The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 770: :trade

As the fighting subsided, Youzhou City finally calmed down again.

The emergence of the Sky Dome megastructure completely isolated the battlefield between Wang Shengxiao and Jiang Shangyu, and the earth-shattering battle inside did not cause any disturbance to the outside world.

There is no information, no pictures, and the outside world knows nothing about everything here.

But the sudden appearance of the huge and towering 'metal cage' that blocked a large area and reached into the sky still attracted the attention of the world.

When this cage suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared, people reacted. After a brief uproar, not only Youzhou, but also everyone who was paying attention to the movements in Youzhou fell into complete silence.

Continental Europe, Star Country, Snow Country...

Everyone understands the significance of Jiang Shangyu going to Youzhou, and is also waiting for the outcome of this battle. When the cage completely disappears, although the outcome of this battle is still unclear, the traces left by this battle are enough to make everyone Those waiting for the results were at a loss.

Hidden Dragon Sea.

Li Huacheng sat in the conference room, quietly watching the scene on the screen, and had been silent for a long time.

When the giant sky structure project disappeared and the communication signal was restored immediately, the satellite had already transmitted all the images of the blocked area to the screen of the conference room.

Li Huacheng was not alone in the conference room.

Dongcheng Wudi, Guo Wentian, Zou Mulin, Zhou Yunhai, Ji Wenwen, Wan Qingyun...

Several congressmen who are in Youzhou on weekdays, as well as respected old people from major groups...

Except for the fact that Deputy Prime Minister Hua Zhengyang is not in Youzhou, all the top figures in Youzhou are concentrated here.

Everyone looked up and stared blankly at the picture on the screen. The huge conference room was completely silent, even the sound of breathing could be heard.

All inaudible.

What appeared on the screen was a scene that had calmed down after the battle.

There is no messy wreckage, not a tragic ruin.

The first collision between mechanical life and martial arts rangers in this world left behind an empty desolation.

In this urban area that they evacuated in advance and was eventually shrouded and surrounded by the sky-dome giant structure, where at least millions of people could survive, everything inside had completely disappeared.

There are no ruins, all the broken pieces have turned into powder.

Only smoke and dust covered the sky and roared high into the sky.

The world is dead silent.

Everyone who saw this scene was experiencing a huge impact, which was enough power to completely destroy everyone's worldview.

It is difficult to use an accurate concept to describe what the smoke and dust that covers the sky represents. The crowd has been evacuated, but in this area, a family has supported the house for several generations, and a few people have pieced together the dream of starting a business. The success that people have accumulated through hard work, the foundation of most families, the future of a large number of children studying, everything, and many, many things, have been buried under this smoke.

In this dead world, everyone living in this area is silently collapsing inside.

The end is not yet here.

But the chaos caused before the end has already arrived.

"You have all seen the situation."

Li Huacheng's deep voice broke the dead silence in the conference room: "Everyone, do you have anything else to say?"

Still no one spoke, but the extremely stiff atmosphere gradually relaxed, and the big shots in the conference room began to move.

Jing started to exchange glances with the people around him.

When the fighting first started, the discussion in the conference room was at its most intense.

In response to this so-called doomsday, Li Huacheng's actions were too radical, or in other words, his steps were too big and too fast.

If you want to do those things in a month, no matter how careful you are, when those things turn from plan to reality step by step, it will inevitably cause great panic, and even the existing order will be chaotic and paralyzed. .

Some people still refuse to believe in the doomsday even after seeing the fleet. Some people believe Li Huacheng's statement, but think that the series of measures should be extended. Some even plan to convene other forces to join forces to discuss countermeasures.

When the battle between Jiang Shangyu and Wang Shengxiao came to an end, most of the people in the conference room who had been arguing finally lost all their voices in shock.

The sky-blocking aircraft bombing and the sky-covering mega-structure project completely turned the city into ashes...

Too many things happened today, and the combination of these things actually only meant one thing.

That is, the strongest people in the dark world who are standing at the top of the world are now declaring to the world how much influence personal force will have on the group when it is developed to the extreme.

This all seems to be just a preview.

If the theory of doomsday that Li Huacheng firmly believes in is true, if strong men like Jiang Shangyu, Qin Weibai, and Wang Shengxiao will appear in batches in a month, and each will have a different position. , then the existence of these people has no

It is suspected to be the end of all collectives.

There doesn't even need to be any melee between them. Just a duel or even a sparring session could destroy a city.

This is a true disaster.

