The first centipede appears under the light.

This was followed by more centipedes.

A sea of centipedes that is getting denser and denser.

"What's wrong with my pet brother?

"So many centipedes!"

"Ahhh Pet brother, run!"

Fans are crazy.

They were all scared to death by the sea of centipedes in front of them.

Those female fans screamed non-stop.

After Chen Lie took back the mini live broadcast footage, he did not hesitate to turn around and run.

Such a centipede sea, even if he brings all the super pets, it won't help.

Quickly retreat to the previous palace.

As a result, Chen Lie was dumbfounded.

A large number of centipedes came out of nowhere and landed on stone statues, weapons, and even the ground.

Chen Lie didn't talk nonsense, and immediately picked up Xiao Hei and rushed forward.

I don't know how many centipedes were trampled to death on the way.

A large amount of venom mixed with something inexplicable splashed all over the ground.

The most terrifying thing is that Chen Lie's soles actually show signs of corrosion.

But he clearly didn't have time to bother with that much.


He quickly rushed out of the tunnel.

"I'm grass!"

However, Chen Lie was still too naïve.

As soon as he stepped out of the stone door, he noticed a large number of scorpions on the way.

These scorpions are all of the same breed, and they are all unknown breeds.

Seeing their fiery red poisonous tails cocked high, with a hideous appearance, Chen Lie was angry but couldn't vent.

"M, I wish I had a shovel right now, and there will be a lot of dooms in one slap. "

"Hey, why didn't you respond, what about my live broadcaster?"

Chen Lie realized that his live broadcast camera was lost.

He took a look at the mini live broadcast footage and found that the fixed live broadcast camera was lost in the palace, and now it was crawled with all kinds of centipedes, and the live broadcast room was wailing.

"It's just the right time for me to move on my own. "

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Since both the way forward and the way out are blocked.

Then he could only continue to go all the way down the left passage.

There is no choice.

All the way down.

Except for the occasional poisonous scorpion, there really isn't any other threat.

"M, it's so unusual here. "

"I don't know how poisons are raised here. "

Chen Lie walked down with resentment.


The end appeared.

The left passage leads to an end, and at the end is a wall with a carved painting.

It's good to die.

This painting turned out to be a stone engraving version of "Yue Fei's Soldiers".

"That's not right. "

"Although this painting is finely carved, I always feel that it is a little different from my family's "Yue Fei Point Soldier Picture". "

Chen Lie looked at the stone painting and studied it carefully.

He can't go back now.

You can only start with the painting in front of you.

Chen Lie didn't have time to waste, so he directly turned to the system: "System, give me an appraisal of how this stone painting is different from the "Yue Fei Point Soldier Map" at home." "

"Ding, this is not "Yue Fei's Point Soldier Map", it's just a very common point soldier map. "

"The "Yue Fei Point Soldier" in the client's home is the result of deepening and artisticizing this kind of painting on the basis of this kind of painting. "

Listening to the systematic appraisal, Chen Lie suddenly woke up: "Oh, when the Northern Song Dynasty fell, Yue Fei hadn't risen yet. "

That means it's original, so it's no wonder it looks so familiar. "

"But since it's original..."

Chen Limo picked up the stone paintings, and finally found that something was abnormal.


On the original top of this "Yue Fei's Point Soldier Map", there is no Yue Fei, but the position belonging to Yue Fei is specially vacant, as if waiting for a latecomer to carve a certain general here.

"Specially vacated..."

Chen Lie is in this position.


I've found the trap.

There's a very hidden mechanism in this location.

Chen Lie pressed it, and the stone painting began to shake.

Another slate door.

Chen Lie was pleasantly surprised, and after waiting for the exhaust gas to finish, he immediately went in.

A road is a tunnel that leads to the underground.

At the end of the tunnel, as before, it is a palace.

But this palace is even bigger and grander, with imaginary carved dragons and phoenixes inside, and treasure chests used to preserve things.

"I'll wipe it, it's all Jin Sinan!"

Chen Lie almost stared out when he saw it.

It is a precious wood unique to the Celestial Empire, and belongs to the second-class protected plant of the Celestial Empire.

Golden silk nan has a fragrance, the texture is straight and the structure is fine, it is not easy to deform and crack, and the surface of the wood is shining golden in the sun, the gold wire emerges, and there is a light and elegant fragrance, it is the special wood of the royal palace and a few temples.

"There are so many Jin Sinan, and sure enough, only Zhao Ji, who was the richest at that time, is qualified. "

"Hey, this seems to be the legendary royal oil film, which is claimed to be incorruptible for thousands of years. "

"The blood book was wrapped in this stuff before. "

With Chen Lie's excavation, he discovered more secrets here.

Each chest here has a fixed key.

At that time, Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

After he used violent means to pry open a treasure chest, he found that it was full of calligraphy and paintings, and they were all Zhao Ji's favorites.

Pry open the second chest.

This time it's even simpler, it's full of precious sculptures, several of which are Zhao Ji's Jin Si Nan sculptures.

Others, such as Buddha beads, strange carvings, etc., are dazzling, all of which are rare masterpieces of wood carving.

Because Jinsi Nanmu is a hardwood, the texture is hard and not easy to rot.

Moreover, the golden silk nanmu is an old material for natural oxidation and carbonization of ordinary nanmu for a long time, which also reduces its organic matter content and is more non-perishable.

There is also a saying that the fiber structure of golden silk nanmu is more breathable, which is more conducive to the efflux of water vapor, coupled with the antiseptic treatment technology of wood in ancient China, even if it does not contain preservatives, it can survive for thousands of years.

So they're precious, so precious that only a few people can use them to play with carving.

Zhao Ji is one of them.

"It's ok. "

Chen Lie ignored it.

He came to the most conspicuous box.

There is a small wooden box on this box, no nonsense, take the lead in priing open the small wooden box.

Inside are a few ancient books.

And it's not Zhao Ji's kind of wind and snow, but a record of raising poisonous insects.

"I suspect that the centipedes, scorpions, snakes, and so on out there have something to do with these books. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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