At the lowest end of the steep slope, a giant wreck lies quietly inside.


"You've found it!"

This time, not only Li Lao, but others were also shocked.

Then the ghost eye that came to his senses immediately roared: "Xiao Lie, don't be impulsive! The shipwreck has been soaked in the sea for so many years, it must be rotten, and there may be some poisonous snakes and beasts living there, you can not go in now, wait for our help." "


A dull voice.

But Chen Lie ignored the persuasion of the ghost eye.

He briefly checked his surroundings, and after not sensing any threat, he landed firmly on the broken deck.

"Now things are bad. "

Li Lao covered his eyes.

"He's still the same character. "

But Li Lao then laughed, and suddenly felt that he was a little worried.

This is indeed the case.

"Looks like I deserve to get rich!"

As soon as Chen Lie entered the cabin, he found many objects characteristic of the Ming Dynasty.

Ming Dynasty porcelain, Ming Dynasty weapons, Ming Dynasty furniture, and so on.

But these are secondary.

Someone will come and clean it up anyway.

Chen Lie continued to go deeper, this time he entered a certain cabin, and as soon as he entered, he saw a lot of terrifyingly black corpses, some floating on the top of the cabin, some stuck in the middle of the crack in the cabin, and some were crushed.

And so much more.

It can be seen how cruel the situation was at that time.

However, due to the breakage of the container, the contents were scattered.

Chen Lie clearly saw porcelain all over the floor, as well as a small number of highly blackened artworks.

Silk, porcelain and tea from ancient China were the three major export favorites.

Not to mention East Asia.

Even the Middle East, and even Europe, are crazy about it.

But there is another kind of export that is less, but makes the most money:


From the Han Dynasty onwards, Huaxia was the cultural center of the surrounding area.

The Tang Dynasty spread the culture of China to half the world.

The literati sentiments of the Song and Ming dynasties also had a profound impact on the surrounding areas, and the nobles in many regions liked to use Chinese silk, porcelain, literati supplies, and so on.

It has developed to the pinnacle, and there are even signs of foreign dumping of folding fans, jade toys, four treasures of the study, handicrafts and so on, which are liked by the literati.

Don't think that art can't be mass-produced.

Under the expulsion of profits, the craftsmen, maritime merchants, families, etc., operated the works of art as the most high-end porcelain.

It's obvious.

The sea vessel that Chen Lie encountered was obviously at the peak of maritime trade smuggling.

"I'm lucky. "

Chen Lie knew that with these things alone, his efforts this time were worth it.

However, he was not satisfied.

Although there are well-preserved Ming Dynasty export porcelain, as well as a dazzling array of artworks, Chen Lie is dizzying, but Chen Lie does not want these.

Say something pretending.

Chen Lie is not short of money at all now.

What he needs is follower points, as well as the number of quests.

"Brother Pet is going to develop this time!"

Xiao Lei also came in, but was immediately shocked by the porcelain all over the floor.

When he came to his senses, he immediately swam towards the nearest complete porcelain, and then asked curiously: "Brother pet, what kind of porcelain is this? It has been soaked in the bottom of the sea for hundreds of years, and it is still so bright red, is it a great treasure?"

Chen Lie replied: "This is the rumored sacrificial red!"


"You found the sacrificial red?"

Ghosteye looked excited.

Chen Lie replied: "Yes, it's the real Ming Sacrifice Red Porcelain!"

Red is the color of the gentleman's great virtue.

It symbolizes auspiciousness and peace, warmth and sincerity, elegance and wealth, broadness and grace.

The gentleman is virtuous, and Shangde is red.

Therefore, the Ming Dynasty, where the literati had an extremely thick atmosphere, regarded the sacrificial red porcelain as a collection or gift.

And it's also related to a legend.

Legend has it that an emperor of the Ming Dynasty wanted to pay tribute to the gods with a set of bright red porcelain.

However, the potters tried many times, but they could not burn the sacrificial vessels that satisfied the imperial court.

In the end, many people were imprisoned by the bureaucracy, claiming that if they could not burn the red-glazed porcelain that the emperor had urged, they would kill people.

Cuilan, the daughter of an old potter, was very worried when she heard the news, and ran to the Imperial Kiln Factory to find that her father had also been thrown into prison by the kiln supervisor.

The grief-stricken Cuilan jumped into the raging kiln fire and protested with her life against the atrocities of the kiln governor.

Later, when the potters opened the kiln where Cuilan was burned, they were surprised to find that the fired clay blanks were as red as blood.

People say that this is the blood of Cuilan stained the pottery red, so this red porcelain is called sacrificial red.

In order to commemorate the Cuilan who sacrificed to the kiln, the potters later used bricks to build the image of a girl when sealing the kiln door, and this custom has continued to this day.

"I didn't expect that!"

"There are people who are willing to sacrifice red porcelain!"

Ghost Eye was so excited that he kept rubbing his hands, eager to rush to the scene immediately.

Xiao Lei asked: "Brother pet, this red porcelain is very precious?"

Chen Lie smiled and asked: "In the ceramic museum in Jingdezhen, the porcelain capital, there are only nine and a half pieces of red porcelain in the collection of nearly 10,000 pieces, one of which is the sacrificial red during the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, and only half of it is left when it is collected. You say, even the dignified porcelain has only been collected nine and a half pieces, do you say it is precious?"

Xiao Lei nodded frantically.

"Alright. "

"Don't get too excited. "

Chen Lie soothed: "Just came in, and there was such a harvest before the official salvage, which is indeed good news." But there will definitely be more surprises waiting for us in the future, so let's save some time and get excited. "

Chen Lie's words were like fixing the sea god needle, quickly stabilizing the scene.

And Xiao Lei immediately took the most careful action to put away the sacrificial red porcelain.

The Ming Dynasty sacrificial red porcelain was indeed very expensive.

Like the sacrificial red porcelain preserved by Xiao Lei, if it is put up for auction, it can be auctioned for at least 5 million.

If the auction atmosphere is a little more enthusiastic, the auction price of 10 million is not a problem.

And here is a complete batch of sacrificial red porcelain, the total price of which is conceivably high.

With Chen Lie's deep penetration, searching, and searching, there were new harvests later.

"Guys, guess what I've found now?"

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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