The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 155: :pick one of two

Deep in the corridor, the scarlet door was quietly closed.

It seems that because the carpet is too soft, Huangfu Qiushui's legs are a little soft.

The soundproofing effect of the room seems to be excellent, standing outside, everything in the room is silent.

Huangfu Qiushui, who had relaxed a little, became hesitant again, hesitated to stretch out his hand, and subconsciously looked at the military division.


The military division's smile was a little unfathomable.

The girl in front of him who made him feel astonished entered the door. After she came out, no matter whether she would have other identities, at least one identity was certain.

That's why she will be a member of the Eastern Palace from now on.

Huangfu Qiushui's face blushed, and after plucking up his courage, she knocked on the door with her plain hand.

The door did not close.

With the force of the knock on the door, a gap was opened inward.

The room is still quiet.

The man's strange but very familiar voice rang in the room: "Come in."

The strategist took a step back and smiled without saying a word.

Huangfu Qiushui glanced at him again, gritted his silver teeth lightly, opened the door and walked in.

The door closed.

The corridor behind him and the military division are outside.

The world behind the door is not a luxurious office, nor is it a comfortable bedroom. At the end of the elegantly decorated entrance is a large and dazzling living room under the soft luster of crystal lamps.

The elegant appearance is not too cumbersome TV wall, hundreds of inches of TV, coffee table, leather sofa, the shape is very prominent to magnify the visual effect of the ceiling, the closed bedroom door...

Standard apartment configuration.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room are dotted with stars, seeming to be made into a starry sky effect. Outside the windows are the lights of Huating City and the rushing Huangpu River. The light of three skyscrapers leap over through the starry sky of the floor-to-ceiling windows, blurred and far away.

The man who made her want to see but was a little scared, like a lighthouse and a natural enemy, was lying on a single sofa in front of the French window, silently watching the most brilliant night of Hua Ting outside the window.

Huangfu Qiushui wanted to change his shoes, but looked at the beautiful shoes on his feet and bit his lip lightly, directly dispelling the idea.

The sound of high heels stepping on the floor is clear and melodious.

Hearing the footsteps, Li Tianlan turned his head and glanced at her, raised his eyebrows and said: "Pick off the hat."

The calm voice seemed to be surging with an irresistible dominating force.

It is a breath that surrounds her in all directions, easily and carelessly dominating everything.

Huangfu Qiushui moved very slowly, but without hesitation, he obediently took off the little top hat on his head.

She tossed her hair subconsciously, and the soft and soft blue silk flew gently under the light, with a charm that was only for women in a trance.

She stood quietly in the living room, staring at Li Tianlan with deep and clear eyes, not evading.

Li Tianlan's eyes narrowed subconsciously.

He really sees too many so-called beauties, but in the Eastern Palace, among the large number of female employees, there are few unsightly.

Qin Weibai Dongcheng is like Wang Yuetong, every one of them can be called a national color and heavenly fragrance.

In terms of pure appearance, Qin Weibai can be said to be perfect in the direction of human aesthetics.

It was an exquisite and dreamlike perfection, with unconcealable sharpness and ethereal, cool and proud of nature, combined with her own temperament, blended into the ultimate beauty.

Dongcheng is unparalleled in beauty and purity, like a beautifully crafted landscape painting, quiet and very far away.

There is also Wang Yuetong's somewhat enchanting but pure face, that kind of lively, youthful, mixed with a little innocence, even if she is quiet, she has an indescribable aura.

Huangfu Qiushui is different, completely different from them.

It was an absolutely offensive feeling.

This feeling cannot even be said to be beautiful, but charming...

Glamorous to the bones of the face.

It's the kind of charm that makes people think that she is seduce a man when she makes every move, smiles, and even expressionless.

She also seems to know that her appearance is too easy to make people think about it, so she always looks cold and indifferent from thousands of miles away. There is no excessive expression. This gesture can not be said to be useless, but It had the opposite effect.

The kind of charm that makes people feel like seduce even with an unintentional look, coupled with her cold temperament, inadvertently formed an absolute contradiction that she can't wait to attract everyone's eyes to herself. Feeling, this kind of temperamental contradiction is like a poison, and it continues to exude an attraction that makes all the opposite sexes a little unstoppable.

Cold on the outside and hot on the inside, naturally charming.

Such a woman is difficult to approach, but once she touches her soul, she can definitely bring the opposite **** to the greatest extent of enjoyment.

Like an inviolable goddess, but also like an enchanting fairy, refusing and seduce, like a hidden treasure, or a wonderful heaven.

She just stood quietly, but she just gave people a sense of absurdity that was not easy to get close to but could easily be put into bed.

Li Tianlan had this feeling nearly three years ago, but at that time Huangfu Qiushui was less than eighteen years old, and she was a little green. At that time, she was in a long skirt covering her body that was not fully stretched. , This feeling is not obvious.

