The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 193: : Chief of Legion

When the secret meeting with extremely high specifications and the highest level of confidentiality was over, the time had already reached 3:15 midnight.

The meeting room was filled with smoke, and after a long time of argument and silence, the atmosphere in the entire meeting room was still restless, making people impetuous.

As in the past, the meeting is still unable to produce specific results for the time being. They talked calmly, quarreled with each other, analyzed carefully, and did everything that should be done, and the consequences of all aspects were clear at a glance, but they were still unable to make decisions. determination.

Unwilling to take a step back, and not daring to go further, hesitating and entanglement kept repeating, and finally became at a loss, so in the meetings, he became more and more at a loss.

The meeting is over.

The participants got up and left one by one.

Because the specifications of the meeting are very high, those who are qualified to enter this meeting room are people who can be completely trusted. The meeting speaks freely, there is no secretary, no recorder, so there are not many people in the meeting room, but every weight They are all extremely heavy. At this time, as they got up, the meeting room was completely shining with stars, looking majestic and solemn.

Li Songping sat quietly on the sofa, watching people leave one by one, huge exhaustion welled out from deep in his heart, his palms propped his forehead, and he let out a long sigh.

As Annan’s Speaker, in the past many years, he has made many decisions that affect Annan’s overall situation, but he has never struggled like this.

"What a bunch of stupid pigs!"

Annan's Defense Minister Jin Yongcheng sent away the participants, returning to the conference room with a gloomy expression to vent his emotions.

Li Songping rubbed his forehead and ignored him.

Jin Yongcheng took Li Songping’s teacup, walked to the water dispenser and poured him a glass of water and handed it to him. After thinking for a while, he said, “Speaker, we have run out of time, and it’s time to make up our minds.”

"How to make up your mind?"

Li Songping took the cup and drank: "Agree or refuse?"


There was a touch of sorrow in Jin Yongcheng's eyes: "Agree to the Beihai Wang's request for cooperation, join the alliance, and regard Annan as the main battlefield of this operation. We are nearly 80 miles away from the city of Burning City. The nearby residents are here. A lot of evacuated intermittently in the years, and the area of ​​80 miles is barren and too barren. It needs the blood of the so-called Eastern Emperor and the goddess to nourish it. This is their burial place!"


Li Songping suddenly raised his hand, and the tea cup flew out of his hand and hit Jin Yongcheng's forehead directly.

The hot water splashed, Jin Yongcheng's head tilted back slightly, the teacup exploded directly on his forehead, and the glass shards bounced back and hit Li Songping's face, marking a blood mark.

Jin Yongcheng subconsciously picked up the tissue next to him and wanted to wipe Li Songping's wound. Li Songping wiped the blood on his face severely, and the anger in his heart broke out directly: "The place where the bones are buried?! Good point." , It’s really good, you are always like this, you are always like the fuck, thinking about the so-called best result in everything, why don’t you think about the worst result?"

"If you hadn't agreed to cooperate with Sanctuary and lost Tiannan, would all of this have anything to do with us? What did you say at the time? There is no way to fail. God-given opportunity, we can even win. Nan Yun, what happened? Nan Yun? Huh? Nan Yun didn't. Tian Nan was lost. Did you think about such a consequence at the time? Tell me, did you think of such a consequence?!"

Li Songping's angry roar echoed in the entire conference room.

Jin Yongcheng lowered his head, tea dripping from his head, he still maintained the posture of extending his hand, and passed it to Li Songping Ping.

"That was my mistake."

Jin Yongcheng whispered: "But now we have a chance to save the mistake, don't we?"

Li Songping took the tissue and wiped the blood off his face without speaking for a while.

"This time we have analyzed many times, and even the inside of the league has analyzed many times. The opposing team's lineup is too luxurious. I can't find the possibility of failure at all. If such a good opportunity is missed, That would be a shame."

Jin Yongcheng continued.

Of course, the formation of the North Sea Wang Clan’s alliance cannot be avoided by Annan, who has a great resentment towards the Eastern Palace. In fact, Annan is the battlefield selected by the alliance. It is close enough to the Eastern Palace and can avoid the Eastern Palace. Tiannan, all conditions are almost perfect.

The alliance's invitation has long been sent directly to Li Songping through a secret channel.

Since this time, Li Songping has been in meetings to discuss whether to join the alliance.

Annan did not say something similar to the six major groups. The group headed by Li Songping can be said to be the only one in Annan, with a powerful influence that covers the sky with one hand, and he invites to the meeting, and he can absolutely trust the confidant. .

For example, Defense Minister Kim Yong Sung.

Everyone who comes to the conference room is no worse than Jin Yongcheng in terms of loyalty.

But such a group of people who can be completely trusted have disagreements on this matter. It can be seen that this matter has nothing to do with any so-called struggle. It is purely that some people think they can fight, and some people think they can't fight.

Jin Yongcheng is the standard main combat faction, or radical faction, advocating joining the alliance, negotiating with the North Sea Wang Clan, and retaking Tiannan after killing Li Tianlan, while others fear that the operation will fail.

The Eastern Palace is now in full swing. With Wang Tianzong unable to get better, this alliance's actions are undoubtedly the final attack on Li Tianlan by various forces.

Everyone is happy with success.

But if it fails, there will be one within the alliance, such as Beihai Wang Clan, Kunlun City, Sanctuary, and Annan, all of which will face Li Tianlan's liquidation.

In the most extreme situation, Annan may be able to resist Li Tianlan’s revenge, but none of the people attending the meeting today can’t escape. Even if they can survive, it means that Annan has paid more for it. Interests, even more benefits than Tiannan.

And there are also people who worry about the huge damage caused to Tiannan after the battlefield is selected in Tiannan, and they are even worried about how they will get Tiannan back from the hands of the alliance after it is successful.

The core leadership of Annan can be said to have been arguing every day recently, but their opinions have not been unified. Seeing the alliance action is getting closer and closer, Li Songping and some of the core team around him have begun to become more and more irritable. .

"I have to think about it."

Li Songping threw away the tissue in his hand and murmured, "Don't worry, but still think about it."

Jin Yongcheng hesitated and nodded.

The phone's ringtone rang suddenly.

Jin Yongcheng answered the phone and listened to two sentences, his face changed slightly.

He responded to the phone, then hung up, looking at Li Songping and said: "Reliable news, Rothschild Patriarch Paul and Jin Tong have just officially arrived at the Wang Clan in Beihai."

"The Speaker... Rothschild is officially over."

Li Songping narrowed his eyes, and just about to speak, the phone rang again.

Jin Yongcheng checked the number and connected to the cell phone in surprise, his voice calmly said: "His Royal Highness Ramillon, hello."

On the other side of the phone, it is Annan’s current partner. The Burning Legion commander Ramirun who occupies one-third of Tiannan’s territory, no matter what the real situation is, in the past two years, it is indeed the Burning Legion and Lamy. Lun blocked the southernmost part of Tiannan and helped Annan block the edge of the Eastern Palace, so the relationship between the two sides has been considered to be in the honeymoon period until now.

"Minister Kim."

Ramirun smiled and said in a blunt Annan language: "I'm in the capital of Annan. I don't know that Minister Kim and Speaker Li are inconvenient. The true commander of the Burning Legion, my master, wants to talk to you. See you."

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