The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 233: : The third line of insurance

The golden light is dim, and the will is about to dissipate in the first half second.

With the disappearance of the long river of time, the almost frozen time in the northern border of Annan seems to be breaking the shackles little by little, and the flow of time gradually accelerates, becoming vivid and clear.

The figure of the God of War has disappeared.

Qin Weibai's eyelashes fluttered, his eyes opened, a little dazed.

Li Tianlan fell into a coma again.

Everything is almost the same as before the real will appeared, but it is completely different.

Time is still in a state of extremely slow flow.

But this extremely slowness has gradually accelerated. If the time flow rate just now has been modified and slowed down by hundreds of millions of times, then with the acceleration of time flow, it has been reduced from hundreds of millions of times to tens of millions of times, although it is still very Slow, but the frequency continues to accelerate.

Qin Weibai hugged Li Tianlan in a trance, her eyes were once again replaced by an extreme numbness and emptiness.

The alliance still maintains its original state, doing its own actions little by little as if it were frozen.

No one noticed that there was a golden light that did not return to Li Tianlan's eyes after experiencing extreme dimness, but flew silently across the northern border of Annan and entered Tiannan.

The clinic in the East Palace was as quiet as ever.

No matter how the situation in the dark world changes, no matter whether there is a fight inside or outside Xuanyuan City, most of the time here is quiet.

The clinic has been open for a while, and the popularity of the clinic with Li Tianlan's name has begun to decrease over time, and it is not very popular on weekdays. In the clinic, when I have nothing to do, I like to stay in the clinic and play games. I spend a lot of money in the virtual world. Drinking Coke is more exaggerated than drinking water for normal people. I have an excellent relationship with His Majesty the East Emperor.

Excellent indeed.

Li Tianlan remembered that he had heard Han Xinyan complain. It is said that since the clinic opened, the fat man's application for entertainment expenses from the East Palace has exceeded nine figures. The real money is like water.

Li Tianlan has no opinion on this. He has never been very sensitive to money, and now the family of the East Palace is here. Money is a thing that does not bring life or death, and the military advisor and Shengshi Fund are always there every minute. He created terrifying wealth, and since he was his own, Li Tianlan didn't mind them spoiling it casually.

In fact, not only Xuanyuan Wushang, but almost every high-level executive of the Eastern Palace has the authority to mobilize wealth at will. Most of the time, they don't even need a reason to ask for money.

Ning Qiancheng built a city hall in Xuanyuan City that could be said to be the most beautiful city hall in the world. If there were no accidents, it might become the most beautiful provincial capital in the world.

Bai Youming likes cars, she circled a corner in the East Palace, designed the parking lot herself, and then bought more than ten world-class sports cars, including a few customized versions, which have not been delivered yet.

Li Baitian is the most stupid. He collected some extraterrestrial meteorites. He burned a lot of money in the first round of testing. Then he traded some precious metals with various forces, saying that he wanted to build a Taixu sword and planned to use it with Xuanyuan Feng. bump.

Li Tianlan replied at the time, but the money was approved directly.

Actually everything doesn't matter.

The East Palace has grown to the scale it is today. It can almost be said that there is no need for any specific goals. What they need is a strategy. As for goals, Li Tianlan probably only has one goal, and everyone is happy.

Therefore, not only the high-level, but even the middle-level, even an ordinary guard in the Eastern Palace, can pre-expend the wealth of several times their annual salary in the Eastern Palace.

In theory, the chief executive officer of the military division also serves as the financial director, but most of the time, he does not manage money, but keeps approving money. As for what to do with the approved money...whatever he wants to do , as long as you earn it back and you're done.

And a vague financial system is undoubtedly one of the current drawbacks of the East Palace. As the various responsibilities within the East Palace are clearly defined, this situation will also improve. Li Tianlan's request is also very simple, and he does not want to restrict anything. , but I hope to see what everyone in the East Palace, including myself, can do.

Noisy night.

