The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 211: : Twelve o'clock in the morning at midnight

It's eleven and fifty-five.

East island.

Outside the palace meeting room, in the comfortable rest area, Mai Shiranui held a lady's cigarette between her fingers and leaned on the sofa, looking at the smoke floating in front of her, she was secretly fascinated.

In front of her, there were several kinds of snacks from Huangshi, one of which was made into a beautiful girl's portrait, facing the face of Mai Shiranui, and the carved smile was sweet and gentle.

The cigarette burned slowly.

Shiranui Wu took a sip, put the remaining half of the cigarette in the ashtray, picked up the snack in front of her with her tender white fingers, took a small bite, and narrowed her beautiful eyes with some enjoyment.

Opposite Shiranui Wu sat a young man who looked thirty-five-six-year-old, in a suit and leather shoes, and his complexion was serious and meticulous.

He sat upright on the sofa, trying to maintain his solemnity and demeanor, but from the corner of his eye, he secretly glanced at Shiranui Mai from time to time.

The snow-white neck, long hair like a waterfall, propped up the mountain peaks of white cashmere sweater, flat and slender waist and abdomen, slender legs wrapped in silk trousers...

Everywhere was the target of his secret observation. The young man kept peeping, and the temperature in his eyes became more and more hot.

Finally, his gaze swept to Shiranui Mai's red lips calmly.

Shiranui Wu, who was eating dessert, didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, so she just raised her eyes and glanced at him with a smile.

The young man was caught upright, and he was immediately embarrassed. He subconsciously touched his nose, trying his best to keep his appearance as if nothing had happened, but the body sitting on the sofa couldn't help but change his posture.

Shiranuiwu smiled, not knowing whether it was a sneer or a mockery. The other person's eyes may think that they are very hidden, but women are inherently sensitive to a lot of their own eyes, especially some sensitive positions, they are extremely keen. I didn’t know Huo Wu was too lazy to pay attention to him, but as a result, the other party’s gaze had become more and more excessive. If it wasn’t for the wrong occasion and the right time, I don’t know Huo Wu wanted to put a kick on the face of the distinguished youth opposite. Up.

The atmosphere continued to be embarrassing.

The youth seemed a little unbearable, but it was inconvenient to walk away. He gave a dry cough, pointed to some small snacks in another dessert, smiled and said, "Wu, you should taste these. This is a new research by the dessert chef. New product, special formula, very good."

Shiranui Wu indifferently picked up a fruit **** and said quietly, "I still like more familiar food."

She took a bite of the soft egg tart, her eyes blurred, with a little distance.

The Shiranui family was once considered a prominent wealthy family on the East Island, but it was so lonely that Wu Shiranui never enjoyed the family's brilliance and glory. When she was a child, she had a very poor or even hard time, and then she entered. Liuhuo Palace, due to the whole day of training and constant accumulation of pressure, has developed the habit of eating sweets.

Later, she became the palace lord of Liuhuo Palace, the apprentice of the invincible realm master Shinichi Miyamoto, and finally enjoyed some life that she had never dared to hope for.

But the hobby of eating sweets is getting more and more serious.

She likes to eat all kinds of sweets, only a few people who know her know that even when performing tasks, she will put some chocolate and toffee in her pocket.

And Huang Shi's several desserts are her favorites.

Liuhuo Palace used to have a very high status in the East Island. Shiranui Wu has also come here with Master. She is not unfamiliar with sitting in the Phoenix Palace and tasting desserts, but after the decisive battle of Tiandu, with the fall of Miyamoto Shinichi, until Today, Shiranui Mai seems to be sitting here again for the first time, looking at a few long-lost desserts again.

It's just different from the memory, this time there are no dessert chefs who are smiling and looking at him.

When she was the young master of Liuhuo Palace, Huang Palace’s dessert chef would show up, smiling like coaxing a child and introducing her to various desserts.

At that time, two waiters would accompany her in the lounge, and they would not say a word during the whole process. At that time, everyone took care of her, but it was hard to say that she was taken seriously.

At that time, she was the young master of Liuhuo Palace.

And now she is still sitting here, familiar place, familiar location, familiar dessert.

But the familiar dessert chef disappeared.

The waiter standing in the lounge has also changed from a gentle smile to a trembling face now.

Outside the lounge, guards were waiting.

And Huang Taizi, who plays a decisive role in the Phoenix room, carefully accompanies him, trying his best to find the topic in order to avoid the cold scene.

At this time, her master has fallen, and she has not grown to the point where the entire East Island respects her.

But at this time, she had a new identity that Dongdao had to pay attention to.

She belongs to Donghuang...


She is the maid of the Eastern Emperor.

An identity that sounds bad but is enough to make the entire East Island highly valued.

And she also brought an absolutely crazy plan.

Tai Zi was silent watching Mai Shiranui sips the dessert, and suddenly said, "Why don't you go in to the meeting?"

"Because it doesn't make sense."

Shiranui Wu said without any emotional fluctuations.

The meeting has lasted for nearly two hours.

At the beginning, Mai Shiranui sitting outside could clearly hear what some people inside were talking excitedly, but as time passed, the sound in the conference room had become smaller and quieter, it seemed that Even the atmosphere began to become depressed.

All this is because of Mai Shiranui.

In other words, it was because of the plan brought by Mai Shiranui.

As the initiator of this plan, she is of course qualified to walk into the meeting room. Tianhuang has also personally invited it, but I do not know that Huo Wu gave it a push. She just needs to wait for a result. As for the process, she is not interested at all.

"I don't think they will agree."

Too Zi looked at Wu Shiranui seriously, and said in a serious voice.


Shiranuiwu glanced at him.

"Because if it were me, if I were in the conference room, I would not agree."

Too Purple's voice is very soft: "Because your proposal is too crazy, and we now have no chips to go crazy."


Shiranuiwu shook her head: "I don't think this is just an attitude. We need to express the attitude. Today, tomorrow, and maybe the day after tomorrow, this is the most suitable opportunity. Your Royal Highness, I am very disappointed in your cowardice. , Just the same as before."


Too Zi’s expression was distorted, and he laughed at himself: "Cowardly...heh... Am I qualified to be fierce now? No, Wu, you know, we don’t. Your crazy suggestion , Did not see our current situation at all, and it can even be said that this is embarrassing us."


Shiranui Wu groaned softly, sucking on her fingers that were slightly moistened with cream, and did not speak.

Dongdao Huang Taizi, who was still a little excited, was startled, his eyes flashed with greed, and he even swallowed unconsciously.

For Shiranui Mai, he really likes it, or in other words, has an almost abnormal possessiveness.

This is no secret in the entire East Island.

Huang Taizi's fierce pursuit of Shiranui Wu was a topic of relish in many circles in the East Island at a certain period of time.

And his identity is here, a series of offensives have also brought tremendous pressure to Shiranui Mai.

East Island is completely different from Zhongzhou.

The cabinet and the Phoenix Chamber are like two parallel lines.

