Cui Hao is waiting outside the black cloud valley of Muhua, but now, under this terrible sword light, Ruilin rushes into a mysterious place!

This mysterious place seems to be a closed and strange space, shrouded in darkness. The only light is a huge and incomparable light ball. The light sweeping through the arrival of Ruilin suddenly rushed into it. It itself is a member of the light ball.

At the moment when he saw the light ball, he felt an indescribable and inexplicable breath, which immediately enveloped his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of awe from the bottom of his heart. It's too strong. When facing the light ball, he feels like a tiny ant looking at the dragon. It's an irresistible majesty!


At this moment, the huge light ball was rotating. In an instant, it turned into a huge golden eye! The golden eyes are now open. The pure huge golden eyes without any impurities contain an unspeakable breath of vicissitudes. Moreover, the eyes are still very bright, just like a big day hanging in the sky, emitting boundless light and heat to drive away the darkness and cold.

Although it is pure, this eye gives people a feeling of boundless vicissitudes. It seems that it has experienced a very long and long period of time, and it also flashes a light of wisdom, just like a learned wise man who can see through everything.

However, these are just incidental breath. In the moment when he stared at Raylen, his eyes became domineering and boundless, as if they were the only master between heaven and earth, looking down on the four sides and suppressing invincible!

Under the gaze of such eyes, even Stephen could not maintain a calm. However, he tried his best to stick to it and was unwilling to be soft.

At this time, the eyes opened and spoke in a proud and incomparable language "Humble creature, you are lucky to have obtained the keepsake sword. You have been brought here and will accept the inheritance left by the great master! I have been here for a long time. In another era, I will go to another universe to find a suitable inheritor. Your universe is so disappointing to me. Only one life succeeded in inheritance and fell! Hey..."

This eye also doesn't know what identity it is. In short, the tone of speaking is very arrogant, as if everything in the sky and earth is not in his eyes.

Hearing such a voice, Ruilin maintained a modest attitude and hurriedly said, "senior, my name is Ruilin, willing to accept the inheritance of Sword Fairy!"

"Sword Fairy inheritance? The failed little guy dares to say that this is Sword Fairy inheritance? Fairy is just a powerful creature born early in your universe, and my master's inheritance is Kendo inheritance, not Sword Fairy inheritance!" his huge eyes opened and his voice was very dignified.

"What a big tone. Who is the owner of this eye? Is it true that the invincible Sword Fairy in China is just the loser in its mouth?" he was shocked, and Ruilin thought so.

"Do you accept inheritance?" huge eyes asked again.

"I will!" replied Stephen without hesitation.

No matter whether it is the inheritance of Sword Fairy or not, listening to the tone of his huge eyes, it seems that the inheritance of Kendo is more terrible than the inheritance of Sword Fairy. If he can succeed this time, he will have a great harvest!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Hearing this answer, the huge golden eyes suddenly shook and roared. It suddenly turned into six channels of energy. In an instant, it completely wrapped the space and vibrated violently. Dark cracks were born. The terrible destructive sword gas was filled and intertwined. A terrible huge sword area was born!

"Six samsara Kendo, primary examination, open!"

With a loud bang, a huge field of sword was born.

It is not so much a huge sword field as a terrible sword space intertwined with six illusory giant swords.

Among them, a red illusory long sword rises into the sky, just like a hot and domineering sun, rising and emitting hundreds of millions of flames. It contains the mystery of pure domineering fire, soaring into the sky, as if it was going to destroy heaven and earth.

A gray and illusory giant sword is shaking, giving people an incomparable atmosphere of killing. On its body, there is a terrible mood of destruction rising, like to kill all vitality, kill life, kill the enemy, kill all things, kill!

A blue and white illusory long sword like thunder winds and twists. Its way is like a majestic Thunder Dragon. It rolls in the clouds and breathes the domineering breath of heaven and earth. The lightning spread all over the sky and publicizes wantonly. The thunder sword is wanton!

A soft and incomparably soft sword seems to be an illusory long sword of water. It is always in a circulation. Sometimes it roars like a general, and sometimes it is like a gurgling brook. Its shape is very vague, just like looking at flowers in the fog and looking at the moon in the water. However, it also contains great terror and destroys everything.

A dazzling golden illusory long sword is chirping and extremely angry, just like a sharp and incomparable sword of light. It is releasing a breath of great terror. It is obviously a kind of light and holy, but it gives people a taste of killing everything.

An illusory blue illusory long sword is beating. It makes a series of sounds, which itself seems to be composed of a series of sound waves. This sound wave is really wonderful, like a clear spring, like running water, like a zither, like a piano sound. Anyone who hears such a sound will be deeply obsessed, intoxicated and unable to extricate himself!

It is the six illusory long swords that vibrate and emit six kinds of terrible sword Qi. The sword meaning cuts everything, as if it shows some mystery to an extreme. Moreover, they are intertwined with each other and cooperate with each other at the moment. Anyone who sees this scene will not help but feel a great horror!

It's terrible. This field of sword is born for destruction. This is the sword of six reincarnations!

Seeing all this with his own eyes, Stephen was deeply shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes. Did he have such Kendo?

"Little guy, is this shocking to you? It's just the beginning of six samsara kendo. If you can pass the examination, you can get inheritance. Come on, accept my examination and don't let me down! You're pretty good..."


The next moment, the figure of Ruilin was swallowed by it.

At this moment, Ruilin appeared in the center of the sword field, and around him, there were countless sword Qi. It can be seen that those on the edge of him were the weakest, and the more they depended on the periphery, the more powerful they became.


At this time, the Ananda sword suddenly soared in front of Ruilin. It suddenly became ten times larger and became the size of a general long sword. At the same time, it took the initiative to fall into Ruilin's hands and made a crisp and incomparable sound of the sword.

"Little fellow, this is your sword, and you need to resist the weakest sword attack in the first nine layers in three days. Start from the first layer of sword attack. After each layer of sword attack, you will be given special time to understand! I hope you don't disappoint me. If you can't stop the first three layers of sword attack, you will be dead. If you exceed the third layer, if you fail Even if it is a failure, it will not fall!... "the huge voice sounded, it was the voice of the eyes.

Hearing such words, the whole man of Stephen suddenly became nervous. He knew very well that in front of him, the weakest sword around him was absolutely terrible and should not be underestimated!

"I'll try my best!" Stephen said in a dignified tone.

"Stabbing Lala..."

Almost with the voice of Ruilin, there was a sword light around him, which suddenly turned into a gorgeous light in an instant. No one can describe the style of this sword, the brilliance of this sword!

In this way, this sword killed Ruilin

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