The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 267: : Chaos (5)

In the north and south of Annan, it is 2:20 in the middle of the night.


It is evening in the foggy capital of England.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the 36-story Mitaka Building, making this unique and avant-garde high-rise building look dazzling and solemn in the evening.

In the luxurious and spacious conference room on the top floor of the building, all the senior management of Mitaka were present, holding documents in their hands, and kept discussing with their colleagues.

All the people who come and go in the conference room are the confidants of various high-level executives. They shuttle back and forth with folders, conveying everyone's will, and there are also people who open the screens one by one and narrate them seriously and seriously.

The walls of the conference room were almost covered with embedded screens one after another. At this time, all the screens were lit up, and what appeared in front of everyone was countless contents that could be called confidential.

There are financial statements of certain groups, various business intelligences that have not been made public or are destined to not be made public, stock trends, and currency exchange rates. Countless complex and mysterious curves are beating on a large number of screens. There were also people standing in front of different screens talking to the people on the opposite side of the screen, finalizing the next action, and the entire conference room was filled with a tense and dignified atmosphere.

The hot and enchanting blonde woman sat calmly in the main seat of the conference room, holding warm coffee in her hands, her blue eyes swept across the screens in front of her, her eyes calm and indifferent.

The woman looks to be in her thirties, tall and tall. Compared to his particularly eye-catching figure, her face cannot be regarded as a character, but her facial features are extremely flexible. With an extremely smart and intelligent color, her eyes wandered across the screen covering the conference room and the countless documents in front of her. Occasionally, she would pick up the pen to sign her name, and then the document would be taken over by a high-level executive and executed quickly.

The entire Mitaka Building is running extremely smoothly in her hands, like an extremely precise machine.

The money machine is already working.

The documents signed by Alice, the signatory, will rush out of the Mitaka Building here, and then set off a storm in the entire continent.

Alice is a woman's name and is the master of the Mitaka Building.

Alice Murdoch Rothschild.

The controller of Mitaka Building and the manager of Mitaka Fund.

In the past few decades, Mitsubishi Fund has ranked third among the top ten hedge funds in the world with assets of more than 200 billion Zhongzhou coins.

It is not the only Zhongzhou Shengshi Fund.

The size of the Mitsubishi Fund is second only to Morgan and Rockefeller in the world's major hedge funds.

In the ranking of global hedge funds released five years ago, Mitsubishi Fund officially killed Rockefeller with an advantage of 20 billion Chinese state dollars, becoming the second largest hedge fund in the world after Morgan.

five years ago.

That was the time for the decisive battle on the East Island.

Then went through the snow country chaos.

The turmoil in the two dark worlds has also most directly affected the financial situation around the world.

Led by Shengshi Fund.

These two turmoils have directly become the carnival and feast of global speculators.

East Island currency, Snow Country currency.

Under the swept of major hedge funds, it was raging wildly. After the storm, whether it was Dongdao or Xueguo, there were sorrows everywhere.

Countless media have scrambled to report that when the Eastern Palace and the Samsara Palace severely impacted the dark world pattern, the world's major hedge funds plundered at least the wealth of Dongdao and Xueguo for more than 20 years in the shortest time.

This wealth flows to the world.

The top ten funds are the biggest beneficiaries.

Beihai Wang also has its own hedge fund, which ranks fifth in the top ten. Five years ago, Beihai Fund was only eighth.

The Mitsubishi Fund belongs to Rothschild.

In fact, in Rothschild's numerous external financial competitions, the Mitsubishi Fund is the main starting point.

Extensive contacts, strong capital, and accurate information can completely allow them to leverage massive amounts of money that are several times their own assets, and disrupt most of the financial market order.

All it takes is one chance, no matter how slim it is, and they can make countless people around the world rich or bankrupt overnight.

Now the Three Eagles Fund is preparing for a stand.

their war.

And this time Mitaka's goal is to be the most incredible king in their field.

A behemoth that never appeared in the top ten funds, but suppressed all their funds with a crushing attitude.

A financial monster that makes countless countries wary and gnashing their teeth eagerly to slash it with a thousand swords.

Zhongzhou, Shengshi Fund.

In recent years, the media has become more and more bad about the prosperity fund.

In other words, there are fewer and fewer reports about Shengshi Fund.

They have begun to gradually break away from the category of hedge funds. Various industries are blooming everywhere, and while the volume is getting bigger and bigger, they are also becoming more and more low-key.

Even Dongdao and Snow Country were turbulent twice more than five years ago.

