The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 838: :freed

Li Tianlan really didn't expect that after a big battle, the first thing he had to face would be a fire in his own backyard.

What is the situation now? The end is getting closer and closer, the parliament has compromised, and during the period when the Eastern Palace is about to dominate Central Continent, if Li Tianlan wanted to do the so-called big things, he would not be able to finish them until the end of the world breaks out.

So many big things were lined up, but the first thing he had to face was that Qin Weibai was jealous of herself?

Because Zhengfeng is jealous, Qin Weibai has been controlling the spirit of the reincarnation palace master to prevent her from waking up...

The two of them obviously think and feel the same way. Even if Li Tianlan holds the most logical destiny authority, he still doesn't understand the logic behind Qin Weibai's jealousy...

They were thinking the same thing, Qin Weibai was jealous, so once the reincarnation palace master woke up, she would not coddle Qin Weibai. The two women started to make a fuss, not to mention the dreamy imagination of stacking them together. Next in the East Palace It's good if it doesn't get too crazy.

"I just can't figure it out..."

Li Tianlan rubbed his forehead: "It wasn't like this before, why are you so angry all of a sudden?"

When she saw the Master of Samsara Palace in the Lin Clan before, Qin Weibai's mood was still very stable. There might be a little jealousy, but it was not obvious, and she was successfully digested by herself.

That state was completely different from Qin Weibai's current state.

Qin Weibai pursed her red lips, but still left Li Tianlan with a profile. Her chin was slightly raised, showing a very arrogant and aggrieved look.

She actually couldn't describe the specific reason.

She is spiritual

The source of limitation is control. There are almost no secrets in front of her in all spiritual consciousness.

She witnessed the whole process and even participated in the process of sealing life. Some vague premonitions actually existed when life first attacked her, and similar premonitions became more and more in the following time, and finally in When she let her instinct for authority go to sleep, all her premonitions became reality.

The Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation now holds the power over life.

But the instinct of life authority has been dominated and put to sleep.

The power of life authority is sealed by ‘if’.

Qin Weibai was really involved. When the instinct of life entered a deep sleep under her control, the consciousness of the Lord of Samsara Palace was in a deep sleep but about to wake up.

Even though the Lord of Samsara Palace is the authority, Qin Weibai, who has the spiritual authority, can capture the mental state, or the fluctuation of consciousness, of the Lord of Samsara Palace at that moment.

It was at that moment that Qin Weibai suddenly discovered that although his own consciousness fluctuations and the consciousness fluctuations of the Palace Master of Samsara looked very similar, it could even be said to be 99.9% similar, one of them was A small part, an insignificant part, makes a difference.

What this means, Qin Weibai cannot give a conclusion for the time being.

But that subtle difference is enough to explain the problem.

Qin Weibai couldn't explain this feeling. She just suddenly discovered that an issue that had been constantly entangled between her and Li Tianlan had returned.

When Li Tianlan broke up with her, one of the important reasons was because Li Tianlan felt that she and the Lord of Samsara Palace were two different people.


At that time, Qin Weibai had been insisting that they were one person, but Li Tianlan refused to accept it.

But now, as the power and authority are revived with memories, Li Tianlan has clearly realized that Qin Weibai and the Master of Samsara Palace are the same person, but now Qin Weibai feels that they have become two people.

The thinking between her and the Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation is at least synchronized for now, but the reason for synchronization is because she is the dominant one, and she can consciously maintain this synchronization.

This approach, from another perspective, can be said to be that she is suppressing the spirit of the reincarnation palace master.

And once she lifts this suppression...

The differences between the two people's thinking will be continuously amplified. What will be the result?

The result is that their consciousnesses are still connected and their feelings are synchronized, but their thoughts are different.

If we want to describe it accurately, if the previous Palace Master of Samsara and Qin Weibai were sitting at the same table to eat, the Palace Master of Samsara wanted to eat vegetables, and Qin Weibai must have the same idea, and both of them would reach out with chopsticks at the same time. , even clamping the same vegetable, the movements, thinking, and choices are all completely synchronized.

And now if Qin Weibai gives up his suppression and allows the difference in the consciousness of the Palace Master of Samsara to continue to amplify...

It's like when they were sitting at the same table eating, Qin Weibai wanted to eat vegetables, and Palace Master Samsara suddenly wanted to eat eggplant, and then both parties felt the other's desire to eat vegetables/eggplant at the same time, so they wanted to eat The reincarnation palace owner of green vegetables started to want to eat eggplant after eating green vegetables, while Qin Weibai, who wanted to eat eggplant, started to want to eat green vegetables after eating eggplant...

