Yang Dian is deeply trapped in the big Buddha cave and is in danger, but Cui Hao doesn't know about it. He is in langyuan library. He studies tirelessly, and the whole person seems to forget himself.

When he picked up a thick book, Cui Hao flipped through it very quickly, seeing through the golden light, remembering it quickly and never forgetting it. Everything seemed to be branded in his heart at once, and the knowledge and wisdom in the book were also slowly read by Cui Hao and realized the beauty. The whole person couldn't help but be excited.

Keep reading, read quickly.

At first, when Cui Hao was reading, he also looked at the area and chose it. However, when he fell into the state of obsession, the whole person was intoxicated and kept reading, and his breath changed and became more and more introverted, such as gurgling water, soothing and continuous.

Such time is passing by rapidly, one day, two days, three days, five days

Cui Hao himself doesn't know how many books he has read. Now his eyes are more and more pure. He has a special fresh breath, and this is the legendary Wenqi!

Another day passed. In the twinkling of an eye, Cui Hao had been in langyuan library for 15 days.

On the 15th, he didn't sleep. Instead of feeling exhausted, he gave people a feeling of more energy and fullness, and his temperament changed. He was introverted and peaceful. The spark of wisdom was blooming, and a faint white brilliance was formed around him

When a Book of five seashells was quickly read, the white brilliance on Cui Hao was so strong that it was actually a pure light of wisdom. If Cui Hao had not been obsessed with reading for many days, pious and pure, it would have been impossible to give birth to this light of wisdom!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

It seems that the intensity of the light of wisdom has reached a certain degree. They suddenly vibrate and spin away from Cui Hao's body. In an instant, a canopy is formed on his head. The canopy condensed by the pure light of wisdom is clear with all kinds of gorgeous carvings and so on, lifelike!

The light of wisdom condenses the canopy and becomes the emperor!

At the moment, Cui Hao's state is very consistent with this sentence, and with the birth of this canopy, it suddenly filled with an invisible and great fluctuation. This fluctuation is very gentle, but it is like a butterfly gently flapping its wings, causing a hurricane and tsunami. The whole langyuan library roared and countless books, whether on the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, or even the fourth floor and the fifth floor, All shook at this moment and made a joyful and joyful sound!

Cui Hao read with a pious heart, gave birth to the light of wisdom, and condensed it into a canopy. All these are too clever, and this canopy is the most sacred and noble existence in other books.

Although books have no soul, they also have some essential things of their own, which are all attracted by this wisdom canopy!

"Hmm? What's the situation? Report it quickly. Everyone, let's enter langyuan library to check!"

"Come on, tell Grandpa!..."

"Something has changed in the library!..."

Soon, the great changes here alerted several antique level King Kong elders guarding langyuan library. Some of them rushed into langyuan library, and some reported the news.

Naturally, Cui Hao can't be the only one reading in langyuan library. At this moment, some disciples in langyuan library are shocked. What's the situation? Why are all books shaking and chirping?

At this time, several antiques have found the root of the problem. Everything is because the canopy on Cui Hao's head gives people a feeling of infinite wisdom. It's really extraordinary.

At this time, the old ancestor Fu Shan came. He looked nervous. Langyuan library, which is an important place, should not be lost!

When he saw the situation in front of him, he smiled, because it was obvious that Cui Hao gained great benefits. Somehow, it attracted the resonance of Sifang books. This state should be of great benefit to him!

"Everyone leaves, and all the disciples leave. I'm here to protect the Dharma for my disciples!" Fu Shan opened his mouth and ordered.

Although I don't know what happened, these antiques are not fools. They have guessed some roughly and are very envious. In such a big battle, Cui Hao must have gained a lot this time. What's the matter with the intelligent canopy on his head? Is it his own birth, or is it in any books that he found?

According to Fu Shan's instructions, all the people left the langyuan library. Only Fu Shan personally protected Cui Hao's Dharma in the distance.

"Weng Weng Weng......."

Countless books sing, and they have a connection with some subtle and wonderful fluctuation.

At a certain moment, some books began to bloom a trace of subtle brilliance, all of which came out and gathered towards the canopy on Cui Hao's head. A little, a little, a little makes a lot

Every book, however, has absolutely little light of wisdom. However, when it comes together, it is amazing. Especially the books on the third floor are really good things. Each book brings together a trace of obvious light of wisdom and puts it into the canopy of wisdom.

For all this, Cui Hao seemed to know nothing. At the moment, he fell into a strange and incomparable state. He was in a panic and clearly very sober. However, he seemed to be in a trance, and soon, one by one, wave by wave, pure and incomparable, which could be clearly understood by him, and then poured into the deepest part of his soul!

There are too many of them, including astronomy and geography, historical records and ancient sayings, martial arts secrets and taboo techniques

The wisdom canopy is suspended on Cui Hao's head, just like a real emperor. Countless books have to accept his orders, spit out their purest and precious essence, and then put them into the canopy, which is indirectly absorbed by Cui Hao and transformed into their own things

This feeling is really wonderful. Cui Hao feels that he has never experienced this feeling, and he feels that his wisdom is constantly improving, improving and improving! In an instant, he became a wise man, omniscient, insightful, and understood the mystery of all things and the mystery of the operation of heaven and earth!

This is an unspeakable realm. Although it is empty, it really exists in Cui Hao's mind.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

In an instant, the canopy, which had absorbed a lot of wisdom, shook. Then it rushed into Cui Hao's body and shook constantly. At this moment, Cui Hao felt that there was a breath in his heart, ready to move, and wanted to integrate with it perfectly. This breath was the magic of snapping fingers!

Cui Hao's skill of snapping fingers to see the secret of heaven has been inherited by the mysterious corpse in Bermuda Triangle. It is a bit stronger than the Taoist priest of the secret of heaven. At the moment, he can clearly feel that it seems to be integrated with the cover of wisdom again, and then it has changed!


Without much consideration, Cui Hao released the magic of snapping his fingers, which made it clear that it was a rare opportunity.

Suddenly, Cui Hao felt that the fluctuation of the magic of snapping fingers and the cover of wisdom suddenly merged together. At the same time, some mysterious fluctuations and changes began to occur

At this moment, countless books in langyuan library cheered together, and then they were silent again. As for Cui Hao, he sat there quietly and said nothing. The whole person burst out a white light of infinite wisdom, and his temperament became more and more refined, as if he had been purified without a trace of impurities.

In Cui Hao's body, some mysterious changes are still going on. It seems that the magic of snapping fingers and the wisdom canopy are very attractive and complement each other, and what will be born by their perfect integration? What benefits does it bring to Cui hao?

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