The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 298: : Crown

"How can there be so many coincidences?"

With words that Qin Weibai could not understand at all, Xuanyuan Wushang's palm was pressed on Li Tianlan's chest.

The entangled white mist fluttered from Li Tianlan's body, Xuanyuan Wushang's expression was quiet, and he whispered softly: "Any incredible coincidence, in the final analysis, is a certainty, but many times, we can't understand it."

The breeze rose suddenly.

An air current suddenly appeared in the bedroom with closed doors and windows.

Xuanyuan Wushang's whole person began to shine.

Clear light hazy.

The clear breeze dispersed the light and gradually merged with the extremely thin white mist on Li Tianlan's body.


The extremely clear bone crack sound suddenly sounded.

Qin Weibai suddenly opened his eyes.

The hand Xuanyuan Wushang placed on Li Tianlan's chest seemed to have lost all its strength and support in an instant.

His hand bones shattered almost instantly, and the blood-stained white bones pierced the flesh and blood, piercing through the skin.


The sound of bone cracks enough to make the scalp numb sounded densely.

Xuanyuan Wushang's head hung down without any warning. The bones all over his body seemed to be shattered in an instant, and blood came out of him.

He was originally sitting on the bed, but with the dense sound of bone cracking, his body lost support in an instant, and he lay beside Li Tianlan in an extremely stiff posture.

In Qin Weibai's sight, Xuanyuan Wushang's expression and skin began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a blue color, and finally a grayish white without any vitality.

Blood was flowing on him.

Xuanyuan Wushang in this state looked like a corpse that didn't know how long he had been dead.

A slight but shocking blast sounded continuously in his body.

Qin Weibai couldn’t see what was happening in Xuanyuan Wushang’s body, but the constant vibration sounded like a strange force tearing his body constantly. The heart, blood vessels, muscles, and bones seemed to be in the shortest time. All torn to pieces by that power.

Xuanyuan Wushang still kept his eyes open.

His face was blue and gray, and the face that seemed harmless to humans and animals in the past now carries an indescribable weirdness and hideousness.

Qin Weibai had seen many corpses.

But in the extremely quiet bedroom right now, the scene in front of her made her instinctively feel uncomfortable, her scalp was numb, her body was tight, and her breathing seemed to have a sense of tension and fear.

Xuanyuan Wushang lost his breath and heartbeat.

But in his open eyes flashed a very clear mockery and arrogance.

The icy voice rang, with disdain and contempt: "Order..."

The white mist and hazy clear light completely enveloped him and Li Tianlan.

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't finish.

The voice that Qin Weibai couldn't hear rang from the depths of a colorful world of consciousness: "I am also order."

His voice seemed to spread throughout the space, rumbling and echoing in the boundless world.

It was quiet all around.

Xuanyuan Wushang, who was covered in blood, stood there, staring at the colorful world around him in a daze.

His body was still lying beside Li Tianlan.

But my own consciousness had already appeared deep in Qin Weibai's consciousness.

The real Qin Weibai, or the depths of Gu Xianyan's consciousness.

No longer a virtual avatar.

Without that pair of glasses, Xuanyuan Wushang also lost the ability of virtual clone and virtual invasion.

His current consciousness is his own consciousness.

In other words, if he was trapped here, Xuanyuan Wushang in the Eastern Palace would also die completely.

This is undoubtedly a very serious consequence.

But the problem is that Xuanyuan Wushang seems to have only noticed this problem at this time.

Blood was constantly flowing from his body.

Countless rays of light floated around him.

After a moment of recovery, Xuanyuan Wushang's expression suddenly changed.

His expression was as if he had seen a ghost, and he blurted out subconsciously.

That **** sentence also echoed crazily in the world, like thunder all over the world.

The light surging, extremely indifferent and distant.

Xuanyuan Wushang's face changed, and he didn't even dare to move for a while.

Thousands of fur and mud horses rushed madly in his heart.

All consciousness seems to be completely frozen.

There was only one thought left in his mind.

Father, are you trying to cheat me? You are my father! ! !

Is this the depths of Qin Weibai's consciousness?

If it was not possible to determine where he was, Xuanyuan Wushang even thought he had come to the wrong place.

"This is the **** melting pot..."

Whispering to himself, Xuanyuan Wushang hesitated for a while, and finally took a tentative step forward.


Blood suddenly burst from him.

Xuanyuan Wushang's body suddenly opened a huge wound with deep bones.

He looked down at the wound that was almost spreading to the heart, and he wanted to cry without tears.

"My name is Wushang... I really want to go home..."

His reason is that Qin Weibai's depth of consciousness is the same as Wang Tianzong's depth of consciousness. Even if there is a difference, how big can the difference be?

But the world in front of him is not a concept at all from the depths of Wang Tianzong's consciousness.

The depths of Wang Tianzong's consciousness were pitch black, it looked like infinitely large and infinitely small, but in fact it was just a point.

But in the depths of the colorful consciousness in front of him, it was completely like an endless world.

Where is he going to find Qin Weibai?

Xuanyuan Wushang took another step forward.

The colorful light surging slightly, Xuanyuan Wushang couldn't avoid it at all.

Another wound tore on him, dripping with blood.

The clear light surged over his body, and the wound on his body began to heal quickly.

Xuanyuan Wushang took a deep breath and continued to move forward.

Another step.

It was another wound.

In the boundless light, Xuanyuan kept moving forward without hesitation.

His wounds are getting more and more, and whenever the body wound reaches a certain level, he will stop to heal himself, and then move on.

Qin Weibai was never seen.

His consciousness quickly sensed the exhaustion of his body.

Time seems meaningless.

He didn't even know how long he had been here, just repeated treatment and progress over and over again.

Maybe three meters and five meters.

Maybe it is thousands of meters.

Xuanyuan Wushang, who was gradually numb in his heart, finally saw a mountain in front of him.

In the light that is always the same around, that mountain is so different.

The moment he saw that mountain, that mountain seemed to see him.

The light all over the world suddenly began to surge.

The mountain began to tremble, but it was silent.

The violent light rushed along with the shaking of the mountain.

There is light everywhere.

The endless light instantly drowned Xuanyuan Wushang.

Blood dripping and bruised all over.

The body composed of Xuanyuan Wushang consciousness was completely torn apart time and time again, and it was difficult to reorganize.

Xuanyuan Wushang gritted his teeth, this fat man who seemed harmless to humans and animals was now showing an unspeakable determination.

His eyes were firmly locked on the distant mountain peaks.

The mountain is shaking and shrinking.

The light tore his body, time and time again.

I don't know how long it took, the colorful light finally began to fade.

The world once again became a nearly solidified ink painting.

In front of Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes, the mountain had disappeared.

Or in other words, the mountain shrank countless times.

It became an exquisite and beautiful but extremely huge crown, slowly floating not far from Xuanyuan Wushang.

So clear, so real, so majestic, so beautiful.

The whole world seemed completely dim.

Only the crown in front of you is the only truth.


Xuanyuan Wushang looked in a daze: "This is..."

He looked at the crown in front of him and was silent for a long time.


Consciousness is exhausted to the extreme.

He smiled dazedly: "So that's it..."

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