In Jiangzhou, in the top ward of Bo'ai gold bodyguard company, the bony Yang epilepsy was lying on the bed, constantly twitching, as if his mind was not clear. However, he still vaguely recited a few words: "if you die, you will not surrender... Let me die... Revenge......"

Cui Hao didn't know what kind of torture Shifu had experienced. However, seeing his miserable appearance, he was sad and angry. Cui Hao is good at medicine now. After he looked, heard and inquired about it, he found the focus. It seems that the master has been subjected to a terrible sorcery!

At present, Cui Hao explored through his perspective eyes and found that some black silk threads were really all over his body, one by one, intertwined, very strange! He urged the perspective golden light to vanish. The effect was not ideal. This kind of black silk thread was very difficult to wrap.

"It seems that we have to use the thirty-three divine needles!..." Cui Hao said to himself and made such a decision.

Through many attempts to cure diseases on weekdays, Cui Hao has found that perspective golden light is not omnipotent. Fortunately, he still has means.

At the beginning, Cui Hao studied with Liu Qingfeng in summer, and learned two unique skills of the divine medicine school from summer. First, the original mother fist is natural, and second, Da Luo 33 divine needle. Needless to say, the original mother fist is of great use to Cui Hao now, and this Da Luo 33 divine needle is also effective. It needs a deep and incomparable medical foundation to be used.

Nowadays, Cui Hao is definitely the top miracle doctor. The thirty-three divine needles of Da Luo can cast at least ten needles. However, this acupuncture technique is very dangerous every time. The effect is overbearing and there is a mystery to reverse life and death. As a last resort, Cui Hao will not cast it to be safe.

But this time, master Yang Dian's condition is very strange. He must be treated with Da Luo 33 divine needle!

At present, Cui Haoping calmed down for a long time. Only then did he carefully twist a silver needle and start treatment.

At first, Cui Hao was relaxed when he was sewing. However, with the silver needles stabbing down, his expression gradually became dignified. He often thought for a long time before dropping the needle.

One, two, three

Time passed slowly. Cui Hao carefully dropped the needle. At the time of ten needles, sweat seeped from his forehead. Rao was assisted by perspective eyes. He also pondered for a long time. Then he slowly dropped another needle.

Da Luo's thirty-three stitches and the first ten stitches are all methods to carry Qi and blood and reconcile essence and Qi. One stitch is more exquisite than another, and one stitch is more difficult than another. The tenth stitch is very difficult. Even Cui Hao should repeatedly confirm, measure and think about it.

The most critical stitch!

After the tenth needle, Cui Hao didn't stop, but twisted another silver needle with great solemnity.

The first ten needles are used to carry Qi and blood, harmonize essence and Qi, and completely stimulate the patient's physical vitality. This eleventh needle is the most important one. This needle is an overbearing needle that stimulates the penetration into a life gate of the human body. The drop of the needle is not bad at all, which can reverse life and death. The curative effect of the first ten needles is magical. If it is worse than the slightest, the patient will die in an instant!

Cui Hao thought about this needle for a long time and repeatedly confirmed it. Finally, he clenched his teeth and stabbed it!

After all this, Cui Hao took a long breath, looked at Yang Dian on the bed and waited quietly.

In fact, Cui Hao had a very profound understanding in the process of needling this time, that is, the 33 divine needles of Da Luo are unfathomable and almost include the mystery of the human body. He can hardly imagine how powerful an expert who can create such a magical needling technique is? How exquisite is his perception and control of the human body?

Cui Hao today can be described as a scholar of ancient and modern times and a real scholar. However, he still can only barely stab 11 needles. In that year, he can only stab three needles in summer. Therefore, it can be seen that the 33 needles of Da Luo are terrible.

Thinking of these, Cui Hao suddenly realized a problem. The original mother fist and Da Luo 33 divine needle inherited by the divine medicine door are so extraordinary, and the divine medicine door must also have its extraordinary, not such a declining posture as now.

"It seems that... After I have solved Tu Ba and survived the scourge thunder robbery, I will go to the miracle doctor gate. Whether there are amazing discoveries or not, at least it can solve the civil strife between the sect leaders." Cui Hao thought as he touched his chin.

Cui Hao did his best to rescue Yang Dian this time. However, he was not fully sure. Da Luo 33 divine needle could successfully disintegrate the strange patient of Yang Dian. He could only wait patiently.

One day later, Yang Dian stopped shaking and twitching and calmed down.

The next day, Yang Dian's face was painful and peaceful, but she was still very weak.

On the third day, Yang Dian trembled violently, and a dark and smelly liquid suddenly exuded from his body. With a loud cry, he opened his eyes and finally recovered his mind!

"Great, master, you finally wake up!" Cui Hao said overjoyed.

It was like a dream. Yang Dian felt herself and said to herself, "I'm... Not dead?"

Then, a kind of pain and hatred appeared on his face, thinking of the scene before he fainted, the big enemy Tu Ba, all kinds of humiliation

"Disciple, how did you save me?" Yang Dian asked, some incredible.

So Cui Hao said something roughly and told him that he was sneaking into the base of the divine court and killing the guard, which saved him. When he thought of Tu Ba, his great enemy, Yang was so mad that he almost broke his steel teeth. He was in pain and helpless.

For a long time, his eyes were bleeding, which was the blood and tears of resentment!

Blood and tears flowed. Yang Dian finally looked up to the sky and sighed, "ah Rou, I'm a waste! I can't help you take revenge, but I'll be humiliated!"

Seeing the master's posture, Cui Hao was very distressed. He thought about it, turned his hand and took out an object. It was an egg sized, chaotic ball with incomparable depth. It was the chaotic spiritual enlightenment bead given to him by the eldest lady!

This thing is the first treasure on the list of rare treasures of the earth. Only one person has used it in historical records, and then gained great benefits!

Chaotic spirit understanding bead is a time when a person understands a mystery and falls into a bottleneck. As long as he refines his blood, he can use this bead to understand countless inspiration in an instant. Moreover, it is said that this bead will lead the refiner into a very mysterious and precious realm. It is rare in heaven and earth!

So Qizhen, Cui Hao originally planned to use it at the most critical moment of integrating stupid boxing and Hui boxing. At this moment, he decided to take it out to Yang Dian.

After handing the chaotic spirit wuzhu over, Cui Hao said in a deep voice, "master, you can refine this thing by dripping blood. It can help you break through the bottleneck and have at least 80% chance of becoming a half step magic power! After you break through, disciple, I will naturally find Tu Ba. We teachers and disciples work together to avenge the martial mother!"

"What? Disciple, you have such a treasure?"

Hearing this, Yang Dian was surprised and his eyes twinkled with longing. However, he shook his head and said stubbornly, "good disciple, it's a waste to give such a precious thing to me, a bad old man. You'd better leave it to yourself."

"Shifu! What are you talking about? Being a teacher for one day and a father for life, your humiliation is the humiliation of Cui Hao! It's time to avenge Shiniang!" Cui Hao responded decisively.

He sincerely wants Yang Dian to accept this pearl, and has no false intention.

Hearing this, Yang Dian burst into tears. He took a deep look at Cui Hao, then nodded heavily and reached out to take over the chaotic Lingwu bead.

Seeing this situation, Cui Hao smiled with satisfaction and said, "master, you can practice here and protect the Dharma for you!"

So, after some rectification, Yang Dian calmed down, shed blood and refined the chaotic spiritual enlightenment beads, and soon fell into sentiment

Time passed slowly, and Yang Dian's breath became stronger and stronger

Three days later, at a certain moment, Yang Dian suddenly opened his eyes. In his majestic and powerful soul power, he had already born a little pure Yang Qi and successfully stepped into a half step magic power!

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