The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 532: :grasp

When Reinhardt walked into Cade's office with a livid face.

The meeting between Kaide and Jiang Shangyu has come to an end.

The end of this meeting meant that Jiang Shangyu had officially gained a foothold in Xingguo.

Although in a sense, the so-called foothold began the moment Jiang Shangyu came to Xingguo, but he didn't really complete the process until he finished meeting with the speaker.

"what happened?"

Seeing Reinhardt striding in with a gloomy expression, Chairman Cade restrained his smile at Jiang Shangyu and asked the question knowingly.

"Li Tianlan's special plane has already taken off."

Reinhardt slammed the stack of documents in his hand on the desk.

His face was ashen-pale, his anger was extremely obvious, but he was also extremely powerless.

Chairman Cade nodded calmly, picked up the remote control and turned on the screen in the office.

What appeared on the screen was a simplified version of a map of Asia.

Both landmass and ocean are relatively blurred and pale.

Chairman Cade adjusted the remote control.

A dashed red line appeared on the screen, along with an icon of an airplane.

The dotted line directly connects the capital of Annan from Youzhou. At this moment, the plane on the screen is moving very slowly along the red dotted line, and has already flown over the Yangtze River.

"In another three hours, Li Tianlan's plane will arrive in Annan."

Cade glanced at the screen, estimated the time, and said slowly.

Reinhardt snorted coldly.

"Can't stop."

Cade glanced at him, and there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be mocking, but also seemed to be gloating: "For Central Continent, this matter is considered to be a certainty."

Tiannan Province will soon become the thirtieth province of Central Continent.

This news not only caused a sensation in Central Continent, but also swept the whole world, attracting everyone's attention.

Annan "willingly" signed the contract with Zhongzhou, which made everyone lose the reason to condemn Zhongzhou on the surface.

Things broke out very suddenly.

And as soon as the news started to come out, the signing was about to start.

From the current point of view, there is no way to prevent or destroy this signing.

The influence of this matter is naturally self-evident.

Annan, Hengguo, Koryo, and the vicinity of Central Continent, except for Xueguo, are almost all allies that Xingguo worked hard to win over before.

Their combined strength is not worth mentioning in front of Zhongzhou, but they can be said to be handy and familiar with things like making trouble for Zhongzhou.

Even Snow Country has had an ambiguous relationship with Zhongzhou in recent years.

Among Xingguo's allies in Asia, Hengguo and Annan can be said to be the most important.

A few years ago, a decisive battle in Tiandu directly wiped out all the arrogance of Dongdao, and now the whole Dongdao has become a dog crawling at Li Tianlan's feet and only knows how to wag its tail.

Now Annan fell again, and was suddenly broken by Zhongzhou.

Without Annan, under the chain reaction, Zhongzhou can mobilize more power to target Hengguo and Korea. Without Annan's restraint, they will have a hard time facing Zhongzhou even more uncomfortable.

And the accumulation of all these discomforts will affect the Xingguo who secretly supported them.

One ebbs and another, no wonder Reinhardt loses control of his emotions.

This is definitely not a good thing for Xingguo.

But what does it matter?

That's what Cade thinks right now.

At present, Zhongzhou is really planning to use Li Tianlan's deterrence to tear up the alliance of the Star Kingdom with the strongest means, and teach the surrounding neighbors a lesson.

But it takes time.

And Cade's tenure is only a few months.

A few months later, the newcomer took over, and this mess had nothing to do with him.

Just make trouble.

Cade looked at Reinhardt, his former confidant, and now the villain who betrayed him, and he felt inexplicably relieved.

He suddenly wanted to know, after betraying himself, faced with the current situation, did Reinhardt ever regret it.

"Just now I had a phone conversation with Hengguo."

Reinhardt took a deep breath, suppressing the rage in his heart.

Facing Cade, he still has a little awe, which has been accumulated over a long period of time. Even if he betrayed Cade now, he dare not really take him seriously.

"What did they say?"

Cade waved his hand to let Reinhardt sit down, opened the document in front of him, and signed his name.

The corner of Reinhardt's mouth twitched, and the huge anger was almost uncontrollable.

During the call with Hengguo, Hengguo's words were extremely fierce.

They are indeed younger brothers.

But the younger brother is not without temper.

And because the interests are combined, when the interests are inconsistent, it is inevitable to turn the face.

The combination of Hengguo and Annan can be said to have tasted the sweetness in the past many years. Although their toss did not cause any loss to Central Continent, the disgusting people can still get a lot of assistance from the Star Kingdom.

This kind of tossing may turn them into clowns themselves, but who cares about the image if there is meat to eat?

