After all, the ancestor of blood robe is a powerful man. Even if Wang Changsheng, Xiao Hui, Ruilin and the three work together, they can't defeat him. Instead, they let him catch Wen Ruchu and Li Shaolong and go away.

It's not that the three people are weak. The inheritance secret methods they have obtained are enough against the sky. Otherwise, even a strong one with half a step magic power will be difficult to achieve this step. There is only one fundamental reason. The strength of the three people is still shallow, and the cultivation time is not long enough. It is impossible to break out the anti heaven power of inheritance!

A moment later, Yang Dian came with a group of experts to reinforce. However, he was a step late. The ancestor of blood robe had already gone and had no idea where he was.

Therefore, the people held a meeting again to discuss the attack in detail, and such discussion has not lasted long. Yang Dian, Wang Changsheng, Xiao Hui and Ruilin have changed their faces one after another. They all feel a terrible atmosphere spreading rapidly, approaching and a terrible mess!

This terrible breath is too vast and boundless. It is slowly oppressed in the void, and it is becoming more and more clear

The periphery of the earth

Satellites are floating quietly, losing all their power. Among them, many satellite staff and scientists are busy, and their faces are filled with a kind of creepy despair!

As the earth's ultra long distance eyes, just before, all monitoring satellites have taken such pictures, boundless, terrible destruction, all terrible black energy is surging, and is approaching the earth step by step! Moreover, when passing through some asteroids, they will directly devour them into invisibility!

In fear, these satellites sent such image data towards the earth, telling the earth that it may face the end! Then, without warning, many instrument parts of the satellite all failed, and none survived! In this case, the satellite can only stand still at the periphery of the earth, waiting for this terrorist energy to approach step by step

On the American satellite

Many staff members eat and drink in despair and enjoy the last time. There are also some Christians who are praying with their hands folded and praying for salvation.

Sitting on the ground, a bearded scientist said to himself, "Oh, my God! I see. This is the worst time I feel after using the super telescope. The end, I see the end is approaching!"

Everyone in the satellite basically knows this scene. Through the super telescope, they can clearly see that the boundless and terrible dark energy is approaching! Along the way, this energy devours everything and destroys everything. It can really be called great terror!

The same scene also happened on other satellites around the earth. All satellite workers were suffering in despair and fear, waiting for death to approach step by step!

With the passage of time, the terrible boundless energy continues to approach. At this time, all kinds of strange situations appear again on the earth. Fish jump out of the water, chickens and dogs are restless, ants move, etc. all these indicate the coming of the crisis!

Human beings who have just recovered their tranquility begin to panic again. Moreover, all of them have an extremely depressed mood, as if there is something peerless and terrible approaching, which oppresses people's hearts and makes them unable to breathe at all!!!

The strong, such as the level of supernatural powers, half step supernatural powers and the realm of King Kong, can clearly feel that this crisis is approaching, getting closer and closer. It is boundless, desperate and can't compete at all

Of course, the most real feeling is the human beings on those satellites. Through the super telescope, they clearly perceive the approaching of this disaster, and their inner suffering and terror can be imagined!

When the boundless dark energy completely wraps the whole earth, so the satellites outside the earth are swallowed up at the same time and become invisible. At the same time, it seems to feel something. A wave of unspeakable vastness and greatness suddenly gushes out to the ground, with a taste of chaos and ignorance, as if it carries the will and vitality of all things.

This breath is so abrupt and low-key that no one knows. However, it contains real dignity and mystery. In an instant, it collided with the dark energy and reached an agreement with each other

Because of this agreement, the incomparable dark energy approaching the earth has stopped, the whole earth is wrapped in it, he is pregnant, and a terrible smell of disaster is everywhere

At this moment, no matter in any area of the earth, anywhere, it was dark!

At the north pole of the earth, there is a world of ice and snow. It is inaccessible. Senhan has frozen all things.

In a huge ice cave, there are all kinds of icicles, shining with all kinds of brilliance, and in the depths of the ice cave, a man stands with his hands on his back, his body is straight, as if he can support the great shore of the sky. At the moment, there is an unspeakable bright light on his body, and a color of joy on his face!

The man's face is firm and resolute, with a kind of pride. However, anyone who sees him will have a feeling that dragon and Phoenix are the overlord of heaven and earth! Yes, he was born with such temperament. Moreover, his breath was so terrible that it was a terrible mess. It seemed that everything could destroy the sky and the earth!

At the moment when the earth was completely in darkness, countless creatures on the earth fell into a panic, but this man laughed and smiled happily.

"Hahaha... It's finally time for this day! The origin of the earth, go out with all your strength, and there's no power to imprison here anymore! Today, I'm going to make a plan for many years to worship the heaven! Hahaha..."

The man was so excited that when he thought of it, he danced happily.

This man, impressively, is the real giant on the earth. He stirs clouds and rain in all directions and has the Holy Lord who can handle the great momentum of the world. He worships the heaven with the sun!

In the outside world, it has been said that this person is attacking the level of divine power. However, if Fu Shan is here at the moment, he will be shocked! Because, at the moment, the realm and strength of Yang worshipping heaven have already exceeded the level of divine power and reached a level that makes him feel desperate. It is extremely terrible. It can kill the general level of divine power with a wave!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

In the body of offering sacrifices to heaven, suddenly there is a pure white crystal that is extremely bright and emits a perfect smell. It's too dazzling. Anyone who sees it will have a feeling. It is the condensation and integration of all the lights between heaven and earth!

Looking at the white crystal in the palm of his hand, Yang Jitian muttered to himself "The supreme deity of the great perfection of the light Department..... The strongest one in the final World War I, who killed Xuanyuan, Chiyou and Buddha, was finally refined by me! Although it was only a trace, it also made me understand some of the true meaning of light. Strength is definitely the highest existence of the lower deity! Moreover, as I continue to refine, my strength will continue to rise! Earth , how can I accommodate a big man like me? Several years later, I will worship the heaven and shake the immortal world! "

The corners of his mouth showed a trace of cruelty, and Yang Jitian mocked himself "The earth's atmospheric transport gathers together? After all, it's an Aboriginal one. What's the future? Now, I abandon the love of the earth and get this great perfect superior God of the light system. In the future, I can enter the immortal world and become the highest existence among them. Even the main god can't kill the great perfect superior God. I must be treated with courtesy! Hometown... Is just a post station , what do I have to do with the destruction of the earth? Even if my subordinates die and my children die, it's enough as long as I sacrifice the sun to heaven! "

In this way, a kind of light shines from the eyes of Yang worshiping heaven, which is the light of ambition.

With the great fortune of the earth, he had many adventures and rose rapidly as soon as he was born. He was favored and cultivated by the origin of the earth, but in the end, he chose to betray. In his view, even if he was the first person on the earth, he was just the indigenous king of a small planet.

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