The extremely influential Huangshi is losing more and more power with the development of Dongdao, and even the outside world has given them the title of mascot.

that's the truth.

Today's East Island cabinet firmly controls the East Island's monarchy and righteousness, and has already overwhelmed the East Island's Phoenix Room in terms of actual power.

But Dong Dao is not just a mere mascot.

Because from beginning to end, Dong Dao held his ultimate trump card: the special warfare system.

In other words, in the heyday of the Phoenix Chamber, the Flowing Fire Palace, the Gale Royal Jianliu, the Promise Palace, and even the dark forces and special warfare institutions of the East Island, including the three Invincible Realms, were all directly loyal to the Phoenix Chamber. Not from the cabinet.

Under such circumstances, it is completely conceivable how many resources Huang Taizi once had in his hands. He said that not only Shiranui Wu, but even Liuhuo Palace would feel tremendous pressure.

At a certain Huang Taizi dinner a few years ago, Huang Taizi even wanted to be strong against Shiranui Wu. Of course it was impossible for Shiranui Wu to succeed. After Shiranui Wu broke free of Huang Taizi, she fled directly to Liuhuo Palace.

What's next?

Huang Taizi naturally couldn't be so rampant that he chased Liuhuo Palace and continued to use force.

But after that incident, Huang Taizi rushed into Liuhuo Palace that night and rushed into Shiranui Mai's bedroom. In front of the invincibility master Shinichi Miyamoto at that time, she pulled Shiranui Mai's hair and pulled her out of the bedroom. , Dragged to the snow, punched and kicked and slapped her for half an hour.

At that time, as the teacher of Mai Shiranui, Shinichi Miyamoto watched silently, until the angry Huang Taizi wanted to tear Mai Shiranui's clothes, he politely and respectfully stopped the royal family. The heir, sent him politely out of Liuhuo Palace.

Shiranui Mai, who was lying in the hospital the next day, received flowers that were too purple, and a sincere apology that made Shiranui feel terrified.

fair? Confess? Huang Shi's punishment for Tai Zi?

No, not all.

In those few years, Shiranui Wu almost tried her best to avoid Huang Taizi's greedy and cold eyes.

Until the outbreak of the Tiandu decisive battle.

Shinichi Miyamoto fell.

Liuhuo Palace was swayed by wind and rain, and the heavens rose to Purgatory.

The night when Tianhuang invited Li Kuangpu to communicate, Shiranuiwu saw Huang Taizi's call again.

Knowing that Huo Wu didn't dare to pick it up, she sat in Liuhuo Palace and thought for a whole night, and finally resolutely took refuge in Tiandu Purgatory.

The idea of ​​Mai Shiranui at that time was very simple. If destiny really wants to make herself a man's toy, then at least that person should be a strong man, not a pervert whose eyes are staring at her sensitive position all day.

Tiandu Purgatory has become the biggest dark force in the East Island, and has become the core of the East Island special exhibition organization. Li Kuangtu did not have allegiance to the Phoenix Room. He was the Phoenix Room’s helpless choice, so the relationship between the two parties is more similar to cooperation. .

And after she joined Tiandu Purgatory, Huang Taizi's small movements were obviously reduced a lot. It is funny to say that when she was in Tiandu Purgatory as a subordinate, she actually got it under the protection of Master. Sense of security.

At that time, she approached Li Kuangtu intentionally or unintentionally, but the Prince Ziyuenei, who was given to Li Kuangtu by the Phoenix Room, always guarded her strictly. Later, another phoenix was added. I did not know Huo Wu could feel Li Kuangtu several times. His enthusiasm for himself may be due to the existence of Phoenix and Ziyue, and he has never taken any substantive actions.

Then, it was the process of gradual decline in Tiandu Purgatory.

The Beihai decisive battle seemed to be a turning point in Tiandu Purgatory.

The power of the Eastern Palace completely shredded the defenses of Dongdao and Tiandu Purgatory on the night of the decisive battle in the North Sea. Everything in Tiandu Purgatory was completely destroyed here, and before Huang Taizi could react, Shiranhuo Wu changed. Become Donghuang's personal maid.

Everything seems to have completely changed.

Huang Taizi's harassment to him disappeared completely, becoming polite and even respectful.

And those who always believed that she had betrayed Dongdao and sought refuge in Heavenly Purgatory also began to become enthusiastic about her.

She is just a maid.

But it also depends on whose maid it is.

When the Eastern Emperor did not come to the East Island, Mai Shiranui, as a maid, was the will of the Eastern Emperor in the eyes of others.

Fox fake tiger prestige?

I don’t know Huo Wu cares about this at all, she enjoys and even is obsessed with all this, and she is also fortunate to regret everything. Regrettably, she did not become Li Tianlan’s woman. Fortunately, she was not taken by Huang Taizi and Li Kuangtu back then. So far She is still pure enough, and there is a further possibility.

Those enthusiasm, those respectful, those polite, those envy and jealousy, the kind of flattery that secretly scorns but scrambles to show a brilliant smile to himself...

If you become the woman of His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, how humble will the entire East Island be to yourself?

This is like a goal.

Shiranui Wu longed for it, and really struggled for this goal, accumulating her own credit and chips.


She brought the plan that shocked the entire East Island Phoenix Room tonight.

No one could have imagined that after the decisive battle in Tiandu, the chaos in the Snow Country, and the decisive battle in the North Sea, they have been almost completely crippled, and even defeated Dongdao, which has lost most of its chips. At this time, they are planning the formation of the alliance soon. The second action against the Wang Clan of Beihai when there was an unprecedented emptiness inside Beihai.

This is Mai Shiranui's plan.

Gather all the forces that can be mobilized in the East Island, gather all the masters, mobilize all the resources and heritage, and open all the cards...


Putting all the things that East Island can currently use together, pressing the family, pressing the future, desperately, and at all costs landed in Beihai Qiushui City again, and set off the second Beihai decisive battle!

This is Mai Shiranui's plan.

How crazy?

"I can help you."

Too purple took a deep breath, the scorching temperature in his eyes could no longer hide.


Shiranui Wu had some doubts.

"No one will agree, Wu, trust me. You can't launch the second Beihai decisive battle, because we don't have a bargaining chip in our hands. It is impossible for you to go north with the power of the whole country. You have to recognize the reality."

The prince stared straight at Shiranui Mai's face that had haunted him for many years.

His status is noble and his status is respected. What kind of woman can't get him?

It’s just that Shiranui Wu has become his obsession. Maybe if Shiranui Wu docilely followed him, playing for a period of time, after getting tired of it, she will naturally not continue to entangle him, but it has been impossible for so many years. Yes, his heart became extremely paranoid, almost crazy.

He must get Mai Shiranui.

Even if it's only one night.

Even only once.

Must taste her.


Shiranui Wu calmly said, "How can you help me? You have said it yourself, the reality is that you don't have a bargaining chip."

One sentence for you, one sentence for us.

The position is extremely clear.