After so many years of ups and downs, Zhongzhou finally seized the opportunity, and Annan compromised without the slightest effort to fight back. Now, where is there any benefit?

The aid and support they received was less than half of the loss this time, and the fate of the entire Annan was under the control of Zhongzhou.

How can such a situation make Hengguo calm?

Don't talk about being calm, some people in Hengguo who are standing on a high place are already scared to death.

Because as long as they are not fools, everyone knows that after Annan is dealt with, Zhongzhou's next target is them.

So in the call just now, the other party made a series of unacceptable demands on Reinhardt, such as free assistance to them with a large amount of armaments, sharing technology, financial assistance, global declarations, etc...

If Xingguo agrees to all these things, it will no longer be supporting the younger brother behind the scenes to add to Zhongzhou's obstacles, but will actually step up to the front stage to tear the face of the overlord.

How could Reinhardt agree?

Hengguo also refused to give up.

The conversation between the two parties took a long time and eventually broke up unhappy.

Reinhardt is very clear that after this incident, Hengguo must be kept. If Hengguo is like Annan, the sword of Zhongzhou, which has lost its worries, will cross the ocean and point directly at them.

At that time, they can't even keep their allies, and they may really become lonely.

"Can Li Tianlan's plane be shot down?"

Jiang Shangyu on the side suddenly asked with a smile.

Cade laughed, but said nothing.

The corner of Reinhardt's mouth twitched, but he also didn't speak.

Li Tianlan's plane flew from Youzhou to Annan.

shoot down?

Not to mention whether they dare or not, this matter is simply impossible. Once they dare to take any action, they will definitely get the most intense target from Central Continent.

Li Tianlan will be fine by then, and Zhongzhou will be irritated again. Who can afford such a consequence?

"We can consider giving them some appropriate assistance, and ask them to keep a low profile for the time being. This is the situation now, and wait for the opportunity slowly."

Cade said lightly.

He glanced at Reinhardt, squinted his eyes: "Isn't the opportunity for Ou Lu coming?"

Cade knew about the fact that the Angels sent out to Europe to besiege and kill Lin Fenglin, and he even agreed to it. If this matter can involve the Lin family, and then attract Li Tianlan's attention, this is what they have planned so far. Way to break the game.

If the angel group succeeds in besieging and killing Lin Fenglin, the Lin clan will definitely enter the game in an all-round way. Xingguo can at least help the European Union to share the pressure against them. will be as passive as it is now.

If it is really possible to use this incident to attract Li Tianlan to Europe, then the Angels will make a full-scale attack and assassinate Li Tianlan at all costs. If they succeed, the opportunity and turnaround they have longed for will come.

The success rate of this plan is not high, but it is not low. At least it is worth taking a risk for Xingguo. Anyway, the result will not be bad again.

"As long as the situation in Europe can be dragged on..."

Kaide said slowly: "As long as it can be delayed until then, Yalu's crisis can be temporarily alleviated.

How is Europe? "

"We have to wait."

Reinhardt rubbed his forehead. Several squads of the Angels have entered Europe, but their task is equally arduous. How can it be so easy to assassinate a master who is invincible at the peak?

What's more, the person who was assassinated was not only a peak invincible, but also a combination of a salted fish and an otaku.

So far, the Angels have not even confirmed where Lin Fenglin is staying, let alone making any action plan, which will take time.

"There is time."

Cade's voice is still flat, his current mentality is very detached, as if nothing to do with him, whether Hengguo can be kept, whether it succeeds or fails, has nothing to do with him.

"After the Annan matter is over, Zhongzhou will settle down for a period of time. Even if we deal with Hengguo, we won't be too anxious. At this time, there will be at least a year, or even longer."

After a pause, he laughed: "If your operations in Oulu don't come to fruition within a year, Li Tianlan's injuries will probably recover by then, so we don't have to fight anymore, just lie flat."

"Not at all."

Jiang Shangyu smiled and said suddenly.


Leonhardt froze for a moment.

"First of all, Li Tianlan's injury won't recover for a year, so we won't lie flat."

He said slowly: "Secondly, give me a few years, and Li Tianlan will have nothing to fear."

Reinhardt squinted his eyes, and his eyes were radiant: "Jiang, are you sure you can make a breakthrough in these few years? Surpass Li Kuangtu, or even Wang Tianzong?"

"Although I'm not 100% sure, I'm still 70% to 80% sure."

Jiang Shangyu glanced at the door intentionally or unintentionally.

His eyes seemed to penetrate the barrier of the door, and he saw something outside the door.

The corner of his mouth curled up, revealing something unpredictable: "The premise is that I can get back what I lost."

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