The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 596: :bad news


In the elegant courtyard, Xuanyuan Wushang put down the Coke in his hand, looked in Tiannan's direction, and sighed somewhat complicatedly.

Xing Tian, ​​who was completely connected to his mind and even his soul, handed him a new Coke, looked at his master, and asked, "Master, are you sad?"


Xuanyuan Wushang said lightly.

"So you're sad?"


"That's sad, I can feel it, young master, you are in a bad mood now, very unhappy."

Xuanyuan Wushang glanced at him.

His exuberance and easy-going in the past have completely disappeared, and the chubby face has lost the look of a hippie smile, leaving only an almost profound silence.

Quiet and a little low, it seems that it can also be called sad or sad or something else.

Xuanyuan Wushang looked at Tiannan silently.

Li Tianlan stood alone on the fountain square, surrounded by flying water, he stood silently, a little lonely.

Xuanyuan Wushang did not speak.

He saw the encounter between the eldest brother and the **** of war.

Overheard their conversation.

He saw God of War holding Xuanyuan Feng.

He saw the God of War's projection and Xuanyuan Feng shattered and disappeared at the same time.

I also heard the goodbye.

Sudden encounter, abrupt goodbye, without any emotion, see you when you see it, and leave when you leave.

The current Li Tianlan would not know.

Xuanyuan Wushang would not know.

The God of War will not know how far this farewell is.

Xuanyuan Wushang pursed his lips tightly, maybe because it was windy outside, or maybe because he drank too much Coke, his eyes were flushed.

He really didn't like that **** who was still a good friend at the beginning, but then repeatedly tricked himself into taking the blame, but he had to respect it.

He originally thought that he could watch all this with a cold eye, but when the pillar was about to collapse, his heart was still throbbing incomparably.

Xuanyuan Wushang was silent for a long time before he said hoarsely: "I'm just saying goodbye."

Xing Tian seemed to understand something, but as a freshman, he didn't know much, and the information he had was somewhat vague.

"The God of War... is about to fall?"

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't want to answer this question.

Even if what Xing Tian said is the truth.

The pillars collapsed, the Supreme fell, life withered, and the end of the world was approaching.

This is what is bound to happen.

They are all a bunch of losers.

Because they have always wanted to change this so-called inevitability, but they have never been successful, and they have never even seen hope.

Not even a sliver of hope.

God of War is about to fall.

As the first Supreme to die, his fall was just the beginning.

Next is his father.

There is also the Human Emperor in the Human Palace.

Exquisite and beautiful, misty rain and rhinoceros, peerless elegance, and Feng Qingwu who is sleeping in the little girl's body...

Princes and princes, countless races, all lives.

It also includes Xuanyuan Wushang himself.

Everything has come to an end and will come to an end.

This is a preordained ending, no one can escape, no matter the Supreme Being or the ants.

"It's a good thing..."

Muttering to himself, Xuanyuan Wushang shook his head vigorously: "He will be even more unstoppable when he gets Xuanyuanfeng, and it can be regarded as clear about the time of his fall. The first one to perish will be the first one to return, maybe ...Maybe..."

He shook his head and didn't continue talking.

He just looked deeply at the place where Xuanyuan Feng had stayed.

The sword is no longer there.

When that sword comes back...


Xuanyuan Wushang let out a long breath, glanced at Xing Tian and said, "The dark world is likely to be very lively recently, you should pay more attention, since there is a new opportunity for martial arts, under such an opportunity, there may be many For the protagonist, it would be good if we can win over to enrich our own team.

The land of reality, the city of miracles, if you want to talk about the land of geomantic omens, this place can be regarded as the end, and I can't go on like this..."

"I see."

Xing Tian nodded, and after a little hesitation, he said, "Then it's raining on the river?"

Xuanyuan Wushang shook his head and said calmly, "That's not my opponent."


Li Tianlan stood still and smoked three cigarettes in a row before turning around slowly and walking out of the fountain square.

Xiao Mohai, who is currently the chief executive of the East Palace, stood quietly on the edge of the square, without making a sound.

Some people around had also seen Li Tianlan, but they didn't dare to come over to say hello, they all stood and watched from a distance, discussing something in low voices.

After Xiao Mohai dispersed the crowd, he stood there without disturbing, motionless, like a shadow.

It wasn't until he saw Li Tianlan approaching that he quickly walked two steps closer and said with a smile, "Your Majesty."

"Not Your Majesty anymore."

Li Tianlan made a reminder.

"Good guy."

Xiao Mohai changed his words naturally.

Li Tianlan, who also didn't like this title, was too lazy to say anything, and asked casually, "Why didn't you go to the meeting?"

The meeting in the new provincial capital can be said to be the beginning of Tiannan. All the high-level officials of the East Palace will participate, even those who are not in Tiannan must participate in the meeting online.

In the most realistic terms, this meeting determines the direction of Tiannan in the next five years, and what role it can play in this meeting determines the status of every high-level executive in Tiannan in the next five years. .

So this meeting is bound to last for a long time.

"I was invited, but I declined."

Xiao Mohai smiled: "Secret Han originally planned to withdraw, but her current position is very important, and there are many tasks to be handed over, and those tasks are closely related to this meeting, so she did not avoid , I can be lazy."

