The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 152: : The lively Huating

In many cases, the best choice is to do nothing for the disadvantaged.

Just wait patiently.

Any extra action is a manifestation of one's lack of self-confidence.

This is Qin Weibai's original words.

And Li Tianlan is undoubtedly confident.

He is confident that this is his own era, and he can be absolutely invincible in this era.

He is also confident enough that he and Qin Weibai can cope with all situations.

So he did nothing.

Quietly watching Wang Shengxiao jump up and down, watching Jiang Shangyu quietly and they dormant forbearingly.

All the movements of Beihai Wang's this time were very hidden.

From this point, it is enough to see Wang Shengxiao's caution and calmness. In order to be foolproof, he even took a long time for all actions.

This led to the East Palace’s intelligence system knowing what Wang Shengxiao was doing during this period, but so far they have not received any useful information.

Wang Shengxiao and Jiang Shangyu are both in Europe now.

But all their actions, at present, seem to have no intention of targeting the Eastern Palace.

Really do not have?

Li Tianlan didn't believe it at all, and everyone didn't believe it at all.

It’s just that those actions were not seen by the eyes of the Eastern Palace. As time passed day after day, there was no trace of Beihai Wang’s targeted actions. The real plan was continuously delayed. There was enough time for Wang Shengxiao. Arrange everything quietly behind the scenes.

He is not in a hurry.

Li Tianlan is not in a hurry.

Compared with the prudent and cautious step by step of the Beihai Wangs, what Li Tianlan did was to wait.

He waited for the Beihai Wang Clan to think that he would wait for a suitable opportunity to make a move.

Waiting for them to take the initiative to come and die.

Li Tianlan didn't talk about this topic in depth, but looked at Zhou Yu who was sitting aside, and smiled: "Brother Zhou, will this cause you trouble today?"

Zhou Yu was stunned, then shook his head: "There will be pressure, but I can't talk about trouble, I can solve it."

"Do you want to leave Huating and change the environment?"

Li Tianlan asked straightforwardly.

Zhou Yu's heart trembled, thinking for a few seconds, and then pondered: "Your Majesty wants me to leave now?"

Li Tianlan talked to him on the phone before.

Li Tianlan's attitude on the phone was very clear, that is, he hoped that he could leave Huating.

Today Huating has become a battlefield for the Prince Group and the Southeast Group to fight. Zhou Yu saw the opportunity and was obviously ambitious. However, the new group obviously does not intend to participate in the Huating turmoil. Li Tianlan hopes that he will go to northern Xinjiang to operate. Well, that road is not inferior to Huating, and going to Northern Xinjiang is much better for his personal future and future status in the new group than staying in Huating.

It just seems a bit early to leave Huating at this time?

Zhou Yu hesitated.

Li Tianlan picked up his teacup and chuckled: "Is this brother Zhou seeing me outside? Or are there any concerns? The Eastern Palace has never treated Brother Zhou as an outsider. If you have any questions, just say it."

Zhou Yu relaxed, smiled, and said calmly: "The city government and the council are now very concerned about my work."

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes and suddenly asked, "How is the investigation of the case?"

"It's confusing, the speaker really hopes that Huating can be stable."

Zhou Yu's voice was very calm.

Zhong Youwei, the speaker of Huating.

One of the leaders of the Prince Group is now the oldest member of the Central Continent.

"He was involved in the case?"

Li Tianlan asked.

"not yet."

Zhou Yu lit a cigar and took a sip: "But there should have been key clues pointing to him, at least it is something that is not good for him. Liu Xiangyang is a ruthless man, but also a smart man. This man is experienced, very old and difficult to entangle. "

"Liu Xiangyang is the new director of Huating, the Minister of Supervision, and he was parachuted over by the Ministry of Supervision, and he is the direct line of Ji Wenwen."

The military commander calmly explained, fearing that Li Tianlan would not know who Liu Xiangyang was.

Zhou Yu didn’t seem to realize this, and continued: “Although it was an airborne, the foundation is still very deep. The strength of the Huating Supervision Department has always been part of the Southeast Group. Although Zhang Xiaohua and Chu Jiang Chao was very close to Wang Xiaoyao, but Liu Xiangyang had a lot of supporters in the middle and grassroots, and he didn't have much pressure to do things. The smartest thing about him was to take Qin Hui, but let Sun Chengwu go. ."

Li Tianlan raised his hand first, looked at the military teacher and said, "I know."

The military division who originally planned to continue to explain was a little surprised. He didn't understand how his boss, who had always been very salty in this regard, knew about these two people. It seems that the Eastern Palace had no plans

Intervene in Huating, but always keep an eye on things here.

