The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 157: : More important than myself

Sister Yuetong...

An unnatural light flashed in Li Tianlan's eyes.

The memories of the past have become clearer.

He remembered that in Beihai Province that year, he and Wang Yuetong had each other for the last time. It should be in the the bedroom belonging to Huangfu Qiushui...

Because it's near...

At that time they were the closest to Huangfu Qiushui's room.

In the atmosphere of some madness and confusion, passion was burning with extremely hot temperature. At that time, they only had each other in their eyes.

Huangfu Qiushui was like a little transparent, no one noticed, and no one cared about her existence.

The most important thing is that Huangfu Qiushui didn't leave at the time.

She curled up in the corner, silently being an unnoticed bystander.

She saw Wang Yuetong's most delicate side.

Also saw Li Tianlan's most barbaric side.

That kind of impact is unparalleled, perhaps in Huangfu Qiushui's thinking, the shock that the barbarity and power brought to her was stronger than that of Li Tianlan's current martial arts achievements.

Does she call that kind of process discipline?

Li Tianlan looked at Huangfu Qiushui silently. He probably understood Huangfu Qiushui’s mentality at this time. There were some small games that he and Qin Weibai had also played, but they were basically due to his novel psychology and Qin Weibai’s treatment of him. According to Baishun's cooperation, it was an excitement of respect and trampling, but after all, it was just a game, and Li Tianlan couldn't bear to go too far.

And, just now, Huangfu Qiushui told him that he could be a little bit more, she doesn't mind...she doesn't mind!

He roughly understood this mentality, but he really couldn't understand how Huangfu Qiushui had this mentality.

The feeling of touching the red lips with the toes is extremely fascinating.

Huangfu Qiushui raised her head, her eyes faintly, her voice was extremely shameful, and there was also an inexplicable trembling expectation. Her cold shell melted silently like the cold wind outside, and there was only a kind of ecstasy left. A captivating fascination: "Can you discipline me? I promise that I won't be like this in front of outsiders. I can also be a goddess. I will definitely break through into the invincible realm, become a master of the peak invincible realm, and even surpass my teacher , I can let many men lift me to a high position, I...I won't care about them. I just want to be a woman who owes you discipline, matter what status."

She hugged Li Tianlan's feet and gradually hardened.

In sight, Li Tianlan's Adam's apple moved very clearly.

He actually saw a lot of women who wanted to pounce on him.

Less than twenty-five years old, No. 1 in God's List, Invincible, Lord of the Eastern Palace, Lord of the New Group...

Li Tianlan's current identity and age combined make him so prominent that he can't look directly at him.

For countless women, this is the real irresistible temptation.

Unlimited wealth, great power, absolute force.

Not to mention how many people in the outside world deliberately wanted to approach him, but inside the Eastern Palace, most of the female staff wanted to climb into his bed.

The establishment of the Eastern Palace is not too short. Since he returned to the Eastern Palace, the fashion of the female staff of the Eastern Palace has risen a lot. When his sword spirit covers the entire Eastern Palace, he will accidentally I heard myself become the object of discussion for many young women.

As long as he beckons, his biggest bedroom may become crowded in minutes.

But Li Tianlan's mentality has never been ups and downs.

Because he has Qin Weibai, Dongcheng, and Wang Yuetong once...

He has three women.

But he has never felt that he is a womanizer. He feels that he and them have some kind of fetters. Except for them, he can completely ignore all kinds of temptations from the opposite sex, calm and magnanimous.

Until today, until now...

Huangfu Qiushui knelt before him and said that he needed Li Tianlan to discipline...

Li Tianlan suddenly discovered a fact.


Not bad...

The reason why he was able to ignore all kinds of temptations...

It's just because the people who seduce him...not good-looking enough.

That's it.

The thief is **** real.

At this moment, Li Tianlan felt that he was extremely hypocritical.

He didn't want to admit this, but he could clearly feel the hardship of his patience.

Li Tianlan took a deep breath and calmly said: "You go out."

"Don't you want to discipline me?"

Huangfu Qiushui was silent for a while, then asked softly, timidly.

The corners of Li Tianlan's mouth twitched.

he thinks.

But now if Pope Fu Qiushui is really being disciplined, then he will probably be disciplined by Qin Weibai.

Qin Weibai has never made a fuss with him, but if it does make a fuss, it will definitely be uncomfortable. Sometimes Li Tianlan doesn't understand her mentality.

For Wang Yuetong and Dongcheng, from beginning to end, Qin Weibai showed a tacit attitude, but for other women, she had always guarded strictly.

For example, Shiranui Mai who worked as a personal maid at the East Palace but was sent back to the East Island as soon as Qin Weibai came back...

Huangfu Qiushui in front of him is probably also the object of Qin Weibai's strict guard.

Li Tianlan pointed to the door: "Let the military division arrange a room for you, take a bath, and change your clothes. If you change your clothes now, I guess I can wash your feet again."

Huangfu Qiushui's face suddenly flushed, a little embarrassed, but he was more docile and dependent.

"You only have one night."

Li Tianlan said indifferently: "Don't think about the mess, see your performance tomorrow. If you can get the first place, you will follow me back to the Eastern Palace. If you can't get it, go back wherever you came."

"I see."

Huangfu Qiushui whispered.

Li Tianlan did not explicitly reject her.