Tai Zi seemed to have not heard it. He waved his hand vigorously: "Yes, the chips are gone, but we still have the cards, we still have power, just like you asked, we still have the last power .

There will always be some masters in the gust of wind, the Promise Palace, and the various kendo venues in the East Island are also the power of the Phoenix Room. We do not have our own invincible masters. These people are the East Island in the dark world. The last voice can even be said to be the fate of Huangshi.

I know that this kind of power is not too much, and even in a normal state, it is not worthy of the Eastern Emperor to take a look, but the current situation is special, isn't it?

The Beihai is now in an unprecedented state of emptiness. This force can completely set off the second Beihai decisive battle, because almost all of the famous masters in the Beihai have been transferred away. We are qualified to participate in this battle. of.

Dance, I can help you. "

"Say your terms."

Seeing her eyes too hot, Shiranuiwu spoke blankly.

"You know what I want."

Too Zi’s eyes became presumptuous, his gaze scanned almost greedily every inch of Shiranui Wu’s body: "Wu, I like you, you know, for many years, you know how much I like you, I want you . I swear, I must get you, even if only once, once, do you understand? I want you!"

I don't know Huo Wu frowned. Although she had some premonitions in her heart, she still didn't expect Tai Zi to actually dare to speak out, and speak it openly.

"For so many years, I underestimated your guts."

I do not know Huo Wu's voice is cold and arrogant, with a cold indifference that refuses to be thousands of miles away, he dislikes: "I am the person of the Eastern Emperor, don't you know? It's really bad, I want to do nasty things to me all day. Nausea."

"Is it disgusting?"

Tai Zi sneered, and for the first time there was a touch of jealousy in his eyes: "Don't you feel sick when your Majesty the Eastern Emperor does strange things with you? Dance, he has you, right? You know what I'm asking for .You are just his maid now! You are the maid!

If you want to be his woman, I can help you and help you with everything in the Huangshi! But you need to pay something, just once. Donghuang won't know, if you don't tell, I won't tell, he won't know. "



The crisp sound rang abruptly.

Shiranu Huo Wu stretched out her hand, but didn't slap too purple. Instead, she directly picked up the fruit plate with the dessert in front of her and slammed it on Too purple's face.

The wooden fruit plate broke instantly, sawdust and desserts burst forth, and Tai Zi, whose face was covered with cream and jam, was marked with an incomparably obvious blood mark.

The waiters around were dumbfounded, but they didn't dare to move.

"You are Huang Taizi, but why are you thinking about disgusting things every day? This is your condition? Maybe I should tell your condition to your majesty. Your majesty has not touched me. You said he knew about you. After the conditions, will you reward me?"

Huang Taizi, who was originally burning with anger, trembled. He gritted his teeth, restrained his inner anger, hoarsely said: "This is just one of the conditions.

I have one more condition. Dong Dao will do everything to start the second Beihai decisive battle. After this incident, the Eastern Palace must provide sufficient support to the Phoenix Room and Dong Dao. We need a Vice-Palace Master of the Eastern Palace. Dong Dao, a deputy palace lord who can maintain sufficient respect for the Phoenix Room. If you disagree with the first condition, it is also possible to fulfill the second condition. "

Shiranuiwu's smile became colder and colder, and the other party's meaning could be said to be clear.


"Trading invincible master? Has there ever been such a strange transaction in the dark world? What do you think you are? What do you think I am? Why do you think I can be the master of this kind of thing?"

She adjusted her sitting posture, picked up a fruit **** again, looked at the purple that still wanted to say something, and said calmly: "Shut up, Your Highness, I can't tolerate your stupidity."

Huang Taizi's eyes widened.

Shiranui Wu said on her own: "Don't think how important you are. Believe me, the Tianhuang and all the princes in the conference room are smarter than you, and have courage and courage as much as you, so you can When they think of it, they can also think that if you dare to bet, they also dare to bet.

The most important thing is that they will always be better than you, and will not make too ridiculous demands. "

Huang Taizi couldn't stretch it anymore.

He touched the mess of cream and prizes on his face, and overturned all the desserts in front of Mai Shiranui, his expression was distorted and ferocious, and he said viciously: "You sword woman! Watch, what are you? you..."

"Even if I am a watch, it belongs to His Majesty the Eastern Emperor. It is not something a disgusting and stupid man like you can possess or even imagine."

Shiranui Wu slowly ate the dessert in her hand, picked up the paper towel and wiped her fingers. Her movements were gentle, without any anger, elegant and calm.

"Our conversation today and the conditions you put forward, no matter the first or the second, I will report word by word to His Majesty the Eastern Emperor afterwards. In order not to let you suffer the consequences that you can't afford, I want to The room has one more reason to support my plan, and that is to pay for your stupidity and impulse."


Huang Taizi, who had completely torn his face, gasped and said viciously: "Yes, you can report, if your master still has tomorrow, do you think I am afraid? Ah? Do you think I will be afraid?!"

His hysterical roar shook the entire lounge like a madman.

Shiranuiwu looked at him with a smile, and whispered softly: "You better say more, continue, don't stop..."


In the faint sound, the door of the meeting room was opened.

The angry Huang Taizi turned his head subconsciously. Before he could see the scene behind the meeting room clearly, a rotating teacup in his sight had flown directly over.

The tea in the teacup stirred and flew out of the edge of the cup, the teacup and the tea continued to rotate, and hit Huang Taizi's face fiercely.

The cracking sound is extremely crisp.

Huang Taizi's body staggered.

Hot water, brewed tea, glass residue, butter jam, everything was smeared on his face, making him look like a clown in embarrassment.

Tian Huang, who personally smashed the teacup on his son's face, strode out, his face was a little gloomy, and the flame in his eyes seemed to burn completely.

"Shut up!"

Tianhuang gritted his teeth: "You rude bastard! Why do you want to be so rude to the distinguished guests? Huang Shi's face will make you ashamed!"

Huang Taizi covered her face, and twisted a very weird expression amidst the anger and depression.

Tianhuang's trembling fingers pointed at his son fiercely, and said hoarsely: "Go away!"

His voice was also trembling: "Get out of here!"

Huang Taizi got up, stared at Shiranuiwu firmly, and walked out, covering his face.

From beginning to end, Shiranuiwu watched this scene with a smile, without commenting.

Tianhuang stood there, waiting until Taizi's figure disappeared completely, then took a deep breath and came to Shiranuiwu's side.

A smile quickly appeared on his old face, apologizing: "Ms. Shiranui, I'm sorry, it's really rude."

"It's ok."

Shiranui Wu chuckled: "I'm just a maid, even if I'm offended, it's okay."

Tianhuang's smile was slightly stagnant.

It's okay for a maid of her to be offended.

So, what about the Eastern Palace? What about the Donghuang?

Tianhuang's eyes flickered.

"Your Majesty, I don't need to apologize. Compared with what I want to do, these things are not worth mentioning. We should all know that time is very precious now and I need a result."

Shiranohuo Wu smiled and looked at Tianhuang's eyes. She was obviously a maid, but the aura she exuded at this time was even more queen than the queen: "Tell me, what result can you give me?"