The East Palace was already lively at this time.

The Nightmare Legion, the newly established Defense Department, seems to be mobilizing the super-elite troops it has formed.

That faint golden light appeared in front of the clinic, the light continued to extend, and finally turned into the appearance of Li Tianlan.

This is completely a Li Tianlan composed of dim golden light. The light seems to be very soft because it is too weak. His body is constantly flickering, and it seems to disappear at any time.

Obviously, with the silence of the real brand, this clone composed of pure will has been suppressed to the lowest point by the real environment.

While the body was still in a coma, Li Tianlan sighed, and just took a step forward, suddenly stopped.

In the sight, there is some pink mist that is invisible to ordinary people, floating slightly, covering the clinic in front of me, some cute and some dreamy.

Indistinctly, there seems to be a young woman making a comfortable voice, soft and sweet.

A strange emotion flashed in Li Tianlan's eyes.

The pink mist in front of him can also be regarded as a certain field, but the main effect is to isolate people's perception. He only needs to touch it lightly, and the men and women in the clinic can realize that he has gone outside.

However, the good things that disturb people seem to be a little unsightly.

The golden light on the will clone continued to dim.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes and suddenly took a step forward.

The pink mist and the golden light do not disturb each other. As Li Tianlan moves forward, the pink mist is also surging forward.

Everything in the line of sight seems to have not changed.

But the surrounding East Palace seemed to be more noisy, and the sound waves from all directions covered almost every corner of the East Palace.

Li Tianlan frowned and took another step.

The night fades away.

Day came in an instant.

The scorching sun and the breeze were warm and gentle, and the East Palace had quieted down, but the depressing and chilling atmosphere was getting stronger and stronger.

The pink mist in front of me was still floating.

It's just that as Li Tianlan moved forward, there seemed to be some dissonance in the pink mist, as if some aspects could not be perfectly blended, so that the pink mist surrounding Li Tianlan appeared layer after layer. A layer of ripples.

Li Tianlan continued to walk.

Darkness enveloped the sky again, and the stars twinkled.

It was quiet in the East Palace.

Another step.

Then there is the fifth step.

The pink mist had disappeared for some time.

When the fifth step fell, the eastern sky just burst into a ray of sunshine, the sun pierced through the clouds and sprinkled the ground, a golden yellow.

When the morning sun was rising and everything was recovering, Li Tianlan opened the door of the clinic, went upstairs, opened the bedroom, and finally saw Xuanyuan Wushang lying on the bed.

The bedroom has been tidied up, it may have been messy before, but now it's neat and clean.

The room was wafting with wisps of fragrance, which was also mixed with a hint of ambiguity that had not yet had time to dissipate.

Xuanyuan Wushang lay on the bed, breathing gently.

Geez, he was still breathing.

That's great.

Li Tianlan sighed, came to the bedside, and said with a chuckle, "Are you still alive?"

Xuanyuan Wushang obviously saw Li Tianlan as well, his extremely dim eyes lit up in an instant, as if he wanted to get up, but his hands propped up on the bed, and just after exerting force, he suddenly became soft on the bed.

He opened his mouth, vaguely, as if he wanted to say something, but his voice was extremely vague.

"Tsk tsk..."

Li Tianlan shook his head.

The Xuanyuan Wushang in front of him is no longer the fat Xuanyuan. Although he is still fat, he has clearly lost a lot of weight compared to before. The originally healthy breath is now weak and sluggish, his face is pale, and his eyes are dim. The breath of life that he is proud of has been reduced to the bottom of the valley, and he hummed on the bed, without the strength to move.

"Look at you bear."

Li Tianlan said something with disgust, he was too lazy to pay attention to him, and took another step.

In Xuanyuan Wushang's sight, following Li Tianlan's footsteps, his figure disappeared instantly.

Xuanyuan Wushang opened his mouth, he seemed to want to say something, but with his eyes in a trance, he fell asleep unconsciously.