So she took it for granted that this was also part of the discipline, and was the task Li Tianlan taught her.

Was it that she won the first place and only when she stood at the height of everyone's attention, could she bring him more enjoyment?

Huangfu Qiu Shui quickly glanced at Li Tianlan, his face became more and more rosy and charming.

Li Tianlan pointed to the door again.

He can't hold it anymore.

Huangfu Qiushui walked out hesitantly, her walking posture looked a little weird.

The door of the room opened in due course.

Qin Weibai's pleasant voice rang: "It's dinner."

Huangfu Qiushui's footsteps stopped slightly, and he looked at Qin Weibai with a flushed face.

Qin Weibai's movements also stopped.

The next second, she sniffed the smell in the air.

Huangfu Qiushui's face was even more ruddy.

Qin Weibai narrowed his eyes.

An indescribable huge pressure rushed toward his face. Huangfu Qiushui glanced at Qin Weibai in a panic, without saying hello, trotting out in a weird posture.

Li Tianlan put on his slippers and walked slowly.

Qin Weibai's delicate nose was still sniffing.


Li Tianlan scratched her nose and said with a smile: "I still smell it."

"The smell is strange."

Qin Weibai silently looked at Li Tianlan, tilted his head and asked, "Did you eat that little girl?"


Li Tianlan coughed dryly, not knowing why he was a little guilty.

Qin Weibai looked at him suspiciously, there really wasn't Li Tianlan's taste here, but... it was very strange.

"What is delicious?"

Li Tianlan took the initiative to take the large tray that Qin Weibai was holding. There were several dishes packed in the tray, and there were two wooden barrels filled with rice.

The braised pork ordered by him is placed in the center.

There is also a green bamboo shoot, a roasted eggplant, a soup and a cold dish.

The color, fragrance and taste are complete.

The smell of the food suppressed the strange smell in the room.

Li Tianlan smiled: "It's so fragrant."

Qin Weibai sat opposite him, just filled himself with a bowl of soup, then looked at him with his cheeks and said, "You are dishonest, you have a guilty conscience, change the subject...Did you do bad things while I was away?"

"Really not."

Li Tianlan smiled bitterly: "The time is so short, it's too late."

"Did that little fairy seduce you?"

Qin Weibai hummed, just looking at the superficial words, acting like a baby meant more than anger, she did not forget to serve Li Tianlan with rice.

"Her state is a bit strange."

Li Tianlan took the job and started to eat: "It's not easy to explain, and it's not easy to understand."

Qin Weibai gave a hum and took a sip of the soup.


Li Tianlan looked at her: "If you're angry... then don't have her. The Eastern Palace lacks her, it's actually nothing."

Qin Weibai gave him a roll of eyes: "Everyone has learned to retreat, and get a good deal. She is not as pretty as I am, why am I angry? At most, she is younger than me. Before I get old and look down, do I still feel pressured? Can't hold a little girl?"

"You are the most beautiful in my heart."

Li Tianlan said solemnly.

Qin Weibai raised his eyebrows slightly, looking a little proud.

Li Tianlan smiled and bowed his head to eat.

"Huangfu Qiushui is still very useful. If you train well, you may be able to become your right-hand man in the future."

Qin Weibai's voice paused for a while, and whispered, "So if you are really interested in her...I won't be ignorant...but it's better not to let me see."

She suddenly laughed: "I'm afraid I can't help but be jealous. If I don't see it, I'll be fine."

"For a moment, I did feel a little emotional."

Li Tianlan stopped eating, "But since you are not happy, there will be nothing left in the future."

He laughed at himself suddenly and laughed: "Speaking of horrible things, Huangfu Qiushui is nothing, even Yuetong, and so... they are also very important in my heart. I can work hard for them, and I can give them everything. , But from a personal emotional point of view, the most important thing is always you. I don’t know what will happen in the future. I may lose a lot of things, give up a lot of things, but you alone, I can’t let go anyway, You are more important than Yuetonghe, and more important than myself."

Qin Weibai suddenly avoided his gaze and laughed softly.

Li Tianlan seldom speaks sweet words, unless he satisfies him in bed, he will coax her to call her Miss Sister or something.

In Li Tianlan's heart, he is more important than him.

This sentence can be said to be the sweetest and most sincere sweet words she has heard.

But for some reason, Qin Weibai's heart suddenly felt a little sad.

"I believe it."

She spoke softly, and suddenly stood up and stretched out her hand.

In Li Tianlan's stunned gaze, her arm fiddled with her, and suddenly all the food on the table was swept to the ground.

Vegetable meat and rice fell on the carpet.

Qin Weibai crawled over from the table, sat on Li Tianlan's lap, and put his arm around his neck.

This scene is so familiar.

After he and she had each other for the first time back then, Qin Weibai seemed to have done exactly the same thing.

Qin Weibai looked at him, winking like silk.

Li Tianlan's mouth moved, and he whispered, "I haven't eaten much yet, it's a waste..."

"Just eat me."

Qin Weibai's voice softly bit Li Tianlan's ear: "Stop watching the night scene, take me to the room, and drain you tonight."


Li Tianlan shook his head suddenly.

"Is it better than a meal?"

Qin Weibai looked at Li Tianlan angrily.

Li Tianlan picked her up and walked to the bedroom: "It's not squeezing it dry, it's me who will take care of you tonight."

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