Their perceptions, thoughts, memories

Memories, feelings, emotions and many other things are still connected together, but the frequency of thinking and the fluctuations of consciousness are completely different.

Under such circumstances, there is no point in worrying about whether the other self is oneself, because when the frequency of thinking is inconsistent, neither Qin Weibai nor the Palace Master of Samsara can think that the other person is still oneself. He is a person who has the same senses and heart as himself, but he will definitely not be himself.

Qin Weibai hated this feeling, it could even be said to be extremely repulsive.

There is a reason for jealousy. After all, once the reincarnation palace master wakes up, in front of Li Tianlan, her advantages are completely consistent with hers. This is equivalent to having another person with the same appearance, body and temperament as herself, and she also knows what she is thinking at any time. , what to do, but it is a love rival who has different ideas from myself.

Of course Qin Weibai wouldn't like this feeling.

But putting aside the reason for jealousy, she is also the source of spiritual authority and one of the ultimate directions of all spiritual-related powers in this universe.

Standing in this field, she also doesn't like having another authority that can interfere with her thinking. Not only does she dislike it, she even has great hostility.

And Qin Weibai also believes that when the Lord of Samsara Palace wakes up, she will not like her existence either.

This is not only because their minds are still consistent for the time being, but also because they have authority.

Life and **** are now entangled in a way that is difficult to understand. If we describe it seriously...

The current reincarnation palace master is equivalent to controlling the puppet in the dream kingdom. She

The spirit of the person is controlled by the ruler, but she can influence the spirit of the ruler to a certain extent.

Qin Weibai is equivalent to a citizen in the realm of life created by the authority of life. Her body is completely controlled by life, and because their perceptions are completely synchronized, even if there are changes in consciousness, Qin Weibai can still affect it to a certain extent. life.

Both sides cannot escape the influence of the other on themselves, and they also have complete control over the other's spirit and life. They are controlling each other and then reaching a balance.

This result sounds good.

But in fact, once the reincarnation palace master wakes up, she and Qin Weibai are equivalent to holding guns to each other's foreheads, loading the bullets, pulling the safety, and confronting each other, and they are not holding the gun. Hands, still holding on to the most important thing to each other.

In such a situation, even if they know that the other party is unlikely to shoot, the discomfort and instinctive rejection caused by the threat cannot be avoided.

However, Li Tianlan didn't know this yet, so he kept urging Qin Weibai to take action quickly and let the Lord of Samsara Palace wake up.

When she wakes up, she will put a gun to your wife's head. Do you know that? Hundan...

"what is going on?"

Li Tianlan pointed at the reincarnation palace master who was still sleeping: "Is there anything wrong?"

Qin Weibai still tilted his head and said nothing.

She didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing with Li. After all, judging from the results, as long as the consciousness of the reincarnation palace master recovered, they would not be in any danger to each other. At most, they would just dislike each other, so nothing would really happen.

To the death.

But that's enough.

It was instinctive to reject her, but with the attribute of love rival, it would be strange for Qin Weibai to want her to wake up.


Li Tianlan frowned and his voice became slightly lower. This change was very slight, and it could even be said that there was no change at all, but Qin Weibai still felt the change in Li Tianlan's mood.

This change is not considered angry, but it is obviously a change in the direction of anger.

Qin Weibai was a little panicked. After hesitating for a while, he came over reluctantly and whispered: "Why do you want her to wake up... Her life has been sealed, so it is not a bad thing that she is sleeping now... .I have a way to make her accept the power of authority bit by bit while she is sleeping."

Li Tianlan turned around and carefully observed Qin Weibai's expression.

In the sight, the extremely delicate face was a little confused and a little sad, but there was also a very obvious resistance and reluctance.

This is obviously not just jealous. Are there other reasons?

But what are the so-called other reasons...

"She must have thought so too."

Qin Weibai pointed at the Lord of Samsara Palace and whispered.

Li Tianlan was slightly startled, because he could not refute this sentence. At least for now, both Qin Weibai and Qin Weibai were thinking in the same mind. If Qin Weibai did not intend to let the Lord of Samsara Palace wake up, then the Lord of Samsara Palace must not want to wake up.


Li Tianlan looked at Qin Weibai and asked.