Tianhuang was silent for half a minute before taking a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "You put the entire East Island on the gaming table!"

The East Palace is in full swing.

A massive alliance.

This is something that today's Dongdao can't afford.

It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine how weak the East Island's special warfare forces have become.

The area of ​​the East Island is not large, and the East Island, which has never been able to get back half of the Beihai land that originally belonged to them, is undoubtedly a small country in terms of area.

But for hundreds of years, it can even be said that since the concept of the dark world, Dongdao has always had a strong sense of existence in the dark world, and it can be said that it is a real kendo power.

They are indeed inferior to the Beihai Wangs and Lis who have propped up the ceiling of the Dark World Kendo.

But generation after generation, Dong Dao has almost never encountered the embarrassing situation of lack of invincible masters, and they have not even encountered the situation of lack of masters of the gods.

The former Tianhai Wuji, Yanagyu Kurizumi, Miyamoto Shinichi, whichever one took out, was enough to shock the dark world.

But with the decisive battle of Tiandu, the chaos of the dark world, the chaos of the snow country, the decisive battle of the North Sea, the turmoil of the dark world again and again, each time the Dongdao, who actively participated in the full expectation, began to enter a period of unprecedented talent decline.

How miserable is the current East Island special warfare system?

God's list master, no.

Master of invincibility, no.

Invincible combat power, no.

They also have their own top half-step invincible masters.


Half-step invincible master, less than three.

There are less than ten thunder-thundering peak masters, and nearly half of them are still in a half-disabled state with lack of arms and legs.

There are less than twenty masters above the Thunder Realm.

In the following, there will be a lot of masters in the Burning Fire Realm, nearly a thousand people.

But this so-called a lot, compared with before the decisive battle of Tiandu, it is simply miserable.

This is the last heritage of Dongdao, really the last bit of family background, like a mourning dog trembling in the cold wind, guarding his last bone.

And Shiranui Wu, tonight's proposal is to take away all this bone, land in the North Sea with the most fierce attitude, and go north!

This force is almost pitiful and ridiculous in the face of the Wang Clan of Beihai.

But that is the Wang Clan of Beihai under normal conditions.

And now, Wang Shengxiao, Xia Solstice, Dijiang, Cangqiang, Punishment, Yaoji, Huangfuyi, Zhutian troops...

All the names that made Dong Dao gritted his teeth are not in Beihai.

The Wang Clan of Beihai tried his best to replenish his strength in the alliance, so that the entire Beihai was in an unprecedented state of emptiness.

Most of the North Navy regiment is indeed still there.

But the North Navy regiment also has its own mission. At critical moments, there may be many people that can be mobilized, but there are really not many people who can respond flexibly and quickly support.

So it is really possible to smash this bone in your hand, no, it will definitely yield an unexpected harvest.

Tianhuang can be sure of this.

This is beyond doubt.

But what about afterwards?

What's the meaning of fighting all the family assets?

Tianhuang was a little at a loss.

Dong Dao's last bit of power can completely take down Qiushui City, and even Tongtian City, but it is Beihai after all.

The North Sea is part of Zhongzhou.

Just take it down, how will Nakasu react?

Tianhuang really didn't think he could keep the ground he had beaten down.

And even if these are not discussed, the alliance's actions have reached the final stage. In case, if the East Palace loses, then the family's Dong Dao is wiped out at that time, what can be used to resist the retaliation of the North Sea Wang?

This is a complete bet.

The price is the entire East Island.

Shiranui Mai asked Higashishima to clenched her fist and smashed the Wangshi Beihai with all her strength.

as a result of?

No one can think of the consequences.

"I don't think this is a bet."

Shiranui Mai shook her head coldly: "In fact, I think this is an opportunity, my opportunity, and an opportunity for Dongdao. An opportunity for me to show my loyalty and ability to the Dongdao Palace, and an opportunity for Dongdao to express An opportunity of full sincerity."

"Don't you think..."

Tianhuang hesitated and said softly, "Is this sincerity a bit too much? This is the last bit of strength in Dongdao."

"This has the most power, does it make sense?"

Shiranui Mai's expression was calm: "In my opinion, the only meaning of this last bit of power lies in the attitude of the Eastern Palace towards Dongdao in the future, nothing more."

Tianhuang hesitated, and said solemnly: "The alliance is powerful!"

"Chihuahua dog."

Shiranui Wu sneered: "Your Majesty, do you believe that the alliance will win? Look at what the alliance is. I don't deny their force, but their position is destined to be impossible to make them close together. An alliance that is already cracked. , What can be achieved no matter how strong it is? Your Majesty, do you think they can win?"

Without waiting for Tianhuang to speak, Huo Wu continued, "It is meaningless to say this. Even if His Majesty the Eastern Emperor really loses, the last bit of power left by the Phoenix Chamber can't do much. Face Beihai and face Jiangshang. Rain, facing the sanctuary, even facing the entire dark world, what can this little power do now?

If there is no East Palace, the weak and poor East Island will inevitably become Beihai’s next target. The reason why East Island is stable before is because they are eager to deal with the East Palace, and the second is because of me. I am the maid of His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, and to outsiders, I represent the will of the Eastern Emperor. If none of these exist, do you think there is still a choice in East Island? Nothing can be saved with this little power in your hand.

They won't cooperate with you. They will completely conquer the East Island. The Phoenix Room at that time is just a puppet who looks at people's faces. Do you accept this ending? "

"So we don't need to think about the outcome of the alliance action, because we have lost all and have nothing."

Shiranui Wu's voice was indifferent: "It's like a gambler with billions of dollars entering the casino. When all the chips are lost and only the last one hundred dollars are left, what is the meaning of keeping this one hundred dollars? Why not bet? Even if you lose, that one hundred yuan will not solve the problem, but if you win, it is hope, isn't it? I hope Huangshi throws this last chip out and throws it to East Island.

The ending is already obvious. If the alliance can succeed, we will do nothing, and we will become puppets in the future. If we do, we will also be puppets in the future, and it won't be worse. "

"What about the Eastern Palace?"

Tianhuang suddenly asked: "If the alliance wins, it will choose to conquer the East Island, will the East Palace win, and will cooperate with us? Instead of choosing a more direct conquest?"

Shiranui Wu looked at him a little strangely: "The attitude of the Eastern Palace and the Eastern Palace was originally something we need to fight for. Isn't it an opportunity now? What are you talking about?"

Tianhuang fell silent completely.

Shiranui Mai said it was obvious that this action was Higashishima's attempt to accumulate some affection on the side of the Eastern Palace.

Tangtang Dongdao, has never been so humble?

"Let's stop here."

I do not know that Huo Wu was a little impatient, and she smiled perfunctorily: "It's still the fact that Dong Dao's current actions are irrelevant. We can't belittle ourselves, but we can't look up to ourselves. I don't know what you are hesitating. I suggest you to Huangshi. You can refuse. I will feel a pity, but I will not force anything. After all, I am already the maid of His Majesty the Eastern Emperor. If I miss this opportunity, I will always have the opportunity to climb into His Majesty’s bed in the future, but what about you?"

