The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 762: :Sword and Technology

"Kacha... Kacha... Kacha..."

Between heaven and earth, crisp sounds echoed repeatedly, like the sound of countless gears biting and locking, dense, heavy, and with a clear rhythm.

Wang Shengxiao's body slowly stood up.

There was also a clear sound of mechanical collision coming from his body.

Blue rays of light were released from his eyes one after another. The rays of light spread between the sky and the earth, turned into data, and then disappeared. The signals that ordinary people could not catch disappeared into the unknown.

Jiang Shangyu's figure just rushed into the air.

He is extremely fast and explosive. In his current state, in mid-air, he only needs to jump with all his strength to get away from this area in the blink of an eye.

But it was too late.

The warm sunshine disappeared suddenly, the skylight completely dimmed, the surroundings became gloomy, and even his sight and perception came to an end.

Jiang Shangyu's eyes froze for a moment, then he turned around and looked at Wang Shengxiao.

"What on earth are you..."

He slowly said: "What is it?"

"you do not know me?"

Wang Shengxiao smiled: "How about it? Do you like the gift I prepared for you?"

Jiang Shangyu remained silent and didn't speak, his eyes swept around again.

This time, the end of his sight was not the distant sky of Youzhou City, but the high walls blocking the sky in all directions.

With Sanyi Hutong as the center, an entire urban area was completely blocked in a way that completely surpassed the current technological level.

Huge metal walls hundreds of meters high were erected at the same time and then spliced ​​to each other in different directions.

The combination forms a whole, covering the sky.

This is the area evacuated from Youzhou, and now this area has been completely blocked by metal walls one after another. Jiang Shangyu is now standing in a huge iron cage that is covered in all directions, including the sky and the earth.

Unbelievable, unimaginable, and incomprehensible.

Not only Jiang Shangyu, but the entire Youzhou fell into a state of deathly silence at this moment.

This kind of blockade was too grand and the momentum was extremely exaggerated. This shocking scene could be seen from all directions in Youzhou.

In this evacuated urban area, it was as if hundreds of skyscrapers hundreds of meters high had appeared in just a few seconds, and these 'skyscrapers' were still moving, narrowing the gaps between each other. They were completely squeezed together, completely surrounding that area. This scene was like a dream.

Everyone in Youzhou who saw this scene collectively fell into a state of doubt about life.

Jiang Shangyu still remained awake, but couldn't calm down.

This kind of scene is not unfamiliar to him.

He knew that what he was going to face when he came to Youzhou were experts with scientific and technological authority. To put it bluntly, this scene was actually a kind of knowledge, or in other words, a kind of technology: the Sky Dome Megastructure Project.

The current scene is the use of this technology, and it is a super mini version, or in other words, a super super mini version.

The correct way to use this kind of thing is not to block an area at all. The mature sky dome megastructure project is used to block the sun, or to be precise, block the stars.

This is a starting diameter that can be achieved

Man-made celestial bodies hundreds of millions of kilometers away completely surround stars, and use stars as natural nuclear fusion reactors as power sources.

This technology is still just a theoretical idea in the current City of Miracles, called a Dyson sphere.

In fact, this kind of thing is a kind of technology in the starry sky.

A technology that can fully utilize, store, and release stellar energy.

The super mini version of the Sky Dome giant structure project in front of me is obviously immature, or in other words, it is suppressed and extremely crude. Not to mention its pitifully small size, there is no energy response inside.

But as a cage that temporarily covers an urban area, it is undoubtedly qualified. Jiang Shangyu doesn't know how long it will take to break it.

Jiang Shangyu's eyes were fixed on Wang Shengxiao, with a ridiculous emotion in his eyes.

Wang Shengxiao's eyes were still emitting rays of blue light one after another, and invisible signals continued to spread with him as the center.

At this moment, Jiang Shangyu could clearly feel the connection between Wang Shengxiao and the huge cage around him. At this moment, Jiang Shangyu felt that all of this was boring.

"Mechanical life?"

He spoke slowly, his voice light and airy, with a sense of boredom: "Have you been transformed?"

Wang Shengxiao smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Shangyu found it even more boring.

To him, this battlefield is not fair at all, and the other party is completely cheating.

What he was looking for was a virtual engineer, but he ended up waiting for Wang Shengxiao. Wang Shengxiao obviously couldn't be that powerful, but he could still keep in touch with the surrounding sky-dome giant structures.

what is this?

The virtual engineer's methods are outrageous enough.

And the great structure of the sky

This kind of knowledge of engineering is obviously not something that virtual engineers can master. The projection technology in the small building that can be fake and real if Lucifer hadn't reminded him would not have noticed anything wrong. It is also not something that virtual engineers can master. Transforming mechanical life is so far away. Large-scale things are far beyond the capabilities of virtual engineers.

So what level of player is the ‘virtual engineer’ behind the scenes?

Everything he did required a huge amount of energy. Where did this energy come from?

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said coldly: "How long do you have to wait?"