"Qin Hui is one of Huating's directors and the director of the parliament office. He is regarded as the chief steward who helps the speaker manage the backyard. Sun Chengwu is the deputy director of the office, but he is actually the secretary of the speaker. It has become the bait Liu Xiangyang put outside. I have reason to believe that the Ministry of Supervision has the evidence that can convict Sun Chengwu, but now they don't move him, undoubtedly they want to use Sun Chengwu to tune the big fish."

If Sun Chengwu is the bait, then the current Huating Speaker Zhong Youwei is the closest to the bait.

"Now Huating can be said to be the busiest time in these years. The council has fallen down a council member, and there are more people in all aspects below. After Liu Xiangyang came to Huating, there are already two in the district under Huating’s jurisdiction. The district has changed the mayor, he has the full support of the city government behind him, and a deputy mayor promoted by Zhong Youwei is also very dangerous.

In addition, there are people in various departments such as the police and the staff. I even think that Liu Xiangyang has a certain degree of certainty to move the clock, but he is still accumulating energy, or that he wants to move, but it’s not just Zhong. For one. This time, the Southeast Group intends to pull out all the foundations of the Prince Group in Huating at one time, and Zhong Youwei, the most difficult bone to gnaw, was placed last by them. "

At present, the municipal government and assembly representing the Southeast Group and the Prince Group are already in a state of killing their eyes. Wu Yue's side is almost set for the overall situation, and the Southeast Group is destined to lose that foundation. They internally gritted their teeth on Wang Qinglei and Wang Xiaoyao. Needless to say, when they are destined to lose Wu Yue, they will try their best to capture Huating with the help of some materials provided by Wang Xiaoyao for self-protection. Only in this way can they not lose.

But the Prince Group won Wu Yue, obviously not willing to give up Huating, which they have not completely won. Zhong Youwei is a Huating Speaker. Everyone knows what it means to be a Huating Speaker. This position was originally a position that major groups must fight for.

The other meaning of must-see is must-guarantee.

Keeping Zhong Youwei, then Huating Speaker’s position will remain in the hands of the Prince Group. At that time, they can take Wu Yue and Wang Qinglei. The Prince Group’s losses due to the Chen Fangqing incident can be greatly compensated, and Chen Fangqing will not be considered. If the Prince Group took down Wu Yue and kept Zhong Youwei, they can be said to have made a lot of money.

For this reason, they can tolerate Liu Xiangyang's continued tossing, even if Liu Xiangyang completely removes their roots, as long as the speaker Zhong Youwei is still there, there is still hope of a comeback.

One wants to force no loss.

One wants to make a big profit.

The two sides are confined to the battlefield of Huating. The gods have their own means of fighting. The directors of other groups may want to get out as soon as possible so as not to endanger the pond fish. But Zhou Yu is different. He himself is the third figure of Huating, even except for the city government. With the third pole outside the parliament, he has almost no flaws backed by the new group. Whether the city or the parliament, at this time, he needs his support to break certain deadlocks.

And in this critical time, Zhou Yu’s support is naturally impossible to be free, he can completely ask for the price, the little risk he took is completely insignificant compared with the subsequent gains, in fact, since Liu Xiangyang Since entering Huating, Zhou Yu has gained a lot. He can be seen in the personnel changes of various departments, and his team in Huating has become more and more important.

In the end, no matter who the Prince Group and Southeast Group wins or loses, when cleaning up the mess, they will find that even if Zhou Yu is not in Huating, the new group still has a strong force that cannot be ignored has taken root.

And this is a gift from Zhou Yu to the new group.

At this kind of time, you can grow yourselves on both sides, even if you will go to northern Xinjiang in the future, this force will be the foundation of the new group in Huating.

And now if you leave Huating...

Although it can be regarded as a lot of gains, it is far from reaching Zhou Yu's expectations.

Li Tianlan thought for a while, and finally shook his head: “It’s a good thing to walk now, it’s a good thing to take advantage, but it’s enough. We don’t intervene in Huating’s things, and we have enough for now. In the future, we will leave a director at Huating to take care of this. The team is just fine. If it grows too much, then whether it is Southeast or the Prince Group, they will target us after the victory or defeat. There is no need. The current team is acceptable to them and also acceptable to us. That's right."

Zhou Yu smoked a cigar, pondered for a while, and nodded: "I didn't think about it well."

Huating’s team is a gift from him to the new group.

But this team can be abandoned when it is not so suitable.