Her voice was somewhat indifferent: "You are not even a dog at your Majesty's feet, and you dare to miss the opportunity? Don't you think this is too extravagant? Or, you..."

"Really want to die?"

Shiranuiwu's words were extremely unpleasant and absolutely ear-piercing.

However, Tianhuang was not angry. Instead, he smiled bitterly: "It can't be beaten. No, I mean, our power may be able to take down the autumn water and the sky, but after taking it down, it can't hold it."

"Why defend?"

Shiranui Wu pursed her lips and smiled, "After the fight is over, wouldn't it be fragrant to hand it over to the Eastern Palace?"

Give it to the Eastern Palace...

Give it to the Eastern Palace!

A gleam of light flashed in Tianhuang's eyes, but he was a little unwilling.

"This is the greatest sincerity that Huang Shi can show."

Shiranui Wu still pursed her mouth and smiled: "Seeing your hesitation, why did I think of too purple? Why?"

Tianhuang's face went dark.


Suddenly a heavy bell rang in the spacious lounge.

Early in the morning at midnight.

Twelve o'clock.

In the lapse of minutes, the rapid telephone ringing suddenly rang.

Tianhuang frowned, before he could connect, with a bang, in the meeting room, a prince of the Phoenix room who was still actively participating in the discussion suddenly rushed out of the meeting room and rushed into the lounge.

"The action has begun!"

The prince Huangshi roared in a voice that didn't know whether it was excitement or fear: "The alliance's operation has begun! In Annan! Someone directly destroyed the base of the Eastern Palace in the northern border of Annan!"


Confusion, confusion, excitement, fear, anxiety...

For a while, Tianhuang's entire expression was extremely complicated.

He sat there blankly, completely unsure of how to respond.

Gaining momentum for many days.

At a time when everyone expected it but still felt it was unexpected, the alliance's actions broke out.

East Island, how to choose?

Tianhuang took a deep breath, and continued to take a deep breath.

At a certain moment, Shiranui Mai's voice rang with a smile: "This is the last chance."

Tianhuang looked at Shiranui Wu blankly, almost subconsciously, he asked, "Do you really fight?"

Shiranui Wu squinted her eyes, and suddenly stretched out her small white hand, facing Tianhuang: "Give it to me."


Tianhuang was a little stunned.

Mai Shiranui's voice was calm: "The fate of Higashishima."

Tianhuang looked at Shiranui Wu deeply.

Shiranuiwu looked at him silently, without saying a word.

I don't know how long it took before Tian Huang took a deep breath, turned his head and glanced at the prince who rushed out, and said calmly: "I have decided, let everyone..."


"This... Your Majesty..."

The prince's expression was a little surprised.


A harsh color appeared on Tianhuang's old face: "Let's fight it again."

Shiranuiwu suddenly laughed.

The palm of her stretched out hand fell slightly, and it seemed that something very heavy had fallen on her small palm, causing her small hand to sink.

It was nothing but tangible, Dongdao's destiny.

Be in control.


It's 11:56.

Youzhou, hidden dragon sea.

Inside Li Huacheng's office.

Wan Qingyun looked at the hung-up communication with a green face, gritted his teeth and said: "What's this? Is there any rule in the eyes of his **** legion? Does Nan Yun really regard Nan Yun as his independent kingdom? Should this be an explanation to the parliament?"

The atmosphere in the conference room was somewhat depressing.

The directors, including Dongcheng Invincible, all have extremely serious faces.

"The problem of the Bloody Legion should be dealt with. Lei Shen has been a little too presumptuous over the years."

Dongcheng Wudi said in a calm tone: "Of course, this is my mistake. After dawn, I will talk to him, or call him back and transfer him from the Bloody Legion."

"Transfer away?!"

Wan Qingyun's tone was a bit sharp: "What kind of problem is this? Refusing the call from the parliament and not listening to the command of the parliament will make him lawless. Can this kind of problem be solved by a transfer? He should be removed. This is a crime. He should be sent to the desert prison! He has been in Nanyun these years, how many people have responded to his problems with Lei Shen? Ah? Still claiming to be Thor, is he worthy? Arrogant and defiant, such a person should have been removed long ago. Imprisoned in the desert."


Dongcheng Wudi nodded his head with a serious face, but his tone was perfunctory that anyone could hear clearly: "Right, right, and Qingyun is right. This matter must be dealt with seriously."

Wan Qingyun's eyes went dark, his body shook, and he seemed to be a little unsteady.

Several other directors glanced at each other, including Li Huacheng's eyes with a slightly suppressed smile.

"Lei Shen's problem is that we should pay attention to it, find an opportunity, and Invincible wants to talk to him."

Li Huacheng coughed dryly, concealing his emotions by speaking.

"It's not enough to talk about it. Qingyun has some truth in what he said. The nature of this matter is relatively serious. He must be punished and Quanjun informed."

Zou Mulin said not salty or indifferent.

"It should be so. This is a lesson. The facts are obvious. The Jun's control of the Border Army has declined to a certain extent. The Minister of Dongcheng should go down and walk away if he finds time."

"Yes, yes, you are all right."

Dongcheng Wudi nodded his head, his face becoming more serious.

There is a depressive and cheerful atmosphere in the office.

Wan Qingyun's face became more and more ugly, and several directors wanted to take things over as soon as they sang and agreed, just like TM teasing him, what is this?

Wan Qingyun himself did not expect things to develop to such an extent.

Within a few minutes of the phone call between Thor and the council, a certain call from Nan Yun directly reached Yinlonghai, reporting the latest developments of the Bloody Legion.

The army of the Bloody Legion began to assemble. Thor arbitrarily gathered elites in the name of the exercise. Numerous combat orders began to be transmitted to various departments at the first time. The Bloody Legion who was dormant in Nanyun moved with the order at a jaw-dropping speed. Shows an almost exaggerated executive power.


Thor's movement is clear and clear, almost without any concealment.

Just go south.

He wants to enter Tiannan.

Even enter Wu Yue.

When the news reached this office, before the other directors had come back to their senses, Wan Qingyun exploded directly.

Raytheon wanted to work on the 100,000 elites of the North Navy regiment and even the entire alliance.

This is something that every director knows.

Even Ji Wenwen and Wan Qingyun have acquiesced in this.

This can even be said to be Wang Shengxiao's determination.

The alliance's high-end combat power besieged Li Tianlan, and the elites destroyed Xuanyuan City. The North Sea Wang Clan wanted to use all of this to completely wipe out the Eastern Palace, and let them disappear completely for a future security.

They can take down Xuanyuan City.

They had suffered heavy losses when they retreated, and they would surely lose even more, and even the entire army would be wiped out.

These Beihai Wangs are psychologically prepared.

But everyone did not expect Thor to be so irritable.

Let the Alliance finish fighting Xuanyuan City while retreating?