These words were obviously not meant for Wang Shengxiao.

As his words fell, a figure appeared next to Jiang Shangyu without any warning. He was on all fours, twisting and crawling on the ground, and then figures exactly like him appeared one after another, hunched over and standing upside down. , dancing and keeping various postures, constantly approaching Wang Shengxiao.


Countless Lucifers.

With his appearance, there was an inexplicable fluctuation in the small courtyard. The signal Jiang Shangyu kept releasing suddenly seemed to be strongly interfered. The light in his eyes also kept flickering, flickering on and off.

"Find a way out of here!"

Jiang Shangyu said solemnly: "Leave it to me to handle."

"Who are you..."

Lucifer said with some confusion, then nodded: "Oh, what can I do...ah, leave, what do I want to do if the food is good or not? Haha, I'm so hungry..."

A chaotic and illogical voice sounded, and Wang Shengxiao's thinking center suddenly stopped for a moment, and his body

Shake slightly.

At the same time, Jiang Shangyu, who was no longer talking nonsense, appeared directly in front of Wang Shengxiao.

Countless Lucifers spread in all directions, and each Lucifer appeared on the far wall, on the dome, and in the corner, moving densely like insects.

In the empty courtyard, violent sword energy swept across in an instant.

The distance of tens of meters was as if Jiang Shangyu's feet didn't exist at all. When his footsteps fell, the sharp edge struck Wang Shengxiao directly on the head.


The sword energy was like steel, and a large string of sparks exploded on Wang Shengxiao's head.

The huge impact caused Wang Shengxiao's figure to be blown away like a cannonball. His figure was in pain, but his hands suddenly became longer. His arms continued to stretch as his body retreated, and they became like rubber in the blink of an eye. A pair of arms more than ten meters long.

Two lengthened arms locked Jiang Shangyu's body tightly. The next moment, muzzles appeared one after another in Wang Shengxiao's eyes, chest, abdomen, and shoulders, and extremely hot high-temperature lasers arrived instantly.

The light with the terrifying high temperature almost instantly tore apart Jiang Shangyu's sword energy barrier.

Brilliant sword light burst out.

Jiang Shangyu, whose body was imprisoned, was completely enveloped by the endless shining sword light. The sharp edge tore Wang Shengxiao's arm into pieces. Jiang Shangyu's figure suddenly spun in the constant flying sword light.

A sudden wind blew up.

The completely violent sword energy directly caused a violent wind that swept in all directions within the cage.

The space seemed to be wrinkled by the strong wind, and the sharp air flow flew everywhere. In an instant, the entire space was distorted.

Trinity Alley completely exploded from the inside out.

Courtyards, walls, flower beds, grounds, training grounds...

The sound of roaring, collapsing and breaking continued to sound. Everything in the alley was completely lifted up at this moment. The sword energy raged through and everything was shattered.

The spinning Jiang Shangyu roared, and two giant swords composed of pure sword energy condensed in his hands. At the extreme speed, the distance between him and Wang Shengxiao seemed to be cut into pieces by the sword light. As the light spread, In a flash, he came to Wang Shengxiao again.

Kill at close range!

A violent storm came in an instant.

The sword energy surged like an endless tide.

Only the sword energy remained in Wang Shengxiao's pupils. The sword blade slashed down from all directions in various ways with a simple and perfect trajectory. The light scattered and flew in all directions. The ground continued to crack and sink as he advanced. The cold sword energy was like Heavy rain poured down, filling the sky and the earth.

Wang Shengxiao's figure involuntarily fell back under the slashes of the sword energy. He was so close to him by the martial arts expert that he couldn't even find a chance to fight back.

The sword energy gathered between Jiang Shangyu's hands, running through his arms and limbs. The two giant swords in his hands became larger and larger, and the heavy and cold sword blades slashed like crazy demons with overwhelming murderous intent.

Head, chest, shoulders, waist and abdomen, back, legs...

Every minute and every second, it seemed like countless swords were falling from different positions, and a series of sparks kept flying.

During the uninterrupted attack, Wang Shengxiao saw Jiang Shangyu's eyes.

They were a pair of bloodshot eyes, firm, domineering, and solemn, with a ferocity and madness that ignored everything.

Wang Shengxiao closed his eyes.


The sword falls


The light and shadow of the sword energy passing through the air were constantly trembling, like one sword or hundreds of swords striking the same position in an instant.

The majestic sword energy was completely concentrated at one point at this moment, and exploded.

The giant sword condensed with sword energy cut into Wang Shengxiao's head, slashing down along the top of his head, separating his face, neck, and chest.


Wang Shengxiao's body exploded completely under the blade, with blue light and shadow flowing rapidly.

Yes, flow.

Wang Shengxiao's body exploded like a sheet of water, completely covering Jiang Shangyu's body and suddenly tightening.

The liquidized Wang Shengxiao was like a metal net, tightly tightening Jiang Shangyu's body.

Large amounts of blood suddenly burst out from Jiang Shangyu's body.

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