"What is certain is that in a month, when there are more and more such masters, when the conflicts become more and more intense, things similar to today will continue to happen. Today is in Youzhou, and then maybe in Huating. In Southern Guangdong, in Jinling, in Northern City, anywhere."

Li Huacheng took a deep breath: "Zhongzhou is indeed very big, but please don't forget that Jiang Shangyu was able to directly cross thousands of miles to Youzhou in a few hours against the pursuit and interception of the fleet. This means that for people like them, For masters of this level, they even have a combat radius that exceeds that of most weapons.

If today's battle had not been limited in scope in advance, Jiang Shangyu and Wang Shengxiao might even have fought directly from Youzhou to Nanyue. Don't you know what the destruction along the way means to Zhongzhou? "

"I agree with the Speaker."

After a brief silence, Dongcheng Wudi's voice rang out, and he was the first to express his attitude: "The Junbu will fully implement all the instructions of the Speaker. Our infrastructure will be mobilized in the shortest possible time, and then we will mobilize Zhongzhou. Use all the resources to build shelters in batches.”

“It’s now time, there’s no need to worry about resources.”

Guo Wentian followed up and said: "Our resources should be used at critical moments, not reserved for us to be misers."



“In terms of public opinion propaganda,

I will personally grasp it and provide timely guidance. "

"Today's battle caused no casualties, which is a blessing among misfortunes. And with today's example, our next work may be better, but we must appease the emotions of most people, which requires more than just Propaganda, but also take practical actions, I will be responsible for this matter."

"Beihai and Wuyue can currently provide a large amount of steel resources..."

You say something to me.

The entire conference room became lively again.

But this time the excitement was different from just now, everyone had different opinions.

This time, after everyone affirmed Li Huacheng's decision, everyone did their best to support this decision.

Every sound that appears here will turn into visible energy that sweeps through the entire Middle Continent after the meeting.

Li Huacheng sat in his seat, watching and listening silently.


At the same time, in a deserted city, Jiang Shangyu stood in the smoke and dust that blocked the sky, watching countless Lucifers crawling around in pursuit of Li Tianlan, and his heart became increasingly impatient.

"How much longer do you need?"

His brows furrowed tightly, and he finally couldn't help but urge him.

Now that he has mastered some of the characteristics of a grandmaster at the ranger level, he has endless physical strength, exuberant vitality, and the most violent power, all of which make him feel like he is reborn.

This can be said to be the most powerful time in his life.

But Jiang Shangyu felt inexplicably uneasy. It was an indescribable but without warning feeling that made him instinctively frightened.

, even a little creepy.

He didn't know why, but he always thought back to Lucifer's words that Li Tianlan was about to regain his strength. The more he thought about it, the more impatient he became, wishing Lucifer would catch Li Tianlan out right away.

"I can't find it..."

In the smoke and dust, one Lucifer emerged from it with a gray face. One of them grabbed a handful of dust and stuffed it into his mouth. He said in a dazed and vague manner: "There is no smell of them here anymore."

"You're not a dog!"

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath: "As a chaotic creature, do you still need to rely on smell to track other people's traces? You don't need to follow these logics, tell me where Li Tianlan is, where he is..."

"There is no taste..."

"I'm saying it again, you are not a dog! You are not!"

"Oh, yes, I'm not..."

Lucifer responded somewhat suddenly, and then murmured to himself: "Then who am I...what am I doing..."

Jiang Shangyu felt weak for a while, watching Lucifer fall into chaos again, and his whole body had a splitting headache.

The wind in the city blew up a lot of smoke and dust, making Jiang Shangyu's vision blurry.

He looked at Lucifer again.

"I'm not a dog...I'm not a dog..."

A large number of Lucifers murmured to themselves, turned around and started to get into the thick dust one by one. Some people began to roll on the ground, and some people grabbed their hair and murmured to themselves who I am...

Jiang Shangyu, who understood that Lucifer could not be counted on for the time being, took a breath, and his figure flickered and disappeared in an instant.

The next second, the Hidden Dragon Sea Conference Room.

Jiang Shangyu's body

Ying appeared in front of Li Huacheng without any warning.

The heated discussion suddenly froze for a moment, and then turned into an uproar.

Li Huacheng also seemed a little surprised. His pupils shrank slightly, he looked at Jiang Shangyu and said calmly: "What are you doing here?"

"How about a deal?"

Jiang Shangyu smiled: "How about you promise me a condition, that I will return to Central Continent and defend the interests of Central Continent to the death?"

After a pause, he continued: "Don't worry, my conditions are not excessive."

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