I have someone in my hands, and I will kill you without waiting for you to Xuanyuan City, isn't it?

Such behavior is an absolute violation.

Thor's actions can even be said to have weighed on his family's life.

Enter Tiannan, and even enter Annan.

Everyone knows that Thor is presumptuous and that he likes nonsense, but no one really would have thought that he could be so crazy.

And such a move will undoubtedly cause the heaviest blow to the alliance's plan to the greatest extent.

The Bloody Legion entered the southern part of Tiannan. I will not mention what the result of waiting for Thor in the future. At least for tonight, when this force roared into Tiannan under the pressure of the council, almost no one could stop their soldiers.

The alliance's plan to destroy Xuanyuan City by one hundred thousand elites can be said to be directly bankrupt.

If the Bloodbath Legion moves fast enough, the elite of the alliance will be destroyed in the hands of Thunder God if they can't even see Xuanyuan City.

what does this mean?

This means that the 100,000 elites gathered by the various forces in the alliance can't even play a role. To put it bluntly, this is completely tantamount to death.

After further consideration, when the Bloodbath Legion smoothed out the elite of the alliance, will Thor, who is already crazy enough, rush directly into Annan territory?

Not to mention the huge public opinion caused by this kind of action. If the Bloody Legion really rushes into Annan, Annan's position will inevitably change. The murderous Bloody Legion can even directly interfere with Wang Shengxiao and Li Tianlan's battlefield.


The pseudo-tianjiao who has surpassed the pinnacle of invincibility?

It sounds powerful.

It is indeed very powerful.

But no matter how strong it is, it is also a mortal body, Wang Shengxiao, Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangtu, one of them counts as one, in the open field, who can hold tens of thousands of elite charges?

As long as Thor is fast enough.

As long as the Bloody Legion is fierce enough.

All of this can be done.

The actions of the entire alliance may turn into a laughing stock because of Thor's crazy operation this time.

After all, Thor is not alone.

His existence represents the most elite army in Central Continent.

This also means that the alliance formed by Wang Shengxiao, who worked so hard and tried to conceal the elite, not only did not help, but when the Eastern Palace had no response, Thor was completely anxious.

In this way, Wang Shengxiao's order not only caused the elites of the Alliance to go to Tiannan to send their lives to death, but also caused a great trouble for herself.

Furthermore, this means the failure of the operation.

The action failed! !

These words are like mountains, enough to suppress every person in the North Sea Wang Clan and even the Southeast Group can't breathe.

The vast majority of the masters in Beihai, the most powerful super armed, the most elite troops, and even the three masters of the town scene: Wang Shengxiao, Xia Zhi, and Dijiang.

If this operation fails, how many of these people, everyone, can come back?

In the worst case, both Xia Zhi and Wang Shengxiao would fall in this operation.

When Wang Tianzong still has no news, once such a situation occurs, it will be the biggest turmoil and change in the dark world in hundreds of years.

The Wangs of Beihai collapsed.

This behemoth, which has been the number one giant in the dark world for hundreds of years, collapsed.

It sounds like a joke.

But now, in this situation, is there really such a possibility?


Never let Thor enter Tiannan!

The fear and worries in my heart turned into monstrous anger.

Wan Qingyun exploded.

In the presence of the directors, he began to vent his fear and anger without reservation, and asked the council to contact Thor immediately.

Thor's series of operations pushed Beihai Wang to the edge of the cliff, but these series of operations were indeed unruly, so Wan Qingyun had something to say.

And Dongcheng Invincible, even every director is very cooperative.

But it was Thor who didn't cooperate.

Phone off.

No response to communication.

The Junfang communication channel was cut off.

Simply neat.

Thor directly cut off all possible ways of contacting the council.

Resolute and cold-hearted.

This also means that even if they accidentally enter Tiannan, there is no possibility of seeking help from the headquarters or even the parliament.

This is the Bloody Legion.

Kill it.

Either kill the enemy, or die on the way to kill the enemy.

This is also the style of the entire Border Army and the invincibility of the East City.

For more than two decades, the Border Guard Corps under the control of Dongcheng Invincible has been like this.

go ahead.

Or death.

There is no retreat.

There is no need to retreat.

Wan Qingyun stared at Dongcheng Invincible fiercely.

The serious-faced Dongcheng Invincible frowned, worrying about the country and the people together with the other directors.

There was a gentle force on the arm.

Ji Wenwen tucked Wan Qingyun's sleeve quietly, and shook his head slightly at him.

Raytheon does have irregularities.

But Beihai Wang did the same thing this time.

There is nothing right or wrong between the two sides, they are all for survival, for better survival, and for greater interests.

In this case, the words "winner and loser" are a bit cruel.

In the current situation, it is useless to say more.

If Li Tianlan and Donghuanggong can win, then Li Tianlan can suppress all Thor's affairs with one hand.

At that time, he was in Central Continent, and it could almost be said that he was truly covering the sky with one hand.

Similarly, if the King of the North Sea can win, although the council will use the most severe means to take a considerable part of the benefits from the King of the North Sea, the King of the North Sea can always keep what he wants to protect most after he has no opponents.

It was unrealistic for Wan Qingyun to talk to Thor.

No matter what he wants to say, whether it is rhetorical or stern, there is only one core, and that is to prevent Thor to enter the sky.

But how is this possible?

This is not as good as directly persuading Raytheon and even Dongcheng Invincible to commit suicide directly.

Wan Qingyun with a gloomy expression took out his phone.

The moment he turned on the phone screen, every director's eyes were focused on the phone in his hand.

"I'll make a call."

Wan Qingyun's voice is indifferent.

No one spoke, and several directors watched quietly.

If Wan Qingyun was still outside of this operation before, then at this time the call was made and everything was different.

Thor could not be reached.

At this moment, who can Wan Qingyun call?

Who else can you call?

It can only be an important person who participated in this operation.

When the parliament student wanted to label Beihai as betraying the interests of Central Continent, Wan Qingyun made this call...

It would be okay if the Beihai Wangs had won.

If Beihai loses, then Wan Qingyun will inevitably pay the price, and the Southeast Group will not be better off either.

This is something everyone knows well.

No one stopped.

There was a bit of horror in the office's silence for a while.

Wan Qingyun glanced at Dongcheng Invincible coldly.

In the gloomy eyes that were almost torn apart in public, Wan Qingyun got up and walked into the lounge next to him.

Everyone's eyes fell on the face of Dongcheng Invincible.

The serious-faced Dongcheng Invincible rubbed his stomach after Wan Qingyun left, glanced around and said: "I'm a little hungry, there is a restaurant open 24 hours a day near Tongtianmen, which is quite close to the Junbu Building. The soy sauce fritters are good. Who of you will have one?"


Order takeaway? This is especially in the hidden dragon sea, what kind of takeaway can bring in?

At this time, even Ji Wen's face was stern.

The door of the lounge was closed.

Wan Qingyun did not hear Dongcheng Invincible's voice, nor did he see the iron-green face of the old man Ji Wen.