Huangfu Qiushui, who is now twenty years old, changed into an extremely tight-fitting outfit, with long legs and slender waist, flying green silk, which can almost be said to be the ultimate seduction.

Li Tianlan looked at her quietly, smiled suddenly, and said, "Grow taller."

Huangfu Qiushui was startled, his face was a little ruddy, but he always looked at Li Tianlan's eyes bravely, and said in a daze: "The last time I saw you, I was only one meter and seven..."

Before Li Tianlan could speak, she said again: "I'm 1.74 meters."

"The figure is better too."

Li Tianlan commented without emotion.

"How do you like it?"

Almost instinctively, Huangfu Qiushui asked, and then she realized what she was talking about, flushed her face and diverted her eyes, even her body trembled slightly.

Li Tianlan laughed and waved casually: "Come here."

His posture was like greeting a well-trained kitten and puppy.

The feeling of being treated casually, the feeling of not being taken seriously, the feeling of being called upon by others...

The feeling of incomparable strangeness tangled in her heart, turning into some subtle humiliation and grievance, and under this emotion, there was a more subtle strange emotion that made her extremely panic.

Huangfu Qiushui took a deep breath.

The puffy chest under the woolen sweater quivered slightly. In more than two years, she really matured a lot.

The slender and well-proportioned legs moved a little bit in front of Li Tianlan.

The faint smell of perfume stimulated Li Tianlan's sense of smell.

Li Tianlan was still lying on the sofa in a very comfortable position.

Huangfu Qiushui stood.

"Let's talk about it."

Li Tianlan smiled but didn't smile: "Why did you invite me to attend the final exercise of the two houses?"

Huangfu Qiushui shook her head silently, her gaze wandering, looking at the starry sky in the French window in front of her, looking at the brilliant lights outside, for a long while, she muttered, "I don't know either."

Li Tianlan's posture remained unchanged, and he calmly said: "The results of today's exercise have come out. I have also heard about it. I did a good job."

Huangfu Qiushui's spirit was shocked, he seemed to have recovered a little bit of himself, pursed his red lips, and said with some expectation: "Tomorrow, can you be there?"

Tomorrow is the most important team exercise of the two academies.

But some of her affairs today caused her team to be the only one who could play, a situation highly similar to Li Tianlan's original situation.

Huangfu Qiushui really didn’t know why he invited Li Tianlan so impulsively, but one thing should be more clear. She wanted to show Li Tianlan to see her growth over the past two years, and told him that she would have a great future in the future. glorious future.

She can't be another Qin Weibai.

But he can become another Situ Cangyue, another Wangyue Xiange, and even another reincarnation palace lord.

She will also stand at the peak of the dark world, with a dazzling and almost dazzling identity.

"You have injuries now. I heard that the situation you will face tomorrow is not optimistic. Your physical fitness lies here. If you forcefully break the border, it will only hurt you, even break your internal balance and cause hidden dangers. It is unlikely that you will win first place tomorrow."

Li Tianlan said lightly.

His sword aura enveloped the entire room, and he could clearly feel her most real physical state from Huangfu Qiushui’s breathing rhythm. He could even perceive every detail on the black tights that envelop Huangfu Qiushui through the sword aura. In the folds, we can also perceive the incomparably fascinating triangle area with large wet marks that are still being diffused.

Li Tianlan is a little inexplicable, is this scared to pee?

Is he so scary?

"As long as you come, I will definitely be able to go to the end."

Huangfu Qiushui looked at Li Tianlan earnestly with firm eyes. The charm to the extreme became more apparent with her opening, as if to seduce Li Tianlan all the time and pounce directly on it.

"Strong support doesn't make sense."

Li Tianlan shook his head: "If you forcefully break the border, you might be close to my strength when I participated in the final exercise, but it is only about close. This strength allows you to solve problems, even if there are so-called hidden dangers, an immortal potion is also It can be solved, but the prerequisite for all this is that you have to survive. Your body is too fragile. In that state, every movement of you may cause your body to collapse completely. If the exercise is won, you are dead, I What's the point of a trip for nothing?"

Li Tianlan suddenly stopped talking.

He thought of Dongcheng.

The situation in Dongcheng is very similar to what he said. It also bears a sword energy far beyond her body with her extremely fragile body, but her situation is even more extreme. The sword energy in the silence of the famous sword is an external force. His own overdraft outbreak was completely different, so the damage to Dongcheng was even more cruel.

Li Tianlan squinted his eyes.

His breath suddenly became a little gloomy.

"Can you help me?"

Huangfu Qiushui asked softly, her tone was soft and expectant. At this moment, she suddenly realized why she invited Li Tianlan to Huating and why she appeared here, or that she was not aware of it. It was something she thought about at some point but always felt confused and ashamed to admit it.


Li Tianlan nodded, his voice was quiet: "Don't hesitate."


Huangfu Qiushui was stunned for a moment.

"The method has been told you

NS. "

Li Tianlan said lightly.

what way? do not hesitate? What is this method?

Huangfu Qiushui looked at Li Tianlan blankly.

