Suspended in the sky, the king of fantasy and the king of fox are in a happy mood. After so many years, they finally get rid of the seal!

The face is changeable, and the king of magic sighs "Finally free! Fox king, the source world has experienced many great disasters. Now, not to mention the Fairy Spirit in the legend, but the aura is very thin. It seems that if we want to recover the peak, we must find a big force and get some spirit stones and other good things! Although it is said that there are only two or three waste cats and kittens left in the source world, it is not us at all Our opponent can't be underestimated, but it's safest to recover to the peak! "

He did not dare to underestimate it. Although it has the peak combat power of the supernatural level, it is excluded from the earth to a certain extent, and only half of its strength can break out. In addition, the earth has experienced several catastrophes. Although it has been hit with holes and holes, only a thin aura is left, but it also leaves some good things. Some, even the lower gods will be greedy!

Hearing the speech, the fox King smiled and said, "king magic, you have a lower artifact. Even my little sister is much worse than me. What force in the source world can hurt you? Unless... Our master is resurrected! However, its current injury and your special" command " Although we have recovered, we can't wake up in at least ten thousand years! For such a long time, we swept the whole source world, the battlefield of that war and other areas, and should have left a lot of good things! Ten thousand years, it is very possible for you and me to break through to the next God. At that time, we can get rid of control! Ha ha... If we can get it True freedom, that would be great! "

Hearing the words of the fox king, the magic king was obviously very excited, and he opened his mouth again "Fox king, what you think is just like what I think! At the beginning of the war, although our master was a genius, he was not the most powerful, and you and I were even weaker! But now, those strong people have been killed, driven away, or even sealed. This will be our territory! You don't have to belittle yourself. Although I have a precious inferior artifact, but, However, you have been instructed by a powerful superior God, and you are better than me in the application of mysterious rules! "

"Hahaha... We don't have to praise each other here! One of my people died. Before he died, he sent a wave and told me that he wanted to start a fight and let these stupid aborigines kill each other, but he was found to have been killed! Although I don't know who killed him, I can sense his position when he died. There was a younger generation in the early days of his magic ! let's go to that faction first and kill it! How about? "Ha ha, the magic king is very arrogant.

Fu Shan can sense wanhuan king and fox king, and they can also clearly sense Fu Shan.

With a smile, the fox king said, "is there a young generation in the early stage of the magic power? Just in time, you can kill him and occupy that power! There are only two magic powers in the early stage of the whole source world, one in the middle stage of the magic power. It seems that that power should also be the top, and there will be many spirit stones and good things! Of course, what I look forward to most is the relics and ruins of the battlefield of the first World War!"

With a smile of Yin measurement, the king of magic said, "today's source world is just a greenhouse, and a little guy in the early stage of magic power has not experienced battles again and again. The weak must be in a mess. You and I can kill him by turning our hands. Go and kill him!"

Shua! Shua

With these words, they have turned into two extremely fast streamers, flying towards the location of the Kunlun Holy Land! Their speed is too fast, like lightning and flint, but at the same time, Fu Shan, who is in the Kunlun holy land, is extremely shocked! The two breath did not hide at all, and they killed directly towards the Kunlun holy land, which is quite dangerous Danger!

Without hesitation, Fu Shan suddenly turned into a streamer and came towards the Kunlun temple. He flew into the air. He clapped three hands on a super clock hanging at the door of the hall. Suddenly, three grand and dignified sounds sounded like thunder and spread rapidly. This is the Kunlun bell that will ring in a hurry in the Kunlun holy land. Every time it rings, regardless of the elders What are the disciples busy with? Except for some particularly important areas, they don't have to dare to come. All the others should dare to come to the Kunlun temple.

At this moment, the bell has sounded, and after hearing the sound, an elder and disciple of Kunlun Holy Land gathered here

Although the Kunlun holy land is very strict in recruiting disciples, it can accumulate over time. In addition, most of the elders are over 100 years old, so the number is quite large, as many as hundreds. When people quickly dare to come in various ways, Fu Shan said in a deep voice. " Ladies and gentlemen! Today, our Kunlun holy land may encounter unprecedented danger. Immediately, according to the regulations, all elders return to their places, with the help of disciples, open the super defense and Liangyi shimmering sword array! Don't care about the consumption of spirit stones. The sword array needs to be maintained. I have asked for foreign aid. Once the foreign aid arrives, we will be safe! "

Fu Shan said so, but in fact, he didn't have a bottom in his heart, because he didn't know what kind of cards the two powerful powers had! Moreover, as the magic king said, Fu Shan lacks actual combat. It is better for those strong people who are in the immortal world and fight all day to have rich experience and various means.

After making these orders, Fu Shan quickly went to the rear of the Kunlun temple. There is a secret underground palace, in which the Kunlun tripod is stored, that is, the tripod Cui Hao participated in the battle of the three tripods!

Now, the holy land of Kunlun may encounter great danger. Fu Shan can only rely on the divine power of this tripod. Perhaps, he is expected to defeat the enemy!

Fu Shan still has high hopes for this tripod.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Soon, the whole Kunlun holy land and many areas erupted into a terrible roar. With the roar, they were thick, twisted and sharp sword lights. They rose into the sky, emitting a cold and ferocious atmosphere, which was shocking!

These swords are looming and interwoven with each other to protect the whole Kunlun holy land. Naturally, this can not be completed by one or two people, but one of the biggest dependencies of Kunlun holy land, Liangyi shimmering sword array! In fact, the genuine Liangyi shimmer sword array is extremely powerful. Moreover, each array base is very strict, and this is a reduced version at most. Even so, it is also powerful. It needs many spirit stones to inspire. The core of Liangyi shimmering sword array is a long sword with ancient color and charm, like jade. It is held by Fu Shan at the moment, with a dignified look!

The whole Kunlun holy land was on the highest alert. About 20 minutes later, Fu Shan's eyes shrunk slightly and came!

What should come, will come after all!

At the moment, at a height of ten thousand feet, the magic king and the fox King quickly fell down. When they reached a certain height, they stopped in the void and looked at the Liangyi shimmering sword array opened below in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the king of magic said, "unexpectedly, these aborigines really have a lot of good things! This sword array is not simple! If I want to break through by force, display my inferior artifact and pay a certain price, I should be able to break it! However, some gains outweigh the losses!"

Similarly, the fox king was shocked. She looked down at the bottom and said, "this sword array... Has great power! It seems that it is a hard bone to bite! Wanhuan king, do we underestimate these aborigines? Yuanxing, although it has declined, it may give birth to a demon level genius!"

"Well, I know!" nodded, with a dignified tone.


Soon, a stream of light rose to the holy land of Kunlun and rushed towards the king of magic and the king of fox. It was an old man with an ancient tripod and an ancient jade sword. It was Fu Shan!

At the moment, Fu Shan's face was extremely dignified, because he clearly felt the breath of the two creatures in front of him, far beyond himself!

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