The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 594: :numb

When the helicopter landed in the East Palace, Li Tianlan saw a figure running towards him from a distance.

Li Tianlan has no strength now, and naturally he has no perception. Judging from the level of sight, it seems to be a full stop.

The current deputy director of the East Palace.

Li Tianlan didn't know much about him, he only had a few contacts with him occasionally, and he didn't say a few words, but he heard Xiao Mohai mention this person, and he also heard some steady, careful, and watertight comments a few times. Impressed very well.

Full stop was born in Sky Academy, not the class that was brought back by Li Tianlan some time ago, but the earliest students who were in the same class as Li Tianlan. At that time, the East Palace was still called East Palace. Invincible fighting power, and then recommended by Wang Tianzong to become the commander of the Xuewu Jun regiment and went to Snow Country.

At that time, Li Baitian, Ning Qiancheng and others successfully concluded the session after graduating from the two academies. With the addition of Wang Yuetong, Donghuangdian, who was only a few people at that time, made full use of its various advantages to the extreme. The graduates of the first class brought 1,500 people into Tiannan, forming the core team of Donghuangdian at that time.

Full stop is the best of that group of people. His talent is not exaggerated, but he is very tenacious. He has a smooth personality but a clear mind. He can do things and knows how to do things. .

This is one of the old people who followed Li Baitian and the others in the **** battle in the desert. After the East Emperor Palace became the East Palace, he, the manager, became the deputy manager because of Xiao Mohai's airborne landing. There was no conflict between the two sides, and the cooperation was very tacit. .

Now that Li Tianlan is leaving, Xiao Mohai is bound to leave. From now on, the big and small affairs in the East Palace will basically be handed over to the new manager, Period.

Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai walked out of the cabin, they glanced at the direction where the period was running towards, and said nothing.

The period also saw Li Tianlan, and his running body suddenly stopped in place, as if a little dazed, but after only a second, he immediately reacted, bowed slightly to Li Tianlan, and then stood still in place.

Li Tianlan understood this meaning.

The whole world knows how sensitive the relationship between him and Qin Weibai is now.

When seeing him appear in the East Palace, although the other party didn't approach, he didn't leave, which showed that there was indeed something very important.

The knight walked up to Qin Weibai and said something in a low voice.

Qin Weibai nodded, glanced at Li Tianlan, smiled and said, "I won't be able to accompany you anymore, I'm going to the city hall, well, starting today, I'm going to call the provincial government, and there are many people coming over there, There are a lot of things to talk about, and Qiancheng is too busy alone, so I want to go and have a look."

She looked at Li Tianlan with gentle eyes and an impeccable smile.

But the knight standing aside clearly felt the difference.

This kind of Qin Weibai seemed a little different from the one she was on the plane just now.

Her tone, her smile, her attitude towards Li Tianlan...

Very close, but also, very distant.

It is a sense of distance that does not seem to exist, but is extremely clear.

Li Tianlan nodded and said, "If you need help, you can call me."

"That's not necessary."

Qin Weibai chuckled: "Those people are begging us now, but you may indeed receive a lot of calls in the future. If you are really in trouble, you can tell me, and I can save you."

Li Tianlan smiled and didn't take it seriously.

Tiannan is thirty in Central Continent.

It is definitely a big project to make this Thirty really look like a province.

No matter how large the Shengshi Fund is, it is impossible to undertake the construction of a province from scratch on its own.

That's right, basically this is something from nothing.

Tiannan's area changed from 30,000 to 130,000 in an instant, and the planning in every aspect was enough to make everyone's scalp tingle.

In the past, there were six cities in Tiannan, but in the current new Tiannan, the provincial capital will undoubtedly be Xuanyuan City.

The surrounding cities, which are close to Tiannan, such as the border town in the north, Liberty City in the south, and Tiandu City in the south, will be planned as counties. As Xuanyuan City continues to expand, it may become a county in five or ten years. district.

The New Thirty in Central Continent is not small, large and small. There are sixteen cities, small towns, and villages that once belonged to Annan, and they are close to four digits. There is also a port and a coastline as long as 300 kilometers.

In this area, the plan of the East Palace is to build nine to ten cities, with Xuanyuan City as the core, to connect the thirty into one.

This is all just beginning now.

A large amount of infrastructure construction can't even see the shadow.

Among the existing cities, there are only two that can barely meet the requirements of Zhongzhou, and become Tiannan's future ten cities, and they still barely meet the requirements.

Others have to be planned into counties, or even towns. Renovation on this basis is simply not worth the candle. Therefore, other areas must be relocated in combination with nearby resources and land features.

Cities, roads, and railways also need to be rebuilt.

As for the airport that the East Palace has been thinking about, there is no need to worry about it now. The initial plan is three, and you can use it.

In addition, there are schools, hospitals, scenic spots...

Tiannan's rich resource development has determined the pillar industry...

As well as the population migration plan, a series of support, entrepreneurship and employment opportunities to encourage people to settle in Tiannan...

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

The signing of the Tiannan Treaty has stimulated all nerves. It is no wonder that the period is so anxious. The meeting room of the provincial government is probably full of people.

All of this is just the beginning, and the continuous improvement of various subsequent plans cannot be completed in a short period of time, nor can it be completed by a certain person or a certain group.

Led by the East Palace and assisted by the Prosperous Age Fund, forces from various fields in Central Continent continued to enter, and then there was also strong support from the parliament.