Li Tianlan hummed.

"I've been sorting out the work at hand lately."

Xiao Mohai was half a step behind Li Tianlan, and continued: "In two days at most, or even one day, I will be able to complete the handover with the period.

In fact, my handover is relatively easy. Period is not a newcomer after all. After he takes over, I will go to Youzhou to meet the commander-in-chief as soon as possible. "

"Just call me a consultant."

Li Tianlan didn't intend to mention it at first, but suddenly he couldn't bear it anymore.

"I listen to you."

Xiao Mohai nodded without any hesitation.

"Arrange the plane, I'll go back to Youzhou."

Li Tianlan looked at the parked helicopter and said, "Change the pilot, run back and forth, need to rest."


Xiao Mohai hesitated for a while, and agreed without asking any further questions.

Li Tianlan didn't say much.

Qin Weibai has already seen it.

As for the others, they obviously won't be able to see them in a short time.

How long this meeting will last, because there are too many things to be discussed and finalized, no one can predict.

Li Tianlan himself is not in the mood to wait here. His current state is very delicate, but it is really not good. He really needs what Li Huacheng called "retreat", a new path, he needs to find out in the shortest possible time, and reached the previous height.

Otherwise, Li Huacheng's support for him would really be a joke.

"It's already been arranged in Youzhou. I'm short of a special assistant position. You take it first. The special warfare system will have a streamlining process. You know my personality, so you will be very busy next time. In addition, inform Xinyan to let her speed up the handover, you need a lot of cooperation, I have some small problems here, and it takes time to solve them, I can't take care of others."

Li Tianlan continued to give orders.


Xiao Mohai first responded habitually, and then froze for a moment, with a complicated expression, some joy and some worry, he opened his mouth, hesitant to speak.

The special warfare system is very large, but if you want to distinguish it in detail, it is often not very eye-catching, especially the title of the job. In this system, the captain is the most common. It sounds like nothing, but the energy is very important.

The position of special assistant that Li Tianlan gave him sounds like nothing, but in fact, when this identity goes out, he is Li Tianlan's spokesperson. In other words, in the future special warfare system, when Li Tianlan is silent, most things , Xiao Mohai can make the decision.

No matter how attractive the position of chief executive of the East Palace is, it is not as attractive as this humble special assistant. Although Li Tianlan has expressed his trust in Xiao Mohai more than once, but he is placed in this position all of a sudden. Hai is still a little restless.

It is inevitable that such a scholar would die for his confidant, but there are also some worries.

There are a few hiccups...

What is this so-called small problem...

"His Majesty."

Xiao Mohai called him by the name he was most used to, and finally opened his mouth, but before he could ask anything, the phone rang suddenly.

Xiao Mohai took out his phone and looked at it, frowning slightly, but still pressed the answer button.

The person on the other side of the phone didn't know what to say.

Xiao Mohai's expression changed suddenly, and he raised his voice subconsciously: "Really?!"

His voice was sharp and sharp because he was too shocked, with a deep sense of astonishment: "How is it possible?!"

Li Tianlan gave him a strange look.

Xiao Mohai didn't notice, but just said to the phone: "Okay, send it right away, immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Mohai looked at Li Tianlan and said dryly, "Your Majesty..."


Li Tianlan was a little strange.

"Bad news."

Xiao Mohai smiled bitterly: "Very bad news."

Li Tianlan looked at him with a calm expression and did not speak.

"The Star Country and the European Continental Union suddenly suppressed all reports on Annan Capital an hour ago, but at the same time, the Star Country announced another news through various channels in the dark world."

Xiao Mohai sorted out his mood, and said with some seriousness: "Jiang Shangyu is said to have recovered from his injuries, and has officially broken through and entered the Tianjiao level."

There was concern in his eyes.

In fact, Xiao Mohai didn't care too much about Jiang Shangyu's breakthrough.

Because Li Tianlan's strength has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he instinctively felt that Jiang Shangyu after the breakthrough might be considered an opponent, but he was definitely not an opponent of his Majesty.

What he was most worried about, what worried him the most, was that Jiang Shangyu would recover from his injuries.

Healed from injury and successfully broke through.

A genius at his peak.

And Li Tianlan was still seriously injured.

The European Union game has reached a critical moment. At this time, Jiang Shangyu has recovered from his injury. How difficult will the next situation be?

The phone vibrated slightly.

Xiao Mohai turned on the phone, he didn't have time to look at it, and handed it to Li Tianlan directly: "This is the scene when Jiang Shangyu broke through..."

Li Tianlan took the phone and glanced at it.

On the slightly shaking screen, the darkness continued to spread, with colorful sword lights, sword energy and domains were mighty, filling the sky and the earth, all over the city.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes.

He thought it was Lucifer who stole his martial arts strength.

That's exactly what Lucifer did.

But looking at the colorful sword lights on the screen...

Lucifer took away his strength, but was intercepted by Jiang Shangyu?

What a waste, can you throw away everything you get?

Li Tianlan frowned slightly.

He returned the phone to Xiao Mohai, was silent for a while, and said, "It's okay."

Xiao Mohai's face was a little ugly, and he reluctantly nodded.

"hurry up."

Li Tianlan said: "Go back to Youzhou."

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