Li Tianlan's footsteps fell, looking at Xuanyuan Wushang who was sleeping in front of him, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he continued to walk forward.

Sun and night alternate.

When the footsteps fell, Li Tianlan saw Xuanyuan Wushang sitting blankly on the bed.

He obviously just woke up not long ago, or has been awake for a long time, but his spirit is still in a state of sluggishness, he looks stupid, there is still a lot of Coke in front of him, the computer is on, but the game on the screen is obviously Can't attract him.

"Yo, are you awake?"

Li Tianlan said with a smile, in a casual tone. The generations of the time and space corridors had already become chaotic due to many reincarnations. According to the original generation, he was the master of this fat man. After all, even his own father was Li Tianlan's student, but in a certain In this special situation, not counting the return, the two became brothers again. This relationship lasted for most of the time the two knew each other. Both of them were used to it, so they didn't bother to change it. Li Tianlan, who is full, has always been concerned about this kind of thing. They all look very light, and they are extremely casual when they get along with their own people.

Xuanyuan Wushang, who was in a daze in silence, jolted for a moment, raised his head and looked at Li Tianlan who suddenly appeared in front of him. : "Brother..."

"What do you think?"

Li Tianlan asked casually.

Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes turned red, and the grievances and resentment on his face were not because he saw Li Tianlan, but because he thought of what he had just experienced, and suddenly he felt sad: "You don't know what I have experienced."

That is the decline of bodily functions from the peak, from extreme joy to extreme torture, physical fitness is completely crushed, fatigue occupies the brain, becomes powerless, the body is hollowed out, the soul is hollowed out, admit defeat, Begging for mercy, helpless, continue to fight under alternative stimulation, and finally lie down obediently, forget everything, and completely feel like a salted fish.

"I know."

Li Tianlan nodded seriously: "You forgot? When I got married to your sister-in-law, what did you say after you drank too much? You said that only children like women, and real men should **** robots. , you were almost beaten to death by your sister-in-law and your mother, but I saved your life.

Not long after that, you became a couple with the princess of the dragon clan. Tsk, with your small physique with level 8 authority, how does it feel to be favored by a peak powerhouse? This is the pinnacle robot. "

Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes were blank, and after a long while, he slowly said: "It's very comfortable, unimaginably comfortable, but also very painful, several times I almost thought I was crushed, brother, you know how much she is. Are you working hard..."

Li Tianlan's mouth twitched.

came back.

All back.

After countless hours, to meet again, after a few words of effort, the familiar Xuanyuan Wushang has completely returned. This is the virtue.

The relationship between the dragon princess and Xuanyuan Wushang is an incredible thing. Although the ninth prince of the dignified time and space corridor, although he is a little lazy, he has always thought that he is a doctor, but in fact, in terms of real strength, he is definitely a 8th-level authority. The top powerhouse, the reason why the Time and Space Corridor did not entrust him with a heavy responsibility is because of his unreliable character, not because of his strength.

With his strength, if he can be more stable, his position in the space-time corridor is not easy to say, but if he is placed in the War God Realm with a slightly poorer background, he is qualified to guard a star field.

But even so, no one thought he was qualified to be a couple with the Dragon Princess.

What are dragons? That is the masterpiece of the world. Don't talk about authority, just talk about race. The dragon family can be called the strongest race in the starry sky. It's just because the dragon family gave birth to the idea, so it entered the neutral camp.

Who is the eldest princess of the dragon clan?

There are not many strong females in the starry sky, and there are only a few who may stand at the peak and are famous in the starry sky.

Xi Bai next to Huang Xi.

Xuanyuan Wushang's mother Xuan Su.

The eldest princess in the time and space corridor dances softly.

The elegance of the dragon clan is peerless.

The exquisite and splendid embroidery of the God of War world.

The consonance of the people's palace.

These are all at the top, and the eldest princess of the Dragon Clan, Xuanyuan Wushang's girlfriend, is the elegance of the Dragon Clan.