He flipped through the address book, found Huangfuyi's contact information, and dialed the phone without hesitation.

Compared to Ji Wenwen, he is undoubtedly closer to the Wang Clan of Beihai, and he is more closely related to Emperor Bingshan.

Wan Qingyun is from Beihai.

To be precise, Wan Qingyun is a person from Qiushui City, Beihai.

When he first started when he was young, he even worked as the secretary of the old patriarch of the Huangfu family for a period of time, and finally walked step by step to the position of Beihai Speaker, entered the board of directors, and Huangfuyi, he was really familiar with it and couldn’t be familiar with it anymore. .

"Uncle Wan?"

The call is connected quickly.

Huangfuyi's calm and pleasant laughter rang on the other end of the phone: "Good evening, Uncle Wan, haven't you rested yet?"

"How are your preparations over there?"

Wan Qingyun asked in a low voice.

Huangfuyi seemed to be stunned, and then laughed: "Uncle Wan, don't worry, everything is ready. This battle is bound to be a great victory. Wait for my good news."

His voice was passionate and energetic: "For Beihai, this is some price that must be paid. We missed the best opportunity and let our opponents grow up. This is our biggest mistake in the past 100 years. Tonight and beyond Everything we lose is the price of our mistakes and we must bear it.

But that was just a matter of previous decision-making, not irreversible. Such a price will hurt Beihai, but it is definitely worth it, and it will be beneficial to the future of Beihai. Specifically for me, I also need to personally enter the Eastern Palace to catch the unfilial girl back. Uncle Wan can rest assured that this operation will go smoothly. When I return to Beihai, I will stop in Youzhou and I will find you to drink. Tea. "

Wan Qingyun was silent for a while before he said in a low voice, "Huangfu, I suggest to stop for a while."

The delicate relationship between the Southeast Group and the Wang Clan of Beihai was immediately exposed in this sentence.

He is the director of Zhongzhou and the banner figure of the Southeast Group at the forefront.

But when facing the Beihai Wang Clan and the patriarch of the Beihai Sword Clan, he only had the right to make suggestions, not strong orders.


Huangfuyi was a little surprised: "Why?"

Wan Qingyun took a deep breath: "The Bloody Legion has lost control tonight. Ye Qingquan is dead. Raytheon has taken over the defense of Nanyun. The council has just received news that the Bloody Legion has moved. Huangfu, do you know what this means? He is waiting for you. He is waiting for you to move first. Now he is crazy. As long as you leave Nanyun with your front foot, the Bloody Legion on your back foot will kill you. There are too few people in your hand. The Bloody Legion will kill you. If you can't even see Xuanyuan City, the whole army will be wiped out.

Stop it, Huangfu, what I can guarantee is that as long as you are still in Nanyun, it is safe. At least some vitality must be preserved for Beihai.

Perhaps you are right, we should pay some price for our mistakes, but this does not mean that the sacrifice is worthwhile. "

Huangfuyi fell silent completely.

Regardless of Beihai or Southeast Group, no matter what everyone thinks.

If the vast majority of Beihai masters and elites were exchanged for Li Tianlan and Donghuanggong to fall, even if they themselves would be injured, their vitality would be greatly injured, but in the face of the threat of the Donghuanggong, all this is not unacceptable.

But under the threat of the Bloody Legion, when this force is doomed to sacrifice for nothing, then who would do it?

"I understand."

Wan Qingyun took a deep breath and said softly: "This matter is not a trivial matter, Uncle Wan, I need to discuss it."

"Don't be impulsive."

Wan Qingyun sighed a little tiredly: "There may not be no chance in the future."

"I know."

Huangfuyi smiled and hung up the phone silently.

The bell rang in Li Huacheng's office as well.

Twelve o'clock in the morning at midnight.

The bell rang almost at the same time as the phone rang.

Wan Qingyun sank inwardly, answered the phone, and quickly returned to the office.

In the depressed office, the atmosphere has become restless.

Seeing Wan Qingyun approaching, Dongcheng Wudi squinted at him.

He was still holding the phone in his hand, and his eyes were extremely calm.

But behind this calm, Wan Qingyun felt extremely fearful.

He forced himself to look into Dongcheng Invincible's eyes, but suddenly a question occurred in his heart.

If the East Palace fails this time... how will the Dongcheng family react? Is it going to die and be a man with his tail tucked in and let the wealthy group fall apart? Or do you want revenge at all costs, even if your body is broken?

"The action has begun."

Dongcheng Invincible said lightly.

Wan Qingyun opened his mouth and didn't speak for a while.

The huge screen in the office opened again.

Connected to the satellite.

One after another satellites were all activated, and the southern and northern borders of Annan were locked for the first time.

The base of the Eastern Palace, which originally belonged to the Purgatory of Heaven, appeared in everyone's field of vision within a few seconds.

It was a piece of flying and completely solidified ice and fire.

The whole office fell into a dead silence.

Everyone looked at the incredible scene, a little sluggish.


It's 11:58.


The deep forest two kilometers away from the Purgatory Corps was almost completely covered by dense marching tents, forming a quiet and silent temporary monarch camp.

A huge signal jammer was placed in the central area of ​​Junying, and countless signal lights flickered from top to bottom.

This is the latest research result of Beihai Wang's in recent years. It is codenamed bat. The special band emitted by the jammer under full power operation can prevent most detection methods to the greatest extent, including shielding satellite signals.

While shielding outside detection, people within the scope of the detector can communicate with the outside world and the inside through a specific encrypted channel. It can be said that it is an indispensable artifact for the North Navy regiment's large-scale operations.

It is precisely because of the existence of this thing that even though they have been stationed here during this period of time, no one has been able to figure out their fiction and reality, including the Central Continent Council.

In the center of the camp, there is a huge tent that is two or three times larger than the ordinary marching tent, but it is not a recreational nest for comfortable rest, but the North Navy regiment or even the command headquarters of the entire alliance.

Several large touch screens are set up in the tent. The different terrains, different environments, every highway, every barren mountain and dense forest in the whole Tiannan are presented in different colors on each screen.

Huangfuyi silently looked at the rows of screens in front of him, with cigarettes in one hand and tapping the edge of the table with the other, thinking quietly.

As a leader, marching and fighting, the leader's brain must be in a state of high-speed operation at all times.

At this moment, Tiannan’s tens of thousands of square kilometers of land is no longer Tiannan in his mind, but barren mountains and rivers, and positions, which are all kinds of armaments and services spread on the ground. How to cooperate, how to cover, where to charge, to establish a front line there, the whole Tiannan is spinning in his mind, and a set of tactics are constantly being practiced in his brain.

This battle must be a big victory.

The Wang Clan of Beihai has almost produced most of the power that can be used.

It's worth it to change Li Tianlan.

But if it fails, the Beihai Wang family will suffer a loss that has not been experienced in hundreds of years, and will even directly encounter an unprecedented life-and-death crisis.


Jiang Shangyu can bet, Li Kuangzu can bet, everyone can bet.

