"But casual is casual, and one thing has to be done. "

"That is, you have to soak the wolf meat in warm wine first, and remove the taste of the wolf meat first. "

Chen Lie handled the process, and at the same time started another procedure: "As I said just now, there should be more condiments and more hearty, so I directly chose these extremely pungent spices. "

The spices that Chen Lie took out were high-quality chili peppers, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, fennel, as well as green onions, ginger, garlic and so on.

He first fried peppercorns, star anise, fennel, etc. over low heat to bring out the fragrance, and then added green onions, ginger, garlic, and chili peppers to stir-fry.

At the same time, the carrots that had been cut and cooked by Ren Qing before were also good.

"The next step is more critical. "

Chen Lie took out the wolf meat and put it into the fragrant fried ding, explaining: "Remember, the fried ding can't be too hot, at least the oil in it can't be rolled. "

Chen Lie used such a fire to blow up the wolf meat slices until they were golden brown.

Then pour out the oil and set aside, leaving only a thin layer.

The wolf meat that I had just made began to be fried together.

The previous oil was added in small amounts.

Vinegar, refined salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, pepper, etc., go down in a fixed order.

After a while, the smell of meat wafted through.


"It's so spicy and fragrant!"

Chen Lie looked at the red, green and green on the plate, and said, "I know that many people prefer light ones for the sake of health. But I can guarantee that this dish will definitely make you forget about the word health. "

"Pet brother, I know they don't believe me, so I'm willing to test it myself. "

The shameless Gabu came over with chopsticks.

There was a comment of "this guy is so witty" in the live broadcast room, but it was more of a scolding.

"Don't worry, I've done a lot. "

"There is so much wolf meat today, how can I be willing not to eat it. "

When Chen Lie said this, he deliberately looked at Tigress and asked, "Jiaojiao, do you think it should be like this?"


The tiger roared and continued to eat.


Gabu said cruelly: "It's so delicious! M's, I'm talking and eating at the same time, I can't listen to it at all!"

"Gabu, if you don't talk, we're still good friends!"

"Friend fart! This time the pet brother didn't depict us, but this guy seduced us to death. "

"I've decided I'm going to the prairie, and I'm going to get drunk by this guy. "

Fans are all speaking ill of each other.

It's a pity that Gabu doesn't have enough time to eat now, so how can he pay attention to this group of guys who are not lucky enough to enjoy food.

The farmer's chef also tasted it and said, "It's really top-notch! It's just an ordinary ingredient, and I've done it before, but why is there such a big difference?"

Ren Qing asked: "Didn't you have to fry it with boiling oil before?"

"Hmm. "

"We used to use lukewarm, and the wine is more volatile, and eventually it evolves into a slight bitterness with other ingredients, which ruins the taste. "

Chen Lie continued: "And the oil can't be boiled, and the fire can't be fierce, so that the wolf meat won't be too old and tender, and it will continue to maintain the taste." "

Speaking of this, Chen Lie specially sandwiched a piece of wolf meat and sent it to his mouth, chewed it for a while, and after his mouth was full of fragrant, spicy but not stimulating meat juice, he was willing to swallow it slowly.

This vivid eating appearance, as well as the hateful expression, violently stimulated the nerves of all of them.

Chen Lie sighed: "The heavy taste of wolf meat makes it difficult to find suitable materials in simple conditions, and it is impossible to achieve perfection. It is definitely a blessing to be able to eat wolf meat in such an environment. "

"Isn't that just saying we're not blessed?"

"I knew my pet brother wouldn't let us go!"

"Brother pet, you've had enough of it today, why don't you let us go?"

At this time, even Chen Lie's hardcore began to rebel.

But this is the atmosphere that Chen Lie's live broadcast room should have.

In the end, because of Chen Lie's dish, the depressing atmosphere disappeared.



The first rays of sunlight in the morning poured into the room.

"It's comfortable!"

Chen Lie finished practicing boxing with Tigress and came back from taking a bath, and his whole body was indescribably comfortable.

"I heard that there was goat's milk and local specialties this morning, like some kind of mutton shortbread. "

"It seems that there is a blessing in the mouth. "

After Chen Lie got dressed, he opened the door and walked out.

As a result, it was not the spiritual baoman Gabu that ushered in, but a group of people with blood-colored faces.

If it's just Gabu and the others, forget it.

The problem is that Lian Renqing also has a lack of sleep.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Lie suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Ren Qing said: "The missing herb picker has been found. "

Chen Lie's heart stabbed.

Gab continued: "He died, and when he found it, his body was empty, and he died a miserable death. "

Chen Lie asked, "Wolf or what?"

"It's probably a pack of wolves, or it's probably a pack of wild dogs. "

Gabu continued: "The problem is that the police also came to ask us for help, saying that a group of travelers also entered the mountain the day before yesterday, saying that they would come out yesterday, but there is no trace of them so far. Now they are understaffed and need those of us who have experience to go into the mountains to help. "

Chen Lie asked, "That should have happened yesterday night, why didn't you call me?"

Ren Qing followed and said, "It's not yesterday night, it's more than 3 o'clock in the morning." The police call woke us up, and we saw that you were so tired yesterday, so we gave you more rest. "

Gabu said: "Brother pet, we have to follow into the mountain, and we may not be able to be your tour guide, I'm sorry." "

"We are just a small thing, human life is a big thing. "

Chen Lie asked, "Then what are you going to do now?"

Gabu said very seriously: "The police will send police officers who are familiar with the situation to contact us, and then our side will organize people to meet here at the farm and go into the mountains to search and rescue together." "

"I'll go into the mountains with you!"

Chen Lie's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Isn't that the best excuse to enter the mountains?

You must know that he was still worried about the safety of the ghost squirrel yesterday, and he was worried about how to find an excuse to enter the mountain, but he didn't expect to send it to the door now.

"No way!"

Ren Qing, Gu Xiaoyu and Lao Dao refused in unison.

Yesterday's events are still lingering.

How could they possibly agree.

"I have a reason why I have to go..."_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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