Qin Weibai's mouth moved. Just when he was about to say something, Li Tianlan raised his hand: "Just tell me the reason. I don't want to hear anything else."

It seemed that he was afraid that Li Tianlan would be angry. Although Qin Weibai felt aggrieved, he still explained: "

Because she is uncomfortable... After she wakes up, she and I influence each other. She is life, but she can affect my spirit to a certain extent. I am dominating, but I can affect her life to a certain extent. ...

If she wakes up, she either wants to continue sleeping or she wants me to go to sleep, otherwise no one will be comfortable..."

Li Tianlan frowned, pondered, and said nothing.

"She and I are now appearing in each other's core areas at the same time. The feeling of threat is completely instinctive and is difficult to ignore."

Qin Weibai concluded.

Seeing that Li Tianlan remained silent, Qin Weibai blinked his eyes, tilting his head slightly as if he was deliberately trying to please him.

The next second, a pair of white palms appeared on Li Tianlan's shoulders, kneading his muscles with moderate force.

Almost at the same time, another pair of hands were placed on top of his head, massaging his head gently.

Li Tianlan turned his head in confusion, and suddenly felt dizzy.

Two identical Qin Weibais were standing behind him, looking cute.

But the most important thing is...

The real Qin Weibai stood in front of him.

And the Lord of Samsara Palace was still sleeping next to him.

Li Tianlan was just stunned when two more Qin Weibai suddenly appeared beside him.

Suddenly there were six more Qin Weibais in the office, all the same without any difference.

"I know what you're thinking."

Qin Weibai gestured to the next few Qin Weibai: "If you want something like that... we can be together. If it's not enough, I have more, or you want someone else, it doesn't matter, as long as you say come out

, I can give it to you, anyone, Xiao Qiushui, Yuetong, Ruyi, Xinyan, as long as you tell me, I have no problem, I can give you any number you want..."

The corner of Li Tianlan's mouth twitched fiercely. Now Qin Weibai is really capable of filling this office with all kinds of women in an instant.

Because the four extra Qin Weibais at this time were all her imagination.

Dreams come true, whatever she thinks of can become a reality with just a flick of her mind.

This is the ability of the Creator, who has become the Creator of authority. In theory, as long as the power of faith is enough, she can even imagine other authorities and turn all other authorities into reality.

In other words, as long as the power of faith is enough, Qin Weibai can even imagine a super combination of Huang Xi + Xuanyuan + God of War + Human Emperor + Taihao + Life + Death at its peak.

Of course, this is just a theory. In fact, the power of faith consumed by imagining authority is absolutely terrifying to the Supreme. If you want to maintain the existence of authority, the consumption rate of faith will be even more exaggerated. Even Qin Weibai I can't afford such high-end operations.

But at this time, she used her authority to imagine several versions of herself that looked exactly the same, but it took no effort. The newly appeared Qin Weibai had no strength, but his body structure was exactly the same as hers. They turned from fantasy into reality without strength. , can exist for a long time, everyone has specific thinking, and if Li Tianlan is willing, they can even have children.

But no matter how real they were, they were no different from fake ones in Li Tianlan's eyes. He shook his head without hesitation and pointed to reincarnation.

Palace Master: "I seem to have relevant memories of the problem you mentioned, but it's very vague, but it shouldn't be a bad thing. Although the process will be a little uncomfortable, this situation will be alleviated after we blockade the City of Miracles with our authority. The problem is not big.

Now let her wake up. "

Qin Weibai hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand to make the few Qin Weibais he imagined disappear.

She walked up to the Lord of Samsara Palace, looking hesitant.

"Think about Xiaowei and you should know that this is not a bad thing, but the key to making you stronger. The uncomfortable stage you have gone through is just a process. Authority is authority. Life and **** are indeed different, but in the end, you are one person."

Li Tianlan's voice was gentle.

The Xiaowei he was talking about was a combination of ruthless, worry-free, carefree, or freedom, truth, and what-if.

To be more specific, Li Tianlan himself is an example.

Authority is indeed unique, and different authorities are different individuals.

But Li Tianlan, who holds three kinds of authority, is still an individual today. After he became three kinds of authority, he used these three kinds of authority to create King Wei, who is also an individual. This can explain everything.

It's just that Li Tianlan's current memory of this aspect is seriously incomplete. He is just sure that the powers of the same camp can be integrated.

Life and control can also be integrated. The mutual influence that makes them feel uncomfortable now is an extremely rare bond. This is a destined process.

