The big wild wolf that was directly beaten by the tiger and flew in front of Chen Lie was also torn apart alive in the same way as the previous wolf corpse.

And the corpse is still mutilated.

The meaty places had obviously been eaten, and only a few fleshless remains remained.

"There was a lot of wolf meat being eaten both times, and this brown bear must have eaten a lot. "

"Coupled with the terrifying power of this life-and-death wolf, this brown bear's size must be terrifying, and it is very likely to be at the level of the bear king. "

"Pet brother, be careful!"

The animal expert warned again.

"I will. "

Chen Lie was also jealous.

But he wondered, "Then again, this place is far from the brown bear's sphere of influence." Isn't the brown bear hunting like this afraid of retaliation from other beast lords?"

The animal expert replied, "If the brown bear is 2.5 meters tall when it stands upright, then it doesn't have to be afraid of tigers." But if it is a 3-meter-tall bear king, even if a tiger encounters it, it will have to be avoided. "

"King Bear, okay. "

Chen Lie thought of the 3-meter-tall giant brown bear, and he wanted to smile bitterly.

The power of bears is terrifying.

If the body size is a little more prominent, it is basically a sub-invincible existence.

This time it wasn't a giant boar.

Maybe the weight of the giant wild boar is the same level as the bear king, but in terms of pure combat power, the giant wild boar will definitely be completely exploded by the bear king.

Whether it is Chen Lie or Tigress, no one can resist the slap of the bear king head-on.

"Looks like we're going to have to do some evasion tricks. "

"Bears have seven times more sense of smell than dogs, so it's not too scary. "

"With the bear's sense of smell, even if it is a few kilometers away from the rock, it can still smell me according to the road I have walked, not to mention that I still have such a strong wolf smell. "

"So in order to prevent the bear king from tracking me, I had to cross the creek and river as much as possible to keep out the smell. "

"Although the small streams and lakes are frozen now, I still have a very rough method..."

After speaking, Chen Lie rolled around on the snow.

Then follow your own footsteps backwards.

Roll around again.

And so on and so forth.

In the end, Chen Lie chose a direction that was neither downwind nor against the wind.

"Don't look at my movements a little silly, but I can confuse the enemy's judgment. "

"The more sensitive the nose, the more confused the judgment. "

"As for the direction of the wind, the same is true. "

Chen Lie hurried for two hours so quickly.

Finally he stopped in front of a cave.

"This cave is good!"

Chen Lie looked at the small cave in front of him and said, "If I am a lost traveler and encounter such a cave, the first thing to do is to throw small stones into it to test it to see if there are snakes, lizards and other small animals, and if so, use intimidation, smoke and other methods to force them out." "

"It's safe to deal with it that way. "

"Then you can stay inside, prevent wild beasts from attacking, and wait until rescue. "

Chen Lie then shifted the topic back to himself: "Although I have specific goals, I don't need to stay here. But it can provide me with adequate shelter, as well as a relatively safe place to rest. "

Sit back and rest.

Chen Lie quickly burst into flames.

Seeing this, he remembered the jokes of Rocket Shenhao and others before, and said: "Many people like to see the scene of drilling wood for fire, and I have personally experimented in the desert before, so I won't toss." "

The ancient method of drilling wood for fire is famous.

But it requires a certain amount of skill and even more patience.

Because even very dry wood, very fine ignition objects, it may take half an hour, or even more than an hour.

There are enough resources.

Chen Lie, who had to travel for a long time, naturally wouldn't toss so much, wasting his precious time and physical strength on meaningless drilling wood for fire.

"I'm going to keep it simple. "

"Let's make a honey-glazed grilled fish!"

Chen Lie finally said evilly to the camera: "I guess you haven't eaten honey grilled fish, and you have seen or heard of it." "

There was a wail in the live broadcast room.

But Chen Lie was very simple.

Fish is ready-made, as is honey.

Everything was perfect.

Chen Lie stabbed all the wild willow root fish into skewers and grilled three in one go.

Chen Lie actually had the heart to explain: "Honey grilled fish is more particular, first of all, the fish can't be crucian carp. Crucian carp and honey can cause human poisoning if they accidentally eat it, they should be given black beans and licorice in time, black beans and licorice can detoxify. "

"Fortunately, the willow fish is a carp, so there is no conflict. "

Chen Lie flipped it over as he spoke, added a little firewood, and continued: "And the fish in the honey grilled fish must be small and delicious, if it is too big, the meat inside will be roasted unevenly. And the kind of artificially farmed, most of the meat will be loose and old. "

"The wild willow fish I had on hand were just the right size for a barbecue. "

"In addition, wild willow root fish live in a wild environment without pollution, and there is a lot of exercise every day because of the catching of animals, so the meat quality is exceptionally delicious. "

"Almost. "

In the end, Chen Lie pulled out the three wild willow root fish from the barbecue, brushed it with a layer of honey that had just melted, and said: "The honey can't be at a high temperature, and it can be fused with the residual temperature of the barbecue, which is just right." "


"The original sweetness of honey and the freshness of wild willow fish, combined with the woody aroma of barbecue, are mixed into a not very complex but refreshing delicacy. "

"I can eat 10 of these fish in one go. "

Chen Lie separated the remaining two grilled fish from the tiger and the ghost squirrel, one person and two beasts, and ate it very deliciously.


Only halfway through eating, the tiger who had eaten a mouth full of oil and honey suddenly gave up the honey grilled fish and looked fiercely at the woods in the distance.

The ghost squirrel is also instantly fried.

It was like a feral cat that had been attacked, and its hair stood on end.

It was the first time for Chen Lie to see a ghost squirrel with such a mentality, there was no nonsense, he immediately threw away the honey grilled fish, showed his homemade spear, and the flying knife was also ready to go.


The vigilant Tigress roared into the trees in the distance.

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