Chen Lie's words caused Xiaolan's misunderstanding.

I only heard Xiaolan's eyes glow and asked, "Brother Lie, can you help Ah Da in the orphanage become smarter?"


Chen Lie thought about it for a while, and finally remembered who it was.

Xiaolan nodded and said, "Well, it's the big man in the orphanage who is about the same age as me, but is a head taller than me, and often giggles." "

Chen Lie nodded and asked, "Why do you want to help him?"

"Because he was often called a fool at school. "

Xiaolan pouted and said, "Ah Dacai is not a fool, he just doesn't like to study and does things with one muscle." "

"Okay. "

Chen Lie's impression of Ah Da has been completely clear.

Ah Da, like Xiao Lu, belongs to the special situation where intellectual development is slower than physical development.

However, Chen Lie refused: "Xiaolan, I'm sorry, my brother is not omnipotent. The older brother can help small animals improve their intelligence, but they can't help people improve their intelligence. "

There are countless potions in the System Store that increase the intelligence of animals.

But these agents all have one thing in common:

It doesn't work on humans.

Or there may be an effect, which will be accompanied by other unstable factors.

This problem may be solved by a fifth-level customer, but Chen Lie is now a third-level customer, so he can't help.


"Why is it okay for a little bird, but not for a big one?"

Little Lanton was disappointed.

Chen Lie didn't want Xiaolan to be too sad, so he could only explain further.

He picked up a small withered branch and asked, "Xiaolan, can you break it?"

"Hmm. "

Xiaolan nodded, and easily broke the little withered branch.

Chen Lie picked up a big withered branch and asked, "Then you try it now?"

Xiaolan continued to nod.

But it couldn't do it this time, after all, although the branches were withered, they were still as thick as a thumb, which was not something that Xiaolan could deal with when she had just recovered from a serious illness.

Chen Lie then pointed to the bird, and finally compared: "For you, the small withered branches are easy to break. But for small birds, a small dead branch is equal to a big dead branch, and it is difficult to keep fighting. "

Xiaolan seems to understand a little. "

Xiaolan vaguely understood.

Chen Lie finally concluded: "The intelligence of the little bird is very low, so it is easy to improve. But no matter how stupid Ah Da is, he is far smarter than a bird, so he can improve very much. "

Xiaolan continued to nod.

"You don't need to know much now, just memorize. "

Chen Lie didn't force Xiaolan to know such a big truth, touched Xiaolan's hair that was vaguely no longer dry, and promised: "If there is a chance in the future, my brother will definitely make Ah Da smarter." "


Xiaolan gave Chen Lie a knowing and sweet smile.

"Keep playing!"

"I'm going to get rid of these stupid birds first. "

As soon as Chen Lie's words fell, Xiaolan immediately ran to Po, who was about to continue driving.

"Bao, wait a minute. "

"I can't catch up. "


Xiaolan called desperately from behind, but what responded to her was the horn of the toy supercar.


Xiaolan's angry voice made Chen Lie's smile bloom.

He just loved the joyful atmosphere.

Over here.

It is more energetic and happier than the Ghost's Eye, which is more stylish and has more people.

"That's right. "

"I haven't seen the third secret hidden in "Yue Fei's Soldier Map". "

Thinking of the manor of the ghost eye, Chen Lie thought back for the first time.

He immediately went back to his room.

Summon the Spy Bee to guard it.

After making sure that nothing was wrong, he took out the "Yue Fei Point Soldier Map" that he carried closely.

"Yue Fei's Soldier Map" has three secrets.

The first secret is that the author of the painting is Zhao Mengjian.

The descendants of the old Zhao family who killed Yue Fei, after the destruction of the country, quietly drew Yue Fei's heroic appearance to miss that glorious time, what an irony.

The second secret is that the half of the painting "Breaking the Array" is also from the hands of the grandmaster, and it is also Zhao Mengjian's next-generation disciple Zhao Mengfu.

You must know that Zhao Mengfu is the first master of calligraphy and painting in the Yuan Dynasty, a representative of the art world of the Yuan Dynasty, and his calligraphy is so high-end that he is called the "Four Masters of Regular Script" with Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, and Liu Gongquan.

This "Yue Fei Point Soldier Map" suddenly has the creative traces of two grandmaster-level figures, and its value has skyrocketed in an instant, and it is definitely not as simple as 1+1=2.

As for the third secret.

That's what Chen Lie wants to crack now.

Chen Lie grabbed the scroll of the scroll and aimed directly at the shaft rod.

Because the only thing that can hide things in the whole painting is the shaft of the scroll.


"It's actually sandalwood!"

Chen Lie exclaimed: "The ancients are really rich in production materials, and the shaft rod of a painting is carved from the finest sandalwood. If it's not empty, this piece of sandalwood alone can be sold for a million, right?"


Through the identification of the system before, Chen Lie already knew that the shaft rod was hollow.

Because it is so hidden, countless owners of the painting do not realize the secret.

"What is it?"

Chen Lie is looking forward to it.

After he learned that there was something inside, he didn't continue to ask.

Because if you continue, you will have to pay a higher appraisal fee.

Anyway, the paintings are in hand, and sooner or later they all know, Chen Lie is naturally reluctant to spend so much.

Breathe deeply.

Chen Lie carefully examined.

His attitude is extremely gentle, as if cooking a dish that requires the utmost care.

Little by little, he peeled back the cocoon.

It took him half an hour before he finally found the trick.


The small hidden and dexterous mechanism was opened.

Chen Lie twisted the cork and took out a roll of antiseptic substances that were still a little greasy and showed almost no signs of drying.

"It's definitely the pinnacle of ancient craftsmanship. "

"Even after a long period of washing, the material is still intact, and the wisdom of the ancients is truly terrifying. "

From one small clue one can see what is coming.

Chen Lie seems to see the tip of the iceberg of the Song Dynasty culture from the most superficial hidden skills and embalming techniques.

"I'm looking forward to it more and more. "

"It needs two grandmaster-level artists to cover it up one after another, and with such high-end protection, the secrets it hides must be even more terrifying. "

Chen Lie slowly opened the embalming substance, revealing ...

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