The two Qin Weibai will eventually merge into one, or they can become two again. What kind of state they will exist in then depends on her choice.

Qin Weibai was still a little reluctant

, stood there grinding and chirping.

"hurry up!"

Li Tianlan slapped her on the butt.

Qin Weibai didn't let the Palace Master of Samsara wake up, and Li Tianlan had no choice. No matter how powerful the lie authority was, he couldn't circumvent the power of domination. If he couldn't circumvent the domination, he wouldn't be able to access the consciousness of the Lord of Samsara Palace, even the person he was deceiving. None, he could deceive the body and brain of the Palace Master of Samsara to wake her up, but that kind of awakening would only create a new blank consciousness in the Palace Master of Samsara, and it would not be the Palace Lord of Samsara herself.

Li Tianlan shook his head and looked at Qin Weibai, whose face turned red suddenly and seemed to want to reach out to cover him but stopped suddenly. He couldn't help but smile and thought about it carefully. Ever since he met Qin Weibai in this time and space, it seemed that this was still the case. It was the first time that she was so disobedient, and it felt quite strange.

"You know how to bully me."

Qin Weibai gritted her teeth. On the one hand, she felt pain, but on the other hand, she felt aggrieved. Her voice was a bit angry: "You want her, right? Give it to you, I'll give it all to you. I'll go to bed when she wakes up. Anyway, You can only choose one between me and her."

Invisible mental fluctuations were released as she spoke, directly entering the depths of the reincarnation palace master's consciousness.

Just like it is impossible for other authorities to understand the empty space created by lies, spiritual authority can also reach the depths of consciousness that other authorities cannot understand in an instant.

It is a 'space' that only spiritual authorities can access.

At this time, in this space of consciousness, the power of 'if' is constantly fluctuating, tightly sealing the instinct of life. The consciousness belonging to the Lord of the Reincarnation Palace is blocked by the dominant power.

And at this time

With Qin Weibai's mental fluctuations, the controlling power that blocked the consciousness of the Palace Master of Samsara began to dissipate, becoming less and less, and the consciousness of the Palace Master of Samsara also began to change from silence to activeness.

Dominance releases the consciousness of life.

On the sofa in the office, the long eyelashes of the Lord of Samsara Palace trembled slightly, as if he was about to wake up.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying life force suddenly burst out from the reincarnation palace master.

Undisguised malice and hatred continued to surge with the explosion of vitality, and the body of the nearest Li Tianlan began to mutate almost at the same time.

This is the instinct of life left in the consciousness of the reincarnation palace master. The power of trying to make an extreme comeback. As the dominant power dissipates, the terrifying vitality directly bursts out.

Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes.

An extremely sharp edge suddenly flashed across his eyes.

The next second, the vitality that had been affecting Li Tianlan's body suddenly calmed down, and then quickly disappeared.

The malice that surged with vitality also dissipated quickly.

It's actually not appropriate to say it dissipated.

To be precise...

The malice and vitality left by the life authority in the consciousness of the reincarnation palace owner are all disconnected from the life authority.

They are free.

Li Tianlan didn't care at all about the last little trick left by his life instinct. He stared at the Lord of Samsara Palace tightly without blinking.

The sleeping Palace Master of Samsara made a sound unconsciously, her body moved, and she opened her eyes in a daze.

There was no indifference before, nor the coldness in Li Tianlan's memory. Her consciousness seemed to have been separated from the world for too long, so when she opened her eyes, everything in her eyes

It's all trance and confusion.

Her eyes moved slowly and she saw Qin Weibai standing in front of her.

The Lord of Samsara Palace was obviously stunned for a moment, then continued to move his eyes and saw Li Tianlan sitting next to him.

Li Tianlan was also looking at her, with indescribable complexity in his eyes.

There was a slight change in the eyes of the Master of Samsara Palace, and a trace of panic clearly emerged.

This panic became more and more obvious in her pupils, but she hadn't seen Li Tianlan for too long, so even though her inner emotions were surging violently, she couldn't bear to look away from Li Tianlan. Half a point.

Li Tianlan sighed and asked proactively: "How do you feel now?"

The Lord of Samsara Palace looked at him quietly, without saying a word.

Various emotions kept surging in her eyes. After half a minute, she suddenly closed her eyes, silently adjusted her posture, and then...

Pretend that you fell asleep again.


Li Tianlan:? ? ?

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