As the main sponsor of Shengshi Fund, it seems that only the top ten funds in the world will benefit in the end.

This inevitably makes some people who cannot see the truth have various doubts about the strength of Shengshi Fund.

But only giants like the Three Eagles Fund know that in those two actions, they earned a lot of money each time, and the truth is that all their gains were actually leftovers by the Shengshi Fund. under something.

As time goes by, they can't even see the whole picture of Shengshi Fund.

Now with the merger of Shengshi Fund and East Palace.

The controller of Shengshi Fund has changed from Han Donglou to Li Tianlan, but the actual controller is still Han Donglou, and the appearance of Li Tianlan and the East Palace makes the entire Shengshi Fund even more irresistible. Every minute and every second, Shengshi Fund is constantly expanding and growing.

How strong is Shengshi Fund?

I am afraid that no one knows about this issue except Han Donglou.

But this did not prevent others from coveting the wealth in the hands of the famous Eastern Palace strategist.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as they do it, every drop of oil they scrape from Shengshi Fund may contain infinite wealth.

Before, countless people were afraid that no one dared to do it first.

But as the situation in the dark world becomes more and more tense, the inner desires of these giants of the financial world also begin to grow stronger.

When everyone was waiting for an opportunity to appear, the Beihai Wang Clan directly gave them an opportunity.

An alliance against the Eastern Palace is formed.

Countless forces join in at the same time.

In the financial world, Beihai Fund also led the establishment of an alliance for Shengshi Fund.

Beihai Fund, Mitsubishi Fund, ibs, Deya, Odb, one after another, funds representing huge capital joined in. Continental, America, and major giants have placed bets, mobilized resources, and planned to attack Shengshi Fund.

Everyone's goals are exactly the same.

When the alliance killed Li Tianlan and destroyed the East Palace, all of them had to mobilize unimaginable money and resources to completely destroy everything in the Shengshi Fund in the shortest possible time, and divide up the wealth belonging to the East Palace.

Now the alliance operation has begun.

They are ready to now, it can be said that everything is ready.

After more than ten hours, the unimaginable wealth will completely destroy the Shengshi Fund in the wildest manner.

This sword pointed directly at Han Donglou and also at Zhongzhou.

Therefore, the major giants and major funds are extremely active, because behind this, there is even a certain national will.

"After more than ten hours, I hope to get the exact commitment of more than 90% of the giants in Continental."

In the busy conference room, Alice's voice spread through the loudspeaker: "We have the most invincible power in the world, so in the last time, we need to confirm the target again, will Mitaka be able to hit next year? To become the No. 1 hedge fund depends on this battle.”


A high-level executive hesitated, then cautiously said: "As far as I know, the alliance's actions on Annan's side are not smooth, although Li Kuangtu successfully broke through, but the Beihai Wang Clan has already withdrawn from the station, and... .Your Excellency Paul..."

"Does it matter?"

Alice asked calmly.

The high-level was stunned, opened his mouth, and was speechless for a while.

"I regret the fall of Your Excellency Paul."

Indifferently, Alice's voice was full of absolute indifference and rationality. In terms of blood relationship, Paul was still her cousin, but when she mentioned this person, the patriarch of her own family, her tone did not fluctuate at all: "The family The family will take care of it. My job is only responsible for the Mitsubishi Fund. I can’t stop, Peter, I can’t stop.”

She looked at the high-level executive who just spoke: "We have been preparing for this operation for too long, and we have mobilized too many resources, and no one is willing to turn back. The alliance of major funds originated from the establishment of the alliance, but this does not The most important thing is that the establishment of the alliance gives us the determination to truly fight against the Shengshi Fund.

This is the determination of capital to destroy everything.

When we unite, the victory or defeat of the alliance is no longer important to us. Li Tianlan may be invincible, but at least for now, he still has not won the final victory, and even if he can win, what can he do?

This is a war of money, not pure force. Our opponent has never been Li Tianlan, but Shengshi Fund, and only Shengshi Fund. "

"No one can stop us when we decide to plunder the wealth from the Shengshi Fund.

I hope that before the sun sets tomorrow, the world can once again understand a truth. Li Tianlan may be invincible, but the power of capital is the most terrifying. "

Alice lowered her head and drank a cup of coffee, her voice softened: "Li Tianlan may be strong enough to win the battle, but he will always pay a price, a heavy price."

"When the Shengshi Fund completely collapses, what will happen to the Eastern Palace, which is invincible but has no economic power?"

Alice knocked on the coffee cup, and suddenly sneered: "The sixth strongest person in the world, how dare you think about it!"

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