In the banquet hall, everyone who is qualified to participate in this banquet has a complicated heart.

The lounge, or the cigar room, is undoubtedly the place that everyone pays the most attention to.

Its door was closed, and two team members who followed Li Tianlan to Annan stood guard at the door, one on the left and one on the right, one civil and one military, one serious and the other smiling with the people nearby.

The living room was quiet and there was no movement.

At this moment, this small room is like a forbidden place, people dare not approach it, but they can't help but want to approach it.

People found that being able to participate in this banquet is not the end of everything, but this is just the beginning. Whether they can enter the lounge and when they can enter are the key to the next step.

There is a very special group in the banquet hall.

Those were young girls wearing **** or elegant or pure evening gowns.

There were about seven or eight people, all of whom were from big families and were no strangers to each other. They naturally gathered together and occupied a corner, becoming the biggest highlight in the banquet hall.

Some of them lazily leaned on the sofa, some sat on the armrests and bent over, and some stood upright. Their eyes swept over, and there were white and delicate long legs everywhere. The daughters had exquisite makeup and reserved expressions. Very eye-catching.

They seem to be casually posing in a very easy-going posture, smiling and communicating, looking like sisters, but there are endless praises and criticisms between words, and the interaction during the period can be said to be wonderful.

Naturally, they also focused on the lounge.

As well-known socialites in the upper echelon of Annan, they even shouldered some unexplainable tasks at this banquet.

Before coming here, the elders in the family hinted intentionally or unintentionally that if they can get close to Li Tianlan, they must give full play to their value.

What is the greatest value of a daughter from a big family?

Naturally, it is a marriage. Under the strong alliance, both parties can get huge benefits.

Marriage with Li Tianlan is of course a no-brainer.

But if he can get close to Li Tianlan at this banquet, and even win him down successfully, and become his lover in Annan, it will undoubtedly bring more benefits to the family than the so-called marriage.

From this point of view, they are competitors with each other.

The banquet has been going on for a while.

The atmosphere has gradually become a little gloomy from the lively at the beginning.

Everyone was waiting for Li Tianlan to come out, and their emotions had gradually begun to become restless.

It's not that they lack concentration, it's that this banquet is too important, and it can even determine the life and death of each family present in the next few years. At such a juncture, no one can really calm down.

The gradually depressing atmosphere also affected the extremely eye-catching celebrities in the corner.

A young girl with the youngest body but the best figure blinked her eyes and couldn't help asking, "Why isn't Shuai Li coming out yet?"

"Look, sister Hemerocallis can't wait."

Someone said with a smile, as if joking: "Why don't you just send it to your door? I've known you for so long, and this is the first time I've seen you so unreserved."

Hemerocallis glanced at her, and said in a soft voice: "I'm single, I'll definitely be excited to meet a good man, and sister Alan, aren't you getting married soon, what do you want to do here?"

Alan's face with a smirk froze for a moment, his eyebrows were raised, and just about to speak, a hoarse and **** voice suddenly sounded: "Okay, it's a joke, don't hurt your peace, don't you think the current Is the situation a good thing?"

There was a sudden silence around.

The attention of Hemerocallis, who had planned to show off her fighting power, was also diverted there.

"Sister Shaoqing, can you explain in detail?"

She blinked her big eyes, her tone and demeanor were a little different from before, and there was even some real respect in it.

Each circle has its own central figure.

And in the circle of Annan's top socialites, Chen Shaoqing is the most central figure, not one of them.

In a sense, she is not even a celebrity anymore.

This year, she is only twenty-seven years old, and what she exercises daily is the power of the real patriarch of a big family. With this alone, her status is enough to make the celebrities around her dare not make mistakes.

The Chen family from which Chen Shaoqing was born is not currently the top family in Annan, at least it cannot be compared with the Li family and the forces surrounding the Li family.

But the Chen family is the most outstanding family after Annan's first echelon family, especially after Chen Shaoqing took power, the family has developed more and more smoothly. The original Chen family has shown signs of being lonely, but in the hands of this woman, less than three Over the past year, looking at it now, the whole family has shown an extraordinary new sign.

Sufficient appearance, sufficient ability, careful thinking, strong personality, and huge resources in hand, many people in Annan regard Chen Shaoqing as the number one beauty in Annan. This is of course just a false name, but also many people in private Calling Chen Shaoqing Annan's version of Qin Weibai, this kind of address is enough to show that Annan's people recognize her.

"Look at your fathers..."

Sitting on the sofa, Chen Shaoqing scanned the entire banquet hall with agile eyes: "They can't laugh anymore, what are you still looking forward to?"

Her hoarse voice is extremely gentle and **** most of the time. As a low-profile version of Qin Weibai, she is short in stature, but her skin is extremely fair, her eyes are blue, with a very attractive If it's just about appearance, there is no doubt that even the low-profile version of Qin Weibai and Chen Shaoqing's existence are enough to beat everyone around.

"Could it be..."

Alan pursed her lips, her face was a little pale: "Could it be that Li Shuai is not satisfied with this banquet, or is there a new plan in Youzhou?"

The ladies around became quieter.

Maybe not all of them are as beautiful as Chen Shaoqing, but at least they know the significance of today's banquet.

This banquet was originally supposed to be sugar from Zhongzhou to Annan.

But if Zhongzhou changes his plan...

In this banquet, under Li Tianlan's nose, all of them were throwing themselves into a trap.

"That's not enough."

Chen Shaoqing shook her head: "Central Continent's external style has been changing. This time is just the beginning. They are at least paying attention to some superficial things. The situation is not as bad as you think."

"Then why doesn't Shuai Li come out?"

Hemerocallis asked in a daze. She was also observing the expressions of the people around her, and her heart began to become more and more uneasy.

"Because he was waiting for us to go in."

Chen Shaoqing smiled wryly: "But the question is, who dares to go in? The first one to go in?"

Hemerocallis didn't quite understand, and her expression was even more bewildered.

Chen Shaoqing pursed her lips and said no more.

The first to enter the lounge to ask to see Li Tianlan.

This sounds easy, but it's just a matter of taking a step.

But taking this step means that someone is taking the lead in challenging all the existing orders in Annan. When others have not made up their minds, it is equivalent to being an enemy to everyone.

Such a person is destined to receive great support from Central Continent.

After all, this is still Annan.

The combination of Zhongzhou's strong support and Annan's collective rejection will be extremely dangerous.

No one would dare to take that risk now.

Alan vaguely understood the game involved, she was silent for a while, and said with a sneer: "If no one goes in, what will Li Shuai do?

He came to Annan with a mission. If the mission cannot be completed, he will not be able to explain it to Zhongzhou, right?

If all our families stay here and don't go in, he can only choose to come out. If this is the case, does it mean that we have won? "

Chen Shaoqing slowly raised her head and glanced at her, her eyes seemed to be looking at an idiot.

"If that's the case..."

She said slowly: "That doesn't mean we won, it just means..."

After a pause, her voice became hoarse: "It can only mean that all of us are going to die."


(Extremely poor state, confused mind...I'm trying to adjust, adjust and write more...)

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