"It's shameful to waste. "

To distract himself, Chen said: "This is not only effective for me now, but also for the fat-tailed gerbils living in the Sahara Desert. "

Chen Lie smiled and asked, "I know that some of you may think that the fat-tailed gerbil I hunted is stupid, and that it should run away the moment it sees me. Everything has cause and effect, so why don't you say it runs?"

"If you get it right, you get a prize. "

Chen Lie's words caused a lot of responses.

"Maybe it's because of its lack of intelligence. "

"It's possible that it's watching pet brother. "

"It's also possible that it's sluggish. "

Many people didn't answer correctly, and some even talked nonsense.

"Let me uncover the mystery. "

Chen Lie directly typed in a text: "There are two reasons, the first one is very simple, this is the Sahara Desert, it is a great fortune to be able to find food, how can it be wasted." So the animals in the desert have one thing in common, once they find food, they will definitely eat a lot of it, and they will never waste it. "

This explanation makes sense.

After all, isn't that what camels and so on?

Chen Lie continued: "Also, because this is the Sahara Desert, human beings are extinct. It is estimated that the gerbil has encountered me once in his life, and it is inevitable that he is a little curious. "

"It makes sense, I'm speechless. "

"Pet brother, this wave of popular science, I just have one word: serve!"

Fans have accepted Chen Lie's explanation.

At this time, Chen Lie had already completed the dismemberment work.

And in order to preserve the atmosphere, he also specially opened a new topic: "Rats are the most widespread mammals in the world, and they can be found almost everywhere there is land. In order to adapt to their environment, they have evolved a number of unique physical traits, as well as other abilities. "

"Fat-tailed gerbils, for example, are found in many parts of the Sahara Desert and feed on insects, vegetables, weeds, etc., and almost everything that can be eaten in their stomachs will not be missed. "

"Others, and in order to adapt to life in the desert, they have gradually mastered the ability to drill sand. If I hadn't been quick-eyed just now, I would have slipped away from it. "

At this point, Chen Lie had already dealt with the gerbils.

It was impossible for him to clean his hands with precious clean water.

But thankfully, it's sand.

He rolled wildly in the sand, wiping the filth away in a short time.

"If I'm unlucky, this gerbil is all my food for today. "

Chen Lie raised the things that had been handled.

"It's disgusting. "

These were the exact words of the Queen's arrival.

Pengcheng Da Liu asked in surprise: "No, such a small mouse can eat for a day?" "

Knowing everything, he asked evilly: "Brother pet, why don't you want those internal organs, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat." "

"Because I don't dare. "

Chen Lie said very seriously: "As I said just now, animals in the desert will definitely not waste food. Animals like gerbils are so hungry that even poisonous scorpions and small poisonous snakes will find a way to eat them. "

"I see. "

Knowing everything, he suddenly said: "The reason why I don't eat them is because their internal organs are not clean!"

"That's true. "

Chen Lie replied affirmatively: "They live in such an environment, and they are born with a relatively strong ability to resist poisons. But they can resist poison, but we can't, so those internal organs that may contain toxins and various viruses, if possible, try not to eat them. "

Chen Lie then gave some data: "Of the 100 people who died in the desert, at least 10 were caused by indiscriminate eating." For the sake of my physical safety, I had to make a parting. "

"Of course, that's why I'm confident in my ability to survive. "

Chen Lie's last sentence was naturally said by fans to be pretending.

"Keep going. "

That's it.

Chen Lie took all the edible materials of the fat-tailed gerbil and continued his journey.


Chen Lie didn't even let go of the plant that barely had leaves.

I picked a few of the tender branches and carried them with me.



And when the wilderness survival on Chen Lie's side was in full swing.

There was also a bit of a plot going on in Hong Kong.

Ah Qi took the money given by Fat Chen and came to the appointed place.

He looked around.

He felt that Fat Chen would not trust himself so much, and he must be staring at him somewhere.

But Ah Qi searched very hard, but he didn't see Chen Fatzi's significant body.


He walked into the crowd, and then with the help of his ability, he turned around until he didn't know it, and came to the agreed park.

But he didn't take it lightly, and immediately looked around.

And when he saw a figure on the edge of the toilet in the park, he decisively changed direction and walked over.


Ah Qi just wanted to say hello, but was pushed into the toilet by this person.

After carefully confirming that no one knew about it in the toilet, Ah Qi decisively asked, "Brother Long, why are you tossing like this?"

Nie Long, the person who had a secret meeting with Ah Qi was actually Nie Long that Chen Fatzi was looking for.

However, thinking of Nie Long's cunning and Ah Qi's abnormality, it seems that everything is easy to connect together.

Nie Long sneered: "He wants to find me, I'll pit him a little money, what's the matter, you're not happy?"

Ah Qi hurriedly put on a respectful expression and asked, "Brother Long, the money has arrived, why don't we leave now?"

Nie Long smiled, his smile was extremely cold: "Leave, do you think I'm the kind of sissy who is bullied but doesn't dare to fight back?"

Ah Qi's expression froze, and he pleaded as he wanted to continue playing the wind media profession: "Brother Long, we can't go too far when we come out to mix." Fat Chen is now my last credibility guarantee, it is better to sell me a face this time, take the money, and make up a place to fool him at will, and in the future, there will be a chance to clean up Fat Chen, a fool who is not long-eyed. "

Ah Qi's words were a little incoherent.

"I have no grievances with him, but he is in such a hurry to get ahead of me, surely it is not his idea?"

(Disclaimer: Some book friends say that Nie Long is a water-injected character, but as long as you look carefully, you will know that the role of Nie Long is very important, and it runs through the recent chef plot, I think everyone must also see it.) And next, he will make a huge contribution to Chen Lie. )_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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