Even Li Tianlan didn't understand how Xuanyuan Wushang, the first female who entered the 9th-level authority, got into the big bed of the Dragon Clan Fenghua.

Her authority and physical quality have crushed Xuanyuan Wushang. Although the Dragon Clan is loyal, it does not mean that there is no resentment in their hearts. Occasionally reuniting with Xuanyuan Wushang, with the nature of the Dragon Clan, there is absolutely no reason to let Xuanyuan Wushang go and not toss him. Death can only show that the Dragon Clan Fenghua really loves this fat man deeply.

"If you don't work hard and mess around with things, when you enter the 9th level authority, I'm afraid that people will officially contact the authority, and then you will not be able to hold your head up for the rest of your life."

Li Tianlan said lightly.

"I understand the reason."

Xuanyuan Wushang was a little distressed: "But I can't find the opportunity, the opportunity that belongs to me has never come, and I am also very helpless, I was able to advance in ancient times, but the opportunity for my promotion turned out to be order, big brother, dare you Letter? Who dares to take a step forward?”

Now Xuanyuan Wushang has the authority of three 8th-level peaks, but he has never been able to take the most crucial step. He cannot advance, and the dragon family does not agree with his marriage with the eldest princess, so the two are not husband and wife, they have always been Couple, Xuanyuan Wushang has been in pain for countless years.

"I haven't seen an opportunity for me to advance, and I'm still waiting."

Xuanyuan Wushang murmured: "I knew earlier that I had the right to choose the martial arts. If I can enter the ninth level, heh, what kind of dragon, I guarantee that she will be as obedient as a kitten."

"I saw."

Li Tianlan said lightly.

Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned for a while, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan's figure moved slightly and came to the computer.

The computer is still the game interface.

On the screen, a game character in a gorgeous costume is standing in the town and is in a hang-up state. Several trumpets are circling around the character of Xuanyuan Wushang, seeming to be looking at his equipment and shape.

There are also some private messages that are continuously sent, and some private chats appear on the interface. Brothers and sisters are messy and the content is more popular, that is, Xuanyuan Wushang's girlfriend doesn't want to pay attention to these after seeing him, otherwise Let the mother dragon see that Xuanyuan Wushang's end will definitely be worse than now, she gets serious, it is estimated that Xuanyuan Wushang will not want to see any younger sister in ten or eight years.

Xuanyuan Wushang, whose eyes were shining, got up in a dog-legged manner, and with his weak legs, poured a glass of Coke for Li Tianlan, hehe said with a smile: "Big brother drink water, you don't smoke big brother..."

Li Tianlan looked at the game interface in front of him thoughtfully, and then looked at the glass of Coke placed in front of him.

Xuanyuan Wushang handed over the cigarette, and with the other hand he picked up the lighter with a smile, wanting to light it for Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan shook his head, stretched out his hand and touched it casually, his palm and the cigarette passed by silently.

Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned, he stared blankly at Li Tianlan's palm, and did not speak for a while.

Li Tianlan's palm did not pass through the cigarette, but interlaced with the cigarette, existing at two identical angles.

"This is..."

Xuanyuan Wushang's mouth moved.

"You slept for three days."

Li Tianlan continued to look at the screen in front of him, and said lightly: "Standing on my timeline, you are making out with your girlfriend now, this should be your highlight moment, right? But it won't last long, I can't Excuse you, so..."

Li Tianlan's mouth moved: "Eight days after I arrived, you and I can communicate now, but in fact we are on two timelines. I can't influence this place, so I can only talk to you."

Xuanyuan Wushang looked at Li Tianlan dumbfounded.

Travel through time, and travel toward the future...

He couldn't understand this kind of thing for a while, and he believed that no one in the starry sky could understand this kind of thing.

He didn't even know what to say for a while.

It is possible to break time and travel to the past, and some people have done it.

For example, Qin Weibai.

But that kind of crossing is completely different from this time.