Parliament has established the Tiannan Development Group.

It sounds like it's just a group, but all the aspects involved are extremely amazing. Every member of the group can be said to be a real boss. The current leader of this group is Wu Zhengmin. After a few months, it is estimated that it will become Bai Qingqian , the deputy prime minister also serves as the team leader, which shows that the parliament attaches great importance to it.

And this is also a good thing for the new group.

Because the development of Tiannan is destined to be very long, it is considered good to see a sign in five years, and it will take ten or twenty years of continuous efforts.

Bai Qingqian can sit in the position of team leader, which is almost equivalent to paving the way for the future. Ten years later, with the vigorous development of Tiannan, she will become the second prime minister from the deputy prime minister, and become a director is also a certainty. .

And behind this series of changes, unimaginable benefits must be driven.

At this time, no one can sit still, let alone how to operate it, but the balance of interests will become extremely complicated.

It is foreseeable that there will be many people who cannot impress the East Palace and turn to Li Tianlan instead.

And this is also an opportunity for Li Tianlan, an opportunity that he needs very much.

When he is about to enter the parliament, it is entirely feasible to take advantage of this opportunity to truly take root in Central Continent and let more people recognize his status.

It's just that Li Tianlan didn't intend to pay attention to these, let alone ask Qin Weibai to give him any face.

The so-called face, Qin Weibai will naturally give what should be given, such as the Dongcheng family, such as Li Huacheng, he doesn't need to say anything, Qin Weibai can handle it beautifully.

"I'm leaving?"

Qin Weibai looked at Li Tianlan, her smile was still distant and gentle.

Li Tianlan hummed.


Qin Weibai came over to give him a hug, then turned around and left with the knight.

Li Tianlan stood where he was and watched the figures of the two getting further and further away, without moving for a long time.

Full stop has arranged for the vehicle to be waiting.

Seeing Qin Weibai approaching, he opened the rear door, bowed slightly to Li Tianlan in the distance, then walked into the driver's seat, the car started, and slowly drove out of the East Palace.

Qin Weibai sat in the back row of the car and put down the fender to isolate the space.

Through the window, she looked at Li Tianlan who was standing there, her eyes were watery and full of affection.


The knight who endured all the way hesitated again and again, but still couldn't hold back, and let out a cry.


Qin Weibai, who was full of tenderness, had a soft voice.

" and Li"

Qin Weibai hesitated and hesitated.

Because Li Tianlan's attitude was different.

Because Qin Weibai's attitude is also different.

Along the way, the knight didn't understand what the two of them were.

Is this still in a breakup state?

It's just nonsense, okay?

Along the way, the boss flew all the way sitting on Li Shuai's lap.

Let's say the two are reconciled...

That's also not like it.

She could feel the alienation in Li Tianlan's eyes and between the lines.

Similarly, the boss treated Li Shuai in the same way.

They seem to be very close, but there is always a gap, awkward, inexplicable...

what is this?

The knight looked at Qin Weibai, and said cautiously: "Boss, are you reconciled?"

Qin Weibai still looked at Li Tianlan's shrinking figure, and said softly, "No."


The knight said he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

"That's it, because of that, so it's like this, it's a good thing."

Qin Weibai's voice was intoxicating.

The knight felt like he didn't understand a word.

"Tianlan has changed."

Qin Weibai said softly: "I don't know if his opinion of me has changed, or if he himself has changed, in short, it has changed. He knows that I will still pester him in the future, and it is impossible to give up. He Can't avoid me.

And he also knows that if I stop pestering him, he himself will be unhappy, but if I pester him, he will also be unhappy, very troublesome, very entangled, so the previous awkwardness pretended to be indifferent The method is useless and seems very naive..."

The knight listened with fascination.

"So, that's how it is now."

Qin Weibai said softly: "It is true that we broke up, but he doesn't want to play that kind of chasing and chasing each other, he started to make it official.

Now he probably still hates me, but he likes me very much.

He doesn't want me anymore, but he is reluctant to let me go, let me go, since he can't let go, then he won't let go, what is love, what should be, what should I do, I will not disturb him on weekdays, and neither will he on weekdays Bother me, but we meet every week, he eats with me, and I sleep with him, like friends, like husband and wife...

As for what's going to happen in the future, he hasn't thought about it, and he doesn't bother to think about it, so he to love..."

The knight was dazed for a while, and finally managed to extract the core meaning of Qin Weibai's words: "So it's just... bad?"

Anyway, I really don't want it, but I really can't let it go, so I can do whatever I like.

"That's pretty much what it means."

Qin Weibai laughed: "At least it's not too bad, anyway, I still have him now."

"This isn't a bad show..."

Following Qin Weibai's gaze, the knight looked out the window again.

The figure outside the window was already very small and blurry.

But he still stood where he was, with the quiet helicopter behind him.

"Li Shuai is standing there without moving and looking at you. Boss, he must really like you very much. His reluctance is definitely much more than not wanting."

The knight motioned to Li Tianlan who was still standing there: "Look, he's still watching."

"How do you know he's still watching?"

Qin Weibai blinked.

"He hasn't moved at all."

The knight said confidently.

Qin Weibai chuckled and said, "He has no strength now."


The knight was a little dazed.

"So, he is the same as ordinary people now."

Qin Weibai smiled brightly: "He's not moving now, he's not looking at me, it's because his legs are numb."



The knight is also numb.

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