"Your current strength is pretty good compared to the Thunder Realm, but it's far from perfect. In my opinion, it can even be said to be nondescript. Your current strength has something to do with your personal talent. It has something to do with your own background. In the four martial realms, under the thundering realm, you have your own attempts and explorations in the other three realms. This is the root of your so-called strength. But in reality?"

Li Tianlan twitched at the corner of his mouth: "You learn swords, but your kendo is useless."

Huangfu Qiushui's eyes widened.

She can accept Li Tianlan’s humiliation, but that is other aspects. Her martial arts and her swordsmanship have always been her proudest place. When she first met Li Tianlan, she even dared to ask Li Tianlan to compete in the same realm. It looks a little naive, but is it not her self-confidence?

But now, Li Tianlan actually said that her kendo...

"Nothing good?!"

Huangfu Qiushui's voice was a little high.

"Actually I wanted to say it was rubbish."

Li Tianlan's tone was very calm.

Huangfu Qiushui glared at her bitterly. Her eyes were bright and charming. Even if she was ashamed, she still had a style that was yet to be developed but was already stunning enough.

"You learned from the Xia Solstice. In fact, if you say it seriously, the Xia Zhi state is not bad, and the sword is not bad. The six reincarnation swords of the Beihai Wang family are undoubtedly the top inheritance of kendo. Xia Zhi has added his own understanding to it, from the perspective of kendo. Said that she can even be called the master of kendo."

Li Tianlan commented calmly: "In fact, if she hadn't been seriously injured, she might have stood in the supreme realm just like Wang Tianzong. No matter whether her kendo can reach the end, it is certain. Yes, her kendo can support an intact her to enter that realm."

"When I first saw you, your kendo was very pure, with the shadow of the summer solstice, which was good."

Li Tianlan glanced at her: "But then why did you imitate me?"

Huangfu Qiushui was stunned, and vaguely understood Li Tianlan's meaning.

"I haven't taught you anything. Your so-called imitation is too artificial. It looks a lot like me. You know how it is actually. You have not even studied the twenty-four of Li's sword to understand. Why are you? Think you can study my path? But you are still complacent, thinking that you have imitated well, and even plan to combine my kendo with the kendo of the summer solstice. This is the path you think of yourself? What's the mess?"

"Your choice is very simple. Either take the road of the summer solstice and let Zhongzhou see your six reincarnation swords tomorrow and become the Wang Shengxiao of the year. Or follow my path and become the me who was more than two years ago."

"Mutual integration, flawless, how is it possible? Too greedy."

"When the Li clan and the Beihai Wang clan were still close together, plus the Lin clan, the three clan’s unique skills were not a secret to each other. Wang Tianzong and Xia Zhi also understood the twenty-four swords, but such exchanges in kendo shocked thunder. The environment will stop in the future, why? The three exchanges at the beginning were not to merge with each other to become the so-called perfection. It was the exchange of ideas, the exchanges and mutual stimulation of the same level of kendo. Fusion? Huh, fusion is perfect Nonsense."

"You remember."

Li Tianlan looked at Huangfu Qiushui, who was a little pale, and said lightly: "Swordsmanship is an extreme road. Since it is extreme, there will be no so-called perfection to make up for all shortcomings. There is no defect, and it looks perfect in all aspects. Kendo, even if it exists, is because your vision is not high enough, or the upper limit is not high. The so-called perfect kendo is not to make up for some shortcomings. If it is really perfect, then the kendo that can kill is perfect."


Huangfu Qiushui opened his mouth and fell silent again.

Li Tianlan looked at her quietly.

He knows what the other party wants to say.

Some things, some choices, once done, really can't go back.

Huangfu Qiushui lowered her head, there was no regret in her eyes, but a little confused: "I can't adapt to the teacher's path anymore."

Xia Zhi is her teacher.

But she can no longer adapt to the road of the summer solstice.

Inability to adapt means disapproval, or disagreement in ideas.

She imitated Li Tianlan's swordsmanship in the Burning Fire Realm. At the peak of the Burning Fire Realm, she had the combat power to kill the Thunder Realm, accumulating little by little, and then digging into it, and then breaking through the Thunder Realm.

The swordsmanship of the summer solstice has begun to be a bit strange to her.

She is familiar with Li Tianlan's kendo.

No, to be precise, what she was familiar with was imitating Li Tianlan, the so-called nondescript and useless swordsmanship.

Such kendo can only touch some of the fur on Li Tianlan's road.

But she felt that it was really suitable for her.

This is Tao's choice.

Standing on the road of martial arts, this is faith, which comes from the soul and cannot be betrayed.

"The first deputy commander of the Nightmare Legion, or my personal assistant, will also serve as the Minister of the Internal Defense Forces to be established in the Eastern Palace. You can choose one."

Li Tianlan spoke lightly.


(This chapter is not finished, so there will be another chapter... Uh, I can’t say it for a while, it will be sent out before dawn~)

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