Qin Weibai is a transfer in time and space.

But Li Tianlan this time...

It's clearly a **** space.

In other words, Li Tianlan, when the space is absolutely stable, crossed the time and came to the present eight days later?

He didn't even see it eight days later, but came directly here and could even communicate with him.

what is this?

"Don't think about that."

Li Tianlan shook his head: "Do you like to play games?"

"Ah, um, yeah."

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded dumbly. He was still subconsciously thinking about what Li Tianlan's appearance this time meant. He even felt that his logical model was shaky. Li Tianlan's appearance this time seemed simple, but it was actually equivalent to overthrow. A lot has been done without overturning anything.

"Since you like to play, why don't you make one yourself?"

Li Tianlan asked.

"Make one?"

Xuanyuan Wushang blinked.

"This is your opportunity to become destiny."

Li Tianlan's voice was flat.


Xuanyuan Wushang opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"I don't have much time."

Li Tianlan said slowly: "I came to see you, in fact, just to tell you this. Since you like to play games, you can do it yourself. If you need help, you can ask the Time and Space Corridor and the God of War Realm or People Palace asks for help, and there is no problem in cooperating in research and development.

You tell Lin Xuanyuan, this is what I mean, he will understand.

The opportunity for you to advance is in the City of Miracles, but not in the City of Miracles. Just take it as the task I gave you. When this task progresses to a certain level, you will see what you want. "


Xuanyuan Wushang agreed without hesitation.

Compared with the opportunity, what he valued more was the task that Li Tianlan gave him.

"After I return, you still need to stay here for a long time and find something for yourself to do, otherwise it will be too boring. From now on, you have more important tasks than guiding my return."

Li Tianlan continued to speak, his body made of golden light became more and more dim, which was a sign that his will was about to be completely extinguished.

"Big brother..."

Xuanyuan Wushang opened his mouth.

"While there is still time."

Li Tianlan said, "I also want to see my daughter. What I said, you will immediately report to the space-time corridor."


Xuanyuan Wushang nodded heavily.

Li Tianlan was silent and glanced at the game interface in front of him again.


He spoke slowly and stood up from his seat.

In the extremely stable space, as the golden light fluctuated slightly, his body began to retreat.

The moment he stepped back, his body disappeared directly in front of Xuanyuan Wushang.

The next moment, the sleeping Xuanyuan Wushang appeared in front of Li Tianlan.

Back again, Fatty Xuanyuan was still asleep.

Back again.

The fat man who lost a lot of weight was struggling weakly on the bed.


A pink mist appeared in front of him.

Back off, misty.

Li Tianlan's figure returned to the origin step by step.

The East Palace is still noisy in the middle of the night.

Li Tianlan stood in front of the clinic and was silent for a while.

That's all he can do now, it seems.

The God of War returns to the stars.

Before he went back, on both sides of the river of time, what he and Li Tianlan saw should be exactly the same picture.

They want to see the future of the new authority, and they want to see the fate of Lin Shiyi.

They did see some, but obviously, what they saw was not what they wanted to see.

The new permissions were not successful.

Li Tianlan sighed softly. He also saw the shadow of Xuanyuan Wushang in the failure of the new authority, and also saw the opportunity for him to advance.

In that flickering and repeating future, Xuanyuan Wushang will get his chance, and at the same time, he will become insurance for others.

To be precise, insurance for new permissions.

And such insurance, there are currently three, it seems that there are only three.

The first insurance is naturally Li Tianlan, who is the cornerstone of the new authority.

The second insurance is the doomsday authority fragment that Lin Shiyi accidentally obtained.

The third insurance, the biggest possibility, is Xuanyuan Wushang.

That's pretty much all he and Ares can do.

After silently pondering for a while, Li Tianlan's body twisted into a dim golden light again.

The golden light flashed across the sky, leaving Tiannan in an instant, crossing the southern part of Central Continent, all the way to the north.

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