she sat on her knees on the bed in her intimate temptation pajamas and began to taste many inspirations.

Seeing this, Cui Hao knew he should not disturb Meng Ying, so he quietly got up, closed Meng Ying's bedroom door and walked to the twin sister flower's room.

The bedroom not far away is so fierce that it is difficult for the sisters to sleep. At the moment, the two sisters are muttering something. The door opens, Cui Hao comes in from the outside, and then closes the bedroom door.

In their hearts, big yu'er and little yu'er couldn't help saying in unison, "brother Cui Hao,... Are you coming?"

"Well, big yu'er, little yu'er, I'm coming." Cui Hao nodded, his tone full of tenderness.

Although they are old husbands and wives, sisters are very shy every time they do that. Of course, this kind of shyness is only in the initial stage. When Cui Hao's great joy Zen method is put into practice, the rebellious effect immediately stimulates the sisters and flowers, and constantly makes a wonderful sound. As for Cui Hao, naturally, they enjoy it very much. Both sides are like fish and water.

Soon, the red was turned over and they were intertwined.

After some joy, Cui Hao began to practice the great joy Zen. The life frequencies of both sides were shaking. Finally, they reached a very consistent frequency. Then, Cui Hao passed on his boundless feelings to the past.

Twin sister flowers themselves have the strength to transform strength. In addition, they have the natural strength to be close to insects. As for Cui Hao's transmission, they have made great progress and frequent inspiration.

After some practice, Cui Hao completed his goal, and the twin sisters and flowers got some of his insights. I believe that they will gain a lot when they thoroughly digest these insights. In fact, he cheated in this way. Moreover, without actual combat, their strength is not perfect, but this is enough. Now, it is an eventful time. The whole earth is not very stable. The stronger their strength is, Cui Hao is more relieved.

The next day, Cui Hao said goodbye to the twin sisters Hua and Meng Ying, and then set out with Daphne and Ruilin to Baichuan city.

Before leaving, Cui Hao called Wang Changsheng and asked him to arrange the publicity and listing of the super system as soon as possible. He believed that no matter where Yang Qingqing is now, she will be very happy to get the news, because the super system is her masterpiece based on Xiaoguang's technology.

More than three hours later, Cui Hao has come to Baichuan City, the administrative building of fraternity group. He didn't come to inspect this time, so he didn't inform the executives of Boai pharmaceutical and Boai cosmetics to prepare materials and accept the inspection.

In a conference room, Cui Hao listened to the introduction of Qin Xiangxiang and Hou Jintao and clarified the current situation of Boai pharmaceutical and Boai cosmetics. The development is very good, especially fraternity cosmetics, which has now stepped on the international forefront. Many big stars are using the fairy water series. Although it is expensive and scary, it still needs to be booked, because the demand is really huge.

"Because our fairy water series, French Chanel, ladies, etc. have been greatly impacted, their marketing volume has plummeted. In addition, we have recently..."

After listening to their stories, Cui Hao was very satisfied and expressed his thanks and praise to them. Then he left the administration building and took Ruilin and Daphne to the base.

Nowadays, with the continuous construction and improvement, the base has not only amazing defense capability, added many high-tech products, but also successfully expanded many projects, etc. today's base is much better than before.

This is the area that Cui Hao plans to focus on in the future. Therefore, he is still very interested in the base.

Later, Cui Hao took them to the residential area of the base. In a quiet courtyard, a woman in a long white dress led a girl's hand. Her face had a maternal brilliance and was very beautiful. Every frown and smile contained a special charm, and she had an unspeakable ethereal temperament. This is meihuiko Ono.

Today, she has already recovered her spiritual strength, and has made some progress, and has a new improvement on the yin-yang division.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Led by miyuko Ono, it was a lovely baby girl with a small nose, big black eyes, white skin and delicate like a porcelain doll.

This, of course, is the daughter of Cui Hao and meiko Ono, xiaomeimei.

At the moment, xiaomeimei is babbling and learning to walk. She is very clumsy. However, she is very cute, especially with some white milk stains on her mouth, which gives people a feeling of love.

"My little Meimei, can walk soon?"

Seeing xiaomeimei's lovely appearance, Cui Hao smiled and was very happy.

Finally, he picked up xiaomeimei and kissed her. He was very spoiled. Seeing this scene, meiko Ono looked at it with a smile and said nothing.

Cui Hao plays with xiaomeimei for a while, then calls MEIHUIZI Ono, and they enter the bedroom.

Took out a fairy gold weapon, Cui Hao gave it to MEIHUIZI Ono, and told her how to refine it in detail. Naturally, there is no difficulty for meihuiko Ono, who is a yin-yang teacher. She looks a little strange, because Cui Hao gave himself such a treasure. Isn't he worried about his identity as a Japanese woman?

"Your Meimei's mother, I can't always be by your side. Although you are in the base, danger may still come. You should learn to protect yourself and Meimei, you know?" Cui Hao said in an indisputable tone.

"Thank you, Cui Haojun!" nodded. Meihuiko Ono thanked her, but there were some other flavors in her eyes.

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