But the Beihai Wangs who formed this alliance are the least fond of gambling.

Because they have too many things, they can't afford to lose, and they can't afford to gamble.

If it weren't for being driven to desperation by the Eastern Palace, who would take such a risk?

Huangfuyi took a deep breath, picked up the pen and paper, and sketched on it, trying to subdivide the mature tactics in his mind again.

As a famous general in the North Sea Wang Clan second only to Shen Ye Dongsheng of the Central Continent Army, he has enough qualifications, enough record and enough experience to deal with any situation.

Now that the North Navy regiment has more than 500,000 in size, whether from the previous Wang Tianzong era or the current Wang Shengxiao era, when Wang Tianzong and Wang Shengxiao personally served as the commanders of the North Navy regiment, one of the two deputy commanders has changed. There were several, but Huangfuyi was always the first deputy of the North Navy regiment. He remained unmoved and as stable as Mount Tai. This alone was enough to explain his ability and degree of trust.

One cigarette burned out.

Huangfuyi spit out smoke and grabbed one at will, but before the palm of his hand touched the cigarette case, the phone rang suddenly.

Huangfuyi was startled and looked at his watch subconsciously.

It's 11:58.

There is only two minutes between actions.

He took out the phone and looked at the number, his pupils contracted, but he still pressed the answer button without hesitation.

"Uncle Wan? Good evening, Uncle Wan, haven't rested yet?"

No matter how great the pressure in his heart is, his smile is always happy and calm when he speaks.

"How are your preparations over there?"

Wan Qingyun's deep voice rang.

"Uncle Wan, don't worry, everything is ready, this battle is bound to be a great victory, waiting for my good news."

Huangfuyi's voice was agitated, and he expressed his attitude without hesitation, but when the voice fell, he paused and said softly: "Uncle Wan, call me so late, is it okay? The council, the situation? Has it changed?"

The war is imminent.

Huangfuyi was not afraid of the Eastern Palace. What he was most afraid of was some moths coming out of the parliament. Li Tianlan and the academics got closer and closer. If Li Huacheng intervenes, it will really cause great changes. If nothing else, it is stationed. In Nanyun's Bloodbath Legion, Huangfu Yi was overwhelmed and out of breath.

Thor is not shocked, but Thor and the Bloody Legion, there is really no opponent in the Southeast Asia area.

When Wan Qingyun called at this time, Huangfuyi's heart would inevitably be a little turbulent.


Wan Qingyun smiled and said, "Let's see how you are preparing. Everything is normal on Ye Qingquan. After the operation starts, Ye Qingquan will monitor the Bloodbath Legion at any time. If the Bloodbath Legion dares to move, Ye Qingquan will take the bloodbath when necessary. The legion dragged in place.

Huangfu, don't have any worries, act fast, must be fast, and make quick decisions. I'm waiting for your good news. "

"no problem."

Huangfuyi's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously said, "What does Dongcheng Wudi say?"

"He can't stop Beihai, nor can he resist the will of the parliament. So it doesn't matter what he says."

Wan Qingyun's voice rang on the other end of the phone: "The point is that he can't do anything."

"Yes, he can't do anything!"

Huangfuyi said softly and said with emotion: "Uncle Wan, thank you for the group's support, Di Bingshan will remember it in his heart."

"Family, don't be so polite."

Huangfuyi heard Wan Qingyun's voice with a deep smile.

Huangfuyi's voice was a little excited: "Uncle Wan, don't worry, this operation will definitely go smoothly. When I return to Beihai, I will stop in Youzhou and I will find you for tea."


Wan Qingyun's voice became more and more cheerful: "I have a heart, I wish you success, I am waiting for your news of your victory in Youzhou."

Huangfuyi laughed and hung up the phone. He seemed to have seen the miserable destruction of the Eastern Palace and the lost but bright future of the North Sea Wang Clan standing back on top of the dark world.

He wanted nothing personally.

Because the Huangfu family was originally part of Beihai.

The stronger the Beihai, the stronger the Huangfu family.

At this moment, from Youzhou to Nanyun.

No one knows that this communication signal has been modified into two completely different versions.

It's like the very strange communication situation inside the East Island when the East Island was in the decisive battle.

It was a cloud of communication suspicion that Dong Dao could not explain so far, and it was the shadow that hung over Dong Dao's head.

What no one knows is that that time, the person who did this was Xuanyuan Wushang.

But this time the call between the two was modified, and the person who deceived them was just a little girl.

Wan Qingyun returned to Li Huacheng's office.

Huangfuyi stood up in his tent.

When both of them thought they had accurate information, all they made were wrong decisions.

Huangfuyi looked at his watch.

Twelve o'clock in the morning at midnight.

Huangfuyi called the messenger, and said in a deep voice, "Passing the order, the army will move out, and the target is Xuanyuan City."

His voice was heavy and stern: "Jumping in a hurry!"


The rapid whistle sounded suddenly in the dense forest camp.

At the same time, the various forces of the alliance.

Sanctuary, Rothschild, Purgatory Legion, Kunlun City...

All of them received orders from Huangfuyi, the commander-in-chief of this operation.

Huangfuyi's roar on the phone was fierce.

All of them, march at full speed, attack with all strength!

This order was communicated almost at the same time, falling in the ears of the temporary commanders of various forces, and then turned into a roundabout ambush, standing still, retreating temporarily, and splitting the troops into a series of inexplicably messy orders.

No one knows what happened at this moment.

But everyone has heard their own orders.

When the alliance became a whole and everyone just received their own orders and didn't know what tasks other people were performing, then it seemed that some inexplicable royal orders did not arouse anyone's suspicion at all.

Everyone is faithfully implementing their own orders, and they have never thought that the truth they heard is actually all lies.

The triumphant Huangfuyi tidied up his clothes and sprinted at full speed with the 20,000 elite of the North Navy Regiment, rushing out of Nanyun and heading straight for Xuanyuan City.

When the last line of 20,000 elites completely rushed into the Tiannan region, Huangfuyi at the forefront of the army took a deep breath, pointed in the direction of Xuanyuan City, roared loudly, as if saying something loudly.

His voice should be loud.

Well, it should be huge.

But no one can hear what he said.

The deep night was completely illuminated the moment they rushed into Xuanyuan City.

It was a dazzling light, a flame soaring to the sky.

It is the artillery that occupies every corner of the night sky.

The huge roar shook the entire Tiannan.

Without any precautions.

Very abrupt.

Countless artillery shells smashed into the phalanx of the Beihai Wangshi like a torrential rain.

The whole world is left with a turbulent roar.

The huge explosion caused a majestic wave of air and ruined everything unscrupulously.

Vaguely, the roar of the Thunder God, the peak master of the thunder-thundering realm, erupted in the turbulent explosion that spread across the entire southern cloud boundary.

That ferocious roar has become hoarse, but with an incomparably ferocious murderous intent, it shakes Huangfu Yi's incomparably blank and completely cold heart.

"Blood Legion!! The whole army strikes!!"

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