After the general election, the new group has a very clear strategy. The cabinet, northern Xinjiang, and southern Guangdong are the core points, and a Dongshan is added.

The new group is gaining momentum, but there is no room left to open a battlefield in Huating.

It is a good result to leave a team that everyone can accept and maintain the situation first and look for opportunities.

"I can leave."

Zhou Yu nodded: "Huating, your Majesty and President Han will make arrangements. My suggestion is that when appropriate, we can show some kindness to the city government."

"Do you think the city will win?"

The strategist asked.

"One just wants not to lose money, and the other wants to make a lot of money. It's too greedy."

Zhou Yu said: "I am more optimistic about the city government."

"Nothing to lose or to make a lot of money is a group that has been tossed by your majesty with heavy losses. At least in front of the new group, they are all losers."

The strategist laughed. His words were arrogant, but with deep meaning: "So we have a lot of chips now, Your Majesty will not treat you badly."

Zhou Yu glanced at Li Tianlan subconsciously.

Li Tianlan was also looking at him and smiled: "Brother Zhou, do you have any ideas for the next step?"

"Not to Northern Xinjiang?"

Zhou Yu was stunned.

He and Ji Ankang went to northern Xinjiang, a governor, a deputy speaker, this is what they said before.

"You can go to Northern Xinjiang, you can also go to Youzhou."

Li Tianlan smiled: "The situation may change next. You two go to northern Xinjiang and waste talents. One is enough. If you go to northern Xinjiang, then Ji Ankang will enter the cabinet and be in charge, so he will naturally be the minister. Or you can go to the cabinet and Ji Ankang goes to Beijiang."

When deciding the future of Ji Ankang and Zhou Yu, Kuangtu Li had not yet conceded, the Eastern Palace had not annexed Tiandu Purgatory, and the Wang Clan of Beihai and Jiang Shangyu had no plans to do it.

But everything is different now.

The looming alliance has high hopes for their next actions.

Li Tianlan also had high hopes for the outcome of this incident.

After this event is over, as long as Li Tianlan is still alive, the influence of Northern Jiangshan will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, and there is no need for Zhou Yu and Ji Ankang to stabilize the situation.

One more person to choose, just to compete for a more important position.

A super heavyweight minister in the cabinet, a governor of the largest province in Central Continent.

They are all very bright new starting points.

Zhou Yu laughed, almost without hesitation: "Let Ankang go to Youzhou. He is an old subordinate of the deputy minister. He knows each other, and I am younger than him. I can adapt to the environment better when I go to Beijiang."


Li Tianlan nodded and looked at the military commander: "I will say hello to the teacher in the evening, and you will arrange the next thing."


Zhou Yu asked with some confusion.

"It's not easy to explain for the time being. If you want to know, I have time to talk to you slowly."

The strategist smiled, looked at Li Tianlan again, and said calmly: "I will contact Elder Wu as soon as possible."

The new group is Li Tianlan’s new group, but this behemoth that can affect the entire Central Continent cannot be led by Li Tianlan. At least it is impossible now. That is the standard layman leader and expert. There are too many twists and turns to be Li Tianlan. Don't understand or even understand.

The current new group needs a person who can be fully trusted by Li Tianlan and who can convince the public to lead the new group to formality.

Wu Zhengmin is the only candidate and the banner figure of the new group.


Li Tianlan nodded, "Don't let the matter on Huating's side go down."


The military division responded. Now that the Eastern Palace does not want to participate in the chaos of Huating, it does not mean that Li Tianlan has no idea about Huating. At present, he just has no chance. Zhou Yu has built a very impressive team in the past two years, especially in the recent period. Now, Zhou Yu went to Northern Xinjiang. It is impossible for all the team he left behind to be taken over. It will inevitably need other people from the new group to take over. Those who take over these do not necessarily have to expand abroad. Just hold your ground and wait for the opportunity. At that time, the new group can use this team to speak out in Huating.

This requires a senior vice-governor level to serve as the director of Huating, and he must be the kind of person who is extremely capable and good at profiting in complex situations.

Although Su Xing Xin Group is still in a confirmed situation, the new group lacks more high-end people. What they lack is people who are qualified to serve as parliamentarians, but there is no shortage of candidates at the deputy governor level.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang are the bases that Wu Zhengmin spent many years building up by hand. It is enough to transfer people directly from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

The knock on the door interrupted the military division's contemplation.

The door of the room was pushed open by a gap, and the waiter's gentle voice sounded: "Your Majesty, President Han, Minister Dongcheng is here."

Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai, who had been silent, stood up at the same time and said with a smile: "Let's pick it up together."

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