"Oh no, Jiaojiao jumped off the horse! is it going to die?"

"Don't stop, pet brother! It's over, this time it's really over!"

"Pet brother, why are you so stupid!"

"Jiaojiao killed her pet this time!"

Countless fans were anxious and even wailed.

More than a dozen forest wolves, even bears and blind tigers have to avoid their edges, let alone humans.

However, they could not understand the Tigress.

For Tigress, there is no such thing as flinching and running away in his life.

Life and death are downbeat, and if you don't accept it, you will do it!

For the dignity of the king, in order to vent the anger along the way, the Tigress launched a counterattack against the wolves as if he was sent to death.

Tigress is too fast.

This time, it was the Tigress who unreservedly performed a thunderbolt.

The last time it was on Mount Emei, the narrow terrain of the mountains and forests made it impossible for it to perform this footwork at its full strength.

But this time is different.

The full burst was too fast to capture.

Tiger Claw!

This is the talent of the Tiger Clan.

And combined with the claw attack unleashed by Thunderbolt, it cut through the eye socket of the fastest rushing forest wolf like lightning.

The screams shook the sky.

The wound runs from the eye down to the artery behind the head.

The wolf was blind in one eye, and the blood vessels, major arteries, and so on were broken.

This claw is too deep.


The Tigress has no mercy on his enemies who want to kill him.

The bravest of timberwolves could no longer scream after the scream, for blood mixed with air poured into its stomach and lungs, leaving it with only time to convulse.

All the remaining timberwolves were stunned.

None of them thought of chasing humans, so they chased a tiger.

Although this tiger is small, it seems to be more fierce than the tigers they have encountered.

The timberwolves stopped, but the Tigress's attack was not over.

It kills one head and then rushes straight to the second.

As soon as the second brave timber came to a halt, he saw a markinged object similar to a fox pounce on him.

It couldn't even dodge instinctively, but heard a loud "click" and flew away.


It flew upside down 3 meters and crashed into another timberwolf.

After landing, it can't get up again.

But the remaining 9 forest wolves protected Chen Lie and Tigress.

"It's a big game this time. "

Chen Lie gritted his teeth and looked at the desperate situation in front of him.

But he didn't regret it, but stood in front of the Tigress, resisting the most malicious prying eyes for him.

"I'm cao, Jiaojiao is so tough!"

As long as Jiaojiao continues to maintain such combat effectiveness, my brother will definitely be able to escape. "

"What are they doing Gabu? They have, come to support my pet brother!"

Nothing to do with the rocket scolded: "The weapon ran away, but the one without the weapon is the queen of the palace! You better hope that the pet brother will not have an accident, otherwise I will not let you go." "

At this time, there was nothing to do, and the rocket was a little out of control to the point of indiscriminate anger.

Chen Lie's live broadcast room is now completely tense, many people are blessings, and many people are abusing for no reason, and the scene is chaotic.

Even though Chen Lie has a large management group, he still can't control the form.

After all, the administrators are also worried about Chen Lie, where is the time to manage the live broadcast room.


The wolf king screamed wildly.

The timber wolves, who had been a little cowardly, hissed at once.

All go into attack mode.


Tiger Might!

This is the power of kings.

The Tigress, who never thought of retreating, could bear it when he saw a group of forest wolves who dared to take him as prey.

Burst at full speed!

Even if it was face-to-face, even if the focus was already on, the timber wolf was still frightened by the speed of the Tigress.

But they haven't reacted yet.

The Tigress accelerated again when it was impossible, and its body was so fast that there was only an afterimage.

The scariest thing is that it also folds towards the raid.


The result of seeing only the afterimage after this outbreak made the timber wolf very alarmed.

But no matter how sarcastic they were, one more companion had died.

Thunderbolt Fist.

The Tigress's domineering attack finished the local bombardment on the hapless timberwolf.

The wolf was slapped and knocked to his stomach, dizzy.

However, before it could struggle, a sharp claw stabbed into its heart.

The wolves were furious.

Collectively culling to the Tigress.

And it was 3 heads flying together in one go, and the remaining 5 heads reduced the encirclement.

Tiger Leap!

Chen Lie's body turned into a domineering torrent, and he kicked away a forest wolf that was about to sneak up on the tiger from the side.

Another 5 forest wolves launched a surprise attack, and two of them targeted Chen Lie.

In the next moment, Chen Lie's body arched.

Because of the sudden shortening of the body, the strength is completely concentrated on the legs.

Tiger Cannon!

The most direct blow of Thunderbolt Fist.

This blow is aimed at the enemy's death hole, so it is also a must-kill blow.

Chen Lie's right hand and body had completed the posture of pulling back, and at the moment of the explosion, the fist blasted mercilessly with a strong explosive force under the continuous explosion of feet, knees, and legs.


Chen Lie's move was too heavy and heavy, and it was definitely a fatal blow.

And the timber wolf that sneaked up from behind flew out in a straight line, knocking into the other timber wolf that had pounced on him.

The first reaction of the flying timber wolf was not a miserable scream, but a convulsion, convulsions while vomiting.

Not only did it vomit out all the undigested contents of its stomach without reservation, but it also vomited blood and even fragments of internal organs.

Because its internal organs were directly shattered by Chen Lie's cruel and ruthless move.

The scene was extremely bloody.


At this point, the Tigress also completed the first counterattack after a series of dodges.

Unfortunate is a timber wolf that looks to have just come of age, or is about to become an adult.

The neck bones of this not very strong forest wolf were crooked.

Whether or not they can survive is another matter.

"you M!"

Chen Lie kicked away a timber wolf that intended to bite his right leg.

This kick was extremely ruthless, and it cracked the skull of this forest wolf on the spot.

But it's such a distraction.

A particularly huge forest wolf flew over from behind, and its hideous wolf teeth were aimed at Chen Lie's neck.


"Beware, pet brother!"

In a burst of sorrow, even under the despair in the live broadcast room.

Chen Lie made an unbelievable move..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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