Babel Cannon!

This is the most lethal move of Thunderbolt Fist.

Using the movement of the body, the power of the legs, waist, and shoulders was instantly connected, and a devastating blow was delivered.

That's the hit.

A vicious wolf that flew from the side was shattered by Chen Lie's water, and its body, which was more fierce than a large dog, flew upside down like a flying stone, and slammed into the mountain wall on the side, splashing a large amount of blood and internal organ fragments.

The fierceness of this punch can be seen.


The tiger roared in rage and burst the guts of a vicious wolf with a single punch.

The other wolves were all terrified.

They're just a pack of cubs, 4 or 5 adult wolves with a pack of cubs, and that's all they have.

But two adult wolves were killed in one shot, which greatly damaged their group strength.

Now they are estimated to be unable to deal with even a small herd of wild boars.

One man and one tiger, just like this, domineering across the territory of the wolves.

"Damn it!"

Chen Lie took the time to look at the time and realized that 15 minutes had passed, but the journey was just over halfway.

"No, we have to go more precipitous!"

Chen Lie turned his heart sideways and killed directly towards the most dangerous area.

There are an untold number of mountain walls, each of which is tens of meters deep, and abrupt and craggy peaks, not to mention humans, even animals are difficult to shuttle in such a treacherous place.

But with the Mini Apache, all this becomes possible.

Chen Lie flew high.

Fly towards the steep and strange peak that looks like a broken sword.



On the U-shaped bend mountain road near Mount Emei.

An unlicensed car was moving faster than anyone else.

There were 4 people in the car, the driver, the aunt, a young woman who looked pretty good, and Xiao Ai who was in a coma.

The young woman held Xiao Ai and lovingly combed her hair.

The aunt sitting in the passenger seat said dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing? We are doing a one-shot deal, and your attitude is causing trouble for us." "

"What's my attitude?"

The young woman was not afraid of her aunt, and said, "I just pity this child, who has no parents at a young age, and now has to leave his grandfather." "


"Take pity on her and adopt her!"

Auntie didn't mean to be irritated, but disgusting.

What trafficker would adopt an abduction?

Isn't that just looking for trouble?

The driver said: "Okay, have you made enough fuss? This time you did so smoothly, and it was also your good performance, if you were uncomfortable to get the money, everything was comfortable." "

Speaking of having money to take, the aunt stopped talking.

And the young woman also said: "Such a lovely girl, and so well-behaved, if you raise it a little, it will definitely be a cash cow in the future." Hey, it's a pity that we don't do the next industry, it's a pity. "

"It's still better than before. "

The aunt said: "In the past, a lot of the next family was fighting for it, but now we are going to find the next family." "

The driver said: "Now that the government has cracked down so severely, it is not easy to do business in this industry." "

The aunt suddenly remembered something and asked eagerly: "I heard that someone has opened up the door to Taiwan and Southeast Asia, and the price is high, should we also contact it." "

"I've heard that those are in the business of chicks and organs. "

"Forget it, you don't make a bastard if you have money!"

The driver only hesitated for a second, and immediately changed his words: "What kind of conscience do we need to do this business?" If we can really get on the line with them, we can at least double the profit of a transaction, and at that time, we can go back to our hometown to be a local tyrant for a few years, who knows that we used to do it. "

"Isn't this too much?"

The young woman hesitated.


"You helped us abduct so many children before, why didn't you say this?"

The aunt ruthlessly stimulated: "If you really have a good intention, we can also be considerate of you." In the future, you help us abduct, and you don't have to worry about finding the next home, you take the same share as before, how about it?"

The young woman couldn't stand the stimulation and retorted: "Black-faced woman, did you eat gunpowder or did I owe you to you? Just let you stab you with a knife like this? Don't you forget, without me, how many times can you succeed with your disliked black face?"

The aunt was originally jealous of the young woman's youth and beauty, but now she is stimulated and directly adds fuel to the fire.

"Do you think my wife can't play without you?"

The aunt stimulated viciously: "If you don't want to cooperate with me, you can go back and continue to sell." Anyway, you've been selling for a few years, and you don't care how many more years, maybe I can bring customers to help you another day. "

The young woman's face turned blue with anger.

"Shut up!"

The driver had intentions for the young woman, and he couldn't bear to continue with the aunt.

He naturally knew that the young woman had gone out to sell before, so there was always such a thorn in his heart.

"Shut up, y'all of you!"

"If it bothers me again, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to control it. "

The driver's threats are really useful.

Not only because he is the only man here, but also because his heart is black enough and his hands are hot enough.

"That's good. "

The car quieted down, and the speed of the car naturally increased again.

The driver secretly calculated and said: "As long as we go through this most painful section, we will go out and we will be flat, and no one will be able to catch us again." "


The food driver saw a strange flying object suddenly appear in the sky above the rearview mirror.

"Look at the heavens behind you. "

"It doesn't look like a bird. "

The driver wondered, and asked the aunt and the young woman to check it out, so as to have peace of mind.

They are extremely sensitive to changes in the outside world, especially when this kind of abduction has not yet been fully successful.

The aunt took a look at it and said, "It looks like a kite, no, it's a toy airplane with something hanging on it." "

"What a toy airplane!"

"It was a drone, and it's very common now. "

The young woman's eyesight is good, and after blocking the sunlight with one hand, she took a serious look at it, and immediately changed color: "No, there is a person hanging under the drone, and he is coming for us." "


The driver almost lost control. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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