Cui Hao has only seen such a lower God so far. According to various records, among the 10000 gods in the immortal world, perhaps a lower God can be born. They respect their status, turn their hands over the clouds and cover their hands with rain, and their strength is far beyond the general level of supernatural powers.

Although an Ruoxi in front of her looks like a weak girl, Cui Hao has an intuition that if she really breaks out of strength, she can't be her opponent at all! At least, I don't have a chance before I break through the second layer of chaos formula. Even if there is a Dihuang book, the gap between the two sides is really too big!

The invitation of a lower God is not to be a slave, but a younger brother under his command. This is what countless strong people desire. Even in the immortal world, this is a good thing for the level of magic power to break their head, but Cui Hao is hesitating and doesn't know how to answer.

Direct rejection? He worried that the lower God, an Ruoxi, would be angry and promise? His freedom will be limited. Although he may get a lot of benefits, he will be controlled by others, which is not what he wants. Moreover, an Ruoxi's father falls into a deep sleep. What if he wakes up and the other party finds Wanjie Tianzhu on himself?

After thinking about it, Cui Hao said with a sorry smile, "sorry, we have a saying in China that it's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. I Cui Hao's original intention is the same. I hope you don't embarrass me!"

Hearing Cui Hao say so, an Ruoxi was disappointed. However, she was not angry, but sighed "Hey... In that case, I can't force people to be difficult! I know something about you, so I know you are a person who values feelings and cares about relatives and friends. However, have you ever thought that in the future, you will have the opportunity to become a supernatural power, even the lower God, the middle God and the upper God, but what about your relatives and friends? They only have a life span of a hundred years, or even more Short, these people are destined to follow you for a long time! What's more, even if they are given a divine personality, there will be terrible three disasters and nine difficulties. The so-called immortality can only be achieved by the high Lord God? What's more, a small earth, although it is very special, is now in rapid decline. When the next dark tide strikes, Like other stars in the Milky Way galaxy, it will fall into the five decline of heaven and man! Heaven and earth will collapse and life will die! "

An Ruoxi's heavy tone surprised Cui Hao. The dark tide is coming? The five decline of heaven and man? What crisis is this?

Seeing his look, an Ruoxi smiled coldly "Compared with the five decline of heaven and man, the invasion of some hundred races now defended by the strong of your earth and the crisis of the collapse of the plane prison of the Milky Way galaxy are not worth mentioning! The five decline of heaven and man is something that must be experienced in other cosmic regions, hundreds of millions of planets and secret places except the realm of immortals and gods. It is terrible. Even the high God is afraid! Calculated according to time, black The dark tide has struck for a billion years at most! "

Billion years?

Hearing this news, Cui Hao breathed a sigh of relief. At least, he doesn't have to consider the so-called five decline of heaven and man for the time being. In a billion years, he may have reached the third floor, the fourth floor, or even higher! At that time, consider this matter again.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao asked, "I used to know something about the plane prison of the Milky Way galaxy. What's the situation? Is it really about to collapse? How long does our earth have?"

This is one of the things he cares about most. The brilliant giant captured by Cui Hao escaped from the plane prison. His strength is very extraordinary.

On hearing the speech, an Ruoxi hesitated and said faintly, "the galactic plane prison, in which all the prisoners are ferocious beings. It is too old and the environment is very evil. However, there are many strong ones. It is said that there is a superior God! I can naturally feel its specific situation. If you want to know... How about being my little brother?"

"Er..." Cui Hao was a little depressed when he touched his nose.

Seeing Cui Hao's expression like this, an Ruoxi smiled and joked, "it's rare to meet someone who is still willing to talk. Naturally, you should make a good joke! Don't worry, although it is about to collapse, it can be supported for at least a thousand years. During this time, it can run out of the crack. At most, it's just a guy at the magical level. It's too strong to run out!"


It's been a long time, but when Cui Hao thought about it carefully, he felt that the time was too short. In a thousand years, could he grow up enough to rival the superior God? If, after a thousand years, his strength is still insufficient, can he only rescue his relatives and friends and must give up all mankind on earth?

The stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility. As the "big man" of the earth today, Cui Hao consciously has to shoulder the burden of protecting his home.

Seeing Cui Hao's dignified look, an Ruoxi said, "do your best, an Tianming, what hasn't happened. Too many worries can only be groundless. It's better to fight hard and improve your strength! Cui Hao's little brother, I'm very optimistic about you?"

"Well... Sister Ruoxi, I didn't promise to be your little brother?" Cui Hao retorted in silence.

Pushing the wide rimmed mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, an Ruoxi Daimei picked it and said unhappily, "what, elder sister Ruoxi, according to the age of the fairy world, you call me old when I'm up to 18 years old this year! What's wrong with calling you Cui Hao's younger brother? I look down on you. On earth, those three guys are eager to be my younger brother!"

Cui Hao feels speechless when an antique who has experienced the invasion war of 100 ethnic groups says he is a little girl. However, according to the algorithm of the fairy world, maybe she is really a young boy.

They talked like this, but everyone around them was blinded by a leaf and couldn't see it at all.

They didn't just talk about some topics such as the celestial world and the plane prison of the Milky Way galaxy. Like a normal little girl on earth, an Ruoxi began to ask Cui Hao's personal emotional problems.

"Cui Hao, you are also a celebrity. There are all kinds of gossip. It is said that all the beautiful women around you are your girlfriends? You want so many girlfriends alone. How greedy!"

"That... Cough... Is pure rumor, pure rumor!..."

"Rumors? But how do I feel that your soul fluctuates violently and seems to cover up something?"

"Can we change the subject? It's my personal problem!"

"Call sister, sister Ruoxi, hee hee......"

"Please follow my privacy, OK? If I ask you, do you like that man, will you answer me?"

"Me? All the creatures on the earth are too weak. Their essence is like ants. Cui Hao's little brother is very good. But you are too distracted! If you want to pursue me, get rid of all your girlfriends first. Maybe I will consider one or two!"

"We are not suitable. You are the next god above, just like the dragon flying for nine days, and I am just a small shrimp..."

"Hee hee... If you don't try, how do you know it's inappropriate? You smell good. I like it very much!"

If Cui Hao's dialogue with an Ruoxi gets out and is known, I'm afraid it will be shocked! Of course, Cui Hao naturally won't tell others about this dialogue, and an Ruoxi mostly talks and just teases Cui Hao.

But one thing is certain. An Ruoxi really values Cui Hao and likes him very much.

Soon, the plane was about to land, and the two people were going to separate. An Ruoxi's jade hands opened. Suddenly, a gorgeous rainbow like flame rose and swirled. Soon, it turned into a flame like ring and gave it to Cui haodao "Cui Hao, this ring is for you. If you are in danger, crush it. Its power should help you. Don't underestimate it. It's equivalent to one-third of my strength!"

"Well... If I help you in the future, I'll ask for it again. However, thank you for your kindness." Cui Hao politely refused with a smile.

Tao Di didn't work together. She invaded the earth with her father. Frankly, she is also the enemy of the earth. Not to mention that Wanjie Tianzhu is still on her own now, Cui Hao naturally won't accept this ring. Moreover, the heart of defending people is indispensable. Who knows if there